tv [untitled] April 3, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT
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residents of park merced that have come out and stood, waited for many hours today and many days. i want to thank you for your comments and your thoughts. i know is a very important issue. i have to say that for me, there is still a question that remains that has to do with the impact of potential loss of rent- controlled housing. i understand that there are differences of opinion with respect to that issue. i am still puzzled as to whether or not we have all of the information that needs to be had to make an informed decision here.
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i think that something as important as this project requires that we have as much information as we can. with that in mind, i think that it might be beneficial to everyone involved if we give ourselves some time to consider some of the issues that are involved including some of the legal questions that may require that we, as a board collectively discuss those matters in closed session. with that, i will make a motion to continue this item for two months to give us sufficient time. the next meeting in may will be the meeting of may 31. president chiu: there is no
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meeting on may 31. supervisor campos: than the meeting of june 7. sorry, june -- president chiu: i know we are about to launch into budget season. my suggestion is that if we can do it late may. madam clerk has proposed may 24. how does that look on the calendar? it's currently clear. supervise a capmos -- supervisor campos is making a motion to table this item. is there a second? the motion is to continue -- of
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pay. the motion would be to continue items 27, 28, at 29 to the twenty fourth of may. seconded by supervisor elsbernd. >> we will still be in our budget season in may. just about -- just a warning for folks. >> there are a lot of legal issues that are underlying this. what i will do is i will calendar a closed session for the board to discuss with the city attorney's office some of the issues that underpinned the decision that we are about to make. unless there is any discussion, will we take that without objection? we will continue these items to the fourth of may.
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>> welcome to "culture wire." today we're headed to smpling f. camera works, a premiere venue for artists working in photographer, video, and digital media. the latest exhibition lists clearness as a set of political alliances and possibilities that it is behind the sphere of dominant gay and lesbian culture. the curator fills us in on the process of creating this thoughtful exhibition. and what she would like you to take away from it. >> i co-cureated with danny, a chicago-based writer and curator.
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the conceptual framework is what it means to be clear and radical for our generation. clearness as a set of political alliances and possibilities, not necessarily related to institutions of gender and swam formativity. danny and i wanted the show to feel funky and to have a really tangible quality to it. so part of that was incorporated handmade objects and installations and beautifully printed photographs and videos. there is also a lot of opportunities to participate and to take postcards or to get the photo taken or sit within a tent made out of afghan blankets to watch videos. the exhibition is organized in
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three distinct galleries. in gallery one, which is the gallery designated to clear activism, there is an installation by the oakland-based collaboration and it's called "unleashed power." it's all focused on one protest that happened in chicago in 1991 with the activist organization act up, which was protesting the inadequate health care for people living in aids, and specifically it focuses on an act of police violence that occurred at that protest. the thing that is really interesting for me about that piece is that it brings us back 20 years to what clear activism looked like at the height of the aids crisis. gallery two features work that is related to intentionally communities that exist both within cities, also in rural
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spaces, and transient communities as well. the return features a no madic clear tribe, the people who join this tribe are often in various states of transition themselves, whether it's leaving behind previous gender assignments or corporate jobs or a life within cities. a lot of the work featured in the exhibition and a lot of the installations are handmade objects. there is a lot of do-it-yourself aesthetic and that handmade do-it-yourself feeling is something that mimics the idea and the reality of the alternative world making that we're trying to represent here as far as the self-sufficient community goes. gallery three features work that relates to the ideas of
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self-determinenism, alternative world making and utopia. visits can still participate in this -- visitors can still participate in this project. during the opening, we invite visitors to come in and try on these costumes, pose in front of the backdrop. he was really inspired by comic books that he read as growing up and thinks of this space as a post-apocalyptic monster portrait gallery where people can remain genderless once they put on the costumes. we think it's important that this be happening in san francisco, which is considered an ekpe center of the queer actual cure. the majority of the queer cultural events happen in june which has been designated as the pride month. which to me translates as the
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period of time in which people can be in clear arts and culture. in september, it's hashingening back to that and proving that this is something that is scon significantly happening all the time. what danny and i hope visitors take away from this exhibition is to observe the diversity within the designation of queer in terms of race, in terms of gender presentation and intergenerational perspective of what it means to be queer as well as what it means to exist and be active and work in solidarity with people whose identities may or may not look like yours.
