tv [untitled] March 6, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PST
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planning department staff, the city attorney, marlena burke to help me navigate the impenetrable leavenworth of building center code. yet next, the unprecedented human rights commission of september 23, which was attended by over 150 people concerning surveillance and the race and religious profiling of members of the arab, a middle eastern, south asian communities. members of the clergy, attorneys, and scholars testified at the hearing. it was approved by the human- rights commission last thursday. today, i passed a resolution endorsing those findings of the human rights commission.
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next, we had an impressive hearing in the police commission on creating de missile health crisis team and ensuring training was not only retained, but modernized. this resolution affirms the decision to create a crisis prevention team and urges the sentences go police department to understand that the success of the program depends on adequate mental health screening systems. the problem it addresses is the volume of mental health issues that police officers encounter. it is disproportionate to the situation and many other areas of the united states. most attention for mental health evaluations are conducted by
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police officers who were not specifically trained in dealing with mental illness. the draft resulted in woefully inadequate in psychiatric treatment. ed a decrease in san francisco general psychiatric from 84 beds to 24 beds has occurred over the last three years. excuse me. demand for mental health here at sentences could general rose from 2007 to 2009. san francisco general patience increased to 10 days in 2010. this has conferred responsibility on law- enforcement and the police when they should not be alone in trying to resolve the conflict
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that is -- trying to resolve the conflict. that is all i have to submit. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor mirkarimi. supervisor carmen chu. supervisor chu: thank you. the purpose of this press conference was to acknowledge that we were going to be prosecuting the two companies for illegal dumping for those of you who know what goes on in the southeast part of the city -- the have problems for businesses and private homes take contents of their business or their home and they dump them illegally on the street corner. that has grown to be a public nuisance. today, i am pleased to introduce legislation that will provide get another tool for the city in its ongoing fight against
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illegal dumping and in san francisco. the ordinance defines it as a public nuisance in places prohibited, on which this harmful activity is well within the -- within the activity of the public works code. this pertains to waste construction material left on the public right-of-way. this is something we see all too often. this is to strengthen the city's's abatement efforts. the legislation will also give the city attorney's office the specific power to seek remedies from parties responsible for illegal dumping. this will help in cost recovery, both for cleanup work done by the department of public works, and for attorneys' fees incurred by the city.
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i commend the city attorney for his work in cracking down on illegal dumping. let that be a warning to all the illegal dumpers out there in the city and county of santa and cisco. i consider this a minute -- you are no longer welcome. in closing, i would like to offer a memorial for gentleman born and raised in san francisco, lived in six years -- lived for six years in the bayview area. he lost an heroic battle against cancer. he was born in 1951 in san francisco. he was the fifth of 10 children. "chucky" was decertified
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equipment operator trained in the afl-cio operator engineers, local no. 3. unfortunately, he succumbed to a long battle with cancer. those who knew him can testify to his kindness and willingness to help others. with such a gentle heart, others were drawn to him. he was always ready to tell a joke. he died surrounded by his loving family on february 24, 2011. he leaves us his memory to cherish. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor colin. supervisor chu. supervisor chu: i want to remember daniel ryan. he passed away at the age of 76.
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he has been side by side with us on many issues, being a founding member of the school of the arts, and always a lifelong advocate of the arts. in -- even in his last days, he talked to me about making sure there were cars programs at lincoln high school. >> supervisor carmen chu. supervisor weaner? supervisor wiener: thank you. in introducing a resolution today -- i am introducing a resolution today to keep our taxi permits. the mta board today, this morning, set this process, this proposal which will allow the agency to issue additional taxi
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permits, which is really when we see the most problems in terms of being able to get a cab. the proposal is going through the citizens' advisory committee. and it is a long process. it is very important to push the mta to actually issued the permits and make taxi service better. i am in favor of this resolution. >> thank you. supervisor compos, you ask to be referred? >> yes. today is the last day in our office of a pretty amazing intern. she is currently a junior
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immaculate conception academy. for those of you unfamiliar with them, for 100 years, they have been on the corner of 24th and gerrero and have provided excellent education to young women, many of them from families with limited financial means. she has done a tremendous job. i wanted to take this opportunity to thank her for her tremendous contribution. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor of compost. supervisor mercury need -- thank you, supervisor campos. supervisor mirkarimi?
