tv [untitled] March 14, 2011 6:30am-7:00am PDT
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question then. i would hate for the report to have to wait for solutions to problems that have been decades- long problems. maybe some balance between the two. there are some challenges that the city has had before it, with respect to setting rates that compensate for the cost of power provided that has been with us for quite a long time. not a problem that we would have in order to release this report, i would hope. president vietor: it sounds like something you want is a plan for implementation? i think we could probably move forward, understanding that there is a lot of moving parts, the cca, covering costs of
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service, and all the things we have flagged. perhaps you could come back to us with a sense of when, if it moves forward from this commission and goes to the board and gets adopted, then, perhaps, you could come back in one of the subsequent meetings and let us know what it would take to take eight -- to have a budget. vice president moran: a question i have on that, if the report is a free more, -- is a framework, there is at least one recommendation there -- there may be more than that. funding for a period of time. i think until we have a financial plan incorporated as part of this, it would be inappropriate to have those kinds of recommendations. president vietor: mm-hmm. i think that is a point well
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taken. we do not want an unfunded mandate, and if we are going to commit ourselves to this, we need to know what the revenue stream is. vice president moran: i can find it for you. commissioner torres: i thought we had tried not to make that? vice president moran: it is in the report. >> just from recollection, i think the only area where we talk about specific dollar amounts was with the funds we are receiving as a result of the transby cable. is that it? vice president moran: that is not it. i will provide you with that citation. president vietor: is there something else before we move this forward? is there any problem with voting this to the next meeting i know
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that the gentleman is eager to keep this widget voting this to the next meeting? i know that the gentleman is eager to get this going. -- is there any problem with voting this to the next meeting? i know that the gentleman is eager to get this going. vice president moran: an outline without dollar commitments in it, i think it would be fine. if we could pass that today, with the expectation that that would be corrected, that is fine. if you want to take time to dot all the i's and cross all the t's, that is fine. president vietor: we understand that there is not a dollar amount attached to it, and with
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the understanding that we want to know how to fund it. commissioner torres: my only question is the expectation of the board of supervisors. the last lafco i was at, they were frustrated with how slow this process was, and i could not agree with them more. with respect to this agency moving quickly. >> i think the moving quickly sentiment or lack thereof that you heard at the last meeting was with respect to reporting on this but also with respect to the overall implementation of community choice aggregation, and we are in negotiations at this time on community choice aggravation and are making forward progress there. with respect to this report, our expectation in bringing it to the board is to have indorsed and give us the broad vision, endorse the broad vision, with the umbrella under which we will
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implement the recommendations and bring recommendations for with for endorsement, specific adoption and implementation. commissioner torres: commissioner. -- commissioner moran's comments? getting that before it is set to the board? >> we will bring each program element -- before it is sent to the board? >> we will bring each program element. it will be at the time the recommendation implementation is brought to the commission. if you would like us to also capture that in a broader brush way in a plan, and implementation budget is i think the terminology, .-- an implementation budget is i think the terminology. president vietor: i would be comfortable moving forward with
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a plan with directives through the general manager to come back to this commission. the board might make some adjustments to this. they might make some comments. they might say, "this piece we do not like," or "we would like to make adjustments to this piece." to move the plan forward. commissioner torres: more of a perception than a reality that this commission is moving forward. the response of the board of supervisors, they are governing along with the mayor of the city. having said that, on recommendation no. 10, page 81, the regulatory participation. >> yes, commissioner? commissioner torres: have we had conversations with the california public utilities
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commission about this arrangement? >> we are in continuous participation at the california public utilities commission. when you are saying recommendation 10, and you are pointing towards page 81 -- commissioner torres: correct. >> i am not seeing the specific recommendation you're referring to. commissioner torres: it says to encourage policy. >> thank you. i see it at the top of the page now. yes, we confer with them continuously. commissioner torres: why do we need to refer to do that? >> to continue the level of participation. commissioner torres: and this goes back to my main question, are they participating with us? >> yes. commissioner torres: in a positive manner? >> yes. we participate in their formal
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process as well as dialogue with emperor -- with them. commissioner torres: is the city attorney present? >> yes. commissioner torres: is that you put your colleagues? >> it is the colleagues. -- is that your colleagues? >> it is the colleagues. commissioner torres: ok, i just wanted to know the players. thank you. president vietor: so are there further comments or questions on the electricity plant? -- plan? >> i can make one point. commissioner moran points out funding for the city going forward at millions for the next 10 years, and recommendation two has funding for 2017, 2018,
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and i think this is not a specific dollar amount. >> that sounds fine, and i would be happy to make that change. president vietor: commissioners, before we go to public comment, anyone else on this? commissioner torres: do we have a motion? president vietor: yes, we can take a motion. the motion is to move forward, is to endorse goals, objectives, in general strategies in the updated resource plan -- and general strategies in the updated resource plan. commissioner torres: the second was going to direct director harrington to do something. >> you have an agenda item and a
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resolution under item eight in your packet, so we are asking you to move item eight, as staff has recommended. >> the first resolves to endorse the goals. -- resolve is to endorse the goals. commissioner torres: i move. president vietor: as by commissioner moran. commissioner torres: i would hope commissioner moran would second. vice president moran: i am getting confused. the first one -- the second one, to forward this to the board. that is fine. the third is that we direct the general manager for the recommendations contained in this plan better for items under
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control of the commission. -- this plan that are four items under control of the commission, -- that are for items under control of the commission, and the next is to come back, and i guess my question is whether we should add to that including a plan for the finances. commissioner torres: that was part of my motion. i was hoping you would set and it. -- second it. vice president moran: you are way ahead of me, as usual. >> one was to remove this is a dollar amount. -- this specific dollar amount. >> you can just do that administratively. president vietor: there is a motion on the table, seconded korea of those in favor? -- all of those in favor?
