tv [untitled] March 10, 2011 7:30am-8:00am PST
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update on the community policing efforts and create -- we are currently creating a website some members of the public can log on to the website, download. information, and see what kind of things we're doing in the different communities. we will be doing out reached, once the website is out, to encourage use to participate. we have not actively recruited through the school district. -- we have actively recruited through the school district. the problem solving form is cumbersome, and we have streamlined that so we can speed up the workflow. we do a lot of community policing, but we don't always let everybody know how much we are actually accomplishing.
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the police chief and their command staff host their annual summit, and the next one is on may 9, 2011, and i invite the commissioners, and members of the board, we would be happy to have you attend. community policing plans, problem solving strategies include it committed placing practices tracked so that we can track the effectiveness of our community policing. a department wide unit provides support and oversight for the community policing efforts. that is my job at the committee relations unit. we are staffed by liaison officers who are bilingual, by cultural. ingleside station is one of the only stations where officers
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have department e-mail addresses. there is currently a gap in our technological. capabilities -- in our technological capabilities. officers have been accretive working around that. once all of the officers have e- mail, it will be easier to contact members of the public. the department's email system has intermittent problems. you cannot do mass e-mail in credit for the capt. to send out the newsletter, it is a cumbersome process. it is something that really aggravates our community -- our ability to communicate with the public. one of the questions posed in the agenda was how does the san francisco police department proposed budgets affected initiatives. reduction in staff may force the reassignment of officers to other community policing efforts so that we can field
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cars in the defense stations to respond to calls for service. community policing trading. the emphasis is on the involvement with the community, inc. at the entry level of training. ispeakers from the community, ad are encouraged to be part of training. continuing education. all officers receive community education, and have a professor and cultural sensitivity. the recommendations direct the form of identity relations unit, and for that we have accomplished -- we have a signed extended by which resources.
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additional recommendations, not quickly crime statistics accessible on line. and to reassign inspectors from the hall of justice into the station. that has also been accomplished. each station has a dedicated officer. they publish a weekly newsletter and a staff bilingual officers at the media relations unit. we hold monthly meetings open to the public, and each captain holds their monthly committee meeting that is also open to the public. the forms play a vital role in problem-solving efforts by the police department and the communities they serve. members are stakeholders, and they are told that the onset they need to be part of thought -- a need to be part of solving the problem. the police district captain overseas the group and the advisory forum.
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there are ground rules, and the forms are outlined in the manual. they act in his advisory capacity to discuss ideas and suggestions to improve san francisco police department service in their communities and act as a liaison to promote a better understanding of our police procedures. members are expected to connect to various stakeholders throughout their respective committees -- communities, and bring this back to share with capt. and police chief. training for captains to oversee the advisory board are ongoing. an officer of the committee relations unit is a coordinator, and they work alongside with the captain. this capt. is in charge of the youth form. we have different captains in different venues, working
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closely with the forums. quarterly, or when a situation arises that demands immediate attention, they meet with the chief of police. community policing advisory boards are initiated by the committee, and they encompass many community groups, such as at risk youth and promote a sense of community ownership and pride. that is what we're striving for. it is an improvement in communications and relationships between the police department and community. the young lady who was from -- i forget the name of it -- we showcased her work. we did a community project with her, or she had members of the committee do an art contest to
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lower car break-ins. we did that project, it was very successful, and that is just one example where the community police advisory board participated, had an idea, and did something to better help the youth, lower car break-ins, and get the word out. the advisory board is successful because it means increased communication to tackle issues. community policing action takes place every day. members of the san francisco police department routinely visit critically ill children at ucsf. we have an annual toy drive, or officers contribute their own money and host a toy drive -- where officers contributor own money and host a toy drive. we have a wilderness program, or kids who may not normally get to
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leave their neighborhood have the opportunity to go with officers into the wilderness to backpack and visit the snow. we participate, coach, and mentored jr. giants baseball, and we have a police athletic league where we have football, judo, cheerleading, and boxing. submitted the pleasing happens every day in our neighborhood with the cadet program. on the day shift, we feel 43 foot ships and on the night shift we have 40. of the 83 foot beats, 23 are assigned to the market street corridor. officers of the san francisco police department are stakeholders of the community. we volunteer our time, money, an effort to make a difference in the communities that we serve. our volunteerism and the nations are evident in the toy drive,
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the senior citizens' luncheons, and youth activities. >> thank you. one of the editions that we're going to make, and supervisor mirkarimi, we talked about this, we're going to start doing in the near future a community policing comstat, talking about the forms, how they are filled out, and what we're doing to impact how we're going out there and solving some of the community policing problems. it is about how the officers are affecting a difference, helping solve problems. one of the other issues is the budget. we could talk about this all night, and this is not a budget meeting, but i think the budget or lack thereof may actually be a benefit because we will have to reach out more to the community to get them more and
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partnership to help us solve some of these problems as we start to decrease the work force. the committee will be playing a vital role in helping reduce issues. supervisor campos: keith, thank you. i don't know if you have anything else by way of presentation. >> i know that you have a lot of people who still want to speak. i could show more numbers, but i don't know if you need the time. we're ready to answer any questions. supervisor campos: my colleagues and i certainly would have questions. it is important for us to hear directly from the public. that is an important part of why we are here. my hope, chief, and i would say this as a member of this committee, is that this is the beginning of an ongoing discussion, that this is not the last time that we are going to
