tv [untitled] April 12, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am PDT
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from six stories to 10 stories can be built on conventional foundations. they will not to have -- they will not have to have a pile driving. the taller ones will have to have piled foundations. >> i want to point out -- in the upper left-hand corner, the waste water treatment plant, the replacement would in theory be in the purple area. >> we will identify those areas. we are going to contemplate were that would be in that corner. >> in the infrastructure plan, there would be a requirement that that has to be delivered to the puc with the same du technical specs -- geotechnical specs? president vietor: has this
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dynamic compaction and done in other places? >> yes. it is pretty common along the area, actually. so, moving -- the protection against sea level rise. it has varied over the past 10 years or so. the current direction from the state for planning purposes is 16 inches to 55 inches by the beginning of 2100. we do not necessarily rely on the projected amount of sea level rise. we tried to build a project that can be adapted overtime moving forward. any new development area, shown in green, -- in the new development area, shown in green, there are the areas adapted to sea level rise. the areas on the perimeter of the island, it is not a levee-
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protected environment. we need to protect ourselves from waves. we've taken the perimeter and figured out what the elevation seems to be, taking in account tsunami is, storm events, and added 16 inches to the protection. then we have enough room around the island in order to adapt the perimeter over time as more and more information is available. we can adjust that perimeter area to protect. 50 years up, we can then understand what the sea level rise is going to be increate that perimeter protection -- and create that perimeter protection. commissioner torres: is this area vulnerable to a potential tsunami? >> no. it is protected by the golden gate. we can get into a lot of detail about tsunamis.
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commissioner torres: so, you're perimeter that you articulated would take care of that? >> yes. president vietor: you just said 55 inches by 2100. we are anticipating a minimum of a 55-inch sea level rise. and 36-inches -- you are going to raise the development by 16 inches? >> right. the ability then is to adjust the perimeter of the islands to protect ourselves from additional sea level rise beyond 36 inches. it will also create a funding mechanism to generate money over time to pay for that construction as it is needed in 50 or 100 years. president vietor: why wouldn't we do that now? >> it is an adaptive strategy.
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the predictions are an upper scale up sea level -- of sea level rising, and it does not fit that s -- curve. commissioner torres: this is over 100 years? >> this is over 100 years. it gives us the ability to adjust and to generate the funds to just over time. president vietor: and that is all factored into the budget and in 100-year plan? >> correct. >> do you make today's residents pay for it forever? you are asking to pay for a reasonable future, but then they pay for it as it continues to grow. >> pc level rise predictions are
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actually less. if we change, we have to cope less. we will spend the capital where it is not needed. if it is more, we can accommodate the additional sea level rise. commissioner torres: if i may, what benefit is it to the ratepayers that we provide these protections? >> i do not quite understand the question. commissioner torres: are we going to ensure that we have a minimum of 16 inches for the project? to what benefit are all those improvements? >> most of the cost the gentleman was talking about is the developers' costs. >> there will be a funding mechanism that will be in place that raises money over time under development to pay for that infrastructure.
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commissioner torres: so, these will not be borne by the ratepayers of sand and cisco? >> correct. they have the benefit we have of being able to raise the island by 3 feet for a storm system today. it will eliminate the pump stations that necessary to get water off of the island. after 16 inches of sea level rise, we will need to adjust. that is what the project pays for. president vietor: and the project will pay for it? >> correct. >> there will be a shared cost. there are certain things we are paying for. we can talk about that.
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we would pay for the waste water treatment plant. but the infrastructure to deliver the water there is a mixed cost. we can go through details. >> pc level question -- he would not be paying for those -- the ec level question, he would not be paying for those. vice president moran: we would be talking about the cost of the waste water treatment plant? >> for certain items on there. there will be a number of rate increases over the next 10 years to pay for residents in the southeast, for example, that provides no benefit to treasure island. if treasure island was paying these benefits for the mainland, there are no benefits.
