tv [untitled] March 21, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT
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determined that the commercial quarter needed a bank and atm to stimulate economic vibrancy. the staff of oewd has been working with the landlords of the neighborhood and their real estate brokers to successfully tested the numerous and the store fronts that plague the west and east side of the fillmore commercial quarter. the fillmore center has five or six storefronts that have been vacant for years, and the 2010 closure of the businesses added three additional vacancies to an already sparse retail mix. the economic plan has set aside $100,000 to be used to attract appropriate and transform it businesses to the corridor and has been working closely and continuously in generating and directing retail leasing interests towards these vacant storefronts. we believe that in the next eight to 10 months, three or
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four of these businesses will tended vacant spaces within the corridor, and that those businesses will at least in part meet the requests for services from the community. we are also working on developing the following programs to provide business opportunities to local residents, and those our neighborhood-based retail and micro businesses, including pushcarts and kiosk-based blenders -- lenders. we are also driven by the community's desire to provide a legitimate outlet for micro businesses to sell their goods. oewd is working with the community to develop fillmore artisan marketplace, building on the success of the farmer's market. we anticipate the artisan marketplace will be located in the plaza across from the farmer's market and would have similar operating hours in order to attract growing attendance to
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the farmer's market. a third initiative is the facade and improvement program. a portion of the funds have been earmarked for a facade and 10 improvement program to emphasize 10 improving programs. we have received 28 applications and hope to provide a facelift, if you will, to between 13 to 15 storefronts. improvements will range from new store front paint, awning, signs, lighting, and enhance outdoor seating areas where feasible. oewd has engaged staff of the program as well as the agency's architect to consult on the strategies and to develop an implementation process for the awning and sign it program. building on our existing
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community, professional relationships, and programs, oewd's strategy is to leverage the agency's funds where possible in order to accomplish more economic revitalization goals, and as such, we are working with the arts commission to secure a grand for $25,000 and the african american arts and culture complex will administer this. also, through discussions with the staff administering the cities challenge grants, we drafted a plan to establish a fillmore beautification and arts working group to assist in a work plan to bring art as a photo opportunity to visitors and locals along the fillmore commercial corridor. this legislation this policy, and oewd will work with any administrative business is currently located at ground- floor to relocate them to any of
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several second-floor vacancies currently available along the corridor. this legislation will contribute significantly to the work being done under the fillmore economic action plan. we are excited by the potential to facilitate the development of an authentic neighborhood, which is the fillmore entertainment district, and we applaud and support supervisor mirkarimi's proposed legislation, which will go a long way to securing the economic vitality of this commercial corridor. thank you. supervisor mar: 94 the work of the office of economic and workforce development -- thank you for the work of the office of economic and workforce development. is there anyone else who needs to speak on this before we open it up to the public? >> i believe that is it from the city said what, but there are a number of people here from the public. supervisor mar: thank you.
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sounds like a tremendous effort to return to the glorious harlem of the west district with support from oewd and leadership from leadershipmirkari -- leadership from supervisor mirkarimi as well. we have a number of public speakers. two minutes each. >> thank you, supervisor. i am daniel landrieu -- landry, born and raised in the western fillmore. i just wanted to weigh in from the community perspective, since the community, i do not think, was involved with the beginning of this process. i just want to make clear that we do support change on fillmore street and opening up the changes in dealing with the administration things that is happening near, but with
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conditions. one of the things that we have to focus on is really what happened in the past, and we have been saying over and over now for years that going forward, that we have to focus on the micro businesses in the area, focus on the small businesses, and the grass roots efforts of people who have lived there all their lives and what to open up the business, so we address that. it seems to me, everyone is speaking of music, dance, etc., but there was a lot more to the black community in fillmore, as you all know, so we want us to pay close attention to the culture part of the community. let's not just continue to keep preserving music, jazz, and preserving fillmore music history. by the way, last year, the name was changed. i believe at one point, it was the fillmore jazz preservation
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district. then a change to the fillmore business district. but the community has not for years, until we made an effort to organize a community advisory committee, to help address some of the things that are never at the table, which the community wants, which is an organization being recognized by city hall every time you propose something like this measure. but we support with conditions. thank you. >> good morning, supervisors. happy to be here in support of this legislation. there is really two things that you need to make a successful pedestrian-oriented commercial district. one is the buildings have to meet the st. well. thanks to a supervisor -- thanks to supervisor mirkarimi, we have a pretty good degree of st.