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>> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the net states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, with liberty and justice for all. >> taking roll call of the commissioners. commission president mazzucco? excused. commission vice president joe marshall is on his way. commissioner dejsus? commissioner dejesus: pres
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ent. >> commissioner dejusus, you have a quorum. commissioner dejesus: can you call the first item? >> item one is the consent calendar to secure communities monthly audit, time of september through october 2010, and november through december 2010. there is also request of captain john joseph garrity to accept a gift of a jacket valued at approximately $150 from mr. larry sechuk, loss prevention and special operations, from macy's new york. >> i would move to accept it. what you see in front of you is probably six months of reports.
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>> second. >> any public comment? commissioner dejesus: any public comment on the secure communities issue. thank you. the next is the request for the captain, joseph garrity, to accept the gift jacket. >> so moved. >> second. commissioner dejesus: any public comment on that? >> i just want to applaud the captain for his suggestion of donating the jacket to a person in the tenderloin. >> i was either going to donate it in a raffle or give it to a person in the committee. commissioner dejesus: without objections, commissioners? ok.
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>> public comment? commissioner dejesus: ok, move to item number two. >> item number 2 is general public comment. the public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. under police commission rules of order, during police -- during public comment, neither police or occ personnel or commissioners are required to respond to questions. individual commissioners and police and occ personnel should refrain from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during public comment. public comment is limited to three minutes. >> good evening, commissioners.
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i am quite sure that you are familiar with me. i come down here every other week, every week to see if something can be done with the murder of my brother, charles harrison, who was murdered in the tenderloin on january 2, 2011. my family is grieving. we still have not been able to get over the emotional impact besses had. -- this has had. charles had a girlfriend, a woman who was pregnant, who recently had his baby. now the baby is growing up without a father. he had a daughter and younger son, and the person who committed the murder is free in san francisco, caught on videotape. they say there are witnesses to the crime, and i guess since they don't meet certain criteria, they don't qualify to move the case forward.
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but i am just coming down here to ask if you what can assist me and assist my family in moving this case forward and getting the person who did this to my brother off the streets. that is what i have to say. thank you. >> sir, i spoke to outside, because we have felt your suffering. the chief said he would check with inspector jones about the information. >> yes, either rape press release or poster would be generated, and if that is the case, -- either a press release or poster would be released, and if that is the case, we would like to distribute the flier. >> the assistant chief for get and hold of you. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming. commissioner dejesus: any further public comment?
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ok, hearing none, public comment is closed. can we call the next item? >> item number 3 is a status report on preparation of the occ's 2011-2012 budget, possible action to provide instruction to the occ, or take other action on the budget. >> good evening, commissioners, and members of the police commission, chief, and members of the public. on february 16 and march 2 of this year i presented an update on the sec budget preparations for the 2011-2012 budget. i advised you that the occ 10% targets are $235,000 in the first round, and $235,000 for the contingency round. we submitted the occ budget to the mayor and comptroller on february 22, 2011, with these
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reductions, which are all personnel costs. since 90% of the occ's budget is personal cost. our budget analyst advises me there is nothing new to report at this time. we continue to be hopeful that the budget reductions will not be taken and that occ will not have to lay off any of its 34.75 positions. that concludes my remarks. commissioner dejesus: this is discussion and possible action item. are there any comments on this report? commissioners? thank you. is there any public comment on item number 3? hearing none, public, disclosed. -- public comment is closed.
