tv [untitled] February 16, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm PST
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understand why the department did this and i think it was reasonable. . -- supervisor chu: we understand there was a replacement work and the pavement above it was needing to be fixed. can you explain the requirements under our current laws with regard to paving over? >> we would have required as a result of this excavation, restoration of the area of the street that was dug up. there would have been a large restored patch that would have been there. because we were going to be coming through and paving the block in a couple of years, it did not make sense to us not to go ahead and pave the entire block curb to curb. we actually believe by doing that we saved money overall
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since we would be digging up a fairly large new patch. i think the budget analyst is correct that technically we would have normally gone through a competitive process or a different competitive process because i would like to point out that we did send out notice to 12 pre qualified bidders and got four responses. we followed that competitive process, so was not a sole source situation. we believe that, as the budget analyst, the public was subject to a lot less and it was probably the way ago. supervisor chu: you mention of the process was to reach out to 12 pre qualified the vendors to solicit the best price? >> that is correct. that is in the budget analyst report.
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we -- from the 12 firms on the pre qualified contractor list, we received for responses. supervisor chu: and we went with the lowest price, correct? >> yes. supervisor chu: let's open this up to public comment. is there any member of the public that like to speak on this item? seeing none, this item is closed. do we have a motion to send this item forward? we have a motion to accept this item in its entirety. without objection. thank you. item number eight, please. >> that is an amendment to what was advertised. we may need to continue this in the future. supervisor chu: to the city attorney -- we do not have the
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city attorney here? we do. sorry. i did not see you there. the recommendation is to change the contract not from -- that would be sensitive in nature and require continuance? why don't we rescind that the and amend the amount to go from 421 -- and continue the items for next week. without objection. thank you. thank you, mr. clark. item number eight, please. >> ordinance amending the san francisco code article 12 by amending section 12. 08 to increase the fees that the kezar parking lot and making environmental findings. >> the good afternoon, supervisors. the item before you is a rate increase for the kezar lot for
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the monthly residential and commercial rates of the parking lot. it is a 321 space surface lot and the rates were most recently increased in 2009. since that time, and number of the adjacent parking structures have increased their rates, specifically the music concourse's garage has increased their rate to $200 monthly and the same mary's price has increased to $191. the department has brought forward this rate increase to keep our rates competitive with those surrounding. supervisor chu: a question about the timing. why did your budget include increases in revenue included with this increase in the rates? >> we have looked at this in the 10-11 budget but the determination was made that it was too soon after the rate increase in 2009. ultimately, the numbers were not
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included in our final budget. since that time, we have done an analysis to see how the rate increase in 2009 has impacted the sale of monthly parking cards and we have seen the number of card holders go up 25% since that 2009 rate increase. the department feels there is strong support for increasing this. supervisor chu: in terms of timing, why did the department need the decision separate and apart from the budget overall? >> i think it was just to start booking this revenue now. we did the analysis and found this is something we would be going forward with. rather than waiting to put it in the budget which means we're not going to book that revenue until september or perhaps october of the next fiscal year, we wanted to move it now, before we started our commission.
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we notified all of the monthly card holders and have not received any negative feedback. supervisor chu: thank you. why do we open this item up for public comment. are there any members of the public who wish to speak on item number eight? public, disclosed. do we have a motion to send this item forward with recommendations? questions? supervisor mirkarimi: on the candlestick parking lots, what are the increases from? it says the daily fee per vehicle and trailers will be $1,000 per day for candlestick parking lot events for various trade shows, it will be $5,000 per day. >> that section of the code is not being amended. those rates are set and not being amended.
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>supervisor mirkarimi: i was not sure why that was in here. motion to accept. supervisor chu: we have a motion to send this item ford and seconded. we can do that without objection. item #9. >> hearing to consider the annual review and adoption of the proposed board of supervisors/clerk of the board of fiscal year 2011-2012 budget. supervisor chu: we have the clerk here for this item. >> good afternoon members of the budget and finance committee. i am the clerk of the board. two weeks ago, february 9th, i both provided the budget guidelines and presented the proposed budget in what may have been excruciating detail. the committee subsequently asked several follow-up questions that have resulted in some cost
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savings measures. while i will not review the minute detail again from the previous hearing, with your approval, i would like to provide an overview of the changes. my initial budget proposal presented to weeks ago was $2.9 million, or $431,000 more than the current year. thank you. my initial budget proposal at that time, the increase was driven largely by two things -- fringe benefits, up by $300,000, and i.t. purchases which would be to maintain existing systems. at that hearing, i indicated finding cuts for the budget year would be difficult because over the last several years, we have taken the low hanging fruit and even deployed more difficult strategies. after that hearing, i met with
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every member of the board and was able to find consensus around some savings ideas from the committee's questions that were not captured in my initial proposal. the first is a recommendation to reduce the advertising budget by $100,000. supervisor mirkarimi has defined the word summary. this would reduce the size and cost of the ads published in the newspaper. i also recommended the leading the newsletter software. as board members have indicated to me, they can forgo this purchase and will continue to use the free service. finally, i recommend phasing in over the next two years the replacement of 20 computers, which in the budget year will be eight years old, which will reduce our budget request by $10 million. -- excuse me -- $10,000.
