tv [untitled] March 14, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT
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carpenter out -- or a great plumber one in some cases, but they will have one that is only 10%. overall, labor's at 40%, and the contract in total is 40%. do you really want to go over it them for the 10% of the 10% in their grouping? one of the things we are interested in and hopeful of is working with the mayor's office, the flexibility the ordinance allows for focusing on the things most important to make it most successful. finally, we are identifying projects that are in the pipeline, the sewer projects. where have we not had participation before? how can we get to those and get to the higher percentages? i am happy to answer any questions you might have. chairperson avalos: i think we are ok right now. we might a little bit later, but
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thank you mr. harrington. thank you for your presentation. next, we will have mpa. >> good morning, supervisors. chairperson avalos: good morning. thank you for being here today. >> just a second. i have an overhead. i am sure you can -- for those of you that do not know me, and the deputy executive director for the a 78 -- for the sfmta. we are strongly committed to the local hire ordinance and doing
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everything to ensure that san francisco residents are provided every opportunity to work on a construction project, which include central subway. to further the spirit of the local hire ordinance, which commit to providing financial support to the office of economic and work-force development and city build, to support such programs as the vocational english as a second language program and the tunnel worker preparedness program, in which the puc has just completed its first successful sponsored class. we will continue to seek guidance from oewd and will fully incorporate and implement the city's employment and work force development provisions, including local hire, first source, and city billed to the maximum amount required under state law.
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we'll see guidance on maximizing local hiring on our projects. currently, our executive team is in washington and we will be meeting to discuss the status of federal funding projects. that will include a discussion of the city's new local hire ordinance and the impact that may be effected through capital programs. chairperson avalos: we had controversy about that. the ordinance calls for segregating our local funds and when a project has a mix of local, federal, and state funds. segregate our local funds, and we would apply the local hiring principle where we would not apply it to the federal funds, which could be barred by the constitution. we are getting money for the central subway and other projects. we can have the most robust implementation of that part of
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the ordinance. you are mr. rose had mentioned "federal government would not allow that whatsoever, because our local dollars are drawing down a federal match. that is what our staff are going to be talking to the fed's about in d.c.. is that correct? >> that is correct. the guidance and we have been getting verbally is that any project that receives any amount of federal funding, the guidelines have to be adhered to federally. so the segregation would not be allowed. however, we think there are some opportunities. that is what the executive team intends to discuss in their meetings this week. chairperson avalos: i did want to make sure the ordinance is flexible enough to apply to
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products. "we're very appreciative that it gives us the flexibility to take a look at where the guidelines allow was the opportunity to segregate -- allows us the opportunity to segregate or do labor agreements that are not specifically mandated by federal law. we are in a process where we are trying to find our boundaries. we are trying to establish a model for contracting requirements that will allow us to implement the to as much of the full intent of the ordinance without violating federal law. we are in the process of taking a look. we do not believe we are in a position right now to say federal guidelines, government and we are not going to take a look of the opportunities. we think that not only all contracts going forward can be
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robust enough to include the local hiring policy, but we can even implement requirements into contracts such as the tunnel contract that was advertised. we have opportunities. that. and what is going to depend on the gardens -- federally and the working models are staff are working on to put into our contracts. chairperson avalos: los angeles is doing a lot of work that is funded by the fta and they do have local hiring project labor agreements that will help to generate local hiring. is there a difference that we have here in san francisco that makes it a little more in doubt? >> i would not say there is any difference right now.
