tv [untitled] April 7, 2011 7:30am-8:00am PDT
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on the sides of police cars and a huge banner in front of the hall of justice. put posters on the side of police vans. the chronicle puts giants announcement dates on the side of their trucks. on the week of the hearing ask for free time on tv and radio station asking the mayor to announce times and dates of the week. your attendance on a relative basis is low, even though you have more meetings than the sfmta which ducks out on meetings. i have seven copies of the letter. very quickly i want to bring up the fact that i have been analyzing the budget for the sfpd for the past 12 months and have my own input into it. all of the talk that there are a bunch of problems is
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nonsense. you look at the surrounding counties, they are solving their budget problems by outsourcing various jobs, clerk jobs, $14-16 an hour. if you put half the people sitting in the chairs at the hall of justice on the feet you wouldn't miss any missing students at the amber academy. you wouldn't need anymore policemen. this city is top heavy with commanders and lieutenants at salaries of $175,000 to $200,000 per year that matches their pension and goes up at the same rate as their salary. that has to come to an end. and by outsourcing, it will come to an end. that is my proposal coming into the budget in 2012. unless you do something about it you will be part of this
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city's bankruptcy and payroll. thank you for your time. >> any further public comment? hearing none call line item five. >> discussion and possible action to adopt revised police commission procedural rules governing mental health board and the memphis police department. >> captain goldberg is coming up because he is our first v.i.p. coordinator for san francisco. we wanted to make sure that we recognized the hard work of the san francisco mental health board you have done for over 10 years now in training our officers on crisis intervention and the work you have done in
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training over 900 officers. i know that there is a lot of time and dedication to do so and i wanted to recognize that you built the foundation to move to the next stage of rolling out the model in san francisco and really helped make that happen through your hard work and dedication for such a long time. >> thank you. i wish to express the board's recognition of the police crisis intervention training, the board members and staff in collaboration with the san francisco police department since may 2001. training nearly 1,000 officers. we believe that this training provided useful information and tools to police officers, communication between police department and community problems and increased the number of effective
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interactions between police officers and people with mental illness. i would also like to commend the police commission, especiallyly commissioner chen for reinstating this crisis training that was cancelled in june 2010. a crisis intervention team that will provide extra training and in charge of going out on calls involved with people with mental illness. thank you. >> if you wanted to say anything. >> no doctors, thank you very much for recognizing the board. many of the board members have terms like all of the commissions, there have been probably 30 board members that have come and spoken on the family member consumer panel,
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going out to the training and spent that time and really committed to it. we actually in july recognized over 57 people who were the speakers or they hosted visits at the cites or spoke at these panels. i really applaud you for the work you are doing now. it is fabulous. >> thank you. congratulations. captain goldberg. >> to a partnership we are using now to this next level of training and it is fortunate acknowledge the members that went through the training, over 900 members out there for 10 plus years and utilized this
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training and service to the community. truly it was a great partnership then and a great partnership moving forward. >> the next award, the recipient is not here. they are in memphis. the commissioners are signing it. it is an award to the memphis police department as well as checking out san francisco with little notice, came out to spend two days here. they have hosted us now twice. first ayodelegation of 4-5 members of the police
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department and 15 folks organizing 15 ride looks which took up a significant amount of police resources and treating us extremely well. the work they have done since the 1980's, not only in memphis but in over 1,500 other cities throughout the country and also the world is amazing. i think that it is great that is the next stage in our work. i want to make sure that we thank them. i heard that some of the members of the memphis police department watched back our commission hearing. we are quite entertained by our democracy here in san francisco and how diverse our community is. i think they will watch this back. i want to thank the memphis police department. the c.i.t. center in memphis. we will be mailing this award to them. >> the real test is if they
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adopt something we do. >> they warned us that different cities that different cities come up with amazing versions of c.i.t. that they go and steal back. so, it is a dialogue. >> just as long as they don't look at us as a case study every wednesday night. >> thank you for handling the award. see to it that the grad tude and recognition gets out. >> thanks. i can talk more about memphis as we get into our next public line item. >> let's move to line item number four, which i have been looking forward to. >> report back pursuant to resolution 11-18, resolution to enhance the san francisco police department's response to incidents involving individuals with mental health needs. >> thank you for the commission
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's time. so what this is, the resolution that this commission unanimously passed back in february requires that the c.i.t. working group is formed. and that there is a c.i.t. coordinator and that we come up with a timeline. it is a significant undertake to roll it out. i am go to explain the timeline to this commission. i am going to have captain goldberg and several members of the c.i.t. working group speak and share my experience of going to memphis. i saw amazing things in person. the way the timeline is breaking down and captain goldberg will go into how it is go to happen. from march, april and may, the c.i.t. working group has been working hard. we met four or five times for an hour and a half or two hours each and it is up to 30 members of the c.i.t. working group.
