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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2011 12:00am-12:30am PDT

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[horns honking] announcer: the first step to getting into college is finding someone who can help. for the next steps, go to
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>> mr. president, all members are present. >> can you join me in the pledge of allegiance? >> are there any communications? >> i have no communications. >> if you can read the consent agenda. >> items one through six comprise the consent agenda. these will be acted upon by a single roll call vote. >> would anyone like to sever any of these items? if not, vote on the consent agenda. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye.
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>> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> these resolutions are adopted and approved. >> item 7, ordinance appropriating approximately 1.3 million of general fund reserve for the ethics commission. >> i introduced this supplemental appropriation for the public campaign finance fund. we introduced the budget before the first vote. over the past several years, as
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part of the budget-balancing process, 7 million has been pulled from the fund. and makes it very doubtful if we have the right amount of money to meet our obligations for the campaign finance fund. this is special especially in the context of the elections happening this year. we have a new system that will be played out for the first time this november the candidates running for office will be able to work together to get a common message out and at the same time differentiate themselves to the voters. this should be robust and meet the needs of those running. the fund is to make sure that we
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have a way to prevent candidates from having to go through looking for not so great sources of money to be able to run their collections. i know it comes with a cost to move us forward but after having talked with the director, not it is really close to having the exact amount of money that we need for the elections this november as well as the money that is needed for campaign financing next year. i would like to propose that if we have enough votes here today, we have your help in making this happen. the public has a really important right to have elections that are free from money that might come from more
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corporate sources. if we can have more of a grass- roots effort in our campaign financing. this will make a greater process for an electoral strategy and if you can support this legislation. thank you. >> thank you to the sponsors. i just wanted to articulate the reason why i will not be voting for this supplemental. i think that these should be used when we absolutely need to put into the general fund reserve has a balance of $25 million. we have used this for an anticipated litigation. the reason i will not be supporting this supplemental and the reduction of our reserve is that we don't need it.
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we currently have $5 million in the bank. we do not expect to expand the entire $5 million by the end of this fiscal year. by law, we have to put in an additional $2 million in addition to the -- for me, this is a simple analysis which is that we don't need it the extra $1.3 million that is being proposed. this is important because as we balance the budget and we look at the cuts will be looking at, we might want to make decisions about where we allocate our fund dollars and to the extent that we are not reducing our fund, this helps us in our process. we will not expand in the entire
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amount. we still have $4.4 million in the reserve. since that time, we have disbursed $575,000. >> i will not repeat the arguments that were made. it is unclear what will happen with our statute. i think the supreme court, the recent trends in campaign finance is completely off base.
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if they don't, this could change to our own statute. i don't see the need to pour. money now when this is necessary. i will support that because i believe in public financing. >> i would like to thank supervisor avalos for bringing this forward. i think it is important for us to make sure the public financing system has the funds that it needs. to the extent that there is litigation concerning the lawsuit, we have to wait and see what happens. this remains the law unless the courts decide otherwise. i think it is important for us that those funds be available and i hope that we can all be
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supportive. >> any additional conversation? >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> no. >> no. >> no. >> no. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> no. >> this ordinances passed on the first reading. >> item 8 is from the budget and finance committee without recommendation, and the appropriating $15.5 million of market rate proceeds and report shading -- free per pray that to the below market rates seismic
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safety loan program. >> i will be supporting this on the second reading. i did i just want to note that i have reservations about this. first, i would like to thank the budget analyst for the very thorough analysis of this. this is to market rate and below market rate. we have seen that the market rate projects are not taking advantage of this.
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by real looking -- by reallocating funds, we are contradicted the intent of the voters. given that this is for a particular project, i will be supporting it but i will be very skeptical of the future efforts to shift money. >> on item 8 -- >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> this ordinance is finally
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passed. >> item 9 is from the city operations committee with that recommendation, encouraging avalon bay communities to subcontract all carpentry craft to a responsible contractor that pays all stand rages and benefits. >> this is related to developments at 1150 ocean avenue. this was approved as zoning for mixed use development. this was approved last year. this is actually a really significant piece of development in both district 11 and different -- district 7. my concern with this development is proposing to go with the contractor who is not
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from san francisco and according to the carpenters' union, has had some violations of not needing -- not needed in the workplace standards. -- not meeting the workplace standards. we should have the highest rates possible for construction and workforce development. i don't believe that this meets that criteria. i like to see if we can send a message urging have a long way to go with a prevailing wage. -- avalon bay to go with a prevailing wage.
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i hope that you can consider this for your approval. thank you. >> any further discussion? >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> this resolution is adopted. >> item 10, ordinance amending the zoning map sheet numbertwo to include parcels it inadvertently excluded from the zoning map. >> can we do this same house, same call?
