tv [untitled] March 20, 2011 8:00am-8:30am PDT
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third commission hearing that we have presented. we have two more commission hearings -- two more commissions we will present to, and in april, we will be presenting the presentation to the board of supervisors. hopefully with full approval so we can then move into our next phase, which is allocation of funding and prioritizing phase. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. this was discussion only, so we are now on item 12, trust for public land. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i would just like to present jessica of the trust for public land. she is director of the parks for people bay area program. the trust for public land has been doing tremendous work with the department over many years, since the 1970's, in fact, and
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they have contributed many millions of dollars to renovating our parks and playgrounds on behalf of the department. i thought you should get a better overview of the work they have been doing because they are one of our most extraordinary partners. with that, i would like to introduce jennifer. >> good afternoon. thank you for having me, and i will just reiterate -- my name is jennifer, not jessica. you said it right the second time. but for the record. i would love this opportunity to reintroduce you all to our longtime partnership. and remind us all of our share accomplishments together because it has been pretty expensive. and a little bit about our core services. and thank you for your continued support for our work in san francisco. for nearly 40 years, the trust for public land has been conserving land for people to enjoy as gardens, parks, and
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natural areas. and it was founded right here in san francisco in 1972 and has grown into a national nonprofit conservation organization with about 40 offices around the country. our model basically comprises three elements. there is a conservation vision in model, conservation finance, and on the groundwork for transactions and park design and development. with conservation visiting, this is mostly work that we help cities around the country map parks and open space deficiencies and to fund conservation priorities for new parks and open space. we identify lance to be protected and help plan networks of conserve plan that meets public need. something we have not done too much with the city of san francisco i think is an opportunity for us as we move forward. for conservation finance, will help agencies identify and generate funds for conservation from federal, state, and local sources. hear, cpo was the sponsor of the neighborhood safe and clean park
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fun. we were the sponsor of the park development and revitalization act and responsible of making sure that $400 billion was in proposition 84 for urban parks statewide. actually, we have the city, and we have all gotten some grants as part of that. our federal staff is now working in washington with the obama administration to create similar programs at the federal level. as far as transactions go, structures negotiate and complete land transactions that create parks and playgrounds in natural areas. our first urban transaction was here in san francisco, actually. in 1976. in addition to that, we have played a role in the acquisition or facilitation of dl sol park, alioto park, michelangelo part, the parcels of the visitation valley greenway, and the
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gardens. mostly early, from the 1970's to the 1990's on most of this. and for part design and development, which has become an apartment, which transfer newly acquired sides in existing city parks into thriving parks and playgrounds. we played an extensive -- employed extensive community outreach and purchase of the tory design process and manage design through construction to insure that the projects are built. we worked very closely with the department, with phil's staff. we appreciate your contributions to the project. because we not just want to create parks that are going to last for a long time, that are going to meet city standards and be something the city is proud of, but we want to try to help communities connect with recon park said they can support the department and the ongoing stewardship after a park is built. some of the past projects include we are the sponsor and fiscal agent for the renovation
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of to the elkhart, and work in the southeast neighborhoods. master planning in visitation valley freeway and design and construction of two parcels. india basin shoreline park, and then for charo hill playground where commissioner martin was at the grand opening. our current work includes just a few comments, and our current work includes a $15 million initiative to rebuild his belly playground in the hayes valley western addition neighborhood of the ballpark in the excelsior neighborhoods. sounds like that will be a great addition to other wonderful things going on there, and part of the wonderful heart of the tenderloin. the city's contribution towards this project have leverage $12.2 million that were raised as partner with the city to raise in private and public funds, and we are working quickly in cooperation with the department to fund a remaining million-
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dollar gap. we appreciate fills generosity, to meet with some of our potential donors and speak to the strength of our partnership. we are also doing about $500,000 in master planning and community services for grant canyon park, which was the recipient of on funding for trigger for improvement. we are thrilled to be involved in this exciting project. it is such a great treasure of san francisco. we want to help nurture the department -- one of the best examples of wilderness in the city. we will offer design reviews to the city on the trails and produced a comprehensive community-supported park improvement plan that can help the city figure out how to identify projects for the bond funding and projects that we can all fund raiser for for the long term. we also are currently working with staff to develop a role that maybe we can play in helping to continue fund raising
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to a woman some of those projects. in summary, the fundamental mission of our parks for people bay area program is to ensure that every child lives within walking distance of a great part, a natural area. we have had a great success and partnership with the department. we look forward to continued success together. a few months ago, someone introduced me to -- somebody found the city and introduced me as the silent partner of the city. in preparing this list of accomplishments we have made together, i think why? why should we be so silent? from our end, it is because we're working hard to get this stuff built, but we have really accomplished a lot together, and we would like to have this overview so we can start thinking more about how we can be useful, how we can add value to the city, not just for part design and development, but these other areas as well, so i would encourage you to come to us if you have ideas for potential projects. and also, we appreciate your
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help connecting with reporters as we continue this work. i'm just going to leave you with a couple of fun reading materials that kind of capture a summary of our work in sentences, and this test came out, which is from that distance to the medical lyle, how urban park system can promote health and wellness. in d.c., they do a lot of research on park standards, park statistics. healthy parts is obviously a key issue in parts right now, but there is a nice little blurb about san francisco in here that i thought you would like to read, and maybe it is something we could talk about later. with that, thank you very much. then and many thanks, and thanks for all the worked you do for san francisco. you have a great reputation. family are pleased to do it and could look forward to continuing to work with you. thank you. >> is there any public comment
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on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. this was discussion only, so we are now on item 13, which is public comment on all matters pertaining to closed session 15a one and two. is there any public comment on this part of a closed session. being none, public comment is closed. commissioners, you do need to vote again whether to go into closed session. commissioner buell: entertain a motion. has been moved and seconded. all those in favor? >> for members of the public, we >> could i have a motion? >> now. >> we need a motion not to disclose our actions. >> second.
