tv [untitled] April 11, 2011 1:00am-1:30am PDT
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i will start over. and overall, urban design housing strategy for the entire department, and i apologize. >> are you ok? >> i just have a -- yes. excuse me. let me try this again. >> maybe we take a five-minute recess. we will take a 10-minute recess and will continue. >> planning commission is back in session. we were in the midst of the
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executive park presentation. >> i am matt snyder. i will pick this up on the page left on the podium. we will refer to the guidelines. the guidelines to not require initiation and did not require any action. the week that is prior to the -- the planning code may generally be silenced, will where quantitative guidances better than where this stands in the planning code. the guidelines would establish an overall design strategy, for the entire office portion, and this would create performance
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standards for the open space, and there is activation and design quality as well as providing guidance for more robust development. we should do this in the last presentation, for the overall framework of the design. providing for the substantial street wall at the neighborhood said. and also, preserving the space is best for the public view, and the urban design guidelines also provide performance criteria for the open space network, for the pedestrian pathway in the open space, and the excess will frontage. we showed you this before, to implement the proposed street plan, the guidelines have
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requirements for building the height of the street wall, with the different types of streets and these circumstances. along the executive parkway, to the north, a prominent building is called for the main street, both within the neighborhood and residential commercial context. and there is additional setback along the residential context. for the typical residential streets, along with assuring the sidewalks are consistent, there is this replant and the residential setbacks, this calls for the enabling of the space to allow ample sunlight access. and similarly, for these
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alleyways, the guidelines allow for the taller buildings and these will be more narrow, still calling for the characteristics that ensure pedestrian comfort. the building characteristics require the well-modulated facades, and then, also through a more finer grain inclusion of the bays and the notches, and other modulations techniques. also on the building characteristics section, there are requirements for corner wrapping, with a setback specifications in the residential context. the same session provides performance criteria for architectural detailing, and quality, study materials. the design guidelines provide
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performance criteria, for energy efficiency and renewable energy, recycling and waste, and these are guidelines outlining the overarching goal is, understanding that each development will bring within its own approach, sustainability. commissioners, this concludes our presentation, on the proposed zoning and design guidelines, and before you it is the initiation of the general plan amendment, with the executive area plan, and the land use index, such that they are all part of these area plan changes. also before you is the initiation of the planning code text amendment, for the sub- areas plan, and then, the new review provision similar to the downtown residential districts.
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before you is the initiation of the zoning map amendment, to redesign certain plots within this area, and then, one to the executive special use district, from the existing zones, the special use district and the new heightened district. this is my presentation and i would be happy to answer any questions. >> we will open this up for public comment at this time. public comment is closed. commissioner? >> regarding the design guidelines, were you giving us the outline of what you were intending to create, or was this the design guidelines? >> we provided the actual design guidelines.
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in the last informational presentation, we gave these to you. >> the reason i am asking this -- the choice of some of the pictures and analogies are somewhat misplaced, and i would like to refer to -- and this is easily exchangeable, but i do not have the page number and i am talking about the design guidelines regarding the overall design. whenever a paste that this may be on. these are a couple of images -- they do not have the condition of what is shown here. the other picture is hammered and you show the high-end hotel but you do not have the situation.
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the lower picture is a canal, we do not have the waterfront condition. i do not believe that this will apply. if this is a description about buildings, and i am not certain about this architecture being inappropriate, this needs to be listed somewhere else. the building as much further away from the water, and neither of these businesses reflect this condition. the combination of a montage of photographs would be much more a program for what you are trying disclosure to talk about the dimensions, in three sections. you have the street section and adding the dimension, this would be helpful. in the end, these projects did not have more than one year.
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they do have the planners beyond yourself and the condition that you are currently in, and the architects who would participate in this. that is where the accuracy in the detail description as well- placed. otherwise, i am not uncomfortable with what i see, and this is what you would expect from this kind of project. >> i am working with the project sponsor, we have a master plan of the streets, so we will understand the implementation of what is in these design guidelines in terms of the proportions and the intentions. >> there is the guidance with where we are today, and there be some minor modifications. >> commissioner antonini?
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>commissioner: antonini: there is a road, the bayview park road. this may come off of bay shore boulevard. because this does not show where this is -- >> you have to go in on here, and you go into the parts that say, convert to mixed use residential. and these maps will show the convergence of the zoning. i am just wondering if this is a new road, not at this matters. the tunnel -- i walk through there to 49er games.
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there may already be a road up there. there is a call with some housing development as you get further onto the western side of the view -- bayview hill. >> a trail within this park -- >> it may not be vehicular. >> i can't say. they can make a correction to show the -- we are happy to more clearly show the freeway. this is between rh 1 and executive park. >> the aerial photograph, it looks like this is probably a mapped street, but not imporved to one you could -- improved to one you could drive on. >> i am certain that this has been mapped this way, but this may not yet be in existence.
