tv [untitled] February 10, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PST
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the very 102011 meeting of the board of supervisors government audit oversight committee. my name is david campos, the chair of the committee. i am joined by committee vice chair supervisor mark farrell and committee member board president david chiu. we want to thank sfgtv staff for covering the meeting. thank you for your work. madam clerk, do we have any announcements? >> please make sure to turn off or place all bonds on migrate. if you wish to present any documents, also provide a copy to the court for inclusion into the vial. items acted upon to they will be included in the february 15 board of supervisors meeting. supervisor campos: thank you. we have a very light agenda. before i begin with the item, i
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have a basic question to the clerk. i am wondering if it is possible in the future for the people watching these meetings, for the agenda item -- is it possible to have it in chinese characters as well? i know some folks in my district were asking about that. if they are watching the item, if there are any language issues, at least knowing the subject matter. >> i can check for you. supervisor campos: please call item one. >> item 1. resolution approving an agreement with the nonprofit owners' association for administration/management of the property-based business improvement district known as the "mission miracle mile business improvement district,." supervisor campos: thank you. this is an item i have introduced. to speak on the item is lisa.
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for purposes of my colleagues, just some context, october 5, 2010, the board of supervisors renewed the property based improvement district and this allows the mayor's office of work force and economic development to execute an agreement for the management of the district. good morning. >> good morning, chair campos, committee members. thank you for having me and let me to fill up this agenda with this item. lisa pegam with the office of workforce development. we are happy to present to an agreement with the nonprofit home owners association, miracle mile, for the property based business improvement district known as the mission miracle mile business improvement district, which was renewed by
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the board of supervisors in october of 2010. this management agreement is required so that the city can transfer the special assessment that was collected on behalf of the district to the non-profit management corp. who oversees the management of the services that are paid for by the special assessment and also conduct all the reporting to the city annually, regarding the expenditures of those assessments. not office of economic and workforce development overseas these agreements between the city and county of san francisco and a nonprofit management groups or the business improvement district. we are asking for your approval of this agreement. supervisor campos: any questions? any specific highlights in the agreement, in terms of what it does? >> it is a bic agreement, it
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allows for -- thick agreement, it allows the nonprofit to operate for five and half years. it includes all of the city requirements for contracts with nonprofits for this purpose. supervisor campos: great. why don't we open it up to public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? you have three minutes. >> that was three minutes? supervisor campos: yes. >> it shows two on my counter. thank you. douglas yepp. i have been living in santa
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scope for 35 years. i would like to speak on item one. -- san francisco 435 years. even when i have had business meetings on mission street, i am forced to do it in the daytime because i cannot afford to be an innocent victim in the ninth time. i think this is well in order. if people like me cannot afford to be on the street at night, i hate to think if you were a regular citizen going back and forth on mission street, how they must feel every night when they have to go through that. secondly, i am a little surprised that on today's agenda there was only one item pending under a 30-day rule. in my own opinion, i feel this committee has been very underutilized, as one of my
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friends keep asking me, is this a lap dog committee for a watchdog committee? i am hoping under current leadership, it will become a watchdog committee, instead of the previous lap dog committee. if you would like suggestions, i first is an obvious one. laguna honda hospital. no matter how much the comptroller tries to protect laguna honda, you cannot change the facts. it will become known in due time. secondly, i would like to have some sort of monitoring @ san francisco general hospital under the previous administration, it was easily know that there was so much waste of resources. since i worked there, for 20 years, i have the facts. i do not think there is anybody going to dispute the facts. also, two other items i but to bring before the committee for
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possible action is the obvious female slave trade, with san francisco being one of the main focal points, especially illegal use of immigrant women. also, it has been pointed out to me for a long time about the ongoing pornography trade in san francisco, especially the unfortunate development of child porn. i must commend the police department for finally completing an investigation into a serious porn allegation that might have involved child pornography at san francisco general hospital. also, i would like to mention that this committee needs to really step forward. citizens really demand a lot more than what we have gone in the past few years. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you very much. is there any other member of the
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public that would like to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, can we take a motion on this item? motion by supervisor david chiu. seconded by supervisor farrell. if we can take that without objection. before we close the meeting, this was a very light agenda. we have a number of items coming up, so i hope people will stay tuned. do we have any other business before the committee? >> no, supervisor campos. supervisor campos: thank you. meeting adjourned.
