tv [untitled] March 2, 2011 6:38pm-7:08pm PST
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provides critical services to district 6 and san francisco. i have worked for over five years as a community organizer and mental health worker in san francisco. these services are much needed. women and transgendered folks in district 6 regularly use these services. lyon-martin is critical to the needs of the career and trans community in san francisco. virtually all career folks have a story of discrimination at the hands of a health-care provider. as uninsured career years, and went to dimension -- uninsured queer youth, lyon-martin was the place i would have gone. i can personally testify to the depths to which these services are needed. look at how much money we have unable to raise in the last month. this is an economic crisis, when people are so strapped. we have been able to come up with so much money. a thing that drives home how much needed the services are.
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lyon-martin is a leader in the women and trans health-care movement in the united states. lyon-martin -- clinics across the country look to them for leadership. this is a critical time when there is a national attack on women's health care in the united states against planned parenthood. i think it is important to continue to fund services like lyon-martin. from being able to see a doctor for a cold to receiving life- saving mental health services, from a testosterone shot for my lover to an internship to my brother, lyon-martin is a part of my community and a part of my family. i hope you will do what you can to keep the clinic open. i know we will. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. >> mining is cynthia crews -- my name is cynthia crews. i am involved in some of the
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fund-raising. as much as i love volunteering, i could never actually rise to the level of volunteering and involvement that the community of "save lyon-martin" has been doing. it is incredible. these people have jobs. they love to see this clinic open. they cannot see it close. what i am doing here today as a straight sets gendered -- cisgendered woman is speaking for the people involved in this community that cannot see this clinic close. a very close friend, who i am speaking for today, who did not have a voice and was at two clinics and did not find a home until she found her medical home at lyon-martin -- your assistance, a bridge loan, whatever can be done to help lyon-martin, i ask you to do
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that today. thank you for your support. please know that we have raised so much money. the rest really needs to come from san francisco and the state of california. we need your help. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. if there is any other public comment, please line up in the aisle and come up. >> my name is yolanda soliz. i am a patient at lyon-martin. i am here because i want to support them. about a couple of years ago, i had a very said time in my life. it made me realize how privileged i was before. it is good now, but i did not realize how much i had. since this thing happened, it
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happened that i needed help from people. i am glad i lived in this city which has a very strong community and has helped me a lot. if recommended this. as a consequence of what happened, i came with financial problems, physical issues, and psychological problems. the really good friend of mine recommended me to lyon-martin. they have helped me a lot with everything. i always respected me and motivated me to do things, and they still do. i am a patient. this week, i am going to see them. it was very professional, very caring. i really needed them, and i still need them. not only me. i know other people who rely on them. this is my first time i have spoken in public. but i needed to do it because
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they have been there for me and i want to be there for them. please help them. thank you. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. next speaker, please. this is the last public comment, if nobody else wants to step up. >> thank you so much for having us. mining is vanessa pratt -- my name is been suppressed. i have worked at the clinic for a year-and-a-half. i have worked on the administrative side of the clinic, looking at money and budgets and how these services work together. i would like to speak briefly to the fact that -- the economic side of this, given that you are the budget committee. we all know that patients, when the clinic closes, do not stop needing health care. they definitely continue to need it. because they may not have a primary care provider lined up
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broadway, -- wind up right away, and may never want to go to another, they will delay until the end up in the er. er care costs exorbitantly more than primary-care. if you are looking at an economic argument for keeping the clinic open, it really is cheaper. it really can be cheaper to keep us open then to close us down, to have to transfer care for our patients. of course, there is an ethical and moral argument as well. people die when cannot close. people kill themselves when the clinic closes. that should be said and has been said. i want to drive home the fact that these patients will end up costing the city money. if we can't predict it now because we do not know how they will use the system -- but i
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would very assuredly are you there will cost far more -- argue they will cost far more than they do today. they do for your time and support. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. this will now close public comment. we synchronized that well. i want to thank everybody for your participation in the hearing today. first, i would like to extend and _ our compliments -- and underscore our compliments to the community that has come out in masse for your creative eloquence and loyalty in rallying to the cause of saving lyon-martin health clinic. i want to thank the department
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of public health. i want to thank the consortium for their professionalism and for their ability to dispatch, as best as they possibly could, with a very constructive -- constrictive time perimeter, in working with the directors of the lyon-martin health clinic. we want to thank lyon-martin for being cooperative in doing everything you can to avert a crisis. in my opinion, and i do not believe i am alone, i think many here in the elected family would see this as a profound loss, devastating, if lyon-martin health clinic or to close.