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be talking about community policing and defining that. my hope is that in the very near future this committee, along the lines of what the chairman was trying to do, could have a joint meeting with the police commission so that both the legislative body and the policy and oversight body of the police department can engage in that discussion. there are many questions i have, but i think it is important to hear from the public. i will be honest with you. having served on the police commission, i remember so many initiatives are around the issue of community policing. you had supervisor mirkarimi talk about chief ribera. in 2006, there was a report on current efforts in community policing. a number of citizens were involved in creating that and had a number of recommendations. i wonder the extent to which
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those recommendations were followed and the extent to which they are being implemented. at some point, the captain mentioned perf. that also had a number of recommendations around community policing. the ingles said police station -- ingleside police station was to implement those changes, and i am not clear whether that has been going on. there have been other things that have not happened. you are doing the best thing to implement this, and i saw what you mean by community policing in response to the violence that was happening in the mission. i saw with my own eyes how you were able to bring the community together to talk about interactive ways in which we could respond to the environment. there are a lot of questions that remain. i know my colleagues have these
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questions. i would like to turn it to public comment period before that, i do not know if my colleagues would like to make any statement before we go to public comment. chairperson mirkarimi: we can put six studies right here that have been done in the last 10 years. we do not need more studies. we need implementation. on community policing, we have all the data and how to access the police department and the criminal-justice system. we just need implementation. i still put that situation out there and what may be learned from the public in this case. whoever the successive mayor or the next police chief or next captains -- if there is nothing institutionalized, what is to say that does not reset itself? that is likely -- is exactly the married around we are on. i love these great ideas. but if we are striking it rich
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because we have a generation in the police department right now who are the committed to community policing, who is to say your successors will carry that out? there is literally nothing binding within the city government, police commission, or dgos that say that new police officers that come on have to follow anything. the mayor -- there could be one mayor who is really into -- your boss is not the board. your boss is the police commission and the chief executive. if the mayor says with executive authority, the constructed completely. they should have that flexibility. but the question is it has always leaned in that direction. when is it going to lean in the direction of being a main emphasis on community policing? i think that is where we really get down to the bottom. chief godown: i think the
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definition of community policing is going to be to find what the definition is of the people behind me. my concern is that you are backing me into a corner to legislate what community policing should or should not be. as an interim chief of police, i should have some flexibility as to how to deploy more resources. i think the captain gave a phenomenal power point presentation. i can tell you one thing i do agree with. there is not enough focus. i see officers on foot confecting the public. that is more of an impression and to see them in the police car. unfortunately, that is not the main means of community policing. i think this department as a phenomenal job in that fashion. but i think we could be here until 12:00 and still not have a definition for community policing. i would love to have more foot beats. i can tell you that as the
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budget nears and we start talking about the budget, as the budget constraints get tighter and tighter and we have less personnel, those foot beats will be affected by that and i do not want that to happen. i have commander david lazar. he can talk to you after the public comment on what happened with the perf study. in reference to the community concerns, i agree with ample -- with them. if i had the captain of was comfortable with, i would want the captain to be in that district for a long time. unfortunately, with stepping and promotion issues, sometimes captains are moved. in a perfect world, all those captain should be trained the same. conflict -- community policing should be done in the same fashion. treading captains -- it should be a constant flow for them. the should not be a lack of
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service when it comes to community policing. that is on me. the captain's need to be trained. we need to make sure we have community policing across the board in districts that are consistent. as long as i stand up here and where this little star, my office door is open to anybody in this room to make an appointment to talk to me. i have been very proactive about going out to the community and being in places where a lot of people said, "you could send an assistant chief or a captain." i did not have to attend this meeting today. i came because i do care. i care about community policing. i am very excited to listen to the feedback from the community about their vision of community policing. it cannot be just an officer walking down the street waving their hand and saying, " hi, john." i have to balance the needs of my officers, the colorado load,
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and the crime issues we have in this city. with that, i will hand it over to the community. supervisor campos: i think supervisor cohen may have a question. supervisor cohen: i do not have so much of a question, but more of a statement to the members of the public that are here today. it speaks to specifically what supervisor mirkarimi was talking about in the lack of continuity in the definition and implementation of community policing. we have a packed chamber. i want to encourage everyone who lives in the city and county of san francisco to exercise their vote when november comes, when it comes time to collect our next supervisor. this is a friendly public service announcement to remember that showing up to meetings is
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only half of the democratic process. the community policing is each and everyone of us in this chamber. it is the young woman who came up into the podium and the students who came up to the podium. all of us are partners in the definition. with the other supervisors, we are trying to create a legal definition of community policing to help identify and codify community policing. everybody does have a working knowledge definition of what community policing is. we should start to look at ourselves as partners in community policing. when i am riding the bus and people do not know i represent district 10, when i am on the line and i see the young kids acting up or littering or throwing trash on the ground, community policing is stepping in and saying, "listen,
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brothers. this is our community." thank you. i appreciate that. it is not solely on the san francisco police department to send police. we have a lot of elders in the chamber with us today. it is important to empower them and recognize their leadership and time they have spent to mentor, and their role in community policing. those are my brief comments. thank you. supervisor campos: i want to recognize the executive director of the department of children, youth, and their families, as well as a member of her office. it is important that dcyf is here, because they provide oversight and management of a lot of violence prevention programs in the city. thank you for coming to listen to what the public has to say.
