tv [untitled] March 20, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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my neighbors to keep my son's posters up. still today i have to fight my neighbors, and i have lived there for 30 years, and it is wrong. i needed to stop. if we want to be united, how can we? it is wrong. supervisor campos: thank you for sharing. i have a couple more names. >> thank you for holding this hearing. i am part of the upper panhandled neighborhood association. i am also on the cpab. since i joined cpab, we had captain barak and now we have captain dennis o'leary. they have both done an outstanding job. it allows us to communicate better.
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we know what the problems are in our neighborhood. the beginning of the year, we sit down and set our priorities in our neighborhood. we have had some successes working with the police department in our neighborhoods. the drug dealing, we have been able to solve some drug-dealing problems. we are the ones who suffered a lot last year. really, community policing, our leader has taken a good leadership. the police department did not have enough resources.
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anyone within city departments did not talk to each other. hopefully, this year, we do talk. i think cpab can do much better and has been doing a pretty good job. i think the foot patrol is a good thing to do. we are concentrating on that east of the divisadero. cpab has been successful for us overall. >> good evening. i am also a member of cpab, central station. we heard that everybody wants community police. newmont officers of the peace --
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we want officers of the piece to our fair to everyone. but we also heard chief godown tell us that his appropriation of funding will be shortened this year. i want to speak to the police commission. if one celery of an officer went -- if one salary of an officer will keepsake employees that can do a good job in every neighborhood and every meeting,
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and there will help us keep a more peaceful city. we have to keep our city have the. -- we have to keep our city safe, and the police department needs the funding. >> police commissioners and the chief, i represent the buena vista neighborhood association. since the group was founded, the captain did a good job in getting a central outline of what cpabs do. a couple speakers before me made some points i already had on my list.
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we represent a number of neighborhood organizations and other groups, such as youth and family service providers in the area, which includes the inner sunset, the haight, and portions of the western addition. we come together and move our organizations. we are trying to get more communities which have not always joined in these collaboration's before. two key changes in captains and command staff, our cpab has been building a solid working group that collaborates amongst ourselves. what we get as our community knowledge and roots in the community, which adjust priorities. we do hands on problem solving. we have moved a dozen issues.
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we have suggested priorities for traffic enforcement. we have worked in facilitating high-definition video for merchants who have been suffering shoplifting. the cpab members will make sure a problem does not get dropped. >> good evening. my name is josh mann. i live and work in the tenderloin neighborhood. one thing i see as a good example of community policing is
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the crisis intervention team model. in particular, i like the focus on violence prevention. but i would like to see a work group together. i would like to see more things like that. supervisor campos: mary harris, jed lane, arlene tran, terry frye. >> my name is frank kellum. i am president of the resident'' council. i am speaking on behalf of a lot of residents. some of the basic concerns is beliefs. i remember a couple of years ago the police department was very
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welcome and a lot of the crime went down. now, a lot of the residents feel intimidated again. now a lot of them are afraid to be seen talking to the police. they feel like they do not want to be caught in between being intimidated and being profiled. i am speaking on behalf of the police department also. the have been doing a very favorable job. we need to deal with this issue
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of intimidation. the community can still close to the police during the toy giveaway time at christmas. a lot needs to be done. i hope there can be more communication between the community and the police department. i believe in the foot patrol. >> daniel landry, for the record. i was pleased to hear the young people speak earlier. anytime you see young people can
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come up and boldly say they have problems in the face of the politics in san francisco, gives them hope. we should learn how to hear that message and implement that message. what is happening in san francisco? it reminds me the department has been given information by the community for a comprehensive community policing plan. for some reason, the touchdown becomes 5 more yards to need to go or even 10. it is upsetting and definitely -- i want to feel happy about
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this whole example. there should be more discussions, more reports, and we are getting nowhere. how many people have died since 2002, when we presented the community coalition plan? you guys, come on. if we want to save our souls, we have to dig deep inside ourselves and work together in a way where we do not affect each other. one of the most disappointing things in this city is that our department cannot talk about the boundaries difference. there are people coming up and seeing how great the community is. one death is too many.
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it was the people that spoke it into existence. >> my name is emilio lawrence. i have spoken before this commission before. the have been in residence of the city and county. i would say if any police chief has been inaccessible, it has been george gascogne. he walked around town with a motorcade. he barricaded himself into the hall of justice with police and telephone banks. do not cut me off.
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i have my full minute. supervisor campos: just focus on the topic. >> i am speaking about the pick for police chief. if you go on the president of the past four police chiefs you have selected based on community policy, those have been disasters as well. we are not hiring the police department to be social workers. the salaries are already fat as it is. if you keep pushing them in a direction they are not supposed to go into, you are going to have more murders unsolved. you will have the highest unsolved murder rate in the history of san francisco. i think you have to look at that. if you want a police to come get him from the wreck -- from the ranks. get him so he willhe was operato when he is not. he is operating as a city
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attorney when he was police chief. i think what you have to do is picking police chief from the ranks that is not enough to stay there for 10 years. -- young enough to stay for 10 years. i think that is more important than community policing. you should look at confidence and integrity. if you want to solve murders, and i empathize with some of the african-american community. the police department can't solve their murders unless you allow them to. >> next speaker. >> i'm from the western addition where ross mirkarimi is the supervisor.
