tv [untitled] March 3, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm PST
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>> the volunteers to meet are the unsung heroes in this field that take the animals to hope and nurse them to get strong enough to come down and rehome. without volunteers, i would have to be honest to say this wouldn't be much more than a pound. we thank god that we have the number of committed people coming down and helping us out, it makes all the difference in the world. >> when you want to come in and volunteer, you go through a general orientation, about two hours. there is a lot of flexibility. and the various programs available, are baseline dog walking. you can work with the cats. you can work with tony's kitty rescue, with the small animals
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and guinea pigs and birds and chickens. >> you always have an appreciative audience. >> do you feel that what you have learned here helped you with your own dogs? >> the training they don't have? yes. and it's things that you learn, we usually outlive our dogs and every time you get a new one, you have skills to teach them. >> one of the programs is training program and it's staffed by a member of the community and one of the programs she has is dog socialization. >> we started this program for canine socialization. and all the dogs available for adoption get to play for two
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hours. and it's a time for them to get incredible exercise and play with other dogs and we have remedial socialization. and it's incredible the dogs and they get exercise and run and tumble and when most adopters come to look in the afternoon, they are quiet and settled. >> and i want come and someone sees a dog and loves it, it's quick. and after three weekends, i saw him and he connected and i connected and came back. >> what is your experience of working with the animals? >> unbelievable. from the guy that is came to the house and everyone here, they are friendly and knowledge believe and -- knowledgeable
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and they care about the animals. >> and it's a great place to visit and look at the animals and maybe fall in love and take one home. and look at our grooming program and volunteer program and many say, hey, this >> we are going to start off with a super blessing with the rev. dr. mcrae and reverend norman fong.
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[laughter] we have got the mayor here. we have got the family here. bless the family. this is a very special occasion that we want to start off right with the rev. dr. mcrae. >> made the spirit of peace, joy, collaboration, inspire the building of mary helen rogers senior community housing. made the spirit of life, commitment, and tenacity demonstrated by the life and love of mary helen rogers bless all that will dwell in this new development. they all of the workers, the contractors, developers, funders, architects, be filled with a spirit of harmony,
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creativity, as they build not only a new facility, but a new community. >> as we anticipate the building of the mary helen rogers senior community center and housing, maybe we -- may be be inspired to do justice and demonstrate love and compassion as we continue the good fight in the city of st. francis. >> made a piece of the gods blessed mary helen rogers, the love of it -- loving mother of the western addition. made that same got of peace bless this community as it moves it forward. may god bless the new senior community, the facility that is built in the honor of this icon
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of our community. amen. >> and it is valentine's day. what a perfect day to celebrate love in this community. >> thank you. my name is gordon chan, the executive director of the chinatown community development center. we are delighted that you have joined us on this special occasion. perhaps the speeches will be shorter because of the rain. i will not talk much about the project. you can see the statistics on the board. but i did want to share a personal gratitude with rogers family. mary was a hero and a champion to many of us. i met her when i was working at the international hotel, struggling in the 1960's and 1970's.
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a champion for the entire city, not just the western addition. we oblast and daughter that she -- we are blessed and honored to be here today. the san francisco redevelopment agency, the silicon valley bank, our architects and contractors. without any further ado, let me turn it over and welcome the mayor. i was going to wear my giants hat, but since the war mayor more his hat, i think it is ok. >> good morning, everyone. thank you. i am not a big celebrators of valentine's day. but there is a great analogy in that we break ground today on this day.
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when i think of mary helen rogers, many years ago when i was attempting to understand what was happening in the western addition, meeting people that were introducing you to the problems and challenges of youth and why the city's families needed to get closer together, that is what i met mary ellen rogers. i remember her, as well as so many others, who had such a strong love of community. it is a -- it is appropriate that this housing development been named after her to reflect that great love that she had for her family, as well as her community. i also find it extremely significant, as this is not to be passed.
