tv [untitled] March 20, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT
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the amendments and then we're hoping to be back before you in early may for approvals to the e.i.r. certification. for the informational presentation, we're going to focus on what you are scheduled to take action on and are just the planning code and the general plan framework for the development. today we're going to focus our informational presentation on an overview of the history of executive park, issues that face executive park, and this southern area. the next informal hearing will get into the specifics of zoning and design guidelines. just to give you a quick history of this, this is an aerial from the 1960's and with the existing form and the war time housing
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and the dicht road configuration -- and a different road conf configurati configuration. candlestick park is largely not there yet and the part sthas there is being -- that is there is being used for parking for the stadium. in the mid 70's they began to envision the land as an office park and start to be called executive park in 76 as an office park and 800,000 square feet. through the years and is established as part of the general plan and to memorialize the area's vision. and the subarea plan included a very specific site plan characterized by self-contained and somewhat insular office
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development. while calling for a mix of uses the subarea plan maintains being anchored in office and commercial uses. and then here is a 3d rendering of the previous vision. through the 80's and 90's and with the subarea plan and were generally small changes to the phasing and implementation and re-upping any needed entitlement visions such as performance and environmental work. and the first phase were issued during the 1990's. and the owners of the most northern portion of executive park decided to pursue residential office and
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approached the city to pursue residential development and the department was in the midst of the efforts and market octavia and the downtown residential districts and to encourage the mixed use of vibrant neighborhoods and that that was a worth whooil while efforts. and the executive park is not tied well into the rest of the urban office and with the residential condo development added 15 years later and with another residential development and with the street grid with
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the conductivity and of particular consideration and note are the barriers to the shoreline and the close procter & gambles procter & gambles imly -- proximity and this is particularly emphasized by the lack of sidewalks, crosswalks, and leading pedestrian navigating across the roadway designed to accommodate several movements. here is how it looks today. and because of the large-scale mixed development at candlestick and throughout the southeast, harney will need to provide a larger -- will need to play a
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larger role in the regional transportation network significantly increasing the capacity and a widened harney could be up to six travel lanes with the reversible lane and the revised right-of-way for harney will significantly enroach into adjacent lots. planning staff proposes a total revision of the subarea plan,
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rezoning the office park portion which is the central portion and establishing design guidelines. and again today we would like to talk a little bit about the subarea plan. which provides the visioning framework for executive park going forward. this has left six overarching goals for the area to create residential neighborhoods to help address the cities and the region's housing needs and to create livable urban community and to create and focus on pedestrian oriented environment that encourages walking and to enhance public linkages within the area to nearby neighborhood commercial districts and elsewhere and to encourage workers and residents and viewers to use alternative modes of transportation and to provide a homes for roughly 8,000 residents and approximately 2,800 dwelling units. the first major task or thing that we want to establish is turning the office portion into a more fine freezing rain walk pattern. the new street network and block pattern are divided to central blocks to get the development of stronger public presence and tie
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previous executive park developments together with existing neighborhoods and open space. the subarea plan establishes the street hierarchy from which is the basis that we are looking to define with the urban space and letting them determine the height of buildings, activation, and character of the building. for the residential thruways and border i bordering the area, the executive plan encouraging strong, visible street wall that defines the building and neighborhood edge. and then for the interior street, the residential streets and alleys to encourage more intimate scale and character. and the subarea plans open space and circulation chapter provide the same work that recognizes executive park's proximity to
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major open space resources, the state park, the hillside open space and beyond that bayview park and emphasizes the importance of improving access to the resources and also at the same time includes the part of its internal network and small urban plazas and spaces to assure that they are appropriately activated with related use and adjacent buildings if new street bridge also provides space for greening and for storm water management and other similar activities. the subarea plan provides a heighth and discusses height and what i'll do is jump to one of the diagrams in the design guidelines even though we would like to focus on that next time to cover some broad urban design
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sitewide moves that we are making. and again, providing for substantial tall urban street wall along the major streets and looking to preserve the kilocations that provide the -- the key locations that provide the best views for small plazas and for adjacent activation. and also the federal guidelines encourage a wide mix of buildings, well mod lated, but also providing some propositions for taller residential buildings or towers at that location. commissioners, this concludes my presentation. the project sponsors are also here and would like to say a few words and then provide a short
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presentation to give you a sense of what providing this famework means for potential development. i would be happy to answer any questions you have. >> commissioners, thank you very much for taking today and i want to thank the planning department for the work you have done over the last five and six years and not only staff to direct and i am george irving, the original developer of san francisco executive park. i would like to give a brief history of 35 years, very brief. and on january 13, 1975, the irving company entered into an agreement with two companies to development the 70-acre site owned by the two companies. we knew this would be a pioneering effort and needed all the support we could gather.
