tv [untitled] February 15, 2011 9:00am-9:30am PST
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the motion from commissioner kasselman. that is without proof president o'brien: -- that is without? supervisor campos: -- president o'brien: without objection. thank you. next item. clerk: to make recommendations, and i believe the director handed out a report. >> good evening, directors, and i know since it is valentine's day, we have other matters. i will be sustained. we have our number. we are up 24% over last year in terms of clients' cases that
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the small-business assistance center, so last year, 232 clients, this year 288. one person is on vacation this week, and we were not able to secure a temporary help, so we have had to do some closure of the counter to be able to manage step schedules and the workload, some of the schedule for this week. there was a two-month campaign that has concluded with shop sf. small business week, the planning committee has started. there is a calendar before you, but commissioner adams is our commissioner/representative on the committee, and he will be speaking to that in his vice
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president's report. i also want to thank commissioner riley for her assistance in helping us with the chinese cuisine restaurant in chinatown. this is a unique situation that our office has been working with with other members of the chinatown community. the restaurant is located right next to the campus of the new city college, the chinatown campus, that is under construction, and so, obviously, being right next to such major construction, there have been some impacts, and the commissioner was very helpful with helping our office, and then there was a big event on friday to help revive the business, so i want to extend our appreciation to you for providing that support. under policy matters, the ada
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had a presentation at the meeting in terms of a program that we have to offer, so i just want to provide to you the list of entities, merchants' associations that i have already been to to provide presentations. on the 31st, there was a joint meeting with the neighborhood market place koran or managers, and there was our neighbor and economic development organization, those that do business-technical assistance that gets funding from the city, and so, we clearly expressed to them that the supervisors of the expectation that they will be also helping with the outreach and education, and then, upcoming, and there are two -- there are three presentations coming up, and i also just want to make note that the balboa
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merchants, they are a group that are thinking of forming a merchants' association, and so this meeting will be kind of a first meeting, and commissioner adams will also be attending to help inform them of what they need to do to form a merchant's association, so. mobil foods. we are targeting a march 1 date for applications at dpw. we are hosting a workshop on february 25 in the evening to assist the emobile operators infilling of their application. the object of this is that the vendors will come, have a pre- review of their application, because dpw, we fully anticipate long lines, so this is to help facilitate the permit applications being able to be
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accepted and being able to the minister as many as it possibly can the first day. the local hiring initiative which you heard, mayor lee has tasked someone with this, and we are looking at a march implementation. let me know if you're interested in having any kind of follow-up reporting to the commission after the program gets implemented. i am still trying to work with the police department as to when is an appropriate time for them to come and schedule a presentation to you on the implementation of the. -- of that. and then i will leave the rest of it for you to read. communications, calendar items,
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mayor lee, jane kim, chiu, and others are hosting a new event next tuesday at city hall. you are all welcome to attend, excuse me. that is tomorrow. and then not to forget that this thursday february 17 is the small business network, and they meet the interim mayor and supervisors event. so if you do not have details on the, please let chris know, so that concludes my director's report, and unless you have any questions? president o'brien: thank you, director. next item, chris. clerk: this is a time when there
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can be reports. i do want to say that the items on the agenda were discussed in that meeting, so i do not believe there is any outstanding legislative matters from that meeting. president o'brien: ok, let's go ahead and move along to the next item. clerk: item 10, the permitting committee report. president o'brien: to take y0our -- your cue, i will make it brief. we're trying to get a better picture of all of the different types and fees, etc., that are involved with permits associated various city activities, and we're looking at also tried to an update on caps.