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>> there are others who will, aside from me, as well. i am with the san francisco green party. so as staff mentioned, i once again praised them -- praise them. it allowed a lot of the grass roots organizations and others to have a lot more on this process, and the cca sections were not robust enough, and we really weighed in on that, and to'staffs credit, they mentioned -- and to staff's
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credit, they mentioned it more. kind of along the lines that commissioner moran was saying. we keep recommending it, and we are not being heard yet, and that is that you have in contract -- in the contract local power, the community choice aggregation creator, and so, we would see no problem with this actually going forward today, but we would like in the interim, before it gets to the board, for the note -- for the sfpuc to make comments, so we get a robust look at cca's role. along the lines -- role,
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along the lines of what commissioner moran was saying, and we would ask you to do that. it seems to be starting to lean probably a bit too much towards an emphasis of the possibility of bringing in new steam loops into development projects and using them for combined heat and power for electricity. there is no problem with taking an existing steam loop or one we know is going to be built. to the extent that this plan would push us in the direction of actually encouraging more steam loops, that is not a good greenhouse gas response, so we would want you to put in language today that says a bit about how we should be focusing
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on passive heating and cooling, instead of using the archaic methods overpower -- method of steam loops. president vietor: thank you. hello, sir. >> good afternoon. president vietor: congratulations on the power plant. >> thank you. president vietor: you worked hard on that. >> and this would really make my day complete, moving this along. i have been on the power plant taskforce since its inception, and i think that is 11 years now. we pushed hard, and we got the first electric resource plan, an ordinance that made both the department of the environment and the puc -- which was
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adopted in 2002. since then, we have been encouraging either side or all sides to keep it up. things have changed. the recommendations that were made in 2002 were in some ways very aggressive and in some ways were not, and for the most part, i think it had to do with that we gain a lot of knowledge as we move through life, and, certainly, at this point, this report is not a directive, per se. it is an outline. it identifies so many challenges and gives a so many potential solutions -- and did so many potential solutions that it affects the board of sups and others. we do have a new rule that says major buildings have to be reviewed by either -- a
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different type of examination according to the top of power that we use. the previous gentleman was mentioning about how steam loops are a bad thing, and in the traditional fashion, they probably are. an apartment or units or development, instead of a traditional water boiler, a steam heater, whatever, yes, you are burning fossil fuel, but you are getting a 85% sun, 87% efficiency, instead of the below 50% efficiency is -- but you are getting a 85%, 87% efficiency, instead of the below 50% efficiency if you are using natural gas. i do not think we will get rid of that in the next 10 years, but i would really encourage you to move this as it is, and,
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believe me, on march 24, the next task force meeting, we are really hoping that is our last meeting, because there were two things that we were tasked with, including closing power plants, so it would really make my day. thank you. president vietor: thank you. public comments? any further public comments? i just wanted to clarify this amendment, and with the council's blessing, we can move it. this directs the general manager to return to the commission with further details, including a financial and operational implementation plan. represent environmental assessments -- representative environmental assessments, and others. further comments on this item? all of those in favor?
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commissioner torres: aye. president vietor: p [[ -- opposed? the motion carries. next item, please. secretary housh: item nine, a staff presentation and discussion of the development of an urban watershed framework for san francisco, a proposed process to determine appropriate solutions, collection system improvements, stormwater control, and low-impact design, to minimize flooding throughout the city. >> this was a follow-up on the cesar chavez, so if we can go through one more presentation on this, it would be wonderful. president vietor: yes, of course. can you bear it?
