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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2011 6:30am-7:00am PDT

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i wanted to ask you about -- i noticed that some of these sessions, are they one week- long? many of them are like $126. you were saying that, i believe, students that in public housing, the programs are free for them. i see there are residents and non-resident. to be able to apply for the residency, is there adequate identification? >> we have worked very hard to continue to invest in support our own scholarship program. last year, we offered over $200,000 in scholarships
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throughout the year. we offer $300,000 worth of scholarships. and hsa criteria. any household that has an income near the federal poverty level, they are on a sliding scale. we really do work very closely with all of our families and we do not deny people access to our program based on the ability to pay. >> even though some get a scholarship and they don't have to pay, i am wondering, the program through the beacon, are
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those free? >> we have a wide range of costs associated with our programs. they are as low as $29 a session. some are more expensive depending on the nature of the program. all three are augmented by the scholarship program. in hong >> -- >> [inaudible] >> we are exploring different fee structures. >> one quick question for phil. -- phillip. mr. ginsberg, thank you for your
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presentation. as a person that had their first job at the parks, it is a great way to incorporate someone into the work world. i assume he will employ 12 young adults ages 18-24. will there be an opportunity to employ younger folks or have them at some of your sites starting at age 16? that is the age i started that. >> i believe that is specifically for summer lunch programs. we are actually hiring about 150 shelters a beginning at the age of 13. the work program begins for kids ages 13-17.
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it is very well publicized, and a lot that actually promote the programming. i can't tell you the number of applications that we got off hand, but we got a lot. the selections are made. >> for the long weekend, i know he usually has families -- it usually has families. if there was a possibility to volunteer, how do we find out how to do that? >> i wanted to share the information, but perhaps it is not ready for prime time. we want to make the camp available for families, but we also very much understand that the kids might come up without
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families. it will be a hybrid. >> good afternoon, commissioners. as you know, the library offers year-round support for literacy activities. with a focus on providing access and resources. also, locations in every neighborhood reference advisory and homework help. we engage our patrons and teach them how to use our resources. it is the home of a traditional summer reading program. the environmental theme is around energy. it includes weekly arts and science based programs, and gauging the youth through their
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own interests. there is the number of hours red. over 12,000 participants read over 100,000 hours. we expect that number to increase. we are hoping every child in summer camp will participate in summer reading. it captures energy and a volunteer credit hours. in 2010, we have 600 volunteers giving money throughout that time. we will check out the san francisco family pass. of the checkouts, 5500 of them took place during the summer.
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they have developed through the family appreciation day with the infrastructure for checking out and providing access. families can check out a passage to 18 different local attractions including the academy of sciences. this program was launched in early 2010, it was incredibly successful. every pass at every branch library was checked out for that entire month. we decided to enable the programs and are currently confirming the participation to provide more passive.
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>> i am in the community college for the school district. it will double the number of our youth that achieves -- part of that work, it will affect summer programming. we expect to announce the recipient of that. it will target 250 graduating twelfth graders in higher
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education. they will have an opportunity to take class's at the city college. and build some of their skills to be prepared to enroll and complete a degree once they get to an institute of higher education. the other thing that the chancellor has graciously made available is to increase the capacity of the summer school program at city college to enable more of the eleventh and twelfth graders to attend summer school at city college. the recently passed a policy change that will waive the placement tests for high school students so they will be able to enroll and get into use class's. this will be the largest summer school program in its history. and a largely to enable more of the high school students that are not able to get other earning options.
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we are really excited about that opportunity because it brings that bridge to post- secondary process. she will speak a little bit about summer learning networks. >> i came racing over. the summer learning network, we have 60 youth programs that are members. we have enrichment opportunities. our key word, we are working to
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guide the program to add science, math, literacy, and arts into the program with conventionality. one of the signature programs was the summer program that did project based learning with community mapping and community explorations where they divided into groups and took a neighborhood. they interviewed people and a map of the neighborhoods. that is one of our stellar examples, i think. i wanted to mention one of our partners. we got free passes, a total of about 20,000 trips. 20 youth and three adults could go and help give members access
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to a lot of enrichments. some of our partners are the public libraries, the california academy of sciences, the steve young museum, the conservatory of flowers, the performing arts workshop, sf opera, and young arts. i just wanted to make clear some of the things we have going on. questions? thank you. >> just to wrap up, there are a few more slides. there is a learning initiative that is an initiative that is funded by the foundation in the city. they are also helping us with capacity building and technical assistance to make sure that we have high-quality summer school
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programs throughout the city. one thing that i thought was really great, five days a week, four new places to visit, 3 fruits and veggies a day. once a day with a good book and zero soda . it embraces the philosophy and thinking about how our young people anre physically active and experiencing the beautiful things that the city has to offer. the other thing that new day for learning is doing is partnering with the packard foundation with concentrated efforts. and a western addition site
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where they are providing comprehensive summer services that wraps education and learning through the whole day. we are really excited that it is funding this initiative in this city. i think maybe we should hand of. this last slide was following up on the school district efforts. some of the things we are really excited about is the community school's efforts and how the district is also prioritizing summer learning and building different things so we can make sure that young people can make sure to continue to have an enriching experience during the summer. that concludes the city's presentation. i will be here, and i will hand it over to the school district partners.