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in building these 100 units of affordable senior housing, 20% of which will be housing formerly homeless people, that it is done in such a way that it reflects the great collaboration that exists within the city. so that the talent of the tabernacle and it's great reverence are coming together with the people in the community. our two great communities in the city, coming together to forge this great relationship, doing the best work that it can. making sure that this housing uses those valuable tax increments that we have been talking about for the entire month. redevelopment in the city has been doing a great job. leveraging dollars with a financial community like silicon
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valley bank and others to fund this project. we could not do it without this great collaboration or leadership from both communities coming together. whether it is the reverence or clergy here today working with redevelopment agencies, as well as the chinatown community development organization. i would also like to express that this legacy of mary helen rogers will continue beyond just this one project. this project is a labor of love. you cannot build 100 units in this place without high degrees of cooperation. for everyone to come together in her name and other, it says a lot about san francisco, our values, and what we are about. i would like to let you know that we are joined by our board
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president, david chiu. supervisor kim is on her way -- due to meet you. -- good to me to be read from the official city family be recognized the importance of this family. not only for the name, but the extremely high level of collaboration it takes. this is a senior housing wrapped around with services. with this development, 100 more families below longer be isolated. finding affordable housing in the city. a wonderful story. many other cities envy the way that we do it. with that, thank you for coming together everyone.
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>> thank you, mayor. our next guest is here to talk about the wonderful partnership that this project represents. in addition to the tabernacle, the urban core is our young partner. please welcome muhammed adiri, the chief operating officer. >> thank-you. thank you. i will try to keep my comments brief. thank you to everyone that came out. i am the chief operating officer for urban core. i have a few acknowledgments, if i can. first i would like to acknowledge my partner, the president and ceo, marvin johnson. many of you know him for the wonderful work he has done over the years.
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i would like to recognize the relationship for the past 10 years that mrs. rogers has had with our company. thinking specifically about the support and the advice, mentoring and leadership that she provided for michael when we were doing a film at the heritage center. something i have heard a lot about and that i know you hold dear to your heart's. i would also like to acknowledge our corporate funders. for us, they allow us to do the work that we do in the community. i would also like to acknowledge the development team. you have heard a few of the vendors. i will also like to acknowledge a couple of people individually. monocle wilson from the urban core. along with our partners, we need
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jones and tonya young of ccgc. you with your a lot about the partnership as time goes on. it has proven to be a wonderful, wonderful opportunity. hudson valley and silicon valley bank, our project funders. without them, none of this would have gone forward. the san francisco redevelopment agency in particular, they have worked with us over the years to get this project where it is. i would like to abolish them. i believe that fred is here. i believe that i saw sally. finally, i never had a chance to meet mrs. rogers. i will not try to be count other people's memories. i am sure that we will have
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plenty of time for that. but i did hear from everyone that no matter what side of the issue you were in, no one had anything but respect for her passion, commitment to the community. i hear that all the time. the second thing is something that i have heard from the family. something likely said about my grandmother, mother, and other people. her family agreed early on to share her with the community. that was how important the community was to her. i am proud to be associated with a building that will reflect the spirit, energy, and pride that she had in the community. thank you and carry on.
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[applause] >> earlier i mentioned the wonderful support from the green valley agency. please join me in about coming fred blackwell, the director of the san francisco redevelopment agency. >> thank you, gordon. good morning, everybody. just wanted to make a couple of acknowledgements the fourth saying a few words. -- acknowledgments before saying a few words. a number of commissioners are with us today that made significant contributions. leroy king is right here to my right. as well as the president of the commission, if any of you are missing, let me know and grab me. today is very timely in terms of the dedication of a building to mary ellen rogers. because of what we are going
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through as an agency. as everyone knows, she was a critic of the agency. she held everyone accountable at the agency. but she was also responsible for for reform at that agency. through this debate about whether or not redevelopment should exist, the san francisco redevelopment agency has been held up as a model. because of the way that it produces affordable housing in the city. because of what it has been able to do. the reason why this agency is considered better than others in the state is because of the things that mary helen rogers pushed this agency to do. as we stand here and think about the future without redevelopment agency's, i think it is
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important to acknowledge people like mary helen rogers, creating these powerful tools that can work on behalf of the community. i know that the family has worked hard with their mother and grandmother to produce the kind of changes people want to see here. i wanted to say thank you. [applause] >> i think that norman is bringing buses from sacramento to support redevelopment tomorrow. another great supporter of this project is our board president, david chiu. >> i had a half-hour speech prepared, but given the weather i will keep my comments to one minute. today is valentine's day. as our mayor alluded to, this
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project is an expression of community love. the love of mrs. rogers in her fight for everything that we stand for. particularly redevelopment, which is so timely today. i want to thank the chinatown community development center, as well as tabernacle, the rev., the urban core, the asian american and african american communities together. when we come together, we can not be more powerful. thank you to everyone for that expression of love. today's announcement is also about the glove of st. francis. the compassion as a city that we have for our homeless and what we are all going to invest in our children, as well as taking
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care of our seniors. this will be a testament of what we stand for as a city. the city named after st. francis. thank you for being here. i look forward to future events here when the building is up and future projects in the city. thank you. >> the district supervisor of district 6, we know them pretty well. >> this is actually district 6. >> i know. [laughter] >> having been raised in the chinatown community development center and now being done the board of supervisors, it is an honor to be here today. moments like this remind me how opportunities come from times of disaster.