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this ordinance is finally passed. >> item 11 is an ordinance amending the code to define summary for the purpose of publishing public notices. >> same house, col. this ordinance is finally passed. >> item 12, resolution opposing the proposed elimination of metical funding. >> since we introduced this resolution a couple of weeks ago there has been some updates and i want to inform the board of supervisors. yesterday, the governor signed a bill for the budget that eliminated the metical state plan. this would continue to qualify for federal matching funds under the rules of a federal medicaid waiver. this is the model that 40 out of
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50 states are using. while we are grateful that this has not been eliminated, are looking at the program. we know that many recipients will not qualify under the new federal waiver program. many will have to close due to lack of sufficient funds to operate. we are grateful that the program infrastructure has been kept in place. the centers must approve the elimination as a benefit. they must also approve the state's confirmation. this conversion process has already occurred and three other states and will take approximately 6-8 months. -- has introduced a bill to
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expressed intent to avoid a gap and care for current patients to meet the redefined eligibility standards. in the meantime, this will be sent to the governor and legislature preventing us presenting the boards to the loss of services through elimination either by cuts, without a ballot measure, or an action to keep the current program funded while we're waiting for the application to go through. i would like to thank the co- sponsors of this legislation. our office feels that this is relevant in light of the current gap in funding that might not be met while this is going through the new federal program. we would like to continue to
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support this resolution. thank you very much. >> i appreciate this resolution and i don't want to see the elimination of the adults health care center programs in the budget. i am going to dissent and i will explain why. if we are going to propose cuts, we take is to the extreme and we oppose every single cut that the budget is making. if we're going to propose cut after cut, let's propose ways to get the money back. i don't want to see these shut either but in terms of what we're doing, what would like to see as come up with other ways to get the money back. any -- delong >> any additional speakers?
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>> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> no. >> aye. >> no. >> no. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> this resolution is adopted. >> item 13 is a resolution adopting the city's 10 year capital expenditure plan for fiscal year 2012-2021. >> roll call vote. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye.
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>> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> this resolution is adopted. >> item 14, resolution authorizing department of emergency management to rector actively except and extend its fiscal year 2008 protection program grant in the amount of approximately 5079000 from the u.s. department of homeland security to fund critical planning and infrastructure protection needs. >> a house, same call. this resolution is adopted. -- same house, same call? item 15. >> resolution approving the issuance of tax-exempt revenue bonds in the amount not to exceed $120 million to finance various capital facilities.
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>> same house, call? next item. >> resolution authorizing the san francisco department of environment to except 47 electric the local charges and three years of service. >> a house, call? this resolution is adopted. item 17. >> item 17 is a resolution authorizing the pit of children, you can and families to retroactively except grant funding in the amount of $3 million from the bill and let the case foundation to fund the san francisco bridge to success program. >> same house, same call? this resolution is adopted. item 18. >> resolution approving the execution and delivery of the program lis and improving the issuance of bonds in an amount not to exceed 16.5 million. >> same house, same call?
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this is adopted. >> item 19, ordinance amending the planning code establishing setback, of st. parking, and other planning code requirements across various districts. >> this is for the residential districts. uthe planning code is uneven throughout san francisco. the controls are crowded the most complete, partial controls exist in certain districts. others have no control at all. this limits parking and loading to a third or less of the
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building's street frontage. 1/3 must be dedicated to building in trees, landscaping, and other features which fosters the residential neighborhood, to facilitate the construction of the -- as called for. also to encourage pedestrian- friendly features in these prominent locations as well as other tweaks to the planning code so that we have a more uniform program. your support this -- is appreciative. >> same house, call? without objection. >> item 20 is to amend the code to allow ground use.
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>> under the 45 year range of redevelopment agency in the western addition of in japan town, they were under a different land use zoning control system and part of what was allowed for was that on the fillmore corridor south of gary boulevard in the heart of the western addition was that if a business or a company that owned property wanted to have a storefront property not used for retail purposes, then they could have office space. if you go down filmore, and the east side you will see vibrant retail and restaurants but on the west side, this is actually
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offices or this is held vacant until other offices comment. this is not acceptable and there's no way that we can make a good-faith effort in trying to revitalize an excuse, especially in an area that has been challenged over some decades. what this does is to correct the planning code now that redevelopments has ended in the western addition and synchronizes this area with the rest of the city's planning code so that this is prohibited -- prohibitive for a property owner to allow for storefront space to be used for a non retail business. it is time that we allow on the east and west side to benefit from this activity that has been handcuffed. your support is appreciated.
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>> can we take this item same house, same call? without objection, this passes on the first reading. >> ordinance adding chapter 20 to the environment code to establish a three-year pilot program to reduce waste in the distribution of yellow phone directories to private residences and businesses in san francisco. >> colleagues, i would like to thank all of you for your consideration of this proposal and for probably receiving thousands of e-mails in the past couple of weeks. i want to thank supervisor mar, mirkarimi, wiener, and cohen for your support of this. as i think many of you know, the proposal in front of you as around the mass over distribution of yellow pages which impacts the neighborhood, environment, and will affect
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consumer choice. any of us who walks around our neighborhood in recent years, but in the last few weeks and reticular, you will see thousands of on wanted yellow pages that are littering our streets. it is estimated that there are 1.6 million phone books that are delivered to san franciscans every year. if you consider the fact that we have 330,000 households, that consists of five redundant phone books to every household. if you assume that only 36% of the population has even touched a yellow page phone book, this is a tremendous over distribution. this represents 7 million pounds of waste and the hidden cost of disposing of that is estimated to be over a million dollars
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paid by san francisco ratepayers. this is about consumer choice and ensuring that if the consumer would like to receive their yellow pages, they can get one. there has been a bit of a smear campaign on this legislation. this allows anyone who would like one to receive a yellow page phone book from a distributor. the legislation more requires the city to engage in a program to individuals to represent populations that continue to use the yellow pages. these are seniors, disabled, and are low income communities. i have distributed a couple of technical amendments to the legislation that i understand are not substantive. the first set of amendments clarify our findings based on the hearings that we have in this issue. the second set of amendments insures that not only will we ought reach to individuals who are seniors, disabled,