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the doctrine to cede -- we are trying to see the clue what is happening on other fronts. l.a. has two options for project to be bid, with or without the requirements. they are still trying to fill their way to see what the fta and others would allow. the project liberal agreements -- we understand that if that allows supplemental agreements like project labor agreement -- where we are looking right now it is at the specific question of whether mandated geographical preference would cause us any problems with the funding. chairperson avalos: great. thank you. >> finally, i want to show you a couple of charts. one is the locally funded construction contract we have
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coming up for this fiscal year. luckily, our funded construction projects include parking facility construction and $3.90 million in traffic signal construction. these will employ the full extent of contracting requirements for local hiring. we believe we are timely and can put these in our contracts and fully implement those. on the other front, the reminder of the contracts we have in our agency that are federally funded make up a huge amount of dollar value of construction for the agency. federal contracts include $393 million in subway contracts this year. we also have about $7.26 million
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in other contract that are federally funded. we are working to develop a contract the model that has requirements that maximize the intent of the local hire ordinance without violating federal law. as we get more guidance on the federal side, we are going to be able to develop that model to as much of the intent and extent that the local hiring law requires. i heard the other departments to think about challenges. we are not as far along in working out the detail focus on the different labor entities. our biggest challenge as an agency, because of the majority of funding coming from the federal side, would be to quickly get to a contract and requirement model than the federally-funded projects. staff are working pretty hard with oewd, city build, and
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the community to see what the model might be. the sf mta is fully committed to support this local hiring ordinance to the full extent feasible. i would be happy to answer any questions you might have. chairperson avalos: i appreciate your time being here. next up, director john martin. >> good afternoon, supervisors. john martin, airport director. we have updated in our strategic plan and changed our mission statement. my are recognizing the importance of providing jobs to san franciscans, providing business opportunities to san francisco businesses, and recognizing that we are an economic engine for the bay
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area and located in san mateo county and need to be a good neighbor there as well. the airport has $124 million in projects directly subject to the local hiring ordinance in the last five years. $78 million of those projects are in the next 18 months. we have $147 million in additional projects that have grant funding over the next five years. will be seeking to maximize local hiring under those projects, following closely what mta does in being able to segregate the funds. we think there may be ways in our power and safety areas to do the same thing. we are both part of the department of transportation. that will likely set a standard we can follow. i will be careful not to repeat things my fellow department heads of said. at the basic level, the
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partnership is really key, the partnership we have with oewd and the working group, and working with partners on the contract inside, labor unions from san francisco and san mateo county, which is a unique as but for the airport. we are drilling down the specific hours required by trade on the upcoming construction projects so we can work together with the working group, reach out to union leaders to develop a strategy in making sure the goals are met. we are making sure labor availability is there to continue to work. we have 66 employees under city build.
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that has been a great success for us, and we want to continue to build on that success. chairperson avalos: in terms of where your numbers might vary by trade currently for their concession projects, could you summarize the? >> i do not have the same level of detail that ed harrington and others have. tcommunications, roofing small buildings -- probably the largest categories are for electricians, electronic technicians, and some very specialized work related to the sewage treatment plant improvements and new camera system changes throughout the airport. i apologize that i do not have more detail. this is where we have to get specific data.
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chairperson avalos: we can follow that in the months ahead. thank you for being here. next up, i call up lon simmons -- rhonda simmons. you will be talking about what the person looking for work can expect to find and how to apply and find work. >> yes. thank you for inviting my office to be a part of this presentation. we have been working on local hire for least the last two years, trying to maximize local employment in this economy. i would like to thank my colleagues. also hrc, and the porch and
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parks and wreck -- the port and parks and rec. we could not do this without our partner department -- partner department's assistant as. the legislation is really about work force. while it has been controversial on a lot of fronts, we have core places to make it work. city building is probably our anchor academy. we are probably on our 12th cycle. we have placed well over a thousand folks into 26 apprenticeships. we have hit every apprenticed in this city. recovered them all. we represent about 44% of the folks going into the apprentice trades through city build. we have perfected the training.
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both of our heads of done a tremendous job. we have operated on a partnership model. it operates with four anchor cbo's. we started with 15 and realized that was too many to get the quality we wanted. we went to a comprehensive rfp process to get our core group. our core group has settled on m -- settled on mission hiring hall and others. all is done to city college to ensure folks who are wanting to go back to school can do that. city bill is a credit-bearing program. the places or points of recruitment or entry to get into construction have also expanded.
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not only do we have those four cbo's, we also have expanded our one stop system to include a total of 51-stops across the city. we have one in chinatown with self-help for the elderly. we have one in visitation valley. we have a partnership with hsa, soon to be a partnership with good will. we have one in western addition and center -- and civic center supported by good will, and one in the mission district. in addition, we also offer ongoing orientations are folks that are already passed the apprenticeships point and are journeymen looking for work. we offer help the couple of times a month. based on demand, i would
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anticipate over time if we need to expand that we will. particularly if there are special projects are things we need to adjust for. just a couple of quick commercials on other academies we are running that i think may have some overlap. we also are aware that local hire will drop a lot of folks. as we go to orientations, they may not all want to be in construction. we have also expanded our sector academy offerings to offer a train at green academy, a health-care academy, and we are looking at expanding into hospitality and culinary arts. chairperson avalos: what we see from the public. thank you for your presentation and word on this. we are going to go ahead and open up for public comment. i have a few cards, but it looks