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control. you what a generous floor to ceiling height in the commercial space. is a lot of flexibility for different uses, also removes your second story residence a little bit further from the floor. if you walk of fillmore street, it has a lot of those streets already. one of the things that is not working is the uses. there's a lot of office uses, and they have locked up those ground-floor space is. you cannot see in often during the day, and with office uses, people are not around in the evening, said the benefit that you get of small businesses being open and creating a little bit of night life, you do not have perfect stretches of fillmore street. we think this ordinance, requiring a pretty broad mix, but customer-oriented small regional business, nothing too
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large, and all the programs with the mayor's office, are really going to help make that stretch of fillmore a greater success. so we would urge you to support this ordinance. also wanted to add that controls like these have been in place in the union square area for about 20 years. for the eastern neighborhoods and better neighborhoods processes, controls like this one were imposed in lots of neighborhood commercial districts. upper market street in district age or the up about half in district 10 have identical controls to this -- or the other dog patch -- the upper dogpatch in district 10 have identical controls to this. supervisor mar: thank you. is there anyone else who would like to speak on this item? mr. washington, you were on the list as well. >> ♪ land use, won't you lift me
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high above and all play its we'd play it great fillmore jazz when the fillmore jazz man makes it better he takes your blues away make the district make it better again make it better today land use, won't you lift this district high above it all make it good make it a great fillmore jazz man and the jazzman makes it better, makes it good takes my fillmore blues away and you make it good, make it great, make it better today jazzman take my fillmore blues away
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you are going to do it great today ♪ supervisor mar: thank you. [applause] >> i would say that as a hard case to follow, but i am so appalled of ms. baker laying out here -- she knew i was getting ready to speak. this woman who came out here and spoke to say she is with the mayor's office of economic redevelopment. it is the redevelopment agency. you hear what you call double dipping. if this committee has anything about this before -- let me say i'm going to meet with the mayor's office of economic development, the acting director, and i'm going to have fred black will come out to the western addition. have you ever been down and experienced what they called the
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urban renewal? do not pass anything that has anything with that giant elephant in the room, which is the redevelopment agency. you will be held in contempt later on with the lawsuits that will come by. they are going to have a meeting tonight. i welcome you to the west bay at 6:00. that same agency you talked about is coming to the community. they come in here with this surge. bob ♪ but i want to know who who's in control the redevelopment of i'm going to have to sue and make a settlement all of the money they spend you do not know where it went and a no accident -- it ain't no accident
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and it is all gone they left the black folks all alone ♪ let me just say one thing. hold up until we development comes to the western addition to tell us what they did. i am telling you all -- ♪ it is city hall here do not do this. i beg of you. supervisor mar: thank you. is there anyone else who would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. let me ask you a question based on what daniel landry asked -- i'm sorry, public comment has already been close. ok, if colleagues with a loud, let's reopen public comment -- if colleagues will allow. >> thank you. in the president of the fillmore jazz community
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benefits district. first of all, i want to applaud wantmirkarimi -- a plot supervisor -- want to applaud supervisor mirkarimi. there's definitely a need for this type of legislation in our neighborhood. many of the buildings are blighted, and it would help very much to stimulate the area with more small business activity, so i would urge you all as a committee to please forward this legislation to the full board so that we can stimulate our area and have more productive businesses that can stay active within our community, not just restaurants, but clothing stores. if you walk down fillmore, you will see a transition period there's a lot of activity when you pass bush. we want that same vibrancy that goes from bush to jackson to go down to mcallister, so we urge
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you to support this legislation. supervisor mar: thank you. with that, let's close public comment. questions? supervisor cohen. i just wanted to ask the question that daniel landry posed. what kind of community involvement from regular residence has there been? there have been criticisms of past processes, having regular community folks be involved in the development of the different jazz community benefits districts and other processes, but how are people being involved right now in the process? >> my understanding is that the community was involved in the planning for this particular legislation. our community staff person is not here today to comment on that, but that is my understanding from speaking to her. i know that the community