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>> next week or the week after, we will be holding a budget committee hearing with an up-to- date report on the final terms and agreement of the uaw oracle. since there had been massaging done of the contract -- i just wanted to point this out for the upcoming budget of finance. also, tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. is a special hearing, a 4:00 p.m. budget hearing on the martin health clinic. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor mirkarimi. president chiu: if we could go
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back to item 34, the item regarding the transportation code and the police code? supervisor wiener: we have now distributed the amendments, and the amendments are in section 7 and have to do with the penalties and adding section 7.4. and we are in agreement on adding this. i will note the physical coffee contained subsection de -- the physical coffee contain subsection d. those were from an old version. we have an electronic version. ignore those. they are not part of the amendment. with that, i move to amend as
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stated. president chiu: can we take that motion without objection? on the item itself, any further discussion? seeing nine, -- none, it is roll call. it is approved. colleagues, at this time, if we can go to our 3:00 special order, the first of our 3:00 special orders. >> excuse me. >> [unintelligible] president chiu: we are actually going to our first three -- our first three " special order. we are not open for public comments.
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>> [unintelligible] i tell him -- president chiu: abdallah, if you could please just sit down. abdallah? >> yes, sir. president chiu: we are not going to public comment quite yet. we will have it shortly. >> [unintelligible] president chiu: thank you. we will get to you shortly. we will have public comment. thank you. we are going to go to our first 3:00 session order. madam clerk, can you read items 42 through 44. item 42 through 44 for a public
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hearing of persons interested in the public an annoyance amending the compensation for members of the board of education, item 43 is from the rules committee without recommendation, the charter amendment second draft concerning compensation of board of education members to one half the annual salary of a first- year teacher in the san francisco unified school district. item 44 is a charter amendment second draft to authorize the board of education to set the compensation for its members, not to exceed the one half of the annual salary of a first- year teacher in san francisco united school district. president chiu: what i would like to do for this hearing is here if i have colleagues who would like to address the subject.
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supervisor can? -- supervisor kim? supervisor kim: thank you. we have a cheat sheet in terms of the two drafts before you. so, we have the blood drops are in front of you. -- two drafts in front of you. the difference between the second and the most recent amendments that were made last week is that we had taken up the subsection that said we would pay for the board of education members' salaries, and we made an amendment that would set the salary to up to one-half of a first year teacher salary.
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that it would be actually linked to a first-year teacher salary. is there any question on motion on the floor? president chiu: colleagues, any additional discussion before we go to public comments? ok, we will hear from any members of the public who wish to speak to the issue of the charter amendment for board of education members. please come forward. >> [unintelligible] i think one of the things we can consider this is one of the most severely-punished areas in governance, education. we are really eviscerating our educational system, and i think
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here in california, we have a particular understanding of the importance of the economic growth, to our social growth, to our social welfare and all the other reasons that we should have the most powerful and inexpensive the education system in the world. there is no reason to fail to realize that one of the reasons we are the ninth largest economy in the world -- not just the largest state -- is because we offer public education to our citizens. we have all the geniuses who come here that might not otherwise be able to afford education at a good school. and when they came here, they may live in the bay area, and they are in a nexus of intelligent people with great ideas. so, i think when we look at this, we know education has
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done an extremely important job, and giving them some compensation for the hours and hours they have to put in -- not just for meetings they have to attend, nothing meetings they attend with students, faculty members, but with overall things that they are not compensated for, i think this is a great amendment. i think showing the board of education lots of support in getting rid numeration for what they do send a strong message to the board of education. president chiu: next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors, members of the public. my opinion on education is a small part of intelligence. a lot of our intelligence comes from beyond the mind.
