tv [untitled] March 31, 2011 6:30am-7:00am PDT
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francisco, not just the transportation authority. it might not hurt to have the mta take a position and express it on that as well. we will be as active as we can. supervisor mirkarimi: the needs to be amplified, obviously by others within the city government. supervisor wiener: i have been in conversation with the mayor's office to make sure our city lobbyist is aggressively lobbying against this measure, and the city needs to speak with one voice. not just having the t.a. out there, but making sure that the city and the mayor's office is aggressively lobbying against this. supervisor mirkarimi: quite right. any other comments on either the report -- on either of the reports? seeing none, we now open up for public comment. >> my name is francisco da costa.
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i want to bring to your attention the third street light rail where we spend $700 million. it stops at fourth and king and lands in the middle of nowhere in the visitation valley. the reason why i am bringing this is you can pat yourselves all you want to, but what the transit first city once is good transportation -- with the transit first city wants -- what the transit first city wants. if you look at every element of our transportation, we cannot give the city high marks. on the project like the
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transbay, the doyle drive. when we had certain representatives regard the money, and in the future, whether it is from the state or federal, we will not get as much as we thought we would get, and you all know that. but what i am noticing now is having gone to the mtc meetings and other meetings is that san francisco -- this is the city and county of san francisco -- is not going to get due representation. where once we had three, we are going to get two. i want to leave you with this thought -- do not have yourselves to much on the back -- back --pat -- do not pat yourselves to much on the back.
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we want results. thank you very much. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comments? seeing none, public comment is closed. very good. next item. >> item 5, adopted a position on state legislation. this is an action item. supervisor mirkarimi: very good. any comments? seeing none, public comment on this item please? public comment is closed. we will take this without objection. so move. very good. >> item 6, appoint joseph flanagan, jr. to the citizens' advisory committee. this is an action item. supervisor mirkarimi: very good. comments? >> for a long time, i would go to the meetings -- supervisor mirkarimi: your name, please. >> i am well known in the city. supervisor mirkarimi: for the
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record, please. >> i do not have to double my name. you can read the brown act. -- i do not have to divulg my name. supervisor mirkarimi: as you wish. >> for a long time, i would go to the cac meetings. we had some very astute people, candidates, that wanted to represent the citizens advisory committee to the san francisco county transportation authority, and somehow, we deprive them from representing. what we did was we continued to put in place candidates who were yes candidates and who were not very astute. i am here to tell you i do not know the gentleman who you approve because i was away from the country for quite some time.
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but in these given times, we need as to candidates, a state representatives -- astute candidates and representatives who can really understand transportation issues. we also need candidates that represent the diversity of this city. we also need candidates that represent those districts that transportation is not available. you all want to build 10,500 homes in some areas, but we do not have good transportation. if you get new candidates, that is fine. take them around the city, and showed them how the transportation system is. thank you very much. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you, mr. da costa.
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may we take this without objection? so move. but >> item 7, up from the authorities funding commitment to the presidio parkway project and approve a bond swap of $19,722,000. this is an action item. supervisor mirkarimi: discussion on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. -- seeing none, discussion is close. public comment on this item. >> i am glad that the project manager is who he is. i know him very well. i was fortunate that i worked at the presidio and established an infrastructure group. prior to this meeting, i did have a small talk with him. i read some comments about union
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workers having some conflict, but he explained to me the issue. some creative financing that could help the united states, its prevalence in europe, in canada. some of my partners are involved in that type of creative financing. but what i am concerned is that dole will drive -- doyle drive is built on time, hopefully in two years. that should be good. i wanted to wish you all the best. i followed you on this project for a long time. you are one of the better project managers. something that has to be
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emulated by the rest. you can see you walk the walk. next, talk the talk. we need people that are good leaders. we have little money. we cannot waste money. every dollar counts, and i am looking forward to seeing doyle drive completed in less than three years. thank you very much. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you, sir. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. maybe take this without objection? very good. >> item 8, introduction of new items. supervisor mirkarimi: any discussion on introduction of new items? seeing none, any public comment? on introduction of new items? >> one of the items that should
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be put on the agenda is true representation of constituents from our district. oftentimes, when you watch the tv, even in your subcommittee meetings, you look at your audience and ask if there is any public comment, as if, you know, you what some people who are there to speak of, but over the years, people are not coming to get public comment because first, you are deprived -- you deprive people from speaking. especially the ones who are informed. for three minutes. give them one and two minutes. second, the talk has to be kept simple.