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the projected salary costs in the proposed budget have not changed today from november 9th. please note that there are no position upgrades or other increases from the current year with the exception of recognizing 10,000 worth of salaries in the budget and fringe costs from the aids job sharing which our current-year cost but not budgeted for. the proposed salary budget is 4.8% higher than the current year. while the difference is approximately $349,000, it is the increases to the fringe
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benefits which are truly driving 85% of the change. the fringe benefit cost numbers are not final, but they're based on the controllers budget instruction. the city's retirement is increasing from approximately 14% to 17% of the total salary. dependent coverage and dental benefits are also increasing by 10%. additionally, i included $40,000 in the bos budget to support fringe benefits which will come from job sharing. this will support for halftime position splits. the next slide it presents the non-salary costs. the actual non-salary budget is where you will actually see the decreases in the budget of $132,000. my initial budget proposal increased the non-salary budget by $82,000.
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today, you see the budget will decrease by $50,000 due to the committee's questions and recommendations. the proposed budget adds nothing new. i'm grateful for the committee for raising this question of advertising. supervisor mirkarimi for introducing the legislation to redefine summary and the advertising budget is actually what is allowing us to absorb our cost increases in the department. addressing software licensing costs and the mailing cost increase in the aab. there are few other minor cost increases which preserve the same level of resources we currently have. the proposed budget by division -- it is $10.78 million. it's almost the identical to the
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estimate of fringe benefit cost growth. as i have said, there is no new growth in terms of positions or initiatives as we are trying to be conscientious and responsible in another tough budget year. the changes in the salary budget that are not fringe- related are driven by the cost of existing staff. long termers in the department and aids going to beat seventh step. -- aides going to the seventh step. i am not going to go into the detail on this light, but it is worth placing on the overhead projector. the board has reduced its reliance on the general fund by 7.5% during this time shown on the slide from 2008-2009. the proposed budget should be considered in the context of prior year's reductions, some of which are listed on the slide.
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as we head into the last three slides, a general overview about revenue budget is presented. over the past several years, the board has sought to increase non-general fund sources and as a result has more than doubled our sources of revenue since fiscal year 2008-2009. in that year, the total was two under $55,000 and now the total revenue is 5 under $76,000. for the budget year, i propose a $71,000 increase on top of that in the revenue budget which i described in more detail in the memo i presented on february 9th. -- the result of the budget proposal of dollars1 sign0.78 million will be an increase of to under $29,000. our general fund allocation will still be 5.4% lower than the
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allegations in 2008-2009. finally, the proposed budget meets our mandates by maintaining our resources. the department requires its current level of staffing resources, the consulting contract, and minor non-salary budget to meet these requirements. with your direction, we have found additional savings. thank you for your attention today. i'm here to answer any questions. supervisor chu: which is thank you. any questions from the committee? just a few comments on our budget. i understand we're going to go into a process where we will submit a budget to the mayor's office and, over the course of the next few months, the mayor will propose a budget to us by june 1st. at that time, the board will have an opportunity to make changes to the budget, including our own department's budget. i want to say thank you to the clerk for all the work you put
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into putting this budget together, particularly working with supervisor mirkarimi and supervisor campos and on the advertised rate -- advertising savings will be seeing coming forward. i think the work is not done with the budget. i would be happy to see a submit the budget into above request we continue the conversation on a few areas, perhaps as we proceed in a few months. my understanding is we do have four vacant positions that are currently funded. i would like to understand and ask the clerk to speak with members of the board about your vision of how you see that being structured into the future. how can we do things in a better way and whether there's an opportunity to look at those positions and understand what is necessary to fulfill the mission of the clerk's office going forward. i think that would be a helpful
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conversation to have. in regard to the youth commission, we have about $150,000 that goes to the salary of the folks within the u.s. commission. we have long had a partnership with them but my understanding is there may be a separate entity that might be planning a similar role. if i could ask the clerk to work with the department to see if there's a possibility to look lot -- to look at the structures and see if there are opportunities for us to generate savings or combine them in order to generate savings or efficiencies there. that would be helpful as we go into the coming months. finally, on a minor point, with regard to our materials and supplies lines and equipment lines, if we can take a look at current and past years expenses and whether there is any opportunities where we may not be expanding all of those, it might be a good place to look.
