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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT

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speak to was about this issue. i support this legislation, and that is why i co-sponsored it. i think on balance, this is an enormous generator of waste, in much of it is unnecessary. this industry has been extremely slow to transform itself -- supervisor mar: supervisor wiener, may i? public comment is closed. [gavel] we also the supervisor cohen and supervisor chiu. after you. supervisor wiener: i have some
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concerns, and those concerns have been expressed very articulately today, concerns about job loss, about seniors and others who may rely on the yellow pages, concerns about some small businesses to do use the yellow pages as part of their advertising strategy, and concerns about requiring industry to transform itself quickly. rather than dying. so what i would like to do is to pass this legislation but to provide an extended effective date, one that would actually give the industry time to make the changes necessary to make sure that the people need the yellow pages can actually get it into their hands without wastefully over distributing and to make sure that small
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businesses that rely on the yellow pages can evaluate and change their advertising strategy if necessary, so i would like to propose the following amendments. it basically, what i am proposing is that the ordinance would take effect in about two years, on july 1, 2013, and we have had some discussion with president chiu about this date, and i am sure we will have a conversation now about what the effective date would be. section 20.8 would be replaced with the following language, in subsection 8. it would read," this chapter shall become operative on july 1, 2013." and then section 20.8, subsection b, it would read,
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"this chapter shall remain operative through june 30, 2016. this chapter it shall sunsets and no longer have the force of law as of that date. -- as of that date." and then another would read that the content of the outreach program is in the city's discretion, and any alleged changes to the program shall not invalidate this chapter, the content of the public outreach program may involve." so that is my motion. president mar: thank you, supervisor wiener: . president chiu?
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president chiu: thank you. i appreciate all that has gone into this topic in recent months. i also went to the knowledge that there has been some intensity of reaction in the industry. it is a $16 billion industry, and it is not surprising that we have heard the worst case nightmares raised by the industry, that we're going to kill jobs, kill small businesses. these are the types of things we heard when our city stood up to ban star from containers, to phase out plastic bags. these are the sorts of things that san francisco hears often when we are trying to take the lead and really standing koran an inconvenient truth, standing up for the environment, standing up for our neighborhoods, in standing up for consumer choice. it was mentioned that there were hundreds of letters sent in to the board of supervisors in opposition of this measure. i can assure you that i have
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received communications from thousands of individuals that actually supported this legislation. i know there was a rally last week where there were a couple hundred folks who attended, many of which two were employees of the companies that are being effected here. again, i can assure you, but there are tens of thousands of residents here incidences " -- residents here in san francisco who are fine with getting their phone books when they want to get them. i did want to talk about what was raised by industry lobbyists and representatives. i sat down with industry representatives on a number of occasions starting last summer. in other words, six months before it introduced this legislation, to give them the opportunity to respond. i asked them where the numbers came from that they relied on to
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suggest that, of san franciscans use yellow pages. i did not get that information. my staff asked for it repeatedly. the fact that we had the executives here who were not aware that i was considering this legislation, frankly, your labiche and of let you know that we were seriously thinking about this, and we asked the industry for ideas and what we could do in this area, and we were told two policy options. the first was, self regulation, the opt out scenario that you're talking about, that the industry tommy was at best likely to lead to a 5% to 10% reduction in the number of books we are talking about, but as we know, after nationally marketing this, after 19 million media impressions, that is exactly point to 5% of our population deciding to opt out. the second option provided by the industry was that they would
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allow apartment buildings -- they would provide apartment buildings with nice racks, so these telephone books would be better placed in apartment lobbies. i can tell you that apartment building manager's i spoke to were frankly offended by that, because they viewed as an opportunity for the $16 billion opportunity to get into the lobbies, into the four years and the hallways of their dens apartment buildings, so, unfortunately, those were suggestions that did not address the concerns that were raised and brought to our attention by all the organizations that support this legislation, from the green chamber of commerce, the sierra network, sustainability, product stewardship, californians against waste, san francisco beautiful, north beach merchants, the small business network, and neighborhood associations, and the small business commission and others.
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that being said, i do hope, colleagues, that we can move forward with this legislation, and i am still hoping to sit down and hear any other good ideas that we can from the industry. i do wish to work with representatives from the industry to see what we can do to reduce on wanted it overproduced and over distributed books, if there is a way for us to do that. that being said, i hope we move forward with this legislation. i do very much appreciate supervisor wiener's amendment to defer this for two years. this is not something i would support at this point. i understand we would want to provide some room for the industry to make changes in san francisco. that being said, in the next two years, we're going to have 1.8
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million, times two, it dumped on the streets of san francisco, close to 600 transamerica pyramids on top of each other, and, colleagues, i think we do not have that much time to waste from an environmental standpoint. again, these are an inconvenient truth, but we need to ask to do what we can to keep our city beautiful, to save our environment, and, frankly, to ensure that all san franciscans who want to get these can get them, but if they do not want them, they do not need to get them, so with that, colleagues, my idea is to lead the discussion if others think it would be appropriate, a starting point for this legislation, i would like to engage in that conversation. president mar: supervisor cohen: -- supervisor cohen?