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supervisor cohen: thank you. school district partners? >> good afternoon, i am the director of development. it is a pleasure to be here. thank you to our city partners. it is exciting to see some many opportunities. i like to introduce dr. janet schultz. she will be discussing summer programming from the district side and the way that we are trying to grow those programs. >> good afternoon supervisors and commissioners. thank you for allowing me to identify the need we have to
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fill gaps in those services. if you refer to the power point presentation i have for you, that is what i will be using. in our current condition, because we have been cut from the state, sfusd has taken a year-long approach to managing the budget. this plan includes significant reductions for education, summer school, and the programs that we offer. what this means for 2011 summer school, we will be offering extended school years, that is for students that receive special education services. not all students receive special education services, but only those indicated in the iep. we will offer our prep courses for students that still need to pass the test along with an
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opportunity for taking the test. we have to continue as a summer schools, it consists of the principal center collaborative and the log cabin branch that goes year round. besides those, we also have an improvement grants specifically in the mission that will be supplementing and offering a summer school. we have grants with summer school, you heard all of the wonderful programs that we have in partnership with the bridge to success programs. her elementary schools, middle and high schools will be through july 15. beyond of offerings that we have identified, there are three groups that we would continue to support through summer schooltht
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in need of summer credit opportunity is our current ninth graders, and newcomer students, recent immigrants, and our eight great students that are in transition. we have identified those three groups because of the importance of the ninth reindeer as being a transition year. -- not have -- ninth grade year as being a transition year. >> just to highlight the importance of the ninth grade year. it is a leading national indicator that not completing high school is a failure of two or more classes in that year. we have an average of approximately 17% that failed
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two or more core academic classes each year. that puts them at an 80% chance of not completing high school within the four years. this next slide gives you a snapshot of the condition of our current ninth graders. these are the numbers and percents of students in the ninth grade from the fall. this is only in english and alter bros. two courses that we would typically offer in summer school. algebra is a true gatekeeper. if they do not get through algebra, then they have a tough
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time mastering geometry and the more advanced courses. as you can see in the data, the end total is that we have 2240 students who took ninth grade english, 441 received an f. i broke it down into various groups. chinese students, out of a totaled 1866 chinese students that took ninth grade english, 5% of them received an f. out of a total of 325 african american students, 94, or 29% of them received an f. latino students, out of a total
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of 863, 21% received an f. out of our english lerner students, 19% received an f. our students to receive special education services, 255, 65 received an f. there are some duplication numbers for those of you poring over the data. you can see the data for the algebra. our newcomer students, who are recent immigrants, also had an extra burden in terms of trying to meet the graduation requirement. they are coming in with a little bit level of english. they only consider one year, or 10 credits of english language
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development courses out of the 40 that students need to complete the english language requirement. the newcomer students typically need extra time within the four years to complete their graduation requirements. we did our data reviews and most of our newcomers students do not earn 50 credits in their ninth great year. that is what they have an opportunity to earn 60 credits. we have approximately 309th grade newcomers and 800 total in ninth throutgh twelth. another group want to highlight is a great transition students. they would have to repeat the
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eighth grade without an intensive program. this program is focused on language arts and algebraic thinking to get them ready for high school. this highlights the estimated need of dp gap we are trying to fill for our summer school program. these are the students that are failing algebra and english in the ninth grade. looking at our average summer school attendance rates, which is about 70%, and then we break down those numbers to the students that can get a supplemental program to get the more credits. the same for the newcomer students. that we have the eighth grade transition students. how we are working to address the need within current budget constraints is we are going to
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line our current resources to support the program as best we can. through the extended school year for the students who receive special education services, we already have the funding for that. we will be addressing their needs to prove that. you have approximations of the number of students needed. we worked with our gear up grant to a line credit support programs for the best. with our school improvement grant, we will be serving approximately 59th graders in the mission. -- 50 ninth graders in the mission. assuming the attendance rates and those eligible for esy gear up and add an extra class for spring numbers, we have
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identified additional needs based on a 25-one student to teacher need. and a 20-1 need for newcomers. you see the class's and the number of teachers. summer school teachers teach two classes each. we have a certain number of minutes that we have to hit for students to receive credit. results that we have had from past summer school programs before 2008, 75% of ninth graders passed the courses and went for summer school. in 2009, out we upped that. last year, during the eighth grade transitional program come lot 28 students were able to transition to high school. thank you. any questions? supervisor avalos: just a
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question, is it just the students that are having difficulty in english and alg ebra that will be eligible? other subjects like history, will they be able to attend summer school? >> depending on how we will be able to align our funding, we picked english and it algebra because that is where the need is. there are students that failed at a much lower rate. science classes are difficult to do in the summer. they use the labs. students are limited it to two classes in the summer. we decided to focus on english and algebra.
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students have failed other courses. >> these percentages for students who have failing grades. students who are close to failing who are very times who perhaps are getting d's, they are not going to be eligible for summer school then? >> currently comeuppance a d in our school district is a passing grade. we would give priority to the students that have failed. whenever possible, we are working in students who have made d's as well to get their grades up. it depends on how many courses we have to offer and how many registered. >> a student who has a d is at risk of failing. it is possible that they are barely on the line.
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the school district can do as much as they can to provide access to those students in need. do you have any idea how many those are? the percentages of students who are receiving d grades in english and algebra? >> overall, we have about 379 students who are receiving d's in algebra, which is 15%. in english, we have a 11%. 439, which is about 10% of their students. >> you said that 379 is 15%, but a higher number is a lesser percent? >> i have three years of data.
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319 students received at d's in algebra for the fall semester. in english, 439 students, which is about 10%. it is a higher number because all ninth graders take ninth great english, but not all ninth graders take algebra. >> if we were to look at that in terms of ethnic breakdown, we are seeing higher rates of lower grades with african-americans and latinos? >> the pattern continues. >> thank you for your presentation. i think some of it is pretty disturbing. beingo