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>> moved and seconded. >> we are on item 19 is, general public comment continued. it's is there any member of this public? we are now on item 20, commissioners matters. are there any commissioners matters? no public comment. we are on item 21, and his business comes agenda set in. any public comment to for -- any public comment? is any member of the public that would like to speak on item 22, communications. item 23, adjournment. >> moved and seconded.
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[horns honking] announcer: the first step to getting into college is finding someone who can help. for the next steps, go to >> please call the meeting to order. captioned by the national captioning institute >> [roll call] >> item #2, approval of meeting minutes. item three, public comment and executives session. is there any public comment? seeing none, executive session.
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>> second. but those in favor? >> aye. >> conference with legal coun>>n open session. >> all in favor alabama -- all in favor? >> motion to disclose any action taken. >> move that will not disclose any actions taken in closed session. except for item number 41a. >> i would like to disclose for the record that the commission moved to approve the executive director's determination that the convenience of contract #
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2742 in the city port's best interest. determination of the contract and settlement of the claim for $5,152.42. >> all in favor? >> we have already voted. >> thank-you for disclosing. >> item #6, the ringing of cell phones and pagers are prohibited at this meeting. the chair may order the removal from the meeting room and the person responsible for the ringing in use of cell phone, pager, or any similar sound producing device. please be advised that the members of the public have up to three minutes to make public comments on each agenda item unless adopted by a shorter period of any item. >> thank you, welcome, everyone.
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i am sitting in for monique moyer today. the first thing i would like to do is welcome our new commissioner, lesley katz. many of you remember her as supervisor katz. so, welcome. the commissioner comes to us with an extensive experience in community planning. as well as government volunteering. she was supervisor from 1996 to 2001. currently she serves as general counsel to champion telecom. she was a board of trustees at
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the board of sentences to city college. she also assisted the treasure island development authority on planning and related operations for the island. she holds a jd from the university of california hastings school law. i would also like to welcome whit meloy, a new property manager. he will be managing the fisherman's wharf portfolio. for visual of fact, the planning and development department has issued an rfi for the pierce 70 epic 20 at st. historic building. we are moving forward and looking forward to historic
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building rehabilitation opportunities. in february the court issued a request for interest in six buildings that generally line 20th street. including the union fireworks machine shop office building. the port is seeking interested tenants and developers following expression of interest the parties may be invited to submit proposals. responses are due on june 1 of 2011. we would also like to remember the anniversary of the removal of the embarcadero freeway. it has been 20 years. it was on february 27 of 2011. it was built in 1958. in 1986 sam francisco became engaged in heavy debates on
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whether it should be removed or not. thanks to the 1989 earthquake, the decision was made for us. it has been 20 years. recently the port also celebrated pier 1 from this building, 10 years. >> making me feel old. >> it flies when you're having fun. the winner of the 33rd america's cup arrived at pier 80 on february 28. it arrived from spain. but in addition, it arrived on the star and it carried 35 containers and a 223 ft wing sail mast.
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so, the containers and parts of the boat are sitting down at pier 80. operated by metro supports it will serve as the logistical headquarters for article racing. pier 8 the is the only terminal in california able to handle containers of heavy lift cargo and breakable bulk simultaneously. this was a point of entry for the boat. the port and san francisco, the city, will play host to the 34th america's cup, scheduled to be held in 2013. we would also like to announce the grand opening of the cornelia's restaurant. many of you will remember it as the old world trade club. it is behind us at the end of the pier.