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we had a discussion about entertainment lights and working with the entertainment commission staff, the stakeholders. it seems there is a preference to move towards a light performance model, -- live performance, where music and performances will be central to that type of permit. hours of occupation and occupancy will be part of the permit process, and we are working towards that direction. we also had a discussion regarding waste water and impact fees, and some of the more important items to, of the discussion is that the waste water fee is charged in accordance with government code 66, which covers implementation of the program. it is known that the fee is based on the original cost to the system. they tried to recognize the load
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on the system as it is today, and people are going to be adding new load to the system with new businesses or whatever, new investments, whenever, that they would try to have these people pay the cost of the increased equity required to support the new load, so that is kind of a modeling tried to abide by, and so it is based on an equity investment. a waste water fee is charged for many types of small businesses. the next time that the fees for these services will be updated will be 2014, during the regular ratepayer process. that was most of the stuff that came up of the permitting meeting but i think is relevant that we can talk about today. i conclude that. next item, please. clerk: thank you, president
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o'brien. item 11, the outreach committee report. commissioner: this year, we received a subsequent bill for terminals, so i did not know, but maybe at a future meeting, we can talk about legislation. small businesses are getting new fees for things that are new. i believe it is like $25. i cannot remember the specifics, but that is another fee that is coming down the pipeline. >> commissioners, i will follow up with you. the office was involved with this around the budget, so i will follow up with you in terms of what our office, the steps that we took to help mitigate
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the impact and costs to small business in relationship to the weights and measures and regarding an electronic system, so i will follow up. provide you a memo and a summary, because i think, yes, i did report on that, but, commissioner kasselman, i do not think you're on the commission at that time. president o'brien: all right. clerk: ok, commissioners, item 11, the outreach committee report. >> i did not greet you at the last full commission. the largest item that we dealt with during that meeting was a discussion of a joint committee hearing with planning around formula retail, and i would just give people with points of
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that discussion. it is requiring an economic impact report for formula retail stores and overall economic impact report of the pros and cons of formula retail stores in the city of san francisco, the criteria for planning commission approval, a review of the job's salary scale benefits that are paid by formula retail stores versus the same scale for the same items in our local small businesses, a review of pop up stores depend the notification process to be effected businesses when formula retail applications are being submitted, and also a prenotification to the small- business community, commission, so we can propose this, because one of the things we're seeing in san francisco is trying to waiting a larger formula retail,
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so the current criteria of the affected area may not apply, and it should have an economic analysis, so that was the meeting of december 17, and in the meeting of january 21, we discussed the vacancy report. we received three responses from the landlord, and it is proving difficult to get information from the landlord about their vacancies, why there are vacant, how long they have been vacant. and so forth, and then the ada you have already been briefed on. thank you very much. president o'brien: thank you. next item. clerk: item number 12, president's report. president o'brien: ok, so we had
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a joint commission meeting with the building inspection commission. we also had planned to have the planning commission there, as well, but they could not make it do to the time constraints that was imposed and going ahead and having the meeting at the time you originally scheduled, which, most of knowledge, there is the fact that the planning commission holds a meeting every week as opposed to us, where we only have a meeting once a month. plus, their meetings run a long time. i have seen them in there from 1:00 until 12:00 at night, but they definitely are very interested in having a joint commission hearing, bahama misty hearing, and we will participate in the not too distant future. in fact, i think we will get
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started on the planning process in the next week or so, so the issue that came up when we discussed -- we have a presentation from staff at the planning department, which was with the to support the idea of a discovery of what we can do to improve things for the small- business community as pertains to the planning department, and there is a number of different issues that could come up there, and so we thought of was the environmental exemption process applicants have to go through for new structures, a lot of which are from small-business owners, and, you know, it is interesting that the process can be fast-tracked of something really important can come along, like the america's cup or something, but we want to
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figure environmental process or ceqa process goes, and if there is anything we can do at the city level. bill hall idea is to make it run more efficient, so the planning commission hope we will be involved next time as we explore some areas of day-to-day business with the planning department. also, we had a presentation on the ada , a couple of different speakers, one from dbi and another from an architect that is familiar with the process. this is all as pertains to small business would meet -- with the ada issues, having them comply
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with it rather than complying with the because of a letter they received, and as i said, i hope korea another one in the future. we will maybe cover fewer items and examine one or two items more thoroughly. that is the gist of my report. thanks. clerk: commissioners, item 13, the vice president's report. vice president adams: thank you. i am going to be very, very brief. as the director reported, and will be the co-chair of small business week. thank you, regina. [laughter] but i am really excited about it because i have been involved for a long time with my involvement with the castro merchants association, so i am really
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looking forward to this. this is, to me, the best event of all. we're going to have the board of supervisors' recognition on tuesday, the 15th. the all-day conference, which i know a lot of my staff members at the big tent, and there are owners that attend the call date conference, and i guess, next in flavors, my second favorite is the shop your neighborhood sidewalks sale date. i think it is a great boost for these neighborhoods. and i want to see more neighborhoods get involved this year, not just certain neighborhoods, but i want every neighborhood to get involved this year, so i will really be pushing that. that is all but i haven't -- that i have.