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our clerk is alisa somera. clerk somera: -- supervisor mar: i also want to thank sfgtv for televising this. ms. somera, we only have one item before us today. could you please read the item? clerk somera: a resolution authorizing the port of san francisco to accept and expend a great in the amount of 15,000 $200 from the california department of boating and waterways -- $15,200 from the
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california department of boating and waterways. supervisor mar: we have a speaker. >> this is for abandoned watercraft. staff has identified seven recreational vessels that have been in the jurisdiction that pose potential navigation and environmental hazards. that number continues to grow. within the jurisdiction of the port, there are five marinas and three yacht clubs with over 2000 recreational vehicles at their facilities, and there are numerous areas where both can be left at acre or tied to spears without authorization -- can be left at anchor or tied to piers
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without authorization. over $1,000 represents a 10% matching funds. we are here for any questions you may have. supervisor mar: colleagues, any questions? seeing none, let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone in the public who would like to speak? sir, welcome. three minutes per person. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is douglas. i have lived in san francisco for 59 years. the reason i am giving public comment is for support. i think this is way past due. since i was a kid, i remember those abandoned boats were there, and i am glad we finally got around to it at this hearing. the main reason i would like to offer commented today is that i
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was very surprised that today's agenda had only one item. i would think that a committee of such importance would have had a lot more items than one item, so being a longtime resident of san francisco, i am sure there are many residents like myself who question we are getting our money's worth out of today's meeting, but onto other things with regard to agenda items with this committee, i would like to make two suggestions. the first one would be that maybe we should spend more time regarding the development of a park. i think different people have spoken out that it is underutilized, and i think that if this committee has only one agenda item today, maybe they can consider a boating discussion on john mclaren park, to give the residents of that part of town to come and give public comment, and the second
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item has been covered many times, especially on tv, and since we had plenty of time today, i thought it would not hurt to mention it again, that the department of public works has an ongoing campaign for illegal street dumping. i think it is pretty obvious it has been going on for a long time, and no matter how hard they try to crack down on this, it continues, so then i think we should maybe schedule a hearing for illegal dumping, and then maybe some of the residents that actually live on the streets that separate the dumping, maybe they will have a chance to come down here and have a chance to say what they want to say, because i have a feeling that there has been a lot discussed about illegal dumping, but i think the main thing to do is to just have somebody patrolling the neighborhood at night, and i think you could catch a few people pretty easily. in fact, maybe what we should consider doing is just to have
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bounties and pay people to catch these dumpers. i have a feeling they are not the smartest criminals around, so we should be able to give away some of the award money. thank you. supervisor mar: thank you. is there anyone else who would like to speak? mr. paulson, we are in public comment. is there anyone else who would like to speak today? >> i just want to encourage you to ♪ get on your land fees i want some action get on your land fees good things happen it is going to be ok under cloudy skies -- gray
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get on your land feet i want to see some action get on your land feet i want to see good things happen ♪ supervisor mar: think you. is there anyone else who would like to speak? -- thank you. seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, is there a motion on the item? without objection -- clerk somera: there is a committee report. supervisor wiener: we have to recommend adoption. supervisor mar: this will be a committee meeting. are there any other items? clerk somera: no, there are no
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other items. supervisor mar: just to address a one comment, we wanted to have another item, but that was already on the agenda. that was a good point. we want to make sure that we use the best use of our committee's time, as well korea with that, meeting adjourned. thank you. -- as well. with that, meeting adjourned. [gavel]
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