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the expressed intent of today's hearing was just that, a hearing, because we have not been able to conduct a forum because we did not have empirical data until this point. we did not have the data we have been waiting for. that way, there is at least some financial assessment and policy assessment as to how we got into the position we are in and what we can do to make sure this position and reality is not repeated. now that we have gone through that, this now informs and enables electeds like myself to come to this conclusion. i will go out on a limb here, but i do not think it is unpredictable that it would be a complete and unconscionable posture of our part if we did
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not, i think, step forward, should lyon-martin be in a position of still needing some financial assistance by the city and county of san francisco, to not do our part to be able to help provide that assistance, should the need arise. department of public health and the city family is right to exhibit some of the tough love and some of the conditions would be obligated so that prices would be averted, and there would be conditions to make sure that any of the evan district of or governments -- any of the governance this function would repeat itself. that does not disprove that lyon-martin serves a population that is of special importance to any of us who recognize the role
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it plays in serving 2500 patience -- patients, that is culturally competent, that is class reverse -- diverse, and that makes us all proud, city and county wide, as it is well recognized both in california and nationally, and by signs of support, internationally. everybody has come here today with i think a really outspoken desire to make sure we do everything we possibly can to save lyon-martin. that demonstrates the political will and intent that we leave this hearing in formed and empowered with a strategy. but that strategy also has to be shouldered by the clinic and by
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the community. as we heard, there is an hourglass. there is a pendulum up until march 31. that is not something to take lightly, despite all the good efforts, and i mean very impressive efforts. we have been to a number of the fund-raisers. i have to tell you it makes me proud to be a san franciscan. when i see lines around the block at any of the events and the town halls, it reminds me that we are san francisco, and we are no stranger to crisis. and yet we have been able to navigate these moments before. when i see the level of turn out that i have seen in community and here in city hall, it warms my heart. we will be prepared to see what occurs over the next 29 days. i would be more than happy to help, and i know my colleagues
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will want to also stand tall with this idea that if a supplemental appropriation is imperative, that is an imperative we are prepared to advance. thank you very much for your participation. supervisor kim? supervisor kim: thank you. i want to thank you so much for calling this hearing for lyon- martin. it has been amazing for the last two months to hear how lyon- martin has touched so many people in this community. public comment was a reiteration of the stories i have already heard. it was amazing. everybody has talked about the overwhelmingly positive experiences they have had their. i have been very lucky not to have health care needs. i understand how challenging it is to find health care that i feel comfortable and safe going to, that i enjoy going to.
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a place i know they are giving me the care i need. as a woman and an asian american, i find it challenging already. it is amazing to hear how much of a home this is for many folks in the san francisco community. having worked extensively as an organizer in chinatown, it reminds me of how chinese hospital is for many of our immigrant seniors, or working class families that come here, and also our newcomers, and how important that service is for that community. when chinese hospital has had needs, the community has rallied very strongly to make sure we keep the hospital here. i think that as a city we need to make sure we keep lyon-martin clinic open, and i am committed to that. the one thing i will also say is that this story reminds me of the importance that as we cut and cut and try to protect
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services, that we also look at the importance of capacity building for nonprofits. we expect them to serve and serve, and we cut their infrastructure needs and leadership development, h.r. finance, all the things that help keep the services going. that is something we need to keep in mind as we continue to do gramps, particularly our city grants. i know we as a city do not fund capacity building, and that is important for our nonprofits that provide unique services. lastly, i want to concur with supervisor mirkarimi m. think the outpouring of support from the community for moving much quicker than the city has been raising close to $300,000. i think that is amazing and speaks volumes about why we need to do our part as well. thank you everyone for coming today. [applause] supervisor mirkarimi: we will go
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ahead and motion to continue this to the call of the chair, this hearing. thank you, everybody who participated here today. stay tuned as to what transpires of we the next few weeks. we will stay in touch. we are on top of this. thank you again to the consortium. thank you to lyon-martin health clinic. thank you to the department of public health. i think we have a bit of business. i am going to entertain a motion to rescind the boat on item 3 -- the vote on item three. motion to rescind the vote on item three. instead of it to date certain, i would like to continue this to the call of the chair. very good. we will continue that to the call of the chair.
