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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2011 5:00am-5:30am PDT

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>> in terms of not using our children in terms of schools performing as well >> i hear the stories of the cat
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students and five keys. for what am i doing here? what motivates me motivates a lot of the people here. i believe in public education i toured public and proif at schools. right now, lake shore is supposed to feed into dvrn denman. there are three other middle schools in the same general vicinity half as far. why are earth is lake shore
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feeding into denman. if you think you are going to think this andese into middle school, i think you will be mistak mistaken. i think it is really going to be disruptive. thank you. >> [speaking in spanish] . >> good evening, everybody.
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i represent ace, which is an appliance for the community power. we want to mention a few things that they did emand. staying focussed. we number one. protecting and investing the pieces. getting the focussed investment.
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the maximum amount is to worry in the classroom, not in the district. >>. working on the school
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>> working with not against parents and teachers coming together to inform the schools and maximize the investment. thank you. >> i did get some information from a colleague that i thought would be about sharing. in case there was a perception that the capacity at washington were produced.
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the assignment run just completed was the sim as next year as it was for this year there is an overall completion. i think they realized if there were a capacity increased. that would have an affect increased on all the other high schools losing enrollment. i thought it was worth sharing those piece of information. >> great. thank you. we got through item j.
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thank you for your patience in that. the commissioner what i'll say. i'm happy to say i am appointing glad is to the by lingual committee. >> thank you. no other appointments. on to item l, a special order of business. i now call the public hearing in adoption of special he had kiss. i node a motion and second on the adoption of this item. a reading of the motion by cecilia dodge. director of special education. coming to the microphone this is
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a yearly process and approval providing a very high level over view. i'd like to call on the assistant and read it to the record. good evening, the requested action can be the public hearing of the annual budget service plan. i do want to call your attention to a couple of additions. the chart that you have starting on page 19 of your agenda, there are a few things we neglected to check off. i can tell you the item numbers
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on page 20, items 270. about specialized academic instruction and then on page jo the ones not checked at all whether adopted or modified is it because we don't need them or
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what? i could read them off to you. 220, 240, the one you just named. 270. >> correct. the items for students birth to age 2 are not required of us. california is not a primary responsibility. it would be not currently utilized. another agency had a primary responsibility. >> who does it 0-2? >> regional center? >> not currently utilized? . >> you are probably correct.
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there wasn't direction on this form. jo ok. thank you. >> what about 30? intensive individual construction. >> that needs to be adopted. >> item 340. if you look at page 26, item 715 and 720, interpreter services, those also need to be checked as
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adopted >> can i ask why these weren't checked? >> i had finished completing it but the earliest version didn't get checked out. this is one additional change, let's see 750 and # 20. item 830, the voekationnal assessment should also be adopted. my apologizes for this not being complete. >> i understand this is a pretty high level normality.
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do you have another processioned plan going through the local plan and doing the budget for next year. that kind of thing. ? way do. we'll go through a process that goes beyond seeking their advice beyond the budget and plans for special design. that would be potential revisions which i think it more of the relevant document. the budget force of this is just carrying over the numbers right from the way we have things coded.
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>> roll call? . seven ayes. i need a motion and a second. thank you. and then a reading from mary richards on this. the executive director. we have the subject of the action. membership reaction over sight committee that the board of education appoint the following person for the quality teacher
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and oversight committee and the gentleman' name. . i forwarded to the board the level of interest. >> i am prepared to move forward with the appointments. i would ask my colleagues. moving in drafting the formal process looking at all of our appointments. i want to give my colleagues a heads up. >> thank you.
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i certainly didn't read the information. could i just ask you, is that one of the requirements? >> ok. i'd like it sometime, we were slow getting it going. i would like to have some report on the committee and on, you know that would be helpful to me. >> great. can i just say i didn't know how this has been engaged. >> the roll call, please. >> ms. norton.
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mr. yi. ms. mendoza. thank you. jo the motion and second planning for the advisory council. thank you. reading and motion. thank you. i'd like to call on the chief who will introduce our guest. i'll turn this over to graham doneson. good evening commissioners. here with cpac the coordinator with the advisory council. the board of education of san francisco unified school district appoint the following people. the new appointments, sandy,
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allen, allison. reappointments. i'd be happy to give you some background on each of those recommends for approval. >> could you give us a little piece on what your process is on selecting the recommendation. funded by every county in california for the needs of current consideration. 20% are community
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representatives. within our ordnance and by laws, we have assigned seats for the school district. head start, two resource and referrals. and children services and for dcyf, the first five san francisco. >> that group comes together on "moly basis. it informs the school district and board of education around what's going on in the field.
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>> can i ask the representative for us is going to be mr. lazard. >> commissioner yi? jo i'll add to the history. why did the department of education fund this piece they actually funded child care. we have money coming. jo for cal works. historically because education funded child care. the other thing we wanted to point out was the traditional sort of definition of child care
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was not what the state used for their services nor baz it what we use in san francisco. we meanerly childhood education. people would assume it is just babysitting and not he had kiss. >> to that point, we work closely with a lot of members of the unified school district. we have really strong ties. i can voug for the a mount ys.
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>> thank you. there are no public speakers on this matter. item m, there were no eye texases. item o, consent calendar. item o, roll call, please. >> no on k 1 and k 4.
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>> reporting on the committee of service action, there were one. the proposals for first reading. board members proposals for first reading. i need a motion and second. >> thank you. held for action. it is in support of renaming the burnett child development center to the leola havard early education school. we have a few speakers on this. speaking on this eitem.
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good evening board members. my mother really wanted to be here tonight but she was feeling a bit under the weather. she really wanted him to know the honor of the burn et school in the early development. she wants to thank you for his time and let you know when you do come around to voting the change of the name. thank you very much. >> she has a birthday coming up. thank you. >> good afternoon.
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i wanted to address the fact that it was 150th anniversary of the civil war. the name is being changed from peter burnett is different. he changed the tide of history in a negative way. it's appropriate that dr. amos lee brown that came forward. he leads to third baptist church was created. the nag al park service called the underground railroad the most important movement of the
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1970's. it's a loringer point that not only the larger name. the context of peter and ethics created here. we have five black oranges founded in 1952 that still exist today. we once again encourage you to vote in favor of it. on a more positive note is the actual anniversary of the first public school in california. part of the context was the first school board chair in san francisco and dedicate that had
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school on april 3, 1848. every year. we started at 10. during the opening of public education. >> the grounds committee last night.
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>> when i was in school in l.a., please believe me, i know more about john muir than i ever wanted to know. the days in whose life seems equally divine. that's from the eighth grade. they drummed that stuff into us. i knew who the school was named after. who he was about and why we went up there everyday. if we are going to put names on schools, they ought to mean something and children ought to know when they mown. it's insane that maybe that's the first thing they ought to learn about how that school is named that. why that name is there that they look at everyday.