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benefits district was involved and other regions were involved from that section, and some of this came at the urging from those merchants and residents from that area. supervisor mar: ok, and it sounds like projects like the artisan marketplace across the street or the face lift of the store fronts and a lot of these different parts are moving forward with the strong support of merchants but also residents from the area. >> yes, that is my understanding. andrea is not here. she was working on those specific things you just mentioned, but that is my understanding. supervisor mar: great. thank you so much. are there any other questions? can we move this forward without objection? without objection. thank you. would you please call item two? >> item two, or in its amended the planning code establishing
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other requirements and procedures across the district. supervisor mar: thank you. >> if i could just give a brief introduction to it. andrea baker will not be speaking on this, just to clarify, but i know there are a number of people from the public who would like to. the ordinance before the committee creates a comprehensive set of street frontage controls for the city's residential district. currently, street frontage controls in the planning code vary greatly from one residential district to the other. rto controls are currently the most complete, but partial controls exist in controlsrh and rm districts. -- exist in certain rh and rm
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districts. this limits parking two 1/3 or less of street frontage, and individual go raj -- individual garage entrance is to 1 foot or less. -- entrances to one for less. supervisor mar: thank you. ms. rodgers from planning. >> good afternoon, supervisors. this piece of legislation is a little bit different than the last one. whereas the last one was a specific, targeted piece of legislation, the piece of legislation before you now is broader and bolder and raises the bar for design in the city. the proposed ordinance is amended or repealed in 28 separate portions of the planning code, and each is described in the materials before you. we went over this in some detail at the planning commission hearing. i will give you an overview now. i would summarize the proposal
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as helping to regulate the ball standards in building codes in the city by counting parking towards f.a.r. limits. it also works to limit the appearance and dominance of garages. it would require that new large parking facilities be constructed in a way to be more easily converted in the future. establishes ground floor controls in industrial districts, which we did not have previously. it removes parking minimum requirements. it allows for the zoning administrator to reduce parking requirements when certain conditions are met. and it applies street frontage controls to what we call limited corner commercial uses in residential districts, so those are the little corner stores. also applies to formulary tell requirements, and allows some
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awnings that will also be permitted in our smallest neighborhood commercial districts. it allows users in the rc district that would be allowed on the ground floor, and this was from our previous planning district recommendation in december. it also allows commercial uses, the corner stores, in our higher density commercial districts. finally, it does add procedures for buildings over 50 feet in height and incorporates alleyway controls into buildings there. on behalf of the planning commission, we recommend approval of this ordinance as it is currently drafted. supervisor mar: thank you. i think there was mention that the small business commission heard and recommended approval of part of the ordinance as well. colleagues, do you have any
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other questions? seeing none, let's open this up for public comment. i have three cards, and if anyone else would like to speak, please come forward. >> hello, supervisors. as i think you know, in san francisco, 800 people a year are hit by cars. just this week, three people were killed by cars, so pedestrian safety is a high priority for the city and should increase in priority. this ordinance is one step toward that. by reducing driveway size and keeping driveway's away from corners, this ordinance will improve conditions in san
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francisco for pedestrians -- by keeping driveways away from quarters. it will allow more space for street trees that our city needs and more space for the parked cars that can form a buffer between pedestrians and car traffic. this will also make it easier to create quarter bulbouts, shortening the crossing distance for pedestrians and enabling drivers and walkers to see each other more clearly. for these reasons, walk san francisco is supporting this ordinance. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. san francisco bicycle coalition. i bring you our full and strong support and thank livable city and supervisor mirkarimi for crafting this. as the city aspires to become