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supervisor cohen: thank you for everyone who has come. this has been and eyeopening experience for me. i did not have an idea of the situation with the yellow pages. i have enjoyed the spirited comments of the last three hours and 15 minutes. but who is counting? but in all seriousness, i can fully appreciate supervisor wiener's amendments, and i would like to suggest that instead of two years, we discussed a one- year delay in implementation. also, to give the industry a little bit more time to be thoughtful on how to implement its new legislation. i am in support of the legislation of supervisor chiu,
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and i want to thank you for your thoughtfulness and the hard work you and your staff have done. thank you. supervisor mar: thank you, supervisor cohen, for your motion for a one-year delay as opposed to supervisor wine -- wiener's amendment for two years. i also found is educational. i am concerned about seniors and people with disabilities and others who have been left out by the changes in technology, that are victims of the digital divide, and i think that giving a little bit more time as supervisors wiener and cohen are saying, so that others can develop advertising and
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marketing strategies, as supervisor wiener said. i want to say that supervisor chiu and others have opened my eyes to the huge, massive waste every year, and i believe that has been very irresponsible overproduction of the books that has caused this and the millions of dollars of the industry. i am also concerned about jobs and other changes but the industry will have to go through, but my hope is that a phase in period of 1-year -- i actually think that six months is more my speech, but i will be willing to accept one year, as supervisor cohen suggested. i have also learned from our
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department of environment, i think they mentioned tons of carbon that could be saved by reducing even half of the production of paper that is used for these phone books. supervisor chiu pointed out that they are not even touched. many people in my building, we see a pile up. the transamerica pyramid visual that supervisor chiu gave us, but i know that the pile up is huge, even where i am. i want to thank others for their efforts last year to try to create even the opt out system that was challenged by the industry, so i am puzzled in some ways by the industry arguments, but i do appreciate the website, yellowpagesoptou
9:14 pm, which i did go to and opt out, and i ask people to consider that option. the $1 million per year that may be saved for ratepayers in the city and recology savings is to me significant, and that is why i am strongly supportive of this legislation, and i hope this period of time, one year, it would hopefully allow the industry to adjust, and people can still get the yellow pages, but they would have to request that. i think this will help save our city and help us observe our 0 racecourse and other goals, so i am supportive of supervisor -- help us observe our 0-waste and
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other goals. so i am supportive of supervisor cohen's motion. supervisor wiener: -- supervisor wiener's, supervisor cohen, would you like to propose a friendly amendment? supervisor cohen: yes, i would like to change the date to one year's time. 2012. instead of 2013. president mar: so supervisor cohen has made an amendment to supervisor we -- wiener's amendment, and i will set in
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that. supervisor chiu: basically, a one-year, it did in the industry a year to work with us to figure out what would be appropriate as far as how we would move into this new policy. supervisor mar: so is your motion may 1, 2012? supervisor cohen: may 12. supervisor wiener: i will set in that. >> i will support the amendment. i see the i am in the minority here.
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president mar: so we have it passed, the amendment to a supervisor wiener's amendment. this is passed. any other? may we have a roll call on this? clerk somera: on the amendment as amended, [reading roll] the recommendation passes. supervisor mar: thank you, everyone, for showing up. and the last item on our agenda. president chiu: i want to thank
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my colleagues and the members of the public, and i wish to continues conversation with the industry to find a way to and read this that makes sense. supervisor mar: 18. thank you. ms. somera, could you please read the last item? clerk somera: dealing with the 49 years and candlesticks stadium. supervisor mar: continuing this item until next week. supervisor cohen? supervisor cohen: i just want to reiterate what you just said. i would be considering continuing this for one week. supervisor mar: without objection, continuing this for one week. and i should open this up. is there anyone who would like to speak on item number four? seeing none, we will continue
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this at our next land use meeting next week. ms. somera, are there any other final items? clerk somera: no, there are no other items. supervisor mar: thank you. meeting adjourned.