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it opened last week. the management team is the same management team that managed cornelia by the day. it will be open for lunch, dinner, and happy hour. it will also be available for banquet rooms and special laments. they feature american continental traditions and dim sum specialties. it is open for drinks seven days a week. they will expand their hours later this month. please pay them a visit. support our newest tenant. public comment is due on the notice of preparation of the eir for pier 7, pier 27 cruise ship terminal 34th america's cup. comments are due by march 11. notice of preparation of an
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environmental impact report for the 27th cruise terminal america's cup races in northeast clause of has been issued by the planning department. it was issued on february 9. public comments are due to the planning department. they can be directed to join and she can be reached at 575-9040 or at those are again due march 11. we would also like to remind everyone that starting tomorrow is the eighth annual san francisco ocean film festival. there will be 50 films running over five days. you can go on to their website
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and look at all of the details for the different films and activities. happening in conjunction with the festival. finally, sunday streets are back. the first is going to be march 20. it will run along the embarcadero. so, come down and enjoy all of the activities. this is the second year of the sunday streets. it seems to be growing in popularity. hopefully below have good weather. anyone can come down to enjoy the embarcadero. it will run from fisherman's wharf to mission bay. i hope everyone comes down and enjoys it. that concludes the executive director's report. >> i would like to welcome the
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commissioner. we are so happy that she is here. >> looking forward to being here. >> i second the motion. >> any public comment on the executive director's report? >> item from the consent calendar, approval of the annual update of the ports plan for fiscal year 2012-21. approval of consent between gold street has seen as a four year term to operate a ticket booth and office space totaling 700 square feet at pier 41 at pier 50. >> so moved. >> is there any public comment? resolution 11-12 and 11-13 has
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been approved. >> item 9a, request approval for first amendment to lease l 14829 with boston clinton general contractors corp., to change the cut -- commencement date and eliminate the funding guarantee requirements for construction of the initial tenant improvements. >> i am a property manager for the port of san francisco and i am here for approval for the amendment to lease with dawson clinton general contractors. they are currently a tenant of the port that occupies space at pier 50. they currently occupy 1600 square feet of shed space. they have occupied this premise since february 12, 2010, after
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moving at the port request to make room for the mission bay shore protection project. in august of 2010 the pork entered into a second lease for additional premises at pier 50 shed b with office space combined. the lease requires the tenant to construct additional improvements by in the amount of $191,000 for which the attendant receives rent credits over a 60 month term. initial payments are required to be guaranteed by contractors bond by in the amount equal to 150% of the construction cost of the initial tenant improvements. police also provide for the initial lease construction. since it commences on august 1, 2010, and the tenant was having trouble carrying the required bonds and guarantees, the
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tenants delayed taking possession of the premises. the tenant is a small business of san francisco and did not have the collateral as days -- as a business for the cost of the initial tenant improvements, which would have been $600,000 in bond guarantees. had they not been the general contractors for this project, it would have had to hire a general contractor. in that case the actual contractor would have had the requirement and not the tenant. the port feels that there is little risk in having the tenant as a general contractor. so, the pork and the tenant desire to retroactively amend the lease to march 15, 2011, eliminating guaranteed
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requirements for improvement based on the following reasons. the tenant shot at out for the purpose of constructing tenant improvements and shout at all times during construction maintained kermit licenses and bonding requirements with government contractors. the tenant shall fulfill the obligation as a contractor and maintain builder's risk insurance, which also covers the port. the tenant shall provide the port with released documents for each subcontractor that works on the initial tenant improvement. in addition, the premises in question is currently vacant been shell, with utilities base, require improvements before occupancy. there is little risk that any actions by the tenant could cause additional damage to the premises. the tenant is a contractor that is highly motivated to complete the project in an efficient and
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timely manner as it becomes the new office space. standing to the port commission policy. the commencement date of the lease amendment will be determined upon the approval of the lease and the file execution of march 15, anticipated. staff request approval to enter into the first amendment with general contractors for the premises located at pier 50. >> so moved. >> second. >> questions or comments? any public comment on this item? resolution 1114 has been moved. but item -- >> 9b, request approval of the port of san francisco's proposed 2011 retail leasing policy. >> commissioners.
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and welcome to your first meeting. court staff presented this item as an informational item in the fall. with the forbearance of the chair and the vice chair, i would like to present substantially the same presentation for the new commissioners. this has been an area of some policy discussion with the board of supervisors and their budget analyst. typically, what happened in the past was that support staff have been approached by retail tenants of the port who are doing well forming business along the waterfront and propose consistencies current with retail leasing properties for port property.
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when those leases require a board of supervisors approval, it happens when the lease term is more than 10 years or generates revenue of more than $1 million. the response of the budget analyst has been why did you not competitively bid this opportunity? to give you a bit of background before we get into the presentation, ports that had to think about that. retail opportunities are not widely available on the waterfront. new retail leasing opportunities, there are plenty of retail operators in the city that would like an opportunity to do business on the waterfront. we certainly know that we want to keep our good tenants. but a policy that affords direct negotiation with tenants should balance the need
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