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it would provide access without having to drive through the development. this just makes sense. >> the executive park will not have access -- and so, the access is still from the neighborhood at the rear. the other side of bayview hill. >> commissioner moore? commissioner moore: you have a large number of people living in the development. i anm concerned about how they will get across 10 freeway lanes. to cross a 120 foot right-of- way before they come to the park. signalization is one way of
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putting it. this is not crossed with a normal change-over. when this road is really designed for higher speeds, traffic, and transportation, in the event there would be a game in candlestick park. executive park boulevard -- this is enough distance to have two signals here. in that short of a distance, public works would build two signals. you need to time them for pedestrians to cross 10 lane freeway -- a 10 lane freeway. what thoughts have you given for the residential
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neighborhoods to reach this? >> this is not part o fthf the scope. my understanding, one of the transportation planners -- the yary are designed with a couple of signals in these intersections. >> you have give nthis a -- given this a lot of thought. both entry points are signals. we have worked with the load. absolutely to your point. >> i am not interested in car movement, but pedestrian movement. this will lead the waterfront to realize being in this location. >> this is in market street. commissioner moore: the
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embarcadero is designed for people, not for cars. you are still -- i hope you are concerned that this is huge. >> this is a remarkable place in front of the waterfront, to have people getting over there. >> antonini? >> commissioner antonini: the transportation is a work in process, this is certainly at a rapid transit, allow for the side that is adjoining the park. there may be a change in elevation to allow pedestrian access underneath or above the passage way. this makes a lot of sense to me and i am not certain that this is not a possibility.
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this may also be the smartest way and you may have to stop traffic routinely. that is not part of this development. that is part of the planning and as a concession, i ask for them to put some of the paperwork in to show the relationships to the other parts of the plan. >> in order to help for this to be a successful neighborhood rather than an isolated island, this is our responsibility to ask those questions. there is a lot of land in there. >> do you wish to address this issue? >> i represent -- moore stole my thunder. we have an interest in making the passage, as pedestrian-
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friendly, and we have been working to make certain of this as best we can. given that there are other needs that the city is trying to address. we will continue to do this. we have been looking and with your transportation people and a transportation consultant, we have looked at those intersections in stages. if we go ahead, candlestick point and hunter's point doesn't go ahead, this will be narrower. as the overall street plan proceeds, if it becomes as extensive as planned for a level of development that we may not see for a long time. there are also solutions that are built into the e.i.r.
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this is a very legitimate question. i will make sure and i am sure planning staff will do the same thing. so we know where the various traffic improvements will occur. >> i would even suggest that there are many political interests here that the landscape strip, ordering the states and the park, which have an additional 32 or 34 feet, would be on you rside of the -- your side of the project. there would be a small sidewalk. you are the target already. if this section changes, you have a wide, landscaped, linear park.
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>i will not be popular but that is what i would do. >> upc, who have been cooperative, in trying to work with the various entities, this is something tha twill nee -- that will need to be resolved. they are looking into making sure the area that is reserved for potential development is attractive. we are doing all we can. i don't wish to make light o fthis. -- of this. we have bee nthn the tail of the dog. we are doing the best we can.
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this is our front door. the bay -- this is a way for people to get to the bay as a marketing opportunity, to make this a good place for families. george would like to stay in the game. he will be around to keep an eye on people. commissioner sugaya: -- >> did you want to add? >> i am david -- addressing the issue you were talking about on the norther side, adjacent to the project. as recently as three hours ago, i was meeting wit hthh the city attorney about this. and hopefully, to plan who will be responsible for the
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landscape. to repeat this phrase, we see this executive -- we see this as the front door and we need to make this special. we are following this on the same lines. >> do you have a question on this phasing or development sequence? if the proposed heights and locations of the towers hold forth, this will require the demolition of the existing office buildings. is there a projected development time or build-out time associated with this? > i am not saying we are approving anything in terms of phasing.
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>> probably a bette rquestion -- better question for the project sponsors. building in some flexibility with how this gets. in terms of the tower locations, are they set or is there flexibility to change the locations? >> they are set by the way the project description was analyzed. we wanted to see some opportunities for flexibility. they kind of boxed us into these locations. the staff -- this has been our
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proposal. we are comfortable with these towers. >> if you have some ideas -- you don't have to tell me this is within two years. any idea of the build-out period? >> ok. >> regarding the projects coming before you, we included the design review process. those come before you. as a conditional use. >> to answer your question, it is hard to know how. the finacnences of the world hae put a cork in movements ahead,
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to try to move ahead. this project is in the front. we can locate financing and the building has to come down totally. we will move as quickly as we can find financing. >> on behalf of the universal -- corporation, because our portion would be 1100 units, i twould be -- it would be paid a longe rtime. it would start around harney way, to demolish the office buildings later. i don't expect anything to happen for three years. >> without getting into a
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technical discussion, i had actually raised the issue about some of the tower locations not being in an ideal location. it was my understanding, in talkin gwith the director, mr. snyder was not around. there may be some minor adjustments. revisiting how these >> there might be a slight discrepancy. we want to make sure that all of the t's are crossed. >> let me back into your question. we looked at it again when the question was raised and saw that
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the same information that we used in our process was the same as what we saw in the document. we can revisit that again but we want to make sure that we don't see discrepancy in that information we can work to see that is the case. with regard to tower placement, i would say that we look at the modeling of it and we are open to the discussion. the big parameter that we talked about that actually have to do with the sequel process -- the ceqa process. >> we can consult with the environmental planning staff. minor adjustments are possible within the existing eir. >> the adjustments would not be made crossing the dividing lines.
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the zoning map amendments. >> second. >> the motion on the floor is for approval of initiation of the general plan amendments, the general code tax amendment. on that motion -- >> aye, >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> thank you, commissioners. the general plan and zoning map amendments have all been initiated. you are now at the general public comment category. the public hearing has been closed. at this time, members of the public who wish to address the commission on item number 9
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