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issioner kingsley: i would like to support postponing it. and for this reason. these reasons actually. apparently this commission has discussed in depth at a time that a number of us commissioners weren't on the commission. community policing. so we've got a little catchup to do internally to find out what the thinking was of the commission at that time. so that's -- that's one part of it. the second part is i'm grateful that the board of supervisors is looking at this. and that this is important to them. because it is of extremely important issue to the entire
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city. but the police commission is absolutely central and pivotal to community policing. and i would just really hope going forward that we could be part of the planning process with the community when we reach out and when we try to have legislation passed or resolutions passed that affect the definition of community policing that's going to affect our department, our commission, and our city. and i think we internally need to become better organized so that we can engage in this process in a more meaningful way. and going a step further with this, it is a leadership buy-in. and movement down. but i also see it and maybe this is where i need to be, educated a little bit more, on some of the standards of community policing as we're talking about it.
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i also see it as a grassroots up. i think the community needs to be involved in and engaged in this. and i realize that that's part of what's going on with the board of supervisors. and i think that we as a commission need to do that ourselves. and we put in place the start of community advisory boards. there's san francisco safe neighborhoods. there are a lot of people out in the community that we can draw upon. and i think that we need to do that. and we need to do it of course work with the board of supervisors. we need to take a very pro-active leadership role ourselves as a commission. and so therefore i second postponing this conversation and getting a better grasp on this ourselves. president mazzucco: commissioner chan. commissioner chan: i'm going to maybe flip orders with commegser -- i've already spoken once -- with commissioner -- i've already spoken once. president mazzucco: go ahead.
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>> i should explain a little bit more. i thought that hillary ronan who is a legislative aide had worked out to all the commissioners and we were c.c. aide and if i'm wrong then i'm wrong. i did bring copies of the ordinance that was introduced yesterday and will pass it out. also the one sentence or three sentences or resolution that i drafted that i want to invite everyone on this commission to co-sponsor if you're interested and give you time to think about that. because it's certainly -- i think it much better coming from more of us than less of us. and in terms of the timing just you have a sense of while we're discussing this, part of the reason this state was chosen as they wanted to choose a date before march 15. because they knew that was hour deadline for submitting it to the mayor. and they wanted to highlight for us the importance of community policing before we make that big decision. so that is the -- that's from my understanding, the reason for the timing. the community advisory board, i think they've been invited to this meeting next week. and i'm pretty sure they are.
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and they're going to be ready to make a number of presentations and discussions. there's been a lot of work put into it on the supervisors' end and up to this commission to decide what we want to do but i wanted to give you all that information. president mazzucco: commissioner hammer. commissioner hammer: thank you, president mazzucco. listen, if i had the power to come up with our schedule the last thing i would do is schedule another meeting next week. because of the chief's selection process. i took this oath. we all did. i guess we took it really seriously because we spend about four or five nights a week doing it, day times and meetings, most behind closed doors and i respect my colleagues for that work. so if i could do it or persuade supervisor campos and it worked well for him having set this in motion then i would support the motion. but for good or bad commissioner mazzucco you did speak on our behalf and you did it with good intention. if you messed it up, you messed up, we all make mistakes and you're forgiven. president mazzucco: thank you. >> having spoken for the commission and supervisor campos having expended great
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energy and based on word of the commission, having set up this meeting, right or wrong, at this point, folks are lined up for it. so i would in this case defer to the supervisor campos. if he wishes to put it off in light of the commission's incredibly busy schedule, i think that would be fine. but having set it up and done this work, i think it would be a mistake to cancel it after having him relied on president mazzucco's representation. so i would oppose the motion for that reason. and the second reason is a practical one, folks. the board of supervisors has the power to pass real laws. and they could proceed without us. and it is up for discussion that week so unless they change that item, that discussion will go forward. if we decided not to go, it would go forward without us and they may pass laws without us. and we in fact have the most expertise in this area. so again, since i don't have the power to pick the schedule that's going to happen, i guess my fifth night of the week at