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everything is clear what is going on with the news, the misconduct, so i want to zero in on my personal issues with the sfpd. i went to jail three times for false charges. i had to pay bail twice. the third time, i just saw what happened. the case was dropped in 48 hours. i filed a citizen's complaint pertain to illegal searches, and disrespect for the black community. violence happened there at one point in time, violence is going to happen. there are people in that community that are not part of the violence. it is not all the police. the chosen few in the northern district is where i went to jail three times and i have never
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seen the inside of a court room. they were just dismissed by an attorney that read the propaganda and let me go. one of the times, i was beaten by the sheriffs. i was beaten prior to it being dismissed. i have filed a citizen's complaints pertaining to illegal searches. this was back in august of 2008 in which it was sustained, the allegation of unwarranted action for searching without cause. i have a document if anybody wants her to authenticate it. my point you is that there is widespread corruption. i had the police certainly -- search me in sunnydale. [chime] >> next speaker. >> iw ill see y -- i will see
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you later, ross. in the district. >> i think he is over here. they do get confused all the time. >> good evening, everybody. my name is robert cochran on the resident council. i liked your open presentation, if you ask 100 people to define community police, you will get 100 dancers. i have been there and i get. i understand that there is a committee policemen advisory board that has been intact for a
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number of years. i also understand that it is like straining and structure, to carry out the duties that should be. i would like to urge the supervisors and i would like to say to the next police chief coming in, a community resident board, we need this board. we need this board to be intact and be strong. i need to be able to take the information to my residence when we have our resident meetings. without this, we can't get the information now. i understand it is short here and short hair, a lot of things are tight. we are not talking districts here tonight. we are talking communities and
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communities coming together as a whole. we can't do that after the action in separate communities in a separate district. we can get it out to the community. we have to get it to our residents at the board meeting. thank you for letting me have this time. >> next speaker. >> good evening. june 18, 2010. my apartment was broken into twice. and a few months during relocation that mr. mirkarimi knows about our building that was under the redevelopment
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processing under the martin luther king apartments. there was a situation where i did not get the police report because of what i suspected to be a at the time, on june 18, 2010, the officers who were circumvented from getting a police report taken care of that i needed to get. i never received it until several officers [unintelligible] i have a statement about things that are happening to me. and i know for sure, i have been through the occ. i don't like the police that much. i am not talking about every police officer. i am talking about the things that make you very upset. i was racially profiled by a couple of your officers. officer anderson, officer etia.
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i was denigrated. racially profiled. all of those negative words when it refers to a person like myself. a good person of good standing. what are you going to do about it? i don't think you have a definition of community policing. we need to try something new. the newness would be respecting those that are respectable. i should never have to feel like i am being threatened or someone threatening [chime] me] -- threatening me. [chime] >> thank you. next speaker. good to see you again. >> i want to second supervisor
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cohen in saying that the police is not the first line of defense. the community is. on my block, we don't call the police and that is -- unless it is a last resort. i am talking about neighbors taking care of neighbors. if the kid is on the street when he is not supposed to, either walking to his house, that is community policing. if there is a stray dog and we know the owner, we call the neighbors to take care of it. we do not call the police. we don't call the police now.
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one of those officers [unintelligible] that might seem irrelevant, but in poor communities of color, we take care of each other. in spite of the hype of the corporate newspapers, we know each other and we take care of each other. we call the police as a last resort. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi, supervisors and commissioners. thank you for having this meeting. it is very important. if someone could put an iridescent thing on the tops that, i just fell on it and that i had -- hit my head an hour and
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a half ago. it renders me not responsible for anything that i say here. [laughter] i am a journalist in san francisco for about 10 years, and what i just said is not irrelevant to something that happened to me in a building that i live in. i was physically attacked by someone in the building where i lived, and when i call the police, they came out and told me that i was crazy. they did not believe anything that i said, they resisted -- supervisor macaroni, could you listen, please. i'm not responsible. i hit my head back there. supervisor mirkarimi: some housekeeping, sorry. >> oh, housekeeping. they told me i was crazy and did
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not -- they really were profiling me. i know that is true based on my age because i live in a disabled and senior community. i have found it is very checkered, it is very different. the police are very approachable and very friendly. we know the cool ones, the ones that are sincere. and we know the ones that are violent and involved in controlling everything. [chime] >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> supervisors, commissioners, command staff. i do a lot of things in the community, but my agenda is really a community building. i am currently the president of the board. i served on the initial side. i do other work in other aspects of the community. there is a definition for community policing, it is solving the problems of the community within the community. that is paraphrased correctly, the doj, the accepted definition. i know san francisco is different, i was born and raised here, but we can use the
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accepted definition. what is the definition of police power? how does police power, about? just as the community gives it to the building department. it is not that difficult. when you take into the community level, neighbors meeting neighbors, going to them and saying, this is me. who are you? how can we get together? how can we deal with this problem? that is the basis of community. it goes back to the command staff. that voice will also take it when [unintelligible] you have different things. it covers visitation valley. most communities have very different needs. the need to have put patrols and
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other areas. there is no one aspect of what is the right thing. it is definitely not. although it seems to be touted is the only thing. [chime] >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> my name is mary harris. my husband and i were told we could only be on one. the first thing i wanted to talk about was the chief. i will say it over and over. i would like the new chief to stop the revolving doors of the police captains. it doesn't work. they have been able to move along ok, it is such a large geographic area that just having that institution, and knowingly
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relationships, it is really hard to get them to focus on the west portal and the omi. i am glad the use came to speak. i am a little worried about how we are allowing or not telling the youth -- is not a broad strokes. it is the police department. many of the officers i have seen go out of their way to get the children in a program. i think we can't just a broad stroke anything. we need to teach our children
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