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more walkable and viable, this sort of control is necessary. this is very important. we have been very careless with the use of our sidewalks and street faces, and this measure will go a long way to bringing a more gracious, walkable, bikable san francisco. i'd bring you the support of the sfbc, and i hope you will bring your support as well. >> good morning. big planning day for me. we had the pleasure of working on this ordinance. you last year brought forward a similar ordinance for mixed use districts, and a lot of this is taking a lot of the best ideas that came out of the eastern neighborhoods in terms of controls in the way that the building meets the street. as i was talking about earlier, the planning code previously
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paid a lot of attention to the uses of buildings, what type of use and how dense, etc. we'd hate, i think, too little attention to the way buildings create great streets and safe streets. this is going to require that buildings be better neighbors. there's a lot of aspects to the ordinance. one of the things i wanted to point out was often, we hit conundrums in public policy, and preservation is one that came to mind where people say that on the one hand, you want to preserve buildings. on the other hand, you want to make them easier to adapt and reused. one of the things this ordinance does is it makes that an easier thing to do. we took a bunch of controls, exceptions for things like saving an historic tree, or if you were changing the use in an historic building and it would
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have required a driveway or garage. you can now get those exceptions administratively. we took time, paperwork, and we took a burden out of doing that. we think it is a positive move for the city, very much in keeping with all of the plans we have done, and we would love to have your support today. supervisor mar: thank you. is there anyone else from the public that would like to speak on this item? mr. paulson. >> ♪ there is a safe district for us on bicycles safe place for us time to ride and time to be safe. fix it up please fix this place somewhere, some district, somehow you'll fix it up all tehe way
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and you will make the district all better today somewhere, some way, some bicycle place ♪ supervisor mar: thank you. anybody else that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, can we move this forward without objection? great, thank you. so moved. please call item 3. >> item 3, ordinance adding chapter 22 the environment code to establish a three-year pilot program to reduce waste in the distribution of yellow pages phone directories. supervisor mar: thank you. and for this item, we have our president, david chiu. there are a number of crops being set up, and we have about 35 people signed up to speak. before we start public comment,
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i would just ask people to try to be safe in your comments so that we can move this along as quickly as we can. president chiu. supervisor chiu: thank you, mr. chair, and, colleagues, i want to thank you for your consideration of a proposal today that is about yellow books, about the environment, about how we clean up our neighborhoods, and consumer choice. this is a piece of legislation that rhino many folks all around the city have often thought about in recent years when we noticed the huge number of plastic-wrapped in yellow pages dumped on doorways, lobbies, the apartment buildings, and on streets. the pictures you have in front of you are pictures of my neighborhood, actually, my block. but these are ubiquitous images around the entire city. in the middle of last year, i asked my staff to start researching some of the facts around the situation involving
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the yellow pages, and we learned some inconvenient truths related to this topic, related to the environment. the yellow pages industry distributes 1.6 million yellow pages to san francisco every year. as we know, the population of our city is a little less than a hundred thousand individuals, so that is two redundant yellow page books for every man, woman, and child in the city. put a different way -- we have 330,000 households, so that as five redundant yellow page books per household. if you stack these books on top of each other, is almost 300 transamerica pyramids and to end -- end to end. to dispose of this means we are disposing of 7 million pounds of waste, and the hidden costs of disposing just your yellow pages is estimated to be at least $1 million a year, paid for by san franciscans. consumer choice -- right now,
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consumers in san francisco have no choice in deciding whether to receive the yellow pages. every resident in the city is forced to get multiple, redundant, unwanted copies. the problem we are talking about is the mass and deliver it over distribution. the legislative proposal we are considering is simple -- it would allow distributors to distribute and deliver yellow pages to every san francisco resident, to distribute them to anyone who wants them, anyone who wants a yellow pages should be able to get one. the industry has engaged in a bit of a smear campaign to refer to our legislation as a ban. it is not. streeters can provide yellow pages to anyone who requests one. they can contact residents via e-mail, direct mail, telephone. they can lead ups-like stickers on your door way asking you to check whether you want one. they can distribute in supermarkets, libraries,
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