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in some ways, if you were not saving it ratepayer money, treasure island would be subsidizing the mainland. vice president moran: it is not fair for treasure island to be bearing the cost, right? >> if you at 8000 units, plus the hotels -- if the waste water treatment plant comes in at the numbers we are looking at, it is about the same cost for those people as the people living in san francisco bay. and we can walk through those numbers with here. vice president moran: what hotels are going to be there? having made a decision yet? >> i do not think so. vice president moran: there would be two hotels. one with 50 rooms. another with 450 grams. >> we've not entered any agreements with developers.
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vice president moran: in that situation, does that ratepayer pay for part of the incentive as well? >> everyone on the island should be paying for the infrastructure on the island. >> sorry, i was going to save -- yes. the waste water capacity charges would apply to both residential and commercial uses on treasure island, the same as they would citywide. >> ok. for now. [laughter] >> moving into the utility infrastructure, let me look at possible water demands. the project will reduce demand for a new development, starting with 2.29 million gallons per
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day. we've reduced that to just under 2 million gallons per day by eliminating water irrigation. i will talk about the recycled water plants in a minute. we have used water conservation methods and utility fixture units and things. that has reduced 3.6 million gallons a day. we dropped it by another 2.2 million gallons a day for all non possible water uses, a toilet flushing -- non-potable water uses, toilet flushing, and so on. president vietor: i sound like a broken record. what about collection facilities for each unit?
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do they collect the water and treated so we can be even more aggressive? >> we are being as aggressive as we can on water use based on recycled water. we are using everything we can that is not potable. this is something to be explored in the commercial area with commercial buildings. we are not promoting the collection of rain water. president vietor: wouldn't that be to our advantage? the -- minimally, probably. >> it cannot change the size of the waste water treatment. -- it can change the size of the waste water treatment. >> that would not change the waste water treatment use, because we of separate systems. the only thing it would change minimally is the amount of recycled water he would produce when you have the water available. but that would be maybe a third
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of the year, at most. in the areas where you have combined systems, he would have the sewers system any issue you have with the -- you would have the sewer system and any issue you have with the treatment plant. vice president moran: has anyone done an economic eir? i know that the decisions of probably been made, but i think it is important for the public to know what benefit this brings to the city of san francisco. >> in terms of the overall economic structure of the project, it is fully self- sufficient. the project is paid for by the revenues generated for redevelopment of the -- vice president moran: i understand. what benefits come to the city and county of san francisco residents?
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>> we've done a study. vice president moran: i would love to see it. commissioner torres: that is a narrow benefit. what about the macro benefit to the city and county of sentences go? is it possible to get a copy of that report? >> sure. there are a number of documents we can provide. just to give you a snapshot -- 2000 construction jobs and permanent jobs. this is an 18-year development. over the life of the project -- 40,000 construction jobs are going to be created. commissioner torres: if i were looking for a home on treasure island, what year would be able to stop -- to start shopping? >> depending on when we first put bubbles in the ground, it is a two-year construction phase
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before new development would happen, and 12 to 18 months after that. commissioner torres: so opening that new townhome would be 2015? >> 2015. >> i will be off this commission before that. >> again, looking at potable water for the island's -- we will be replacing all the utilities over time and building up the islands. so, everything within the new development area, we will be able to continue relying on existing systems and the areas that are operating until we get into those phases of work. domestic water is brought over from san francisco over the bay bridge. the capacity in that pipeline is sufficient to serve the average
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daily demand. there is an emergency supply coming from oaklands, over that side of the bay bridge. that supply can also handle all of the average daily demands. because of concerns about the location of the island, we are also drawing 4 million gallons of storage on an yvi for an emergency storage solutions. vice president moran: those infrastructure pipelines are intact now? >> that is correct. vice president moran: will they be impacted at all by the new bridge? >> the new bridge has water lines in it. vice president moran: that was not part of this cost? >> that is correct. >> i believe there needs to be in new station. >> yes, it needs to be replaced. commissioner torres: where