tv [untitled] March 25, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT
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e rches on top. this is a simple line drawing encasing all the guard in a modernized cents, providing for shop buildings along the lower line. to the right is the main administration building. there are warehouse facilities to the north of this. this is consolidating and paving this whole area. it is partly unpaved and full of potholes. it is dusty in summer and muddy in winter. this is a challenge in place to work. this is a shot of what we actually displayed at the sunol event in september of some visions for the alameda creek watershed center. we envision the three buildings that would be off to the left of the temple.
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there would include a classroom, meeting room, and interpretive facility. this should be something people could use for educational purposes, for making purposes for us, for other public agencies, and for folks in the local area, learning about our facilities and using them as community access. we are working on trying to define those interested needs out there in the area. lastly, the moccasin compound. this is a view over moccasin reservoir. the dominant feature there is the old power house, the brick- colored building to the center right of the photograph. to the left is the current administration building. to the far left is the old power -- is the new powerhouse. these are vintage facilities. the old power house was built in the 30's. the new power house was built in
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the '60s. this is a quick over head of the existing moccasin facilities. this was the original company town there. there are lots of buildings spread over this area. the ones that are labeled are part of the operation. there are many smaller buildings that are not labeled. those are cottages that in some cases are rented out to employees and in some cases are empty. the ec and number of powerhouse facilities, a number of shops on the lower part, surveyors, artie -- rt, engineers, and other things in this area. our objectives are office space consolidation. the we are looking at reuse of the old power house. this is an issue we talked about in the budget. this has been sitting there for a long time. there have been desires to do something or not with it. i will show you the status right now of it.
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it is time to come to grips with that. modernization of our shop and security improvements. right now, it is fairly easy to get into moccasin. we need to get better control. we have to eliminate health and safety issues in the compound. there is an exterior shot of the old powerhouse. you can see a little bit that some of the beautiful glass window there is broken from rocks. it is a mature building. you can see the paint flaking off. there are issues with mold and other problems we have to deal with with this building. this is a shot of the old power house when it was a powerhouse. that basic image is one where there is lots of light that comes in from these large windows on either end of the building and along the upper stories. this is a very open, like space. in talking with the bureau of architecture, there is great opportunity to do something very
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constructive with the space internally. that very old, thick wall -- they do not build them like they used to. this one has some energy and vintages we might want, going forward. >> is its seismically sound? >> one of the things that needs to be done with the old powerhouse is structural upgrades, because it is in a position now where it could collapse, if we just let it sit there. i would not put an exact date on it. if there is a seismic event or just sheer old age, like some of us get that way over time. this is what it is currently used for, which is storage of large pieces of equipment that are used in the moccasin effort. that is something we need to provide for. it is a function. but that huge space is underutilized. we just have to come to grips with the cost of doing this.
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right now, our administration facilities are spread throughout the compound. the idea of consolidating them in here, where we have built structural supports around the edge of the building, it might be like the ferry building. it is a good possibility. we have a number of modular buildings there, some of which are 30 years old. they have issues where they are in the middle of starting to have some structural problems. the idea of consolidation is very attractive here. we have some different things we can do. here it shows red text and black text. the first option is building a new administration building. the existing at fenestration building is like a slightly converted old hotel. the offices there are very small. it is kind of a rabbit warren.