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this is simply because, as we are asking all departments to look underneath every single place they have, it's important for us to do the same exercise with our budget here. i think that would be a good thing to pursue. >> thank you. i have an active recruitment currently afoot with the administrative deputy and certainly seek permission to hire into deposition. that would leave the others blank to continue this conversation you're looking for to have here. supervisor chu: i think it would be fine with most folks here. >> thank you. supervisor chu: any other questions from the committee. why don't we open this item up for public comment. are there members of the public who wish to speak on this item? seeing none come up public comment is closed. then we can table this item, i believe -- file this item. without objection.
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>> the public wants to access particular information about your house or neighborhood we point them to gis. gis is a combination of maps and data. not a graphic you see on a screen. you get the traffic for the streets the number of crimes for a police district in a period of time. if the idea of combining the
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different layerce of information and stacking them on top of each other to present to the public. >> other types of gis are web based mapping systems. like google earth, yahoo maps. microsoft. those are examples of on line mapping systems that can be used to find businesses or get driving directions or check on traffic conditions. all digital maps. >> gis is used in the city of san francisco to better support what departments do. >> you imagine all the various elements of a city including parcels and the critical infrastructure where the storm drains are. the city access like the traffic lights and fire hydrants. anything you is represent in a
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geo graphic space with be stored for retrieval and analysis. >> the department of public works they maintain what goes on in the right-of-way, looking to dig up the streets to put in a pipe. with the permit. with mapping you click on the map, click on the street and up will come up the nchgz that will help them make a decision. currently available is sf parcel the assessor's application. you can go to the assessor's website and bring up a map of san francisco you can search by address and get information about any place in san francisco. you can search by address and
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find incidents of crime in san francisco in the last 90 days. we have [inaudible] which allows you to click on a map and get nchldz like your supervisor or who your supervisor is. the nearest public facility. and through the sf applications we support from the mayor's office of neighborhood services. you can drill down in the neighborhood and get where the newest hospital or police or fire station. >> we are positive about gis not only people access it in the office but from home because we use the internet. what we used to do was carry the large maps and it took a long time to find the information. >> it saves the city time and money. you are not taking up the time of a particular employee at the
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assessor's office. you might be doing things more efficient. >> they have it ready to go and say, this is what i want. >> they are finding the same things happening on the phone where people call in and ask, how do i find this information? we say, go to this website and they go and get the information easily. >> a picture tells a thousand stories. some say a map >> welcome to culture wire. we're going to take a look at one of the biggest and most significant public art projects
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today. ♪ on june 26, mayor newsom and other officials gathered at the hospital to cut the ribbon and welcome the public into a beautiful new state-of-the-art facility. >> 3, 2, 1. [applause] >> in has been 10 years since voters approved the measure for the new building. >> when they cast the vote, we have an exciting opportunities to rethink how art is done in a hospital setting. >> replacement program generated approximately $3.9 million in
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art enrichment funds for a comprehensive art program that contributes to the quality of life at the hospital by enhancing the environment and supporting the hospital's needs and therapeutic goals. artists were commissioned to create 100 original works of art. as was for the gardens and courtyard areas. >> be artwork does more than just hang on the wall. it will enhance the therapeutics of the hospital and will include sensory stimulation, orientation, social interaction. >> it was set into like boxes to create color filled areas in the hospital.
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inspired by nature, the signature painting of native san francisco birds, clouds, and the surface of the ocean waves were translated into a variety of media including glass mosaic and tapestry. the playful clock encourages memory stimulation among the patients. they used the theme of the four elements as they relate to vocation. it is a direct homage to the historical murals in the original laguna honda building. it features to large tile walls. by observing residents, the
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gardens created a public artwork in the form of the handrail. in one of the outdoor courtyards, the circular grouping of -- with a smooth finish. this features ten unique button sculptures with different pastel colors that function not only as a place to sit, but also as a touchstone to something recognizable, familiar, and comforting. another key component included an art project that responded directly to the hospital's rich history. using archival images and artifacts, had designed 16 intricately woven tapestries
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