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>> meeting for march 17. happy st. patrick's day. we welcome all of you today. as a reminder, please turn off all pagers, cell phones, or any electronic devices that may sound off during proceedings. we ask that you take any secondary conversations outside in order for the meeting to proceed as efficiently as possible. if you would like to speak on any item today, if you could please fill out a blue card. unless the commission announces otherwise, you will have three minutes to speak on each item. and please address your comments to the item that is being heard. it is general public, you want to speak on, those are items four and 19. and last, as a reminder, address
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your comments to the commission in order to allow equal time for all. staff will not respond to questions during public comment, but the commission may ask questions of staff after public comment is closed. we are on item two, a president's report. >> i have some announcements to make, but i will make them as part of my report. happy thanksgiving -- happy thanksgiving? merry christmas. [laughter] happy st. patrick's day to all of you. let me make a formal announcement. we have a couple of changes in the order of business on the agenda. it has been told to me by the city attorney's office that we need to conclude an item before noon in order to get it properly noticed with the board of supervisors.
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so the commission will be going into closed session twice. 13, 14, 15b, 16, and 17, the closed session on the 49ers proposed settlement agreement will be heard following items six. that will allow us to come to some conclusions and take an official action in time for it to be shipped over to the clerk's office and properly noticed that the board. we will then -- when we come out of executive session, we will hear item 18. after that, we will continue with our normal order of business, including closed session for a second time on items 13, 14, 15a, one in two, and 16 and 17. seems to be quite a bit of litigation these days. that is the reason for that.
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last night, i had a productive session speaking to the order of jamestown, that uses our parks in partnership during our program. it was very encouraging, very well attended, and i think enthusiastically received. it was really a public/private partnership, and they were appealing to their constituents for support, and many city elected officials were there, and it was encouraging to see that people were recognizing that in these times of budget shortfall that public/private partnerships with a free park uses -- appropriate part uses seem very appropriate, at least in those quarters. i'm going to ask commissioner harris said in a minute to weigh in on the event last night which i could not attend, but i understand you were there, so i
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welcome that. notice we are meeting at 10:00 in the morning. that is not to be an inconvenience to the public. the fact is that the president of the board of supervisors restructured their committee hearing scheduled, and our regularly scheduled to o'clock p.m. meetings conflicted with his new schedule, so therefore, we would not have been televised, and there has been a strong sentiment in the community that those who cannot come to the meeting, that being able to watch them on television is an important part of the public participation, and we support that as well. the only time slots we were left with were these 10:00 spots in the morning. so bear with us. we appreciate you coming out, and we will see how that works. with that, that concludes my report, and i'm going to ask commissioner harrison to tell us about last night. commissioner harrison: certainly. it was a very nice event, as it was last year.
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topics again were about the partnership that the rec and park and neighborhood park council enjoys to get there. as time goes on, it seems to be growing stronger, which i certainly appreciate. they were talking about some of the future things that they are going to be involved in and some changes that are going to be made between himself and another organization to even strengthen our relationship with both these organizations. so, yes, it was a very nice event. i did not have any, but am sure the wine was tasty. >> thank you, commissioner. i think that concludes our report. >> is there any public comment on the president's report? and a scene? -- ernestine? >> yes, as for the time of the meeting, it is grossly unfair to
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ask people to come here at 10:00, as witnessed by the lack of attendance, and the excuse of not setting another time is ridiculous because we could go back to 4:00 p.m. what is wrong with that? commissioner buell: it would not be on television. that is used to be. commissioner buell: there is only so much capacity to televise it. i am open to all suggestions, so you find a good time slot, you will get my support. >> what other time is available that can be televised? you need to find one. commissioner buell: we did, and this is what we were left with. >> not good. not democratic at all. commissioner buell: thank you. >> is there anyone else who would like to comment under the president's report? seeing none, public comment is closed. we are on item 3, the general managers report. >> good morning, commissioners.
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i'm sitting in for phil ginsberg -- ginsburg. he will be back in the city tomorrow evening. but for today, i have a couple of things to report on his behalf. everybody, i'm sure, knows of the catastrophic earthquake that took place in japan late last week. the tsunami warning posted for california and sen for cisco, and the property at most risk for us was the marine a yacht harbor. we participated in a variety of city responses last friday. but for dissipating in the policy group that was activated from the department of emergency management, -- both for participating in the policy group that was activated from the department of emergency management, and i was part of the working team that was monitoring developments.
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we had a couple of swells that came through, but none of them work overly significant. there was no book damage, and appeared damage. we did lose two pilings due to one of the afternoon's wells, but the marine i got harbor's south was right there, including the general manager, who jumped on the workboat and help them work on the filing that had just been cut loose -- the marina yacht harbor's staff was right there. we came through the entire morning with no other damage, and given some of the other reports you have seen around the state and around the west coast, we fare very well. that is how that went last week. in better and brighter news, our summer camp registration begins on saturday, and we are offering a lot of great programs