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that is something we do not teach in our schools. we do not teach it to think more from the hearts and less from the mines. because ultimately, the mind without its association to the heart is a baron and unproductive -- barren and unproductive and bland place. we see the manifestation of this in our societies where we have many, many areas, houses, construction, and there is no reason for that except breed and the wish for -- greed and wished for this mess we call civilization. thank you. president chiu: thank you. a specific public comment on
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the charter amendment. it is not general public comment. >> i understand when it comes to education for children, it is vitally important -- particularly in san francisco, where we have the u.n. -- you know, the u.n. building right in front of us here we get our kids should thoroughly be taught and understand. david rockefeller, i know you all know him -- john d. rockefeller started the united nations, with a several billion dollar check. it is the truth. the united nations charter is here, to exalt the united states as we now know it. it is well documented, conservative organizations like
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the john birch society we have the ability to educate our children instead of this group of international bankers who want to destroy the united states. on page 405, he actually brag about his family and the international bankers and their best interests. the education process -- [bell rings] there is a book -- i sent it to lee rogers five or six years ago when they started off. carol quigley and bill clinton -- he gave him a verbal kiss in his second nomination. he was one of his best
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investors. he wrote a book. i was hoping lee rogers would mention this. [bell rings] president chiu: thank you of fremont. next speaker please? if you could use -- if you use the microphone to your right. >> i have lived here for 20 years, and the office of the board of education is a highly- esteemed office. it should be able people who do not have enough money -- what would it take to see it become an office?
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that is sort of the double mind theire. people do not want to spend the money, jobs being what they are these days. thank you. president chiu: any of the members of the public first to speak on this topic? seeing none, public comment on this item is closed. unless colleagues anyone would like to say anything -- i will close this and move to item 43? without objection, this hearing has been held closed, and now we are considering item 44. supervisor mar. supervisor mar: i would like to think supervisor kim.
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i think it is a really nice when we can be on board in supporting a charter amendment for the school board and make it more accessible for people or regular parents, working run for office as a former a school board member, the work was comparable to what we do on the board of supervisors, but was very anxious and sometimes very angry parents, teachers and staff within the system as well, i tip my hat to the hard-working school board members. i also want to say it is a democratic reform to attach better compensation to the school board members. i also wanted to say the issue of autonomy of the school board
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and school district was so important that the superintendent -- school board members have to keep reminding us they are a separate state entity that has policy-making authority over the school district. i know that supervisor campos used to it buys us of that. this keeps the funding in the school district and allows the autonomy to set the compensation for school board members. so that is good. as the cost of living increases built in as well. it is a well thought through measure and i hope communities are educated as the democratic reform of our school system. president chiu: before our next speaker, i want to acknowledge supervisor jim gonzales. good to see you here.
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supervisor mirkarimi: in general, i support this. i had some concerns. i think the timing is a bit funky. i think there could have been perhaps greater thought in terms of how this could have been deployed for this election year. but i understand some of the arguments by by colleagues, which i support in what the objective is. what hasn't been said, but i want to add it to the calculus, since all the attention is placed on the board of education is that city college and there trusty's represent more of a population than the board of education does. the board of education in terms of the student population represents about 55,000
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students apply not mistaken in the unified school district. city college represents 70,000. that is a body that merits -- over 100,000 san francisco and collectively. that merit the same kind of supports and resources aimed by this particular endeavor as well. when these conversations come up, i hate -- i think the greater goal in the greater good of what we can do to assist those who are volunteering their time with a very paltry. amerasian or stipend, to be able to support the endeavors of making sure people have access to the kind of representation and access to the kind of full- time representation as demonstrated by those of the board of education but the city
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collies -- city college trustees this as well. it is something i don't think should be dismissed in this conversation. thank you. supervisor elsbernd: that right there is, as much as i appreciate the amendments that have been made, why i will be opposing this proposal. we do the school board and then community colleges next. we have had proposals for the planning commission in the past , there will be an mta proposal coming. it's one after the other. at a certain point, we have to recognize these folks are volunteers and if they don't want to do it, they don't have to do it. there are a lot of people who lost in the race in the board of education that would have been great commissioners. we never see a shortage of candidates. so i appreciate the amendments,
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it's a far better charter amendment then when it was introduced, but i don't think it's ready to be submitted to the ballot. on that point, now that the change to the conduct code is not going to be on, i changed allow the mayor to become cio next year, this would be only measure on the ballot. that takes away the focus of what did you election should be all about, which is the state budget. it also opens the door to us not getting the full reintegration from the state of california for the cost of this election. if it was just state ballot measures, i don't think we would have much of a fight. but if we are using the ballot to get local measures, we might get tougher time collecting from the state. i appreciate the changes, you almost got me, but not enough to get me to vote yes. >>
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