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we have four doctors we are privileged to have. the major mental health service providers in the city, it is an amazing group. they are working hard and broken up to develop training to post and develop the c.i.t. job announcement so that folks in the department can apply for the c.i.t. program and then they are also talking about data collection and how to analyze data so we can see how it impacts our community and department. then moving on from september to december will be the rest of the training. and our goal, just a working draft, this is ideal what will happen, our goal is to launch c.i.t. in all districts by the end of this year, in december.
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that would mean this c.i.t. working group would give eight trainings total. those eight trainings would result in a fourth of our patrol division being trained on c.i.t. with that i will hand it over to captain goldberg and thank you for your hard work and sense of adventure in taking this on because i know it is new and hard and interesting. >> thank you very much. i think it is important to set the basis to go through the remarks and remind everyone here that they were both adamant that this is not a loument program. it is a community program. and it is making things better. and in fact i think it has made things better. i think to sit in on the working group, to feel the energy there, to feel the sense
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of collaboration and the willingness for people to put their differences and agendas aside and work for a better mental health system, to some degree the process has been a tremendous success and all of the people in the working group should be very proud of that. that is the first step. there are a lot of challenges in moving it forward. first will be budgetary for the police department and state and local government, nonprofits. everyone will feel the hurt. there are a lot of challenges moving forward. there are a lot of moving parts. it is a program for the community. with that trying to get everyone's schedules and issues in and trying to get them to work is a challenge. it is starting out slowly, but i think we are picking up the speed. the movement is there. we are moving in the way that we need to move so i am
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confident we will move forward. as far as the timeline for the summer goes, the idea to move the program slowly and thoughtfully and to build upon successes, so the goal is to train the first group of officers, put them to work handling calls within their district. recognizing that there is limited capacity with 25 officers, recognizing we can't handle everything. our job as the c.i.t. working group will be to support them and learn from them. find out what works, what does not work, what training can be improved. what additional training they need and what other hurdles they have in working their way through the mental health system and giving them the types of help they need, getting them the treatment that they might need. so, one month in june, we will
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see how it works. adjust the training. meet with a working group. try to make fixes and move on to the next one in july, august, same thing. as we learn and as we build upon our successes the goal is to build upon the capacity to do it. three pilot stations, they haven't been formally identified. the thought is to jump off of the mental health board's work with districts with high volumes of service with people in crisis would be to use the southern place with high volumes of calls.
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>> we are also going to have sandra from the o.c.c. speak about the delegation to memphis with the focus on the training curriculum. >> good evening. i was part of the contingent that went to memphis two times. i was thrilled to be able to do this. the second trip our working group had a great time to talk about their own c.i.t. training and all of the curriculum they developed throughout the country it. enabled to us meet with several of their own instructors. for example we met with structurors from the v.a. hospital that they do the traumatic brain injury components. this was really informative because they have a strong link
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with their v.a. hospital and they put us in contact so we are able to taylor the train to the special needs we have within our operations. the committee is a very enenthusiastic group. we have been meeting. today was a meeting where captain barrett came. we have representatives from ucsf, emergency services, from door clinic, department of public health, mental health association and then of course the training division from the police academy. we have huge challenges. we are really excited. the benefit we have is that we are able to look at the things we know would be best for san francisco. so, part of our priority and part of our goal is to have hands on very interactive training that specifically
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prioritizes the deescalation skills, training around complex crisis intervention so that we are able to taylor the training to the issues and the concerns that we have and we look forward to discussing these issues you in the upcoming months. >> thank you very much. >> good evening commissioners and chief. it was a pleasure and a privilege to be part of this delegation to memphis. it is very interesting to see what they do with the c.i.t. training. they were present at the creation. it was there advocacy that got
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the c.i.t. training changed and improved in 1988. they provide community support in that they honored the officers. they have an award ceremony for the c.i.t. officer of the year and do that annually. they also invite the c.i.t. officers to attend the monthly meetings and recognize them there, so they really build a bond with the police force, and i think that is very important. and it is perhaps missing in san francisco. i also have to say that i agree with captain goldberg that a lot of the work has already begun. we have a very diverse and rather large working group. it includes mental health professionals, criminal justice people and stakeholders.