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>> capital program director. i am going to be presenting the process that we are going through currently to develop the urban watershed framework, and at our last meeting on february 22, we talked about the improvement program size, the duration. many in the program will be collection-system related. so one of the real drivers for doing it is to have a transparent process, because this will be such a public process, and we do have so many interested members of the public that relate to watershed framework. flooding, permit compliance. we are being asked by the regional board and others to begin improving our control of storm water, and this is going to be something that we see progressively as we bring new permits in the future. right now, we are in the second year -- as we read new permits
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in the future. -- as we renew permits in the future. being able to use stormwater supplies. many of the fixes for the system, flooding, can be fixed with pipelines. we are being asked to be more creative, think outside of sarb- ox, and let's make sure we use our money -- think outside of the box, and let's make sure we use our money -- low-impact design. the level of service that the commission has adopted for the improvement program includes many that relate to this area, but the primary one is minimizing flooding, and that is where our concern is. we want to improve the areas that have been susceptible to flooding. so, today, we are talking about
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what this is, what factors are involved in reforms, the process we are going through to develop the framework, and some ongoing efforts. 36% of the city's service area, and the eastside represents 64% of the service area. -- the eastside represents 64%. -- the east side represents 64%. we tried to utilize gravity -- we try to utilize gravity to reduce costs. water is going to tend to stay in those areas if it does fall,
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and there are three on the west side and five on the east side. i also want to highlight here, showed on the map, we have areas that straddle different watersheds. golden gate park over to the west, the presidio, and one down to the south. when we talk about urban watershed management, it really means just that. we are constructing storm water elements that will help us control stormwater. we want to be able to capture rainwater and reduce the load on the system, so we have enough capacity to mitigate flooding, encourage potable water reuse, but it is like a project in itself. it is not just putting out one area and hoping it will work. it is engineered. it requires engineering and
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development. we do not know much about it. we are going to have a long way to go as we develop these projects and learn how effective they are and what the costs are. so one nice little starting point is in a natural system, if we were to get a rainstorm, most of the water is either evaporated or infiltrated. very little is running loss. however, in an urban setting, most of the water is running off -- very little is running off. however, in an urban setting, most of the water is running off. paging, steep slopes, urbanization -- paving, steep slopes. blogging normal rainfall patterns, and there are
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challenges. -- blocking normal rainfall patterns. there are areas susceptible to flooding, and they do tend to be more on the east side of town. 280 divides part of the city, there. we'll be hearing about the project on cesar chavez that is putting in a pipeline to help mitigate a chronic problem there. this has been based on modeling, and we are believers in modeling because we calibrate models. we use actual physical measurements obtained in the field and from our observations. does it fled here? we have people who are out when it is raining note -- does it flood here? we have people who are out there
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when it is raining. we calibrate what is happening in the system and feed that back into the model. bringing in our system to life. -- bringing our system to life. it will require us to look at low-impact design and green technique. i will be participating in a meeting in april, and we will be talking specifically about this topic, low-impact design and watershed management, and other cities are also beginning to study things, just as we are. president vietor: can you just talk for one more minute about that? permit compliance, there are issues? >> what we are beio is look on the west side about reduction of the discharges and
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looking at using beane techniques to do that, so reducing the amount -- note using green -- reduction of discharges and looking at using green techniques to do that. they are conveyed to our treatment plants for treatment, so we are treating storm water plus sanitary flows. it is not disinfected, but it still allows settleables and floatables. they are looking for green techniques that will reduce things in the volume. president vietor: i see. >> and it has changed around the ocean and around the bay, and we
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have other challenges. so storm water management also provides a bevy of other benefits. in addition to flood control, we are coordinating with gray water and recycle used -- use. optimization of our collection system, by reducing the speed at which water gets to our system and reducing the amounts. we actually buy some capacity for those intensive storms that david was talking about. water quality improvements, the opportunity to improve levels, and we also of the improvements for habitat as well as watershed function and opportunities for greening within neighborhoods, so what we are looking at, and i would like to get your input to
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see if this does make sense or if there are other directions you would like to see us going, is to detail what we will be going through to assess each of the watterson's -- watersheds that i showed you, each of the basin's -- basins. one opportunity that this has provided us with is that we have collaborated with a great deal with the water enterprise, the power enterprise, and external departments, as well. because there is a lot of opportunity, and we want to maximize city resources where we can make these come to fruition. step two will be assessing each of the watersheds to see how they perform now. where is there flooding? are there areas that are undersized? are there opportunities? some areas are going to be quite steep and have an area at the bottom that may be flooding. the cesar chavez area.
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