tv [untitled] March 11, 2011 8:30am-9:00am PST
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up. i hope and then will be in consideration for those. i know there was exploration for a commission on the environment. i can think of a number of commissions where i think she would have the expertise and talent to serve this city well, but i think it is unfortunate that we find ourselves in this position. but i will be supporting the motion. thank you. supervisor avalos: just a couple things i want to respond to. i am not sure. i'm not sure if charlie talked about his ethnic background, but he is egyptian american. he has ties to turkey. i think he adds a level of diversity to the committee. i think it is also important to
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note the work someone does in the community and the process about work. if you are someone who is part of bringing new views into the way that the cccd does its deliberations, that is adding new input and dialogue from community members whose voice would not be part of that. that is part of the mission. charlie was part of the change in how the community has done its work. the thing that is really important to consider. i think a good community organizer, a good community worker -- that person's views change as community members are involved in the process. it is about dialogue and communication. i do not think a good community organizer is someone who shuns the ideas that come from the community. i think that is the value he
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brings to the cccd. lastly, it made it really hard to decide whether i was going to not select -- not vote for nicole rivera or not. the fact that she was a staff member for nancy pelosi made it difficult to want to make this amendment because of that relationship. there is a lot of power in that relationship. there is also a lot of access to community people from a different perspective i think is valuable. it is based on the work turley has done in the community that has made me make this amendment. i hope you could change your mind and support me on that effort. thank you. supervisor elsbernd: as a member of the rules committee who did not support the gentleman being put forward today but actually
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supported the other candidate, maybe give me a few seconds to explain why. people have begun to nip around the edges. for me, the biggest concern i have about a community development block grants is not whether enough communities are being served. we all recognize that is a challenge and we are all trying to do that. but i think any objective observer would recognize the biggest threat to community grant money right now is the federal government. it is the biggest problem. the federal government is constantly making cuts. it would seem to me if we are trying to preserve that funding have access to that money, we would take advantage of an applicant who has the connections that she does. going with my amendment here, the spreading the wealth among the communities are having
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community diversity is not more important than what i think is the biggest problem, and what any observer should see is the biggest problem, and that is the federal government. we have the opportunity to have a great applicant. that gentleman can help his cause and do his thing. i think we are making a big mistake for the future of the community development block grant by rejecting an applicant of this caliber and with this experience. supervisor weiner: no. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye.
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supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. >> there are six ayes and five nos. president chiu: motion to amend passes. on the motion as amended, if we could take a roll-call vote. supervisor weiner: no. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: no. supervisor cohen: [silence] president chiu: supervisor
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cohen? supervisor cohen: no. supervisor elsbernd: no. supervisor farrell: no. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. >> there are six ayes and five nos. president chiu: the motion as amended is approved. it could go back to item 22, please. >> a resolution requesting the recreation and park department and the department of the environment to establish a comprehensive parts recycling program. supervisor mirkarimi: colleagues, this issue is not unfamiliar to anybody here. there has been thorough hearings on this matter. but we have learned today is that the rec and parks
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department issued an unlawful detainer against the recycling center. i think that only escalates the matter in what i believe is an unprincipled way. i think this resolution is ever more timely and signaling to all stakeholders in this discussion. that is to work with the hank recycling center, dude due diligence, and look for alternative locations. that had not been done under mayor newsom. we ask that it be done. that is what the essence of this resolution does. in short, there is no plan
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whatsoever to compensate for the loss of an industrial recycling facility that takes in approximately 1,600 tons of recyclables per year. in lieu of that particular loss is a plan to have vending machines that would be distributed in 27 areas around grocery stores. if a think we are going to have a people traffic problem because people feel there is never heard this stress around the homeless, a guarantee that problem is going to escalate exponentially when you think you are going to put a soda machine vending system at a grocery store where people are simply feeding in bottles and cans to compensate
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for the loss of a recycling center in a much more rapid and efficient fashion. i think it is counterintuitive the way this has been handled by the city. we understand they want to move on displacement. i suggest with this resolution that they continue with good- faith discussions in looking for alternate locations. here is the rub. puc wants to put a water recycling plant on golden gate property. it is a non-conforming use according to the golden gate master plan. neighborhoods have spoken up and said, "we do not want to hear it." that are moving to look for an alternate location. on the east end of golden gate park, there is retail like a laundromat and others that are
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also considered a non- conforming use. by law and by definition, they should be affected as well. there is an approach the city has taken in singling out why hank should be moved, especially with an unlawful detainer. that is what is represented in this resolution. i realize some of you would like to see an amendment or tweak to this. but i do believe that we should move this forward, hoping that a resolution is achieved between all parties.
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>> i want to thank all our colleagues who have sent to this hearing. this has been difficult for a number of reasons. how we recycle is changing over time. this has been an important institution in our city, and certainly in the haight-ashbury neighborhood. i do want support -- to support the ability of this organization to move forward and continue to provide leadership. i hope we are able to change the language and length that refers to the mayor directing the termination of the lease. obviously, we are still right now before the city, alternative recycling services, a to
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>> i would strongly urge my opponent to -- my colleagues to oppose the amendment. rec and park have acted in good faith. i do not want to set a standard that having a number of hearings is not good faith. making this amendment sets that president. i think that would be a serious mistake. if you have a problem with what they have done, but for the resolution. but do not set a legal precedent that having a number of public hearings is not acting in good faith. that is a serious mistake. this has a lot of serious repercussions beyond henk. but this amendment is much bigger and potentially sets a precedent i do not think the maker has thought through. i would urge a no vote. -- supervisor elsbernd:. supervisor mirkarimi: i
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appreciate the warning side, -- sign, but that is the corpus of why we had a hearing at the board of supervisors, because of what was omitted and absent in commission hearings about henk, and the question of how that justifies displacement based on the city master plan, the lack of recycling and what to do with a particular turf of the park. not a lot of this detail came out in new -- in the rec and park hearing. we were well informed by dissecting very clearly what was discussed and not discussed. clearly, it was already a presupposed determination to move on hanc. that is what the band was.