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the outreach, whether they are blogs or on the internet, or whether you have some heart and give the material to all the seniors, the constituency falls into that bracket. something must be put on the agenda item. something must be done to bring the segments of the population so that they become an element in our transportation system to improve it. something has to be done. they cannot be done in a vacuum. just like you had an agenda item and a hearing on the bedbugs. the topic was not very important, but it is very important, and adversely affect a lot. have some compassion.
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this is a city of st. francis. thank you very much. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. that will be considered for introduction of new items. next item. >> item 9, public comment. supervisor mirkarimi: public comment on public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. before the next item, i just want to say because i did not before, thank you to sfgtv for their ongoing excellent coverage of these proceedings. next item please. >> item 10, adjournment. supervisor mirkarimi: have a great day. thank you.
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>> welcome to "culture wire." i'm here with james lee, and exhibiting artist, and we will have a chat today about the body of work you are presenting. after you left the military, what prompted you to go back to a place where the u.s. is engaged in military action? >> it is interesting. the population of afghanistan
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is around 29 million, and there's probably no more than 80,000 u.s. soldiers serving in afghanistan right now, but if you look at the stories that come out, you think the numbers are completely reversed. all the stories are about americans, and you see almost no images of stories about the afghan people themselves, so if you look at the dominant representational paradigm uc today, it is all about foreign soldiers. my idea was to try incurred counted to that a popularized narrative and focus on images and stories that really reflect that lived experience of conflict through the eyes of the afghan people. >> you are exhibiting with three other photographers. it is true all three of them have really focused in the areas where a lot of u.s. and allied forces are seeing action, are
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actually involved in combat, so your story is different than theirs. what does it mean to show your body of work along side of the stories that probably are more familiar? what kind of juxtaposition does that create for you as an artist? >> i think the strength of bringing the two different stories together is i think there is a real danger in focusing only on surface similarities between conflicts. when people look at a body of work and say that they see in this conflict photography, and it reminds them of somalia or iraq, i think that is dangerous because i think there are very unique elements to each conflict, and if you do not focus on the distinctions, you start to create a broader, watered-down topic, which is armed conflict, so i think it is important that when we focus on conflict, we make sure we do not just generalize, but we allow specific places and voices and people to be heard and we do not make these generalized assumptions about what conflict is like. >> the other photographers in
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the show, what is local, and the others are from new york and new delhi. what do you like about some of their work? >> in a big fan of the fact that he approaches photography from a non-traditional point of view. he also cunner has a mixed view of cameras themselves. he calls them toys. >> he uses these cameras that one might assume our toys, but he also says all the toy cameras are cameras, so it does not really matter to him what he is using to take the images as long as he is getting the images he wants. and because they are taken with these film cameras, they have a very different feel than the other pictures in the show. one of the things i want to talk about is that lindsey's body of work is running down one side of the hall, and it is all about
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women in afghanistan and how they serve and their special interactions with civilian women and communities, which is the special role that women soldiers play in afghanistan. across from eric copeland's work, which is extremely masculine and black and white and very aggressive -- what do you think about that juxtaposition between their two bodies of work? >> i like lindsey's contribution to the exhibit. she shoots in color, like i do, so it is great to see more color. she has a gift for capturing distinct moments that balance the conflict that these women are facing did today, but also very intimate, very feminine moments. she has one where a female soldier is shaving her legs at the beginning of her day, and it is kind of an odd thing to consider, but, obviously, it happens every day, but most people do not think about the challenges that face women in
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these types of environments where they continue to be feminine, continue to be women, but they also serve a vital role in afghanistan. she allows viewers to come in and see those kinds of intimate moments you might not normally think about. >> to our viewers, and actually the curator of the show. one of the things i was interested in with your work and with the other bodies of work i selected was that you are presenting a real human perspective. each of you zeroes in on individuals, and the kind of sensitive, intimate, or private moments. >> if you look at most people's lives today and the way they spend their lives, it is probably not that different from what goes on on some of these larger for an operating basis. they have cafeterias. they have internet cafes. they have laundromats. they have their own spaces where they read, play video games. it is really like a small, microcosm of what they might find back in the united states. >> what do you hope that viewers
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take away from seeing your body of work or the exhibition as a whole? >> i think it is important for people to question how much we do or do not know about afghanistan, but conflict in general. too often today, i think we see one or two images and we think we understand what is going on in a part of the world, and we should try to get away from that. we should question what we know about a conflict, where we got the information, and always look for new perspectives and new focus is on topics that we think we already understand. >> james, thank you for spending time with us, and congratulations on the exhibition and letting san francisco see this big body of work of yours. >> thanks.