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let me call on the speakers. if you can please line up, you each have two minutes. i apologize if i mispronounced your name. susan nelson, kevin carroll, walter paulson. >> good evening to everyone. it is a pleasure for me to be here today. the reason i am here -- i am supporting the police and community policing. i have always supported for many years. i went to the police commission meeting. i must first identify myself, where i live, and what i do. i have lived in the mission district for over 50 years. i live on brian and 24th. i work on treat and harrison and i run an after-school program.
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i want to think -- thank dcyf for all the support they give us. i look forward to see the days that we do not have to be always afraid when we walk the street. i would like to see the children i have worked with and the rest of the neighbors be very happy, feel successful and probably live in our neighborhood. i think that with the beat officers, i think that makes a great success. it makes the children see the police not as enemies. i think it is really wrong when we see them as enemies. i see them as a team that we can work with. before that happens, we have to work with them. we need to know the officers in our neighborhood. we need to start having activities. let me start talking about the mission, because i live in the
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mission. the community need to get together. we say we want to get involved. we want to work with the police. the police want to work with us. unless we all get together, we will always stay apart. i know all of you know what is happening now in the mission. i should not be out tonight. maybe when i get ready to go home, something may happen. but i happen to be one of the persons who feels that. thank you very much. supervisor campos: next speaker, please. ian mcgee, david dell. >> my name is marie sorenson. i am a member of the 24th street organization. before we had beat cops, we did not have a lot of officers down in our part of the mission. i live close to general hospital.
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and the police captain would say, "you know, they start coming down and then something happens and then they stop because there is a problem, and then they have to go make an arrest and have to go back to the station." they fill out the paperwork and come back and go a little further. they still do not make it down to 24th and petrero. the other thing about mission station is we share it with noe valley and the castro. where would you rather go? when we started having beat officers, what started happening was the street became a little nicer. people met the beat officers. it started to change the local
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24th street on just walking down the street. i think probably 62. i actively encourage to keep the beat officers, because they really make a big difference. the make a big difference on lower 24 street. i just encourage you to keep them there. we at least have some cops. >> my name is kevin carroll. i am the executive director of the fisherman's wharf community benefits district. i am here to represent the central station community advisory board. that has helped our district and our neighborhood. we have been talking about the
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community, not just what affect their individual area. when we work on fisherman's wharf, it is important what is happening in the surrounding neighborhood. my colleagues from chinatown and north beach -- i would like to talk about our shared issues with the captain, but also find solutions amongst ourselves that suggest to the captain what we are working on. since i have been a member of that organization, and has been helpful to me, because it is important to know what is going on in the areas around our district. we talked about changing captains. that is a reality. it has helped us to have the citizen's advisory board. we have had three captains in two years. it has been a way for us as a group to help orient those new captains and work with them on what has been happening in our
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district, sharing our institutional knowledge of what has been happening. that has been a very good thing for us to be able to work with them as part of it. i am going to share a brief examples of the programs we have worked on as a community. the first one is related to youth. we had a lot of youth talking about getting to know the police officers. one of the members set our schools do not feel comfortable with the police. they have started a program that started a few months ago. the police officers went into the school and invited the students into central station. since then, the students have learned more about the station. >> i am and she -- angie menkin.
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i am a relatively new member of the ingleside cpad, and i appreciate the opportunity to speak with you tonight. we really do need a common definition of community policing. i have kind of struggled with that. as a new member, i have been doing some research in trying to figure out what is my role here. there are some training materials. i think there could be more. as we know, it comes from the top. having a vision statement for the police department, for each captain, that really crystallizes what community policing is, at least in san francisco or right now, i think it is a really good thing. i understand that implementation will be and should be station by
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station, really, and the captains and the chief need some flexibility to implement community policing. but i think the community needs to understand what is and how to define it. there really should not be 100 definition's if there are 100 people in the room. in my view, we need to encourage the real partnership between the police department and the community. youth is a huge part of it. i live in the excelsior district. we want to encourage are used to be empowered, to be safe, to be active, and have options. that is why i am participating. we have had a couple of youth forums. i think w
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