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the fact is that there were plenty of details that came out in this particular board of supervisors. rec and park is one of only two commissions citywide that are not appealable to the board of supervisors. frankly, sometimes, when the are not in agreement with us, i am sure soon that is going to come back as well. as it relates to this particular notion, that is why the hearing was so substantive is because of the fact that if anyone believes you are going to lose a recycling center with that capacity and think you are going to replace it with a vending machines in the surrounding
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area, you have 10 times more reason to have a sit-lie law that is not going to be implemented. supervisor campos: i simply want to say that i think it is very unfortunate that we did have this unlawful detainer action being filed. i think it is very unfortunate we got to this point. i am very hopeful that the city reconsiders the action. i know they -- i know there are very passionate perspectives on this. i would respectfully ask the mayor's office to step back and rethink the way this issue is being approached. the fact is that some of the decisions that have been made predate this administration. i think the fresh perspective of the mayor's office has taken on
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a number of issues is one that is badly needed on this one. i would hope there is reconsideration of where we are on this issue. with respect to the rec and park commission, i understand the reasons people are moving in this direction, but i respectfully believe this action is misguided, and i do disagree with the outcome so far. i would hope that the department reconsidered. thank you. supervisor elsbernd: supervisor campos, i am not saying you cannot disagree with what they did or have a different opinion about the outcome. i think this amendment potentially has more ramifications beyond this issue, the notion that the process they have done is a process that can never follow again. go ahead and vote yes on the
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resolution, but the amendment is potentially much more complicated than just hanc. i am very cautious of this amendment. president chiu: any further discussion? if we could first take a roll- call vote on the amendment. supervisor weiner: no. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: no. supervisor cohen: no. supervisor elsbernd: no. supervisor farrell: no. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. supervisor mar: aye. president chiu: the amendment is passed. unless there is any further discussion, a vote on the resolution as amended. supervisor weiner: no. supervisor avalos: aye.
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supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: no. supervisor cohen: no. supervisor elsbernd: no. supervisor farrell: no. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. >> there are six ayes and five nos. president chiu: the resolution is adopted. >> items 27 through 37 are for immediate adoption without committee reference. there will be decided by a single roll call vote. president chiu: would anyone like to sever one of these items? supervisor kim: i would like to continue item 35. supervisor elsbernd: 34 and 35.
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supervisor mirkarimi: 35. president chiu: if we could take a roll-call vote on all items 27 through 37 except for 34 and 35? supervisor weiner: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. >> there are 11 ayes. president chiu: those resolutions are adopted. item 31. >> item 31 is a resolution authorizing the department of public health to accept and
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expend a grant from the public health condition enterprises in the amount of $27,000 to participate in a program entitled "implementing new directions in hiv prevention." president chiu: do i understand you want to continue this item for a week? supervisor kim is making that motion, seconded by supervisor supervisor campos:a -- by supervisor campos. you did not sever 31? on item 31, can we adopt this without objection? this privilege -- this resolution is adopted. >> item 34 addresses community concerns racial, religious, --
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concerns surveillance, racial, and religious profiling. supervisor mirkarimi: normally we would want to send something like this to committee. i think it speaks for itself, based on what had been a very robust hearing held by the hr commission. i want to reduce something from the "new york times." representative peter king from rhode island appears to harbour fears and happiness of the muslim community of the united states. of the homeland security committee, on thursday, he plans to open the first of a series of hearings into the threat of home-grown islamic terrorism and the allegation that muslim americans have failed to cooperate with law enforcement efforts to foil terrorist plots. i felt there should be at least
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some response to what i think is a very severe action by this particular congressman. this resolution speaks to that. i appreciate supervisor avalos for his co-sponsorship. were it not for the timing of this, i would encourage this to go before committee. i would prefer a vote on it. president chiu: it is going to committee. supervisor kim: my request is to continue item 35 to next week. president chiu: that has been seconded by supervisor campos. >> i would like to read the item. resolution opposing the proposed elimination of medi-cal funding
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for adult day health center programs in the state of california. supervisor elsbernd: based on the actions of last week, where four of us boded against resolutions like this that are not budget balanced, i would like to send this to committee. president chiu: to committee. if we can go to our imperative agenda, i believe supervisor mar has a resolution. >> it declares march 12 as an arbor day in the city and county of san francisco. president chiu: supervisor mar has made a motion, seconded by supervisor campos. supervisor mar: i just wanted to thank the great staff from dpw
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who are coordinating with many community groups for arbor day. please join us. thank you. president chiu: let me see if there are members of the public who wish to comment on this item. seeing none, if it to carol call on the imperative resolution. -- if we can take roll-call on the imperative revolution -- resolution. supervisor weiner: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. >> there are 11 ayes. president chiu: could you read any in memoriams? >> this meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals. on behalf of supervisor weiner,
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anyway, so now they know when a ticket to a. hal>> to you have something you want to get rid of? >> why throw it away when you can reuse it? >> it can be filtered out and used for other products. >> [speaking spanish] >> it is going to be a good thing for us to take used motor oil from customers. we have a 75-gallon tank that we used and we have s
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