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ugh. that is so emma and julia. why are you saying, "that's so emma and julia"? well, you know, when something is dumb or stupid, you say, "that's so emma and julia." who says that? everyone. announcer: imagine if who you are were used as an insult. captioned by the national captioning institute supervisor chu: good morning. welcome to the budget and finance subcommittee meeting. we will be joined by supervisor mirkarimi shortly. our clerk is mr. victor young.
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do we have any announcements today? >> please turn off all cell phones. if you wish to speak during public comment, please fill out the speaker card and turned it in to myself. if you wish to submit documents, please provide them to the clerk for the file. items appearing today will appear -- supervisor chu: thank you very much. please call item no. 1. >> item #one. resolution authorizing the department of the environment to retroactively accept and expend a grant in the amount of $114,138 from the california department of resources recycling and recovery for the purpose of increasing used motor oil recycling and household hazardous waste management. supervisor chu: thank you very much. we have the department of the environment here. >> the morning, supervisors. this grant is to promote used oil recycling. the focus this year is on
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mechanics, people in the community that change other people's oil. we are finding the bulk of the oil not being recycled properly. in front of you you have a brochure. you can see a list of drop-off locations for oil a round of the city. this is a very evenly distributed program. supervisor chu: specifically on details, it looks like he will be contracting out $52,000? >> $52,000. supervisor chu: $62,000? >> $52,000. supervisor chu: the sheet that we have says 52 -- $62,000.
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and this does not require any additional funding? >> correct. >> if you take a look at the budget, there are $10,000 of to be determined contracts. and 42,000 implementation on community-based out reach. it is possible that the summary sheet might be in error. supervisor chu: i do see the details behind the schedule. we do not have a budget analysts report on this item. without any questions, i would like to open this up for public comment. are there any members of the public that wish to speak? seeing no one, public comment is
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closed. is there a motion to set this aside for a recommendation? without objection. item number two? >> item #two. resolution approving leases to the terms of eight (8) new airline/airport lease and use agreements between the city and various airlines, effective july 1, 2011, to allow such airlines to conduct domestic and international flight operations at san francisco international airport. supervisor chu: thank you very much. we have cathy bonner from the airport. >> good morning. the airport is requesting your approval for eight additional airline lease agreements. the terms before you today are identical to the 31 leases approved by the board last year. we gave the airline's three different opportunities to become a signatory airlines to these agreements.
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we believed that this would be the last round today. the last of the three. these will be the last people in the signatory airlines to sign- on. setting the rates and charges at the airport for another 10 years. the term of july 2011 through 2021. approving new agreements with air canada, berlin, hawaiian airlines, abx, hawaii and cargo, and ameriflight. some of these leases would authorize landing rights and terminal rentals. three of the leases are cargo
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only airlines simply requesting landing rights. i would be happy to answer any specific questions you might have. supervisor chu: let's go to the budget analysts report on this item. >> as we stated on page 7 of the report, the subject airlines have paid the airport landing fees for fiscal year 2007. on page 8 b. point out that with respect to two of these airlines, canada and new zealand, they are producing some
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of their space because of less of a need for the space, resulting in a reduction of revenues. as you know, it will have no direct fiscal impact on the airport because of its policy where it necessary with a projected budgetary shortfall, they would realize approval of this resolution -- they would realize. we recommend approval of this resolution. supervisor chu: are there any members of the public that wish to comment on item number two? seeing no one, public comment is closed. we have a motion to send the item forward with recommendations. done without objection. mr. clerk, are there any other items before us? >> that completes the subcommittee agenda.
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