tv [untitled] February 21, 2011 2:30am-3:00am PST
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produce language where we didn't want that farmer's market opening up next to your home in the middle of an r district because of the disruption compatibility. that is why we kept it to what you can grow on site. >> and if this goes forward, i hope you take the opportunity to educate people and use these little sites to tell people how to bring food in and let some of the younger folks who live in san francisco see what's going on here and pick up some of the trend. >> definitely. president olague: commissioner moore. commissioner moore: i want to express my general support for this particular proposal in front of us. i commend the planning department for bringing in everybody to go to all the critical aspects that we need to hear about it and appreciate the commissioner's comments taking
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the discussion further and probing how deep you have examined what is in front of us. i would like to make two comments. one is on fencing and that fence, no fence, i support whatever you are suggesting in your ed verbiage. and if we are using chain link which is a neighborhood deterrent, i think many communities and not quite sure the san francisco code reads that plain chain link is considered to have a blighting effect and i would ep can you remembering if chain link is used -- and i would encourage that it is used like a trellis to train plants up and require either wires or chain link are part of the type of food production which you have be that pea or whatever you are using. i am not 100% expert but know enough about what climbing
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plants are. and commissioner antonini, there are cities like los angeles where growing edible plants in front yards is very much encouraged and they are fantastic and high end, super high-end design and understood ways of arranging edible plants by season, color, and texture and are perhaps amazing and i would like to show commissioner antonini pictures of that and until i saw it, i wouldn't have believed it either but they add to the quality of active urban landscape. that is not as much what you are planning to do but add one comment on the added value of fruit selling and while i think the commission is not prepared to support it as you are suggesting it, i would encourage an ongoing discussion with the
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mayor's off for economic and workforce development because if there is an idea xh n there and if you can organize under the aheadlines of your san francisco urban agricultural alliance there might be a way of finding a way to collectively find a method in term of where it's done, how it's done, and how it seasonally responds and similar harvesting ideas and get the store or store front and stand within existing stores where you can do that. and i think there's a will, there's a way. i talked with the director for a moment and i think that lending support for those who took it further if i understood you correctly is well within that.
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>> absolutely. we can work with the mayor's office of economic development to figure out different alternatives of value added products at different locations or something. our concern to reiterate is essentially what might become a commercial operation in the middle of a neighborhood. that is the concern. >> that is why the commission can't afford and commissioner miguel summarized that we are in report from of the idea but might need to find another avenue and pointing you to the mayor's office and the correct route to go and take more work but is still worthwhile and it will take you a while before you get going anyway. and you have a harvest or two and the microclimate and the growing environment and what you can do. and i am in support with the
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other commissioners. president olague: commissioner sugaya. commissioner sugaya: for all your younger people out there, it is a great idea and then you ran into the bureaucracy. there is something that confuses me and we have been talking about how small these operations can be and they can be on vacant lots which make them quite viz to believe the neighborhood and it sounded like there would be a lot of possibility for backyard agriculture. but
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more things, almost everybody up here said they had families or grew up on a farm except for commissioner moore, but my father when he was an immigrant came to the united states and picked strawberries and worked in fields and that is about as close as i got. but we did have two acres there. not my father, but the people that we worked for. and he was a chef, by the way. and so we had produce in the back. and we had apricots, figs, and artichokes and asparagus. i don't know how much water they took, but berries, and it was great. and that is quite a bit more land than i think most people have here in the city. but it was a great experience for me. and then last friday i think some of you were here when i was on a tour of the tenderloin and i would like to encourage you at
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some point and are early in the game for everybody and obviously this hasn't passed yet but if you could think about other populations that really, really could benefit from what you are doing and set up central alliances and the city collaborative is the organization that set up the tour for me and there are other organizations and tndc and others that staff know about it and jane kim, supervisor jane kim's office is in touch with all those people. and they could really, really benefit in from that and they are looking for storeser the ability to buy fresh produce. that was one of the issues that came before the commissioner that set off this -- well, anyway, i won't go there, but set up the reason for the tour. and it revolves around the