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and we are all in the same room and working towards the same goal and i have never seen that happen in 14 years. already i think there is a plan to rationalize a system that is quite fragmentary and dysfunctional. >> thank you very much. thanks for coming with us on the trip. it was quite an adventure. >> good evening and welcome. i am a registered nurse and a program director of the progress foundation. we are a community based emergency center started in response to the overwhelming volume of clients being taken
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to san francisco general. i will say memphis was interesting and i am excited about this project. >> police officers, i worked eight years at general psyche emergency and i am very aware that loument are frequently the first responders to many of our clients. i think my colleague eric and i are really looking to make sure that the health department and that the all aspects of this system are fully inform body what we are doing and we are go to start being a little more collaborative. and working together to be able to work within our own system so as c.i.t. grows and becomes
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a vital force within the city we will have the resources and the come to be able to work with them. >> i am the medical director for the psychiatric emergency services at san francisco general. a duel role of treating the patients in san francisco. we treat a lot of them. about 7,000 per year. we do need a collaborative effort with how to deal with the citizens. i think the police officers have done a great job educating their officers in the past. i think this is go to give us a unique opportunity to start something that is already good and make it even better. and look at the way memphis is
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doing things and pattern something unique for san francisco. our mental health system is extremely complicated to maneuver for the police officers and for consumers. hopefully this will be the beginning of making it a bit easier for both parties involved so that we can take this and get the ball rolling in the right direction. i think it is definitely going to be a good thing. >> thank you. thank you for coming with us to memphis also. just talk a second about the flow chart. i think that it is important that the working group it will be a big task. >> this will give you a representation. >> when we were in memphis, this is why police and consumers have such trouble. >> one of the most frequently asked questions for police officers is where can people go, particularly on a 24/7
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basis. so we were told in memphis that it is a very good idea to do a diagram of the services. this is what it looks like in san francisco. and as you can see there are key pieces. my director said it looks a lot like the things they give you at denny's for your kids to write on. i am making light of this. the truth is that we are rich in resources, we really are in san francisco. we need them. for many of the people represented here, and this is not just mental health. programs for clients who have a combination of problems. we have a city with a lot of clients who are not just mentally but have substance abuse issues and are also homeless. we have a trifecta of things we
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are addressing here. where do they go. we are planning as part of this process is that for every one of the people represented here that there will be a representative within that agency, that group, that particular subgroup to kind of help them because frankly everybody on this page is feeling just as pressured and overwhelmed and hopeless as times as i think the officers do in the face of the demand. the beauty is that we are trying to do it in a way that is completely unfunded at the moment. all of the people on the committees are volunteering their time and effort. we know it is time to do something differently. >> thank you. >> that will be interesting for us to see. thank you very much. in memphis, the first day we sat down and met with them they said in every city that tries to start c.i.t., try to do a
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diagram or flow chart of your resources and sources. you want to make it as easy as possible for them to do the referrals. we looked at each other and writing a flow chart. in five minutes she had this complicated flow chart. it is a good start to coordinate these services. i wanted to speak for a minute about my experience on the ride along and if anyone else wanted to share feel free to. you will hear from every member of the c.i.t. working group throughout the year. i want to make sure that we thank everybody for being here tonight. i went a week or two ago. i was assigned with officer c.j. woods. it was one officer per member of our delegation. he blew me away because when we
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were patrolling a neighborhood in south memphis, the poorest neighborhood in memphis, i believe. it is 100% african american with one white resident and one latino residence. significant homelessness and drug and gang issues. everybody from a 5-year-old to a 60-year-old knew this officer. waved hello to her. i asked her how does every person know you. i said i have been patrolling this neighborhood for 14 years. that amazed me how well they knew her. people she arrested before were come category up and saying hi to her. maybe half an hour after that we got a call because someone is threatening suicide. the person threatening suicide was a woman in her 40's and she was threatening it from the doctor's office.
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my officer went and when she showed up on the scene with her c.i.t. button two other officers looked at her and said you are in charge. that coordination was great. they walked into the doctor's office. the woman was in one of the rooms for the patient and she was crying saying she would kill herself but she is afraid of bugs or worms eating her and she had nothing to live for. the mother and she said why did the doctor call the police. i hate the police. i am going to kill myself. i am go to kill someone else. she was very, very upset. the mother was upset at the same time. my mother, cool as a cucumber, came in, looked her in the eye and said looks like you are having a bad day.
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let's talk about it. got her a wet rag to clean up her tears, tried to get her talking and sharing what is wrong with her. said can you write down. the reason why is she wanted her to move away from a crying position to sitting up and writing and being more coherent. she said my mother. is your mother the problem. no my mother -- i love my mother. your mother is a reason to live. started talking and engining in the discussion. that sent a reason why you are upset. she said me. put a circle around it because she was suicidal at the moment. the officer said you are not the problem. i want to take you to get councilling to get services. don't take me to jail. the officer said look at my pen. i am not taking you to jail. i am going to take you to get some help. and after this exchange
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happened where she did all of these other skills i am not trained enough to explain that got this woman to calm down and her mother to calm down. at the end of 10-15 minutes the woman walked with her out of the clinic to the back of her patrol car. no handcuffs and sat in the back of the car. the family thanked the officer for getting her services and said mother you, you have been threatening this for a week. i am kind of glad. we can coordinate the resources and address the concerns. took the woman to a center where they connected her with services and councilling.
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