tv [untitled] March 22, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT
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bookings as far as the area after they got book, also court made in the sound and lighting and additional event, such as catered events, and so forth, just making sure the operation is set up. commissioner: during those years of your employment -- >> i know this happened towards the end of my employment there, and basically, i love to start another project. so i am not sure exactly the outcome. i did not follow up on it, but during that time, when i first started, there were not any issues, and probably when i was working there, that is when the issue started rising. commissioner: what did you do with those issues? >> i was in a position to deal
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with those issues. there were two above me. commissioner: was there -- during this period? >> yes. commissioner: that is a little concerned, i have to tell you. in your plan, you submitted a plan from shaw security, but now, i think you said you are hiring eipic -- epic? >> yes, we are hiring epic, and then we were approached by shock, and d. j. donovan had suggested going with shaw -- we
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were approached by shaw. commissioner: so there is no security plan? >> yes, we have a security plan. >> i wrote that for them. commission: do i have that in my book? vice chair joseph: it says rendezvoused -- rendezvous tap as. commissioner: 1 security god for every 50, instead of the normal one for every 100, and i was just curious as to why that security -- one security guard for every 50. >> we will want one inside.
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commissioner: i guess my last comment is that there is not a police officer in san francisco who does not know immediately where 2080 van ness. i cannot imagine your opening a business at an address that would bring you more scrutiny, from businesses, the neighbors, white miso. i just want you to be aware of that. i hope you do a great job here. i hope you are successful. i hope there are no problems whatsoever. i am not hugely confident of that right now, note but i have no means to officially object. i have nothing further.
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vice chair joseph: would you are saying is that you did production and setup of the room. what will you be doing at this place? >> basically, more of the bookkeeping, doing inventory -- vice chair joseph: so you are doing operations. >> different operations. i will not be oversee the event itself, but i will be setting things up behind that. vice chair joseph: ok, thank you very much. president newlin: do we have anyone from the police department? commissioner: it says here on your application that you're reaching out to various community organizations, but it says you are aggressively contacting them, so once you get a chance to meet with them, what kind of discussion you plan to have with them?
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-- do you plan to have with them? >> currently, to meet with them every three months, to see what they might have issues with, or see what things we could do to make things better, and, hopefully, we will have a long acting relationship with them. i am hoping to be part of the community over there. commissioner: how you are reaching out to every day neighbors. >> opentable and yelp.
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basically, they will come by and see we have a restaurant. we are doing much of the remodeling ourselves, and a lot of people stop by, they will have their email and contact numbers. commissioner: banks. -- thanks. president newlin: ok, police? >> i am with the san francisco police department, inspector falzon. this application is a bit of a sticky wicket, because we have to give a lot of credit to you
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all, and i very much appreciate your commitment tonight to this issue, because we know the old operators were problematic. they simply could not grasp the scope of what they were trying to do, and they never really could manage the place, so when we all recognize this come in when you're commission was involved, you're executive director was involved, as well as your sound tech, we wanted to get new operators in for one sole purpose, and that was to have a war restrictions to curtail the business and better protect the community -- to have more restrictions. the other idea was to have relocation. -- revocation. a copy has already come to you.
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having said that, we will watch this very closely. with these new conditions in play, we can move very swiftly, and this is the part that i kind of want to reinforce. what i have heard them say and what i want to hold them to is that there first and foremost a restaurant. as long is that -- as that is true, we will not have many problems with them, and neither will the community. there is one. restriction of want to mention to you, a condition. the sale of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed the sale of food, so we are boxing these people in to be a bona fides restaurant, a bona fide eating place, so i think what we're getting is operators with some history, that has been established tonight. the history may not be exactly what we want, but they are willing to take on this project. they had been sincere with us and receptive to the commission.
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they have done some outreach with the community. with the new conditions they have accepted, i am reasonably confident we can move forward reasonably safely. having said that, i will tell you this. if things do not work out, the police department will not allow a transfer, and we will go for a relocation, and they will get nothing to sell. speaking to commissioner meko's comments, they will lose a very serious asset. i answered to -- happy to answer any questions if i can. president newlin: no? members from the public who would like to comment on this application? >> good evening, commissioners. my name is dawn, and i am with
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the neighborhood association that 2080 van ness is within the boundaries. i have had the opportunity to meet with the new owners and taste their very delicious food and get an idea of what they plan for this location. the immediate neighbors very much want to see a change at that location. you know very well what has been going on there, and it has been a very bad and dangerous situation for neighbors, so change is very welcome. hearing the comments this evening, i say there are a few questions about promotions and promoters, and if you questions about the parking lot security, as that has been a problem. we are in agreement " with this particular business plan, in general, and we would like the addition of a three-month, six- month, and 1-year review so that
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we can address any issues that we might not be able to foresee today and that we would have an opportunity to have some sort of formal review and identify anything that might be bothersome or becoming bothersome and curb it quickly. so they can proceed, and they can have a great business at this location. thank you. president newlin: 80. any other comment? seeing none, commissioners? vice chair joseph: i would like to make a motion to approve. director: this would be the considerations of the police department as well as the conditions asked for by the member of the public.