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one option is to build a new administration building with a worker support facilities. the other option is to do something in the old power house, where it would consolidate administration functions and workers support facility to make sure that function is consolidated in a constructive way. we are looking at the costs. now, it costs more money to convert the old power house. one of the things i have requested of the engineers is an energy use comparison over a 50 year life. if you use an older building like that, i think chances are good that we would have lower energy costs. nobody has done that analysis yet. that is information we are looking for right now. in total, we are looking at some significant dollars here for facilities, but i think that are well worth it. we are talking about a place where half the water enterprise
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works. these are people who are out there making the system work. they need to make sure we are providing an efficient, safe places to work. there are schedules laid out there. we currently meet on a biweekly basis to make sure these are staying on track. even as it is, we are talking two to three years out on an optimistic schedule before we can start construction. we are in the midst of environmental review for millbrae yard and engineering for all three facilities. we have a contract for environmental review for moccasin. completion of construction would be five to six years out. one of the things are looking at is opportunities to save some of these through cash flow, staff accommodation, and a work point of view to come up with the best schedule for all this. we believe these are really
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important projects to move forward with. i will be happy to answer any questions regarding them. vice president moran: i spent a fair amount of time looking at this and i think you have certainly laid out the case for why these facilities need some attention. i know moccasin in particular is one that we have always regarded as historic and quaint. but the fact is that the staff requirements there have outstripped the facilities that are there. that said, the thing that gives me some concern is at the same time we are asking prepares for
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a whole lot of money to take care of the system as a whole, spending a lot of money on administrative facilities has the wrong field to it. i think both of those are facts, and one does not contravene the other. where that leads me is that i would be -- you have some discussion here about the phasing. you mentioned there are pluses and minuses for stretching it project out. i would like to see an implementation plan that does in fact stretch things out. you may want to bring back more than one implementation plan so we can take a look at that. there are some facilities that -- the pictures we saw during the budget presentation make it very clear that there are some things we just plain not need to deal with and sooner is better than later. there are other facilities that
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are in pretty good shape. that are not sufficient for growth. they can probably be used better in a different way. but those are things that are lower on the priority list. i would like to see the program -- and implementation plan that stretches that out over some time so the annual contribution is not a huge, and we can get the parties -- let the priorities work themselves out as we go forward. >> we would be happy to do obviously whenever you would like. the think part of it is that we have started discussions about these facilities so often and they have always been pushed to the back. we can phase in the construction. in many cases, the financing would be phased in so there would not be a hit in a year for these. they would be paid off over 30 or 40-year bond lives.
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whether it happened in 2016 or 2019, the real cost would be through 2014. we can get back with phasing, but it is not going to change the rate in any given year by anything like the total amounts here, because you would be stretching it out over the full bond life. vice president moran: and i am not suggesting we fundamentally put off this issue again. it has been put off a very long time and we need to do with it. getting started on it is a good thing to do. i think that may turn out the resource over sometime would make some sense. i would like to take a look at what that would look like. >> any other? president vietor: other comments? vice president moran: is this an action item? >> it is not. the next item, item 12, is an
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action item. vice president moran: the environmental work for the other two is already funded? >> that was approved and funded last year, about april 2010. at the time, we had moccasin up, but there was only one bidder and it was not a satisfactory bid, so we send that out again. vice president moran: we haven't called that item yet, but i have no problem proceeding with that. that actually is a place where we can look at some alternatives and deal with some of the phasing issues. president vietor: if there is no public comment on item 11 -- i am sorry. please come forward. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i have a public comment regarding the communications and re-branding proposal. is now inappropriate time or do away to the end? president vietor: i hate to make
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you wait longer than you have, so go ahead. >> my name is joseph christie. i am a san francisco resident. i wanted to address some of the concerns commissioner thorez -- torres was raising. you did raise some valid concerns regarding economics. we are in a tough time. it would be wrong to spend a lot of resources and wisely. but with that said, as a ratepayer, when i hear sfpuc i do not know what that means. i think it is important for ratepayers to know what they are paying for. for me to hear water, power, and sewer associated with that, it makes it much more clear. with regard to costs, it appears the costs of already been spent. it also appears that, based on
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the presentation, the design was received during an interview process. so maybe it was free or at very low cost. maybe not. regardless, the point is that the costs have been spent with regards to design. if new cards are going to be issued, they are going to have to be issued regardless. if it is the case that business cards are very expensive to print because of this gold logo, maybe a redesign will actually save money if business cards can be printed in house. let's see, what else. in conclusion, i am right pair and it is great to know what i am paying for. i think the brand does that successfully by incorporating water, power, and sewer. i think that redesigning it further will cost more money.
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i think that postponing it misses out on an opportunity to help communicate the sfpuc brand. sfpuc does a lot of wonderful things and people do not know for the most part what it is. thank you. vice president moran: just to be clear, i do not think this gentleman works for us. [laughter] we welcome comments. >> the comment on the item you were actually on. this is very difficult for me to speak to. i am concerned about the cost and the money. but many of the facilities have not changed since i worked for the department 20 years ago, and it is time. commissioner moran is right.