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i first met with mr. tom millen, then the chief executive officer at the city of san francisco. mr. millen told me to seek out is support from the community and i may be bayview hunters point coordinating council to prevent the vision of the office park. at that meeting i met shirley jones, eloise westbrook, ethel darlington and others. mrs. jones and jackman suggest wed form an advisory committee and include the residents. and as a graduate of balboa high school, i contacted parents of the former students who lived in the valley to present the plan. the head of the merchant association gathered merchants and residents together and the san francisco executive park advisory committee was established. to this day it still exists. shirley jones is the president and i venture to guess no other
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advisory committee has lasted that long in this city. there was great enthusiasm and commitment to see the project go forward. however, there was a matter of getting approval from the planning commission, board of supervisors, and financing and with the help of the mayor at the time, we had anonymous approval from the planning commission with the support of several supervisors. it was approved in 1979. after being turned down by 32 lenders, mr. campbell and mcduffy found financing for the first building now known as five thomas millen circle. from the beginning it was our desire to change the visual entryway to the city with ample landscaping around the office buildings. i sought out the advice of a forester i knew to address the issue of softening the hard cuts on the upper hill and he planted native vegetation and 35 years later most but not all of the
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area is covered. by the mid 2000's, the market for office area in the area was beginning to move south. by 2005 the land use attorney and architect and i met with the director to discuss the possibility of changing the use from office to residential. they encouraged us to proceed. the community remains supportive of this change. i wanted to suppress all the planning decisions at executive park have been done in consultation with the neighborhoods. we will continue our legacy of community involvement throughout the building of the project. i am confident with the work already in progress, we will build this into a project to make up a san francisco san franciscoans proud. thank you very much for your time. president olague: thank you. how much more time do you have, ms. avery? okay. >> good afternoon, commissioners. the owner of approximately 10
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acres of the southwest portion of the executive park subarea plan area. i, too, want to thank staff for the years of diligent effort on working and shaping of the vision gateway in san francisco and want to take a comment to remind you of our company's long-term commitment to the area as evidenced by us in the tens of millions of dollars of private capital in the worst recession this nation has seen since the great depression over on the other side of the highway and our commitment to continue to invest in this area. also would like to note as was mentioned before by matt that u.p.c. has made several
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accommodations and adjustments to our proposed development plans over the five years that we have been working on this in response to the regional transportation needs that were recognized by the development plan proposed to the east of our location. and finally before i turn it over to clark, i would like to remind the commissioners that the presentation that they have prepared for you today is specifically in response to the comments and concerns that were raised november 17 hearing, the last informational hearing we had on this. with that, i'll turn it over to mr. manus.
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>> we're ready. thank you, president olague, members of the commission. i am going to do this presentation on behalf of both project sponsors and i am glad george provided you a little framework and the history of this because it's actually pretty remarkable and we have been patient. and this has been a collaborative process with the community and the department and project sponsors. i want to give you a framework on where the project sits and respond to the questions that you had at the last hearing and this is one of the projects that is not from scratch but offers
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the opportunity to finish it and the middle is the dotted line is the boundary and surrounding it as you well know are the variety of projects that have been in the process of being titled or everything from the brisbane bay lands to visitation valley on the west side of the freeway. rendered site plan shows things that are both to the east and the west in terms of relationship and on the east side of 101 and with that said, these are concentric rings and i realized after i had done this, this is a little scary, but it provides the rings of the distance and the most outer ring is a mile radius and what we began to do is layer in it a variety of things from the existing open space to the top of the hill as well as the stuff that exists on to the east of the site. and the thing that george
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mentioned earlier on that is an important thing is the executive park ownership was responsible for facilitating the creation of the state park on the southern edge of the site. and in addition to it, there is two opportunities and open spaces on the top hill and the residents having taken advantage of the open space and the light green is the indication of the open spaces on the east and west side of the site and the middle is significant open space and we will touch on that and the amenities from post office to an environment of other civic uses and the schools and other uses
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in the way of day care and retail and along third street with the new opportunities on part of the brisbane bay land site and the site that we are dealing with actually accommodates convenience retail only. it is not seen as destination. it is seen as accommodating the needs of the users and this is the commercial uses that occur either on both sides and what i like about this is a real true residential enclave that doesn't have the commercial overlay and this is the composites of all those things. this is in the middle of something that already exists and will help to fill in a portion of this. and this is a real greatway and we have worked hard to create that. and you saw earlier on and an existing site that george