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m --commissioner meko: before we entertain a set in motion, i would just like to comment. six-months, three-months, and 1 years, that seems to be a reasonable request, and i would like to ask that this be added to the conditions korea what was said by the police department, i think they are all fine, as well, but let me just go through the one with item one, maintaining a food restaurant. that is outside of our jurisdiction, but it does sound like the abc has this covered, just about every which way possible. number two, soundproofing. number three, not violating the sound ordinance. number four, at doors and windows being kept closed, and
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number five, security during all times of entertainment. those are all already covered by the policy. director: correct. commissioner meko: no. 9, shot provide no. station with a monthly calendar of events, and i would like that to include supply the entertainment staff with a monthly calendar, and those are my suggestions. vice chair joseph: some of these police commission's
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suggestions are already in our guy. that is my motion. -- in our guide. commissioner meko: that, i will second. secretary: i am going to go ahead and call the world. we have been joined by commissioner praisner. -- p [e -- perez. [reading roll] vice chair joseph: low calorie tapas. president newlin: ok, we would jump around, and we do not want to keep them here with the police department comments and questions. anyone want to do anything additional?
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>> president, vice president, commissioners. inspector falzon, once again. it is a little bit belated, but we talked about instituting a our training in our districts. we did take that off. the commission participated. we had sound tech granelli brought in. we and other stations, like southern, and by no means are we done. the response was quite exceptional. the interaction with the officers was very enthusiastic. i think something we will all benefit from. i think the community will benefit.
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i most certainly think the industry will, and i would like to think that you will be seeing a better product from us with this increased training. on that note, if you have any comments on the project. commissioner: just in your estimation with respect to the training, what do you think your officers learned the most? what was the most significant piece of information they did not previously have? >> i think what was really solid was touching on a lot of the basic nuances of the abc act, and actually the rights and privileges of a liquor license. from there, we talked about in entertainment permit and some of our other permits, and i know you aussies more and more, because we gather, and and most importantly, interpretation, and
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that is something that mr. granelli saw. we have a lot of different opinions with what could and could not be done, and we left that night how it lawfully and could be done, so you will be the beneficiaries down the road as you see more products from us, hopefully addressing the elements of the crimes, so that we are not sitting here at a loss when we are going over it, wondering how we got to this point. the other thing we have talked a lot about at this commission is a misnomer about citations. we can accomplish a lot just by document an event, and we spend a lot of time on that. all too often, and i know it happens here at the commission, as well, we hear all of this anecdotal data after the fact, after you have approved a permit, perhaps after the abc has been approved, and then we
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hear this is a huge problem. what we are encouraging our officers now is to document. if you go, and it is a fight, for example, we ask that they take a moment and at least do some basic documentation so we can track that down the road. the other thing we can talk about, and i think this will be to relieve valuable for the community and the industry, establishing a nexus between the crime and the premises, and that does not always exist. to identify that. there are going to be occasions because of the nature of the business, everything will go wrong, and we all know that that day will come when every club is going to have its dark day, hopefully not very dark. having said that, we can always blame the clubs for everything, and we're heading in a direction that when we come to you, we want to have as strong of a credibility as possible.
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moving on to a totally different topic, very briefly, we were having a lot of problems with 1015 folsom. someone was traveling and communicating from a distance. they met with the club. we met with the club at southern station. celotex -- sound tech granelli was involved. there were some detailed injunctions filed against them, and although that injunction is not in play anymore, it was brought to this owner's attention that we need to start
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getting back on top of basic club's security and club good business practices. the kind of problems we were having, it is escalating into fights and more serious violence, but it was stuff like drinking alcoholic beverages in the line, allowing the line to roll onto the streets. hese are kind of zero tolerance, club 101 issues, that every club operator should have a strong hand on. again, an example between the police department and the establishment with cooperation. all of us who have been on the ground floor of this are extremely confident. new security has been brought in. their security as a sense of an apartment, and they have a real voice in the management of this, and we hope this will be off of our radar for a very long time. that is all i have got, unless you have questions of the department.