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the board of supervisors talking about what i think is among the most important issues we do and not just the community policing but real community policing involving the community and having foot patrols and all the rest of it. president mazzucco: thank you. dr. marshall. vice president marshall: i think i stated in my objection it's just not the process that we normally use. i would be going in there cold. and be driven by -- i don't think it's fair to this commission at all. when we've done this in the past, when we did it on public safety, we read the report and all briefed and all discussed it and we went in there as a body with a common body of knowledge. for me, i know you made a commitment. and some people got something, some people didn't get something. that's not the way we've generally done things. particularly of this magnitude in the past. i would feel very uncomfortable
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doing it. president mazzucco: commissioner kingsley. and i'll have the last word, i think. >> thank you. commissioner kingsley: just a point of clarification. at what point in time did we agree to do this? was it after supervisor campos had already said that here's the date, this is what i'm doing, and invited us? or did you and he sit down and say ok this is the date, and here's the parties we'll bring to the table and brought them to the table and now we're not going to appear? >> we had extensive conversations. lieutenant falvey has been involved with them with supervisor campos and his staff about appropriate dates. and a lot of this started as we were moving into other processes. i was very excited about this. i can't wait to work with supervisor campos so a very close friend and i would like to talk with him later tonight about this tonight or tomorrow. i think it's very important that we do this. it's very hard to get definition of community policing based on my years of experience and the department ofus tess has had a hard time defining it. if we could define it, it's
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great. but quite frankly, the best way to probably roll this out would be when we do have a permanent chief. whether it's a new chief or not. and we do it with the biggest -- there's the community and the policing. and probably should have the policing equation part of it and what better way to roll out an event for our new chief is to have this be the event with the board of supervisors discussing the definition of community policing. i think that would be an excellent way to roll this out and i'm very excited about this and want to work with supervisor campos on this. i respect him and this is a great deal. i accepted this. and i think what we need to do, we should go dark on wednesday because we have interviews on tuesday, and we have interviews on saturday following that. and this commission has been working ral hard. -- really hard. we need some time off to focus on what is our biggest issue and selecting the next police chief. so for all those reasons, i've heard from all our commissioners, i suggest, i will talk to supervisor campos myself that we continue this for three or four weeks, postpone it because we're going to do this. it's very important. we have a week to noich the
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community groups that -- notify the community groups to cancel this and we can get them together at a dw date. we -- at a good date. we should accommodate them when we have a new chief in police. >> can you clarify the motion? >> there is no motion. i'll ask that we go dark. there is no motion pending on the agenda. and again, it's just -- i will talk to commissioner dejesus. >> i think we should -- i think we should get a sense -- i mean, it's been agendaized already as a meeting that's been public announced that we're having a joint meeting so to change that the commission should vote on that. and i would support if i could finish for the moment, i'm sorry. i would like -- be nice if we agreed and maybe we won't. but my motion would be to authorize you to talk with supervisor campos. but if he didn't agree to move it that we proceed with the meeting. because i think having agreed on our behalf, it would be a bad signal on behalf of the commission to cancel it
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unilaterally. but i would move to allow you to reach out to him and see if he wishes to change it. but if not we should honor the commitment you made on our behalf in good faith. >> i'll second that. president mazzucco: we need to take a vote on whether we should move to postpone. the event until a date within the next three or four weeks. and go dark on wednesday. we really don't need a motion to go dark on wednesday. but so i would ask that there be a motion for that. >> i thought you made that motion and it was seconded. >> made a motion earlier. >> a motion to amend. >> i don't think the chair can make the motion. president mazzucco: i can't make the motion. i do have a motion? >> i didn't know that. president mazzucco: i can't? >> you can make a motion. president mazzucco: my motion is -- commissioner hammer, my motion that we move to postpone this and we work closely with supervisor campos and reschedule this to a date three or four weeks down the road when we have time to look at the paperwork that's been provided, the drafts, very important issue and hopefully we'll have our new chief in police. be part of that. that's the big part of the
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puzzle in terms of community policing. so i move that we continue and actually -- i don't know if we need to move this but go dark on wednesday and focus our attention on the police chief selection process. do i have a second? >> i second. >> motion to amend. it takes precedence under the rules. >> whichever way you want. >> you have to vote on the amendment first. it takes precedence under roberts' rules. >> i don't think roberts' rules are binding. >> they're stated in our commission rules. >> ok. >> the motion to amend is that -- to authorize commissioner -- to discuss the scheduling of the meeting with supervisor campos and not to cancel it unless supervisor campos agrees. >> second that. >> that's not an amendment. that's a different motion. >> that's a competing motion. >> first one up or down. >> i'm sorry to be
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