tv [untitled] March 19, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT
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questionable track record on wages. we fear the project is taking a turn for the worse. we believe projects approved by the city should provide to worker's wage, benefit, and working conditions protections. we support union contracts as those most likely to respect federal, state, and local labor laws. for instance, our initial inquiry into this project community hiring performance found lackluster results. that figure is certain to plummet when the project goes forward to framing. competitive bidding i think is one of the things that was discussed here. competitive bidding is part of the construction process, but we believe that bids which un wages and provide new benefits for workers are not competitive and hurt local workers and ultimately the community. finally, there is no better way, and it must be said in the
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context of the day, that there is no better way for contractors and subcontractors to comply with a first source then to sign signatory with our local workers in the local unions. that way, you are best able to meet the challenges that lie ahead and put this city back to where we want to write this ship. we strongly support this resolution. we are also submiting copies of a letter we sent last month when some workers over to us to the situation going out -- going on out there at avalon bay. chairperson avalos: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is david del torrio. thank you for considering this matter. it is a very serious matter. in these trying times, you have these on organized contractors
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undermining the area standard and compromising the working conditions on the backs of the working class. we have 300 members, and dwindling based on the economic conditions. to empower them, we have to get them on these jobs where they are paid the area's standard so that it is imperative that we pass this resolution. thank you. chairperson avalos: any other member of the public would like to comment on this item, please come forward. if no one else comes forward, we will close public comment. i have this item as a committee report. what i could do -- as a committee report, i am not going to be here next week. i will be out of town. i will miss the board meeting. i wanted to see if we could get
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it to the board member -- the board as soon as possible given decisions being made about who will be the contractor for the project very soon. supervisor elsbernd would like to add an amendment i am not sure i want to consider yet that i think we could discuss at the full board. of the same time, we can reach out to president alvarado about use of emergency funds. if we do not hear from him tomorrow, i would entertain continuing from tomorrow's meeting to when i get back. we will hopefully have word from him than on that item. we can move this forward without recommendation as a committee report to the full board tomorrow. we can do that without objection. ms. johnson, do we have any
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supervisor mar: the meeting will come to order. this is the march 14, 2011, meeting of the land use and economic development committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. i am the chair of the committee. to my left a supervisor -- to my left his supervisor wiener. could you please give us the announcements? >> please turn off cell phones and pagers. copies of documents to submitted -- to be submitted to the file should be submitted to the clerk. supervisor mar: thank you, and thanks to the staff had sfgtv --
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aat sfgtv for televising us. supervisor wiener: supervisor cohen is out of town, and a move that she be excused. supervisor mar: without objection. please call item 1. >> item 1, resolution adopting ceqa findings related to the bay division pipeline numbers three and four, related to the bay vision pipeline. supervisor mar: thank you, and we have a report from staff. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i m the deputy director under this program. i am going to give you a quick update. this is the adoption of the ceqa document and also the adoption of the mitigation monitoring and
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reporting program. what i would like to do is briefly walk you through the project, what is and what we did. if you looked at these maps, this is the mouth of the water system -- this is the map of the water system. it goes to east bay. from there, four major arteries. they division pipeline numbers one, tivoli will, 3, and four. one and two go under the bay. three and four go around it. if you look at it carefully on this slide, these are three fault lines. three and four are sitting on a peculiar angle on the hayward fault line. it is very challenging.
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as you can imagine, in order to make sure that we do deliver water -- quality water consistently, high-quality water supplies during normal days as well as doing a seismic event, we will need to take care of that. therefore, we undertook this project. given the parameters of our funding, we looked to find the best solution. we came up with state of the art solutions to fix one of these five funds, which will meet our level of service provision so that during a seismic event we will be able to supply within 24 hours 229 million gallons a day, and within 30 days, 300 million a day. we are in the process of designing as well as making some modifications to pipeline number four, so that it can withstand
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the expected earthquake. so what are we doing? the really challenging solution we have, if you look at the slide, the slide shows one, two, and 3. what it is is that this is in the fremont area. this is the 680. this is where the mission and 680 come together. then, to the south the first place. there are three places on the hayward fault. the most critical one is b. in order to address that, we have put about 4,400 feet long hike, specially designed from here all the way to end. what we are doing is putting a
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box here. we are suspending a pipe line in it, a new one, fixed with a bald join as well as they slid joint, so it can take up to 8 feet of displacement if needed -- as well as a slip joint. in addition, also adding some replacements year, replacing about 400 feet of height. supervisor mar: this is how far under the ground? >> the depth is not that deep. it depends on different occasions. usually, 20 feet or 50 feet. they put a corrugated pipe there, through which we can run our fight.