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like there are more people out there than the cards i have. jim salinas, thomas coleman. that is what i have. everyone else can come ahead and line up. >> good afternoon. thank you, chairman avalos. thank you both, supervisors. i just want to say congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. i am a native san franciscan. i am 58 years old. i have never seen such a thing. i have seen something close when i was a younger woman. this is great. my primary concern has been for the future. future young people in the city,
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future homeowners, young families, and generations to come. i had a major concern. you had a press conference and you were gracious enough to give me a moment, and i was able to speak with you. you had a lot going on, but you lend me your ear. we need all professions included in local hiring. you said this is a start. it is a fantastic start and it is more than what i dreamed of. as a native san franciscan, i am very proud. what i just ask and request very strongly -- you have given me every indication that this will grow. local hiring will grow and encompass other professions. as in the descendants system with a business on third street, i offer a real estate, construction projects, community outreach, marketing, certified notary, property management, and
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i have many degrees. i hope there is some room for me. people like myself in local hiring -- fortunately, i can come in and community outreach. the community does not know what is going on. when it comes to dumping garbage, if we are going to be successful, and we are, we need to educate the public. that is where i come in as being a native san franciscan and one that cares, one that generally cares and has demonstrated that. i have to say we must have local hiring, as we have agreed. chairperson avalos: thank you. i have a few other cards. >> thanks. i am darren brown. i am speaking today from the progressive workers alliance, which is 10 different low-wage
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worker organizations. we agree this is a really exciting organization and we are happy to see the level of responsiveness from the different organizations. there is one thing we think we are still missing to make this legislation successful, and that is clarity for workers. i think our perspective from power, from the chinese progressive association, from the filipino community center, is clarifying how people actually go about applying for these jobs. because there are 23 different trades that are encompassed in the ordinance, it may all operate a little bit differently. i think we need a centralized document in some way the clarifies how people go about either the -- either the apprenticeships or the german trade. what are the steps they need to apply for these jobs as the become available? if we are absent that data, we
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fall back into those familiar with the process of accessing it. the target part of the legislation was the disadvantaged worker side. we are looking at the neighborhoods with the lowest levels of employment, neighborhoods that have faced racism or exclusion based on limited language proficiency and other issues. targeting those neighborhoods was not is mandatory. we were not able to get the language in this ordinance that made that mandatory. we need to get some of this information gap clarified. that is a piece i would love to see moewd take up. i no bright line has been trying to organize that, but if the city could put together and how you open up friendships or apply from it so that we can tell the workers to be ready for a date and get their name on a list, and if you are a journeyman, this is what you need to do, make sure you have your dos up -- those things need to be
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clarified. chairperson avalos: thank you very much. really great suggestions. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is tom pullman. i am a contractors association member and financial officer. i will probably be able to answer some of the questions that have come up recently with in this hearing about some of the reasons why it is difficult for the electrician trade to meet the threshold requirements. a little introduction about the association. we have been around since 1909. we are an association of electrical contractors, sometimes referred to as an electrical sub contractors. 35 of local members -- i also represent contractors from the greater bay area when they
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worked in san francisco. these contractors in good years, such as 2006 and 2007, provide upward of $550 million of electrical installations. in a bad two years, roughly $260 million. we have a large stake in local construction and will be directly impacted by this ordinance. i have previously submitted letters to city officials, have met with many employees from the mayor's office of economic and work-force development. they have been generous with their time. we have problems with for see in our industry, specifically from electrical workers. there is a letter i recently submitted. as local businesses, we support the local economy. we also support the concept of hiring local residents. however, there exists a
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combination of restrictions which make compliance highly impractical, if not impossible. these include california state laws regarding electrical installations and our apprenticeship standards. chairperson avalos: please continue. i would love to hear more of what you have to say. >> state law mandates the electric work in california to be formed by a state-certified electricians. there are approximately 450 electrician's living in san francisco. of this pool of certified electricians, 285 are union electricians, which we are contractually bound to hire. these union electricians are distributed among one-hundred- plus contract is bound by the local hiring ordinance, which
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prohibits hiring outside of the hiring hall and does not allow dispatch by geographical location. all of those items, we are trying to work with to remedy and help us meet the requirements. new hires come from our apprentice applicant list. placement on this list occurs after the complete the process, take the and exam, complete oil -- and complete oral interviews. this process can take several weeks. our focus is on providing lifelong careers. the factors listed above converged to make it very difficult, if not impossible, as an industry to meet the mandates in the local hire ordinance. we cannot change our procedures overnight. we're going to need help from the department of labor and
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local 6. in the meantime, we are going to ask for your support. we have served and supported san francisco for 102 years. we are asking for a little bit of support over the next couple of years as we pledge to work with the city and the office of employment and work-force development. the support we would ask is that there is a provision our capability to the ordinance to suspend any fines for our specialized trade as we work with our partners in the industry and in the city towards compliance. chairperson avalos: i am glad to hear there is an openness for complying with the ordinance. i am glad the flexibility works on many levels. the penalties do not just include fines.
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there will be other ways we can get around that and we have built in ways to be flexible. we can have an ongoing discussion about that and a relationship built around how to make it work and a commitment. it is going to take changing with the times. the times that are changing. everything is moving forward. let's get on the same page and make it happen. >> one element i would like to stress is that as you are i am sure well aware dealing with strong unions -- they have the reluctance to change. in order for us to continue to succeed, we are going to need to make some pretty substantial changes with our partners in labor. if we can get help from the city, which would greatly appreciate that. we are concerned
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