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president o'brien: thank you. next item. clerk: item 14, commission reports. president o'brien: seeing none, next item. commissioner clyde: item 15, general public comment. president o'brien: seeing none, next item. clerk: item 16, new business. commissioner kasselman: i would like to support a resolution that urges or requests the the department of building inspection and planning to expedite the relocation of those businesses and also, you know, the northern waterfront is on to be affected by the loss of all of those people working in that area. the shop in the area and eat out
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in that area, so i think it expedited process for a beneficial relocation should be encouraged, if we could draft a resolution, i would be very grateful period -- grateful. president o'brien: it was mentioned in the president's report, but i did have a meeting with the senior plumbing inspector at dbi, and he has advised me, and this may already be documented, about the legislation, and very briefly, the gist of this conversation was, you know, if we can be successful in the outreach and allow people to be aware of the legislation, it is going to be a lot better than if the dbi is called out there because of a
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complaint. the key difference between the time -- two, if someone was trying to take care of fact, oil, in greece, -- and grease, then the inspector would only go up there to check that. they are not going to look for anything else, but if somebody is called out there not because of the permit but because of a complaint, to do with that, oil, and grease, they will look at more than was just in the scope of the work for which they were called, so i think we should look at trying to get as much education on the that we can out there. i know your already working on the, but i have asked him to maybe be available to come and speak on an update on that in the future. commissioner kasselman: and i
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think what we should have is the puc with updates, because i know they were going to target some specific outreach, as well. president o'brien: but yes, ok, great. any more new business? ok, next item. clerk: next item, 17, entertaining motion to adjourn. president o'brien: do we need a roll call approved -- roll call? clerk: a motion by commissioner kasselman, without objection, at 8:01 p.m.
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>> i think it ae's public and private property. i'm against graffiti. >> who can get it out the most who can be noticed the most. >> i i've seen seniors doing graffiti. >> the city is art, other people who have their names tag -- >> [inaudible] our unit there are 2 sections we are doing one is abating and others are notice of violation to private property. all the utility boxes in public right-of-way we abate. >> we abate calls that come within 48 hours. >> we are a small group in g f
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graffiti. we don't have enough help. >> i have a group in town down and china town and the north tunnel. [inaudible] the graffiti we abate everything is coming up to the areas now. >> i'm willing to take it on. i think -- >> you are telling me you are ready for this? >> i think so. >> okay. >> there you go. >> all right. >> all right. >> ready to do it. let's go. >> want to get the gray signses this over here and the garbage can and normally we don't do private property since it's on the corridor route you can come with me we will use black. >> we had a lot of changes in the graffiti unit. we do private
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property if someone moved we remove it and send it to the attorney's office and they take appropriate action. >> damage their property there. it's important to write the color in case they want to say what part of our house you abated the graffiti on. >> using your safety glasses the gloves. >> you got it. >> you know some places we gashi, people appreciate that. you know, a lot of timeses they say, thank you.
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>> the time where it's visible. a lot of people put it on the ground. >> i like when tourists come and say, you do this for your city and you get paid for that? >> we use the [inaudible] for the holes and the retaining walls. [inaudible]. white on the fire hydrants. fire box red for the fire boxes. our brown for the pg and e poles. >> we are not painters we do our best. >> i'm assuming it has to do
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with gang activity. >> if it's territorial i mind. >> in case it's gang related and they are marking our territory i would like to paint it over. >> anything with numbers like x iv or x 13 west side mob and the bay view those are gang related. with gang related or profanity we will abait it as soon as possible. >> i consider it an art. there are circles of people that form around it whether or not they should ruin public property. >> this is art work i'm for it. unless it's on someone's property and they don't want it there. judge kids with silver paint expressing their ego needs doesn't belong on our property.
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>> graffiti is when you don't have permission to write anything on their property. >> eighth street is part of your regular rout? >> yes. >> everyday. >> eighth street. divisidero street. irving street. every block they going through they paint 3 or 4 streets in the block the poles the utility boxes, mailbox. >> thank you. >> okay. >> put the drop cloth. come on around. >> there you go. force for we have to remember we are not painters we abate graffiti. we are abaters
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