tv [untitled] March 30, 2011 12:00am-12:30am PDT
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the necessary private investment for a residential land developer program of this note. table one of the project with a range from 13.2% with a weak housing market recovery and strong housing costs. this would increase the costs among strong housing market recovery with growth increased to 5% in 2012 and 10% in 2013. and then 17.8%, which is their best estimate, of market conditions. their review was completed in january 2011.
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president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> yes, my name is steve. i have to say that this is an open and brutal assault of the working-class residents of san francisco. some of you have been taking money from your favorite developers, like sean elsbernd. i would say that those of you vote for this need to have your homes demolished in san francisco. [cheers and applause] the fact of the matter is that this is not about protecting working-class housing in san francisco. it is driven by the voters who want to kick people out of their homes to make more profit. we need more working-class housing, not less in san francisco. i want to add also, where is this coming from?
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there has been a courage in the planning department. planners who were concerned have been driven out. why? because they did not represent the developers. they did not approve this project. we cannot tolerate the destruction of the housing for the working class people in san francisco. people are homeless and do not have a place to stay in san francisco. are you getting money from the developers? if you are, you need to disqualify yourself from voting on this project, the occasion of a personal financial interest in this project. the supervisors to vote from this -- vote for this and then take money from the developers. you need to be removed from office. as i live said before, there is a lot of work in construction in san francisco rebuilding these units, for the purpose of
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protecting the people of san francisco and their housing. thank you. [applause] president chiu: thank you. if i could remind you that we do not have applause because it cuts into people's time. thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, board of supervisors. my name is ben. i am a resident who does not live there, but described it greatly concerns me because i can see it impacts on the character of the entire west side as well as impacting the quality of life. let me take a minute and talk about a new resident who is 3 weeks old. how old will she be when this
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i continue to live here because it is the only place i can leav -- live in a single-family home. my objections are population tripling, single family houseing being irradicated, a loss of private garden character and living space, satellite parking lots would create an opportunity for more crime, particularly during nightfall.
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i wonder if you have the answers. one question is ecological. i will have to live for 20 years with construction around me. do we know what the impact on the health of people? i have a big concern about financial security. right now, we see [unintelligible] there are apartments that are not fully packed.
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there are empty apartments. and many people live in parkmerced because of their financial situation. but many people live there because it is a great compromise between having some kind of home and being not too far from downtown. but living in a high-rise 40 minutes away from downtown -- it is not that attractive. how will the owner be able to fill out this play stacks -- this place? >> my name is tony. i am with the housing rights committee of san francisco. i do not live in parkmerced, but i have counseled many tenants who have come into the office from there with a variety of
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projects. i have been a tenant activist for the last 15 years. the housing rights committee is opposed to the parkmerced project. two reasons i will talk about. one is the environmental nightmare we are creating. a city that believes so strongly in green, in being green and being environmentally friendly, cannot allow this nightmare of toxicity and this amount of people to be exposed to this toxicity. it is total insanity. the second thing is the loss of front control. i know parkmerced is saying the units will be preserved. there will be voluntarily put in rent control forever. i think that is problematic. i understand legally that could be easily challenged.
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that rent control could be struck down. i think that is a really problematic point here. there is no guarantee these units will stay under rent control if this plan goes through. finally, a market rate housing, more market rate housing in san francisco. do you understand that phrase? more market rate housing in san francisco. san francisco needs more market rate housing likely need sarah palin as mayor. thank you. [applause] president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> my name is jeremy mellon. i do not live-in parkmerced. i did graduate from san francisco state university and spent plenty of time there.
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i am here to state that our organizational position on this matter is to support the appellants and to ask you not to approve this development project. we find this a housing for long- term residents, some elderly, many students, in an area in the city where there is always a constant need for more reasonably-rated housing. market rate is certainly anything but that. the environmental impact of the project is very suspicious. there are a lot of things that were not covered in the eir report, a lot of potential hazards. it is disingenuous to avoid addressing those before approving the development of this size. finally, right next door to a
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working-class university, there is a revolutionary labor studies program, a revolutionary health program. it is insulting to the intelligence of the people in this room to suggest that development means demolishing working-class homes. that is a bad translation. this is a proposal that does not take the people into account. the people who are here -- they have stated loudly and clearly, and will continue to state, their opposition. i really think you -- i beg you supervisors to respect the people's wishes on this matter and not go ahead. [applause] president chiu: before the next speaker, let me call some additional individuals to speak. again, these are individuals on
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behalf of the appellant. if you might have checked the wrong box and want to speak on behalf of the project sponsor, you will be able to do that later on in today's proceedings. sarah mall borah, rose hill some, -- hilsome, lyn aich, judith flynn. >> i am the president of the merchant extension trying to association, located directly across juniper. merced extension triangle office taken a position not opposed to a moderate redevelopment of parkmerced. we are definitely opposed to the height and bulk of the proposed project. what is planned is a development going to 8900 units come up with a projection of 16,020 bedrooms, which equates to a population
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anywhere between 25,030 thousand residents when completed. i have copies of the state earthquake investigation report from the april 19 earthquake. i want to read briefly from it. an old railroad trestle that crosses the northern end of parkmerced was badly wrecked. the bid was broken into pieces and was out of line at both ends. the direction of the offsets is very nearly due north-south. at one point, the break was shelved 14 feet past the other section. the west and failed to join the section at the west bank by six to 7 feet. the west section that remained with the bank was from 4 feet to 5 feet lower vertically than the intermediate section. a sand bar was forced out of the lake from water that was previously 6 feet to 8 feet
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deep. this was at a time when there were no houses in the area. the area was developed beginning after abroad for iii -- beginning after world war ii. we are in favor of a tier 5 transportation study. but let's not put the cart before the horse. let this get the study funded and implemented prior to and the demolition or construction. thank you. president chiu: if we could have sf gov tv on the laptop? there we are. that could be a different presentation.