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do we pass that before he arrives? until he arrives. we will pass item 4, col item 5. >> item 5, reports and announcements. the first is the chief report, a report on crime statistics, review of recent activity, status report regarding violence prevention efforts in the mission district, and the status report regarding dna testing backlog. >> good evening, commissioners. we have two presentations, so i will limit my comments to the crime picture for the last four weeks. in general, the picture remains good, in fact improved with respect to violent crime year to date, down 13%. carrot -- comparing the most recent cycle to march 26 to the previous filing crime is down
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90% and property crime is down 6%. one area of concern is with automobile burglaries and thefts. we have noticed a trend across the city where we are seeing one more auto theft on average across the city at approximately 5 more automobile burglaries. that is a concern for us. efforts have been going into the reduction of violent crime and that has been productive. a homicide comparison, 19 versus 12. that is a major concern as well. arrests are up this year to date by 2%, and the number of shootings flags from last year, which is good, and the number has decreased since the last time i spoke to you. that is an area of concern for us. and that is all i have on the crime statistics. commissioner dejesus: and the
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other presentation? i am sorry, there are people who want to ask questions? commissioner slaughter: i wonder, since the family has been here, if he could report briefly on the clearance rates for homicide as. because having been a homicide prosecutor, it tells you a lot what the department is doing to solve this crime. i think the public would like to know, if he could do that. >> absolutely. >> as we get into these reports for the year, one trend, among many, is some of the property crimes being significantly higher than last year. what was mentioned specifically was automobile burglaries and auto thefts. are you seeing any trends in neighborhoods, and the ideas now why -- i am sure when you
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care about homicides, you have thoughts about what the situation is, and we have not focused on the automobile burglaries and thus. you brought that up tonight, so i wanted to follow-up. >> what we can do is put together a picture of the city to show were the areas are being hit the most. what we have noticed is generally it is happening across all areas. commissioner slaughter: the thing that struck me so clearly is the one item has popped, and i don't know if you have a theory as to why that is? anything that we could do to help that? >> these are difficult times to interdict. the best way is to prevent these crimes, and that can only occur when residents don't leave things visible in their vehicles. but the captains have done is
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get that information at out in their monthly meetings and newsletters to not leave anything visible within the vehicles. that is probably the single most important factor, but we can get something that gives a better snapshot of this. commissioner slaughter: it does not have to be anything major, but i just noticed that the first quarter of the year it popped out and it is worth noting to the public. >> and i can put some crime- prevention information out as well. commissioner slaughter: thank you. >> the next presentation? >> status report regarding violence reduction efforts in the mission district. >> good evening, commissioners, chief, director hicks. it is my great pleasure to be here to give you a brief
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rundown on the three issues i was asked to address, those being the violent crime information year to date compared with last year, violence crime reduction programs implemented in the mission of the last few weeks and the results, and the community outreach efforts and violence reduction efforts between the police and the community over the past few weeks. and i will address them in that order, starting with the crimes in the mission district, the year to march 26, compared with the same time it in 2010. we have had one homicide so far this year, and we had one homicide up to this point in 2010. we're hoping to keep it at one.
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last year we wound up with six homicides, and that was too many. we're going to try to keep it at one this year. last year at this time, there were five rapes in the mission district. we have had three so far. robberies are slightly up from last year. last year we had 122 robberies. in the same time frame this year we have had 123. on aggravated assaults, last year we had 132. this year we have 112. we are down. and last year's total, 260 violent crimes. this year we have to utter 39. we're down overall, and we are down in every category except homicides, where we are tied, and we are one over on robberies. as you can see, we have an 8% reduction this year as opposed to last year for the same time
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frame in violent crimes. property crimes, the same reporting period, last year we had 98 burglaries. this year we have had 56. we're very happy with those statistics. automobile theft, last year 96. this year 90. the one area we are concerned about, as mentioned earlier, is the old mobile burglaries. last year at this time, there were 209. this year so far, there have been 244. i would suggest one of the reasons that city-wide stats are up on automobile burglaries is the cop logic reporting. as more and more people learn about it, because of the convenience of reporting it on the internet, we're getting a lot more automobile burglaries reported than in years past people would not have bothered
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to have report. i am not so sure there are more automobile burglaries occurring, but there are more reported. arsons, we had five last year, at this point we have six. others thefts, last year 406, this year 439. the total part one crimes, oddly enough, we are at a dead tie with last year, 1074 /year and a share. we are tied on that, but we're happy that we are down on the fight crimes, and only slightly up on property crimes. the good news is on arrests, we are way up. robberies at this time last year, we made 22 robbery
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arrests. this year to date, we have made 46 robbery arrests. over double the amount. aggravated assaults, 72 this year as opposed to 61 last year. and on and on. uc the stats. we're pretty much up in every category on arrests. in total violent crime, arrests were up 42%, and we are up 11% on property crime arrests. the total of arrests, we are up 25%, in the same time from his last year. this is more arrests, less crime, less officers. so we are real happy with the results. moving on to what everyone is interested in, the gang violence we have experienced.
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i took command of the mission district in november, 2009, and for approximately a year we had no gang violence. november 2 of last year, on the 2800 block of harrison street, we had a victim shot in the foot by an unknown suspect, which was gang-related. later that day, 16th and mission, we had somebody shot in the back. his statement was, "i don't like cops, i am not going to talk to them," which is a typical response from gang victims. later the victim was stabbed. about an hour later, a victim was shot a number of times on 25th and cap. on november 19,
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