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establishment in the tenderloin had previously asked for liquor permit and we turned them down and they were encouraged to work with the mayor's office of economic and workforce development to set up the grocery store to be liquor free and sell produce and fruits and vegetables and that kind of thing. and they were trying to do that and i would encourage you to do that outreach in that area. as far as the soils, i don't know if the department of agriculture already look at that kind of thing and how much of a problem it is. i wouldn't think it would be as much of an issue on private property and backyards, but vacant lots might be a different issue, but i don't know if it's that big a deal. and right now we can trust the folks who are doing this kind of
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thing to be careful about the soils that are on the lots they will be growing food on. that is all i have. president olague: i wanted to comment that i fully support this and i just think it's sort of ironic that something like growing vegetables in your living space and selling them can be so complicated really. but i understand as far as land use is concerned and the intensification of uses and residential neighborhoods an all the concerns people have around that and what is encouraging is it is an indication that people's values are shifting and embracing a more us is tapeable way of living and frequently we here a lot of green washing to justifying dense development and so it's kind of nice when you are hearing something about green sustainable lifestyles and the zoning and planning code that actually might result in
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that kind of -- those types of values and that kind of lifestyle. and i think it's really positive thing. and as for the value added i agree with commissioners moore and commissioner borden we do need to explore waying to make that happen. and i remember youing up even had gardens and maybe we didn't sell the jams but you did the most that you could with whatever you grew, so if you had a plum tree and to stretch and indefinitely and make plum jam and preserves and just kind of soaps or whatever it is people do. and i think that it's a critical component to this conviction that needs to evolve. and commissioner sugaya's comments on hopefully when there's some success among this and we have try and tested it and stumbled along and figured out the pluses and minuses that
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that model can be transferred to the urban environment t tenderloin, those area where it's just a more grittier environment. and that exchange of information would be really a great thing to see happen. as for the pesticides, and we heard from somebody who has done research on what is a question that san francisco and at least the group that we heard from today that they're actually looking at pesticides that are less toxic and that sort of thick. it seems that it is a question that may be whose answerer may come out of that movement. obviously they will continue to work with the development.
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and there are so many underutilized front lawns and back lawns in san francisco so at some point it would be great to see more of the uses in areas where rh 1's should encourage this type of use in a way or even if it isn't sold but just more of that. commissioner antonini. commissioner antonini: i don't want to dwell on the one part because 90-plus percent is going good, but going back to the cc&r's and making sure that neighbors and certainly neighborhoods that have those in place would have control over front yard uses and neighborhoods that don't should also have an appeal process. and this is not just for urban farming but total urban blight ordinance needs to be put in place because we have so many
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front yards that have been paved and have gravel and weeds and totally unsightly and compared to 50 years ago when they were all pristine and neat and clean and cars are park there had. and the same could happen if somebody with the best of purposes tried to grow something but wasn't kept up or the house was sold or rented and would be just as bad and i think we need to have an appeal process where neighbors can appeal the condition of the front of somebody's house and thoughs who are lucky enough to have a front yard to keep it up. and show a pride of ownership and this could drive property values down and prooif people away from san francisco when they drive through a neighborhood and it's blighted because of the condition at the front of the house and poem say i don't want to live here. i'll go somewhere else. we have to be careful we don't make it such as a right use that other things are tossed out.
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that would be the thing i would be concerned about. olag o olague r commissioner miguel? commissioner miguel: for most of you here i would have to refer you to your grandparents and probably not your parent because in the late 30's, early 40's, a quarter of the hows in san francisco have what we call victory gardens just. and during world war ii. this is nothing new to the city at all. and as far as what the gardens look like, i have seen kitchen gardens in europe and in the united states, chef gardens, that are some of the most beautifully planted plots i have ever seen in my life. much more so than normal which i say flowers and bushes. they can work. and if they're done correctly, they look fantastic.