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if we want to hear from the next speaker as we are working on a laptop, why don't i ask the next speaker to step up, please? >> good afternoon. my name is hollywood marshall. i do not live at parkmerced. i know it well and the people who live there because i have been a commissioner on the san francisco went board for 27 years and have seen this building and these people for all of those years, and grown very fond of them. since the appellants each had only five minutes to cover the eir, i am going to try to fill
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in a few things they were not able to get to. one is alternatives. there has been some talk -- some hope that you'll will send this back to consider a no- demolition alternative. as i understand it, the mayor's office of work force development is now saying that has been analyzed. i want to correct that. there is a no project alternative which is required by law to be considered. that is the only alternative that does not involve demolition that is covered in this eir. there are two paragraphs about an alternative that was rejected for analysis because it did not meet the sponsors goals. it would have built in fill units in courtyards and car parts. that was not analyzed. so there is no truth no- demolition alternative to consider as a serious alternative.
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you could send it back for that reason. i want to quickly turn to transit and traffic. even assuming the m line will go into parkmerced, which is not guaranteed by any means, the eir reveals it would be overcrowded and will need additional street cars purchased. those are unfunded by the m.t.a. or the developer. there would be increased headways that would reduce transit capacity. supervisor mar: thank you very much. next speaker. >> i seem to have started something. can i get it back up? there it is.
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this is a quick slide show of the images and issues about parkmerced. i have spent over five years discussing this issue with the city and county. i think it is important i have only seen one supervisor out there with me, taking a walk of the site and what is important about the site. the existing garden apartments square footage analysis in this document ignores entirely the loss of open space of the existing community, from 191 acres down to 62 acres. what does that do for people out there? what is the density maximum we are trying to achieve in urban areas? when is it too much? when do we have to sit back and look again at the transit?
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what other large skill improvements could we see out there that should be coming before this type of development occurs? the are a lot of issues in this little overhead example. i hope you will go back and look at it carefully. i can send you a pd f of the entire presentation. there is no reason to approve this project. there are enough people in front of you to state clearly that this is just in the developers' interest, who are texting in the back to try to get more people here. i think you need to hear the point of view of the existing community. i am a member of san francisco tomorrow. i do not live in parkmerced. i am against discrimination against families. i was not allowed to move back to a small town house where i originally lived in parkmerced
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and my child was born. life changes rapidly and we should all respect that. change can occur in parkmerced, but the way we do it is very important. [applause] supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker, please. >> i want to turn in this view. supervisor mar: just placed it on there. speak into the microphone. >> i am a resident of parkmerced for the last eight years. this particular map -- i am going to have copies to each supervisor. it represents the dangers involved with parkmerced, some of the most earthquake-prone land in the city. this is the united states geographic survey map. this area in by what is exactly where -- in violet is exactly
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where parkmerced is. it has up offers underneath. it is in extreme danger in the event of another earthquake like 1906. i am sensitive to this because my father was one of the ones who vetoed rebuilding the pool because it was right on the fault line. my great grandfather and my grandfather were burned out of their home on april 18, 1906. small construction like the garden apartments holds up well, even in a catastrophic quake like 1906. one and two-story buildings did very well. their house did very well in the quake. the fire got them. the buildings that will take a terrible hit will be the towers. the existing power is badly damaged already.
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it has never been adequately fixed from the small quake of 1989. what was said earlier about lake merced is true. it was part of the pacific ocean in 1952. there was an earthquake. it is not a fresh water lake. that area is right next to the san andreas fault. it is a dangerous area. you do not want big construction right there. thank you very much. supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker. >> supervisors, my name is ronaldo visali. i have lived in parkmerced for 40 years, since i was 3. today was a beautiful day. it was sunny. birre
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