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what i would ask, given the sensitivity about spending money, is that you keep commissioner torres. provide a simple explanation to the public so they can understand why this is necessary now. the employees need efficient, safe places to work. safety is a concern, just like the seismic condition was a concern. that is easy to get behind. we have been to budget cuts. everyone has been to budget cuts. i was not here for your budget hearings. it is hard to justify in these times. to the extent we can make this simple for people to understand, that would be very appreciated. president vietor: i think with this communication strategy project that if we can come up with a series of explanations that are easily accessible and simple for the public to understand on the special financial pieces, but also the
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effect it might have on the rate payer or the user, it would be helpful. and guess that is a challenge for the communications team. anything else on number 11? >> item 12, a discussion of possible action to approve the selection of esa+orionjv, awarding been -- awarding the hetch hetchy-funded facilities upgrade to complete an environmental impact report for the moccasin facilities. president vietor: any comments? questions? all those in favor? opposed? thank you. next item. >> the next item is hour closed session.
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if you would allow me to call for any public comment on any closed session item. we have no speaker cards. there does not seem to be any public speakers. the next item is motion on whether to assert attorney- client privilege regarding matters listed below as conference with legal counsel. may we have a motion? president vietor: all those in favor? i will -- >> i will read the items. 15 -- threat to public services or facilities. 16, conference with legal counsel, existing litigation parian 17, conference of legal counsel, existing litigation, da ren kuang et al.
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if you could now move into a closed session. president vietor: >> closed session husband concluded. there was no action on item 15. items 16 and 17 were settled. next item. can i receive a motion to not disclose the discussion? all in favor? any other additional business from commissioners? hearing none, the meeting is adjourned.
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commissioners mirkarimi and avalos are en route. i want to thank members of the sfgtv staff that are covering this meeting. do we have any announcements? think you. can you call item number two? >> approval of the minutes of the regular lafco meeting. >> we have the minutes of the january 28 meeting. are there any changes? any member of the public that would like to speak on item number two? can we get a motion on item number two? we can take that without objection.
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can you please call item no. 3? >> report on the status of community choice aggregation. supervisor campos: thank you. how to first report on this item as mr. campbell from the public utilities commission. >> my name is mike campbell, i am director of the clean power sf program. i will give a quick update on the programs and the next steps. i outlined our approach moving forward and the success that we had as the starting point for our negotiations and getting a power supply contract.
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i am really excited that we are starting to move forward here. we can give san franciscans and ability to choose a supplier. we have begun preliminary discussions, and shell is the supplier. in additio. in addition, we are starting negotiations with energy solutions, the back-office support. there is data communication between us in terms of kilowatt hours. those conversations are underway. on a parallel track, we're starting to figure out how to
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roll hall for the procurement of development of a new generation services. and having that dovetail well with the special supplier. for the development of resources, we will look to the existing city policy in determining the preference for various types of resources with a clear preference. we will be sure that they stipulate that for in-city renewables. as i mentioned, we will try to make sure the resources as we fold them into the program lineup with the overall energy mix. this commission has been interested in some solar projects.
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there were presentations on petro-solar. we have had some technical discussions with folks on the street by its division -- streetlights division to talk about some of the technical features and think about the way to best set up a pilot study of their technology. so that technical teams are looking at that in conjunction n.ywith petro-solar. lastly, i wanted to give a quick update on some of the regulatory activities we have been undertaking. setting the bond amount that we would have to post. we have been filing comments on that as well as comments about
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the exit fee. it is sometimes called a cost responsibility surcharge. it is a power charge. in the case of the exit fee, even the utility's are sort of forced into of knowledge in the current way that that structure has too much in favor. it is favorable for the overall prices. importantly, the last thing the is that there is a new legislation introduced by leno that is legislation that we worked on with his office hit her in edition with other interested cca's. i wanted to make sure that my
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colleagues from lafco were part of that discussion. it was designed to clarify, really trying to undo some of the unfair advantages. a few highlights of the legislation include the code of conduct and better enforcement of procedures for utilities. and bringing violations to the cpuc. it may not be terminated without a fair public hearing. as you recall, there was a discussion about the reentry limitations. if a customer switches out of
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that, who have to stay out of the program for three years. it would allow them to come back after six months. it further of firms and clarifies that it would be at their discretion to a knowledge those types of resources for serving those customers. that is my general update. supervisor campos: we have been joined by commissioner avalos. commissioner schmeltzer: i wanted to go back to the meeting that you had with petro- solar. can you tell us more about what happened at the meeting and what their presentation in jail? -- e
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