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and all of this can be done without any problem if i's done correctly. commissioner sugaya xhengsed the possibility of the talk and one of the problems that may come out is a lot of corner lots in san francisco that were cormer service stations and some have been cleaned up and some are not. you get out into the eastern neighborhoods into areas of the bayview that were industrial sites and some of those have been cleaned up, many of them to have not. their size, their accessibility and everything could make them ideal if the soil is right. and so i hope that you will work with the department of the environme environment. and i think you can see we're all for you. what we find in commissions and in matters that come before the
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commission is that when something new and original is proposed and it is a wonderful idea and everything is for it and three years later something comes to us because -- and please pardon the pup -- pardon the pun -- a bad apple comes up and someone tries to take advantage of something that was basically good to begin with and that is why we are cautious. >> commissioner sugaya. commissioner sugaya: just picking up on something commissioner moore was talking about in terms of how value added might be able to be -- might be able to work. when you go to farmers' markets you believe that the vendors have gone through a certification process but it is a private thing and it might be incumbent on the group and
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however you want to set yourself up to see if there isn't some mechanism by which they can come to the place where we could have assurance as expressed by commissioner borden and ohs that what you are buying is what you think you might be buying with a privately run certification program and i don't know if agriculture has something. and that' just a suggestion and another thing to add to your plate. it might be worth exploring. and as far as one last thing, it's a great idea and this is going to keep evolving with other communities to see the need for additional city support regulations but next time do something more simpler so we are
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not looking at cutting down 8500 trees to get us the materials. thank you. >> one last thing to bring up the soils and fellow commissioners have brought it up and propose that staff take a look at a lace line soils test and so you are good to go and as commissioner miguel pointed out, there are great corner lots and in some cases we don't know the history. so i know nothing about soil testing and toxic environment but i would loik like the staff to look into that. commissioner miguel: department of environment can work with that. president olague: and finally, and the fears seem to be more around the success of the model and once it is successful, we
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will deal with the problems as they arise and if some people go to fear mode and imagine the worst case scenario and so it's a xcombination of concerns and sometimes too active in our fears. and i agree with what commissioner fong said also with the department of environment. that is not necessarily what i was referring to. any other names? i think we're ready. secretary avery: the motion on the floor is for approval with some added modifications. one is to add value added goods and -- >> continue to look into whether or not value added goods -- >> continue to look into whether or not.
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>> there is way of doing it. >> and that fencing is optional and doesn't have to be opaque and to keep fees minimal. on that motion -- commissioner antonini. >> aye. >> commissioner borden. >> aye. >> commissioner fong. >> aye. >> commissioner moore. >> aye. >> commissioner sugaya. >> i want to have the commissioner's last statement in there about staff looking -- president olague: can we add that to the motion? that sounds good. that is good. looking at toxicity. >> and not a requirement, but to explore the issue.
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>> just to be clear, the fencing requirement is a reiteration that is optional and wood fencing doesn't mean it is 100% opaque and look at working at the value added topgs this and to keep fees s ts to a minimum. >> short term and long term. cod regulations is understood. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner fong: aye. commissioner moore: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. president olague: aye.
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president olague: if you feel the need to engage in the secondary discussion, take them outside. commissioners, you are on item number eight. >> good afternoon, commissioners. before you, i present a request to install 12 panel antennas. this is the residential zoning district. the proposed project complies
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with requirement to the planning cut and is consistent with the wireless transmission facility guidelines. the proposed location is classified as a preferred site. the project sponsor has complied with all procedural requirements including holding a community outreach. the proposed project will maintain a complete and comprehensive wireless communication for the city of san francisco. the department staff is aware of one letter in opposition to the project and one in support. a lot of homeless individuals later at the site. the need for such coverage given
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the findings -- i would like to give you the letter that i spoke to. given the findings, there is a standard condition. that concludes my presentation. >> good afternoon, president olague. i am here today with consulting engineers that conducted the radiofrequency report. we also have someone from kvi planning.
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i want to begin by thanking mr. diego sanchez helping to direct and design of the facility to be compatible with the neighborhood. the proposed design will be at the exterior of the structure. painted to match the building. this design is compatible with the neighborhood and a mixed others in the area. at&t seeks to cover the geographic service area. it is remarkable the use of global services in san francisco. thus far, the department has seen one letter in support and
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one letter in opposition. again, we want to thank the planning staff for their hard work in choosing a location. at&t has reviewed the staff report and agreed to the conditions set forth. we have experts here to ask questions. president olague: i would like to open it for public comment. public comment is closed. commissioner borden: it is on a parking structure, a move to approved. commissioner antonini: this is looking at the manhattan. -- at the map.
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