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intilding and the first building and this is a breakdown of the ownership that exists in the triangle you will see in the middle is the u.p.c. and the signature and a variety of things that exist from the north and on the east. and matt touched earlier and this is what exists today and from height from 40 feet to 60 feet and three towers and modest tours and with the commission has seen in the past. and i think one of the most important things is that match touchdown on this is the importance of creation of a neighborhood and a street grid that works with what's out there building on it and the one on the left hand side and is part of the continuity of that and
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one of the significant changes is the removal of the circle that changes it to the opportunity other than the commercial office and what is what goes around the side to encircle the 17 acres that both project sponsors control. and the other things important to us with the subsequent analysis and the trails and the open space and a day trail in yellow and this is the open space that is on the lower part and executive park open space and the light green is a combination of privately owned, publicly accessible open space and a significant portion of that with the overlay there up and around the site and i will
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touch on the importance of the connection through the tunnel and in terms of the improvement. and around the sielt and -- around the site and i think it is an amenity and both owners were responsible for trying to save what was going to be closed down and access to the access there and the creation of pocket parks as part of the signature development and the convenience from the east side to the west side and the small improvement
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on part of the project sponsors that you probably well know and the change in lighting and with the experience and from the eastide to the west side every year and vice versa. this is the rendered site plan of that and i want to reinforce the importance of the street network and parking is below grade and i will touch on that in a minute. and with the both edges and the importance of streets there and the open space at the end of it. and the open space we have identified and around there and the open space at the ground level. and jonathan as well on the
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importance of what is in the purview of the m.t.c. and the greating a aggregation with the pedestrians and bicycles. i want to touch on this briefly and this is more of a numbers game. there is four times the amount of open space the project has provided relative to the other amount and at the top of the open hill and doesn't count the state park in that. and with the distribution of everything from publicly accessible and with the unit distribution and in o the other sites is almost 80% for the u.p.c. and significant and
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really trying to attract families to that location. and the importance of that executive park boulevard at the top of the site which some of it has been developed to provide the convenience park retail and the importance of the blue line and two things that are important is on the west side and if you do your simple math, it is probably a 10-minute walk to get to the caltrans station and 12 to 15 minutes which is pretty good. and so one thing that is probably often missed is a shuttle running in the neighborhood and providing access for the uses of that neighborhood. president olague: thank you.
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we will be asking if we have questions. thanks. open it up for public comment. i have several speaker cards. espinola jackson followed by mitchell wallton and then deanze brooker. >> my main concern coming back from the november meeting is how the lines was drawn to make executive park part of visitation valley and the lines just put in illegally like i stated before and the fact there
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was never a public hearing on that matter and i was trying to ask one of the partners here that has been meeting with us how do we undo that because i want to make sure that it's 2011 and things that happen in my community be done the right way. i have been a long sitter there at executive park. and i was thinking maybe it would be built out before i pass away. i'll be here. i'm not going any place. so what i would like for you to do is instruct the planner who is drew the lines and it was done illegally and i want to see the lines undone. i want to thank you very much and you all have a blessed afternoon. for the new commissioners that weren't here and this came up before you got here and that is
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money being gotten from the developers and we never asked the developers for anything because we want to see the community grow. and this body supported if money was going to be given that the money was given to visitation valley and little hollywood and when it got back to the supervisor, it was overlooked and nothing was given to us who had been standing there for visitation valley and people got on the board and get the money and get out of my developers with many days and weeks working and to be helpful to the community and a better community in part of san francisco. president olague: thank you.
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>> i want to speak to you on behalf of the project as the executive director of the service providing agency, we want to make sure that opportunities are available and we think of affordable families and stores and cafes and businesses for the community and that means new jobs and if we can get the commission to work on projects like this that bring new jobs and developments to the community and to make sure we get to participate and receive the benefits of these developments. and again, we want to encourage the promotion of the projects like this and in our communities so that we can work to make the job connection in ou
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