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this is an opportunity for us to not only build community and address the needs of san francisco, particularly for our seniors, but it is also an opportunity to build communities across the asian american and african american community as well. this came to us because of a natural disaster through the fall of the central freeway which is affordable -- i am excited that the mary helen rogers community is going to bring 100 more unions into the community particularly those working below their income bracket. this is exciting. it will be -- it is a project
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that the chinatown community center did were carved. we made sure that we had services for folks to come together. ross mirkarimi had a certificate of commendation that we will present to the sponsors. in recognition of the mary helen rogers senior community groundbreaking in the western addition for honoring one of the hardest working community advocates that fought for one of the most vulnerable advocates in san francisco to ensure economic
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equality for all. the board of supervisors extends its highest commendation. [applause] >> thank you. hang on. we want to present it to the family a little later. is rev. boyd or reverend walker here? i can see rev. pounds in here. million not join me in welcoming another champion for san francisco? they are on the redevelopment commission. for how long? 32 years. commissioner lee roy king. >> i have been listening. long before any of you were born, before you were around, mary rodgers came from europe
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and traveled throughout the world. she came here and got this housing, this school here, got this school moving. the big school over there on the park, she got that fixed. my sister-in-law made sure. teachers were teaching the kids. mary rodgers would go in and check. she change that community around. mary was a champion. that big safeway store in the western addition. mary rodgers got a job program much more integrated than any
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safeway in the city. she was going night and day. i want to tell you. we have got to thank her for many of the things. i was over at that housed many nights. because she was a wonderful person. now as i look around, i can see jackson over there, part of her team. 258, the union. they were all there. this city would not be where it is today. there is an old housing thing there. mary was down there and had that
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thing change around. we had integration on union street. so, i want to say this. this family gave their mother many hours, spent many nights and days with mary, changing the city rounds. thank you to the mayor and all of you for this honor here today. she hasps done more than anyone else in this city to change this city around. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, lee roy. our next speaker is from silicon valley bank, wonderful in providing financing to this project. >> thank you. i would like to acknowledge a few people from the bank's staff that are here. keith, who came down from santa rosa, our credit officer.
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judy, who worked on the credit approval. donald, who worked on the project. after mclane, she came as our attorney on this project. i am with the community development finance group. i am glad that you brought up the safeway, because even though i did not know mary, i got an urban action grant so that that safeway could be built in the western addition. i have history with the neighborhood itself. i am glad that it is well integrated and doing well. silicon valley bank is a proud and consistent sponsor of affordable housing. i know that you all realize that this project is a special, but i do not think you realize how really special it is. this was only one of four projects in the entire area that got 9% tax credit last time
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around. which was very difficult to get. which is why we are here today, the funding came together. banks had to compete heavily to finance and have an opportunity to finance the project. i am very proud that silicon valley bank was chosen. the bank has a tag line called "nothing that we would rather be doing." that says it all. nothing that we would rather be doing than partnering with chart -- chinatown urban development and the urban core. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you. as we are waiting for rev. boyd and reverend walker, let me introduce rev. calvin jones. i think they went to school the other a couple of years ago. >> not too young. has not been around long enough.
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balboa high school. i thank god that mary rodgers had that fortitude. that is what i am thinking about. we will take that same fortitude, with at this climate across races and nationalities, we need to represent mary rodgers. this building should represent and reflect what the community is and it is our job to work together to make that happen. i believe that there's a will and a desire in this city to make it happen. and i thank god, first of all, the back when i was a knucklehead in school, they had to integrate bawa loopy -- guadalupe, they wanted to make sure that it was. i knew that we were special, but they treated us a little
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