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president newlin: commissioner meko? commissioner meko: i have a friend who lives next door to a nondescript club, and on occasion, the club becomes so low that he does call the police. twice, the officer has told him, two drops officers have told him that if he does not like the amount of noise at his place of residence, maybe he should think about moving someplace else. can you explain how you try to balance this with the officers? we certainly do not what the police department on a jihad against the clubs, but at the same time, i do not think we
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want to see residence, even poor residents, sro hotels, get that type of response. >> absolutely not. they have specific rights under the law to the quiet enjoyment of their home. having said that, we know in a densely populated city like san francisco, where there are 4000 licenses and god only knows how many permits, we have to coexist. i cannot speak to those exact comments, because i have got to tell you, there is usually an underlying story. i appreciate that you know this person, but there could be a little bit more to it. i in the first to admit that we can do a better job, and maybe officer that night was a little frustrated with the fact he was not able to help that gentleman. i am not sure. having said that, i think our
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report -- department is extraordinary, absolutely extraordinary with finding middle ground. we do it every day, and our officers are very good at finding that, but if this continues to be a problem, i would urge that person to contact my office. we will take a look at it. we will bring the person in with the club management, give them a cell phone number. there is a lot of things we can do. the name of the game, as we oba been saying, is about working collaborative late note -- collaboratively, and we have many club owners who have done tenant improvements, and this person needs our protection, needs our support. like you said, we do have to find this balance in this difficult economy. i would say if you could follow up with your friend, if things
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are not looking better, if he continues to get that kind of feedback, please direct it to me, and we will work it out. the community liaison, we would welcome your support, as well. commissioner meko: thank you. president newlin: anything else? >> thank you. >> good evening, commissioners, staff. i am steve mathias from central station. on st. patrick's day, it went real well. we were really happy with the festivities. we did not have any major problems, which we are happy about. one thing to note, working with the entertainment commission, it was helpful. i had an email that was followed -- forwarded to me by jocelyn from a neighbor who had an issue with a street calm and there was
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a one-night entertainment permit, and they had a person who was concerned about the block being basically -- basically denying access to the residents, and noise concerns and some other concerns, as well, and what we were able to do was go over to the place and voice what our concerns were, and he was actually able to change the configuration of the street closure so that their security did not have to stop anybody who was going into a house. they had free access. this alleviated quite a bit of problems. also, with the concern of the neighbor who is concerned about the noise, we were able to give him the number to central command, so if there were any issues during the night, he could call us, and i am happy to say that he did not have to call us, so it went very well. it was just a nice event.
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i think working with the entertainment commission really pay off here. saturday night, the police responded to a disturbance at atmosphere. someone was being ejected, not that big of an issue, and while they were dealing with that issue, someone went over to the police car and broke off one of the mirrors. luckily, he was caught and charged with a felony, and we tried to look into where the person went, where the suspect had come from, if we could figure out which club, and we are not even sure that he came from a club, so he was in the area, and we are not able to tie it to a specific club. yes? vice chair joseph: why would that matter? why would that matter if he walked up and broke off a mirror? how is that the club's
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responsibility? >> if they are being served or over search, that is an issue. it is not at issue here, because we cannot say he came from a club. he could have come from the street, drinking 40-ounce beers. vice chair joseph: welcome back, welcome back. >> i do not want to say that it was near a club atmosphere, so it came from a club. i do not want to do that. we do not just a guess. another issue, on march 20, a group on leavenworth, they wanted to get in without paying the cover charge, and they were denied, and they became real verbal. one of the people had to actually be escorted out, but this is a situation where the
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people of the door are doing the right thing. people are intoxicated before they even get to their establishment, and they are not letting them in. a lot of times, some bards think that we hold things like that against them. no, i would much rather have them stop and the problem before it gets and then having the police respond. another note, we went to management training. commissioner al perez ws t -- al perez was there. it comes down to the fire code, but it says for those around 1000 -- vice chair joseph: could you please be quiet when entering the room?
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thank you. >> 1000 assembling, they're required to have management that is trained, and after going to training, i think it would be something that would benefit any establishment, so i think we could talk to commission staff with a training that bars and clubs could send people to. i just think it would really help. the last hearing was canceled, so we do still have some other issues. at the statehouse on jackson street, there was an issue as far as overcrowding or possible overcrowding. we had another situation at the rec room, he
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