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serve 680 and the -- so 680 adnd tehe b freight address that. to give you a time line, we went out and we should eighth draft -- a draft eir and a final one issued in december 2010, which was before the planning commission on january 20. subsequently, our commission approved it on january 27. one of the things brought up in this documentation -- the major environmental impact we had identified was the construction noise in a public area, and we will be requiring that we have the noise mitigation plan as
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well as put up some noise barriers. it is also known as an archaeological indian burial site. what we have done is we cannot avoid it. we cannot go around it. but we will be working with whosoevers designated from the tribes. the third one is the traffic. the traffic is the real challenge. we will be developing the traffic control plan, and we will make sure it is implemented right. there is going to be some habitat which will be infected -- affected. some trees are going to be cut. but we will be replanting some of the trees. we will be abiding by all the requirements of area air quality measurement.
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so where we stand on this project -- we have a budget of about $96 billion, about a $72 million construction project. we have challenges because in that vehicle location, there are utilities such as the underwater alameda pipeline or sanitary district pipeline. we have to relocate them. then, our objective is to issue the package for construction in september, followed by the award to conduct and proceed with this project, which will be somewhere in 2014. my staff is here, and i along with them can answer your questions if you have any. supervisor mar: since supervisor wiener brought this up earlier, given the huge scale earthquake in japan, it sheds light on how
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urgent a lot of these retrofits and improvements of pipelines are, especially under the hayward fault, and guessing. >> sir, you said it very right. this particular location is the most critical one in a sense. these are larger pipes. they are very critical. not only to the area they are in when there are hospitals and what not, but also to make sure the water they are supplying is available to fight fires and in a critical time to provide water needed for the hospitals. the whole program, actually, is to address that. supervisor mar: thank you. seeing no other questions, let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed.
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we need to move this as a committee report. so without objection, asked a committee report to the next board of supervisors' meeting. >> this item is not a committee report. supervisor wiener: i move it as a positive recommendation. supervisor mar: so moved and approved. thank you. thank you, everyone. please call item two. >> item two, hearing on the treasure island/ yerba buena island redevelopment project. supervisor mar: 19. we have a number of speakers. >> thank you for giving us time on the calendar this week and next to talk about treasure island. it is certainly a critical time for the project in the we are moving from the planning phase, which has been going on now for over 15 years, to the looking
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for approval for the many and various documents that actually implement the project and then on to the implementation phase, hopefully early next year. we have got about a 30-minute -- 20 or 30-minute presentation to touch on many of the aspects of the development, and then, we will be back before you next week to talk more. i just wanted to touch briefly on the governor's proposal regarding redevelopment and to eliminate redevelopment agency's. it obviously does have a bearing on the project. as you know, in front of the legislature now as part of the governor's budget package is a proposal to eliminate redevelopment agencies. and it limited our ability to issue tax increment bonds for projects such as this one. we have obviously been working hard with our state legislators as well as the governor's office to modify that bill to make sure
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projects like this can move forward. we think it is important for treasure island to have the ability to do lan-based financing -- land-based financing. treasure island, as you know, does not generate a significant amount of taxes, but we think but for the ability to issue those types of taxes and bond vehicles, we would not be able to develop treasure island and make the massive infrastructure needs -- massive infrastructure improvements needed. we should know potentially next week before we come before you, so we will update you on that as things along. today, we want to talk about the development process. facing, transportation, housing, and then, next week, we will be back to talk about sustainability, open space, infrastructure, financing, and public trust exchange that we have as well as community facilities and jobs with equal
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opportunity. the projects over the 15 years that it has taken to get here -- we kind of look at it through the lens of these four key principles. that has helped us shape the plan that is before you. sustainability -- the project has been recognized, as you may know, as being a leader in sustainability. it has been recognized by the state and the clinton global initiative as a model for sustainable development. parks and open space are a key. his last three of the land, after being developed, are for parks and open space. they vary from northern wilds to eparch much like the embarcadero along the eastern shore line. housing is obviously critical. we are building a new san francisco neighborhood with 8000 units, 30% of which are affordable.
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and community benefits such as the 2000 jobs that will be created annually for construction. the 3000 permanent jobs. a new ferry terminal building and structure, etc. the development program has not changed since we were before the board earlier in 2010. it is 8000 new homes, basically enough critical mass to build a new neighborhood and support the amenities that any neighborhood would want, such as a grocery store, muni bustline, ferry terminal, etc. -- muni bus line theory 2/3 of the space designated as open space. 300 acres. and 2000 jobs created annually from the construction. the process to get here has been long and thorough.
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we have been before this body several times to talk about the development plan. the board endorsed the term sheet in 2006 as well as a land use plan. the term sheet with our development partners. they are all treasure island -- they're called treasure island community development. the plan has had a lot of scrutiny. we have had over 250 community meetings. many residents meetings. many meetings with stakeholders on the mainland of san francisco. we have had a lot of scrutiny over the last 15 years. supervisor wiener: i'm sorry. our screens are going berserk here. it is really distracting. i have the hard copy, but it is just, like, flashing everywhere. >> did you want us to pause?
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supervisor wiener: no. [inaudible] >> tida, which is basically a single purpose rebel the agency, was created in 1997. basically, since then, we have been working to bring a developer on board and develop the plans before you. as i said, these plants have gone through many changes over the 10 years. we will highlight some of the changes that have happened over the last year, but i think the project has vastly improved from what it originally was. the transaction's structure -- we use this will to simplify it, but what you will be asked to approve is a transaction with the developers, a development and transition agreement that tida will enter into with ticd.
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attached to the document are many development plans, and those are the ones we will touch on today and tomorrow. there are separate approvals that you will be asked to make, approving the development plan, for instance. approving our agreement with the navy and approving the design for the development, which will act as the zoning as the project moves forward. at the core again is the dda, a legally binding agreement between tida and developers. i think it is important to note that the program is based on a horizontal development. developers are able to build out the infrastructure, the public improvements, parks, roads, sewer lines, water lines, and then ferry terminals to get to land has that could be
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developed, but our agreement with the developer gets us to the point where we have developable pass, which they could sell or develop on their phone for market rate housing, we could use them to develop affordable housing. your actions that we are going to ask you to consider in the next couple of months are certifying the eir, approving the redevelopment plan, the tax increment allocation agreement. you would be asked to amend the general plan to allow for what is to be constructed here to be constructed, proving that the dda, as i talked about -- there is a separate development agreement. there is a trust exchange with the state so we can actually have development on non-trust property and trust uses on trust plan, and you will be asked to
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approve the ceqa findings and mitigation measures. that will happen. we are now currently going through our tida board for approval of those documents. we have a joint meeting with the planning commission scheduled to certify the eir and the consideration in april and may. supervisor mar: when is the public comment ending? >> public comment period is close. i should go back to that. what happens is we issue a draft eir, and the public has a chance to comment on that, and we come back with a final eir and answers to those comments, basically responses to those comments. the draft eir has been issued. the comment period has been closed. there is the last week, we issued the document, basically
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listing our responses to the comments. we have 28 days from that date to april 7 that the public can review that document and speak publicly at the hearing. at 28 days four weeks is significantly longer than what we have to do by statute, which is 10 days, so it is about three times that amount. looking at other projects like the shipyard, bare window for reviewing those comments and responses was 21 days. while we were a project of significant size, we think we have significantly less problems than the shipyard, and providing more time for people to look at that document and respond. i have here joining us to help with the presentation, michael from our office as well as peter from the mta to talk about the dissertation plan, and then i
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will talk about our housing plan. >> good afternoon, supervisors. office of work force development. i'm going to be walking through the land use plan as it exists today. looking at a few key changes that were made as a result of the eir public comment period and walk through briefly the project phasing. the land use plan today has gone through an evolution that has been shaped by many hands over the past 10 years. has undergone one of the most extensive public planning processes. the citizens advisory board has been working on the project for about 10 years. the project in many iterations has been before the land use committee as well. the tida board, various city agencies and public stakeholders. the plan we see today is a result of that process, and it is consistent with the zero
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original vision and principles that rich outlined. before we get into the land use plan today, let's look at the islands as they exist. the islands in the middle of the day with only one point of access on and off the bay bridge, there are significant challenges associated with the use of this former military sites, and peter will walk us through the transportation plan and how the land use plan has been organized in order to meet these challenges, and we think we have a plan that goes far beyond providing transit opportunities for existing residents and future visitors. so the island today -- treasure island is approximately 400 acres. it is comprised of man-made snow. yerba buena is naturally occurring. of the approximately 550 acres that make up the entirety of both islands, tida will be
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getting from the navy -- i do not know if you can see on the screen -- everything from yerba buena to the north. everything to the south is u.s. coast guard pier that will remain in federal ownership. there is a 35-acre parcel owned and operated by the federal department of labour. it is a job-training program. then, there is approximately 800 occupied will units on both treasure island and yerba buena island. a, it's not only from a political configuration that existing housing stock, but there are very specific commitments to the existing residents. there are three buildings on treasure island that are listed on the national register, and on yerba buena island, there is a collection of senior officers quarters listed as the district on the senior register as well as two other structures listed individually. those will all be rehabilitated
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and repurchase as part of the program. if we look at the land plan itself, this is the physical framework for all the various implementing documents that rich talk about that will be an attachment to the dda and that will be realized through that agreement. as you can see, the compaq footprint allows for 2/3 of the island acreage to be preserved in public parks and open space. and this is the underlying -- this is the actual land use plan which will be attached, consisted to what you would see in the development plan as well as our design for development. that document is authorized by the redevelopment plan, and it contains design guidelines and standards that will apply to all new development, so this is a very general land-use the zoning map that describes generally the location and types of uses permitted on both islands. i want to walk through quickly the four different neighborhoods on both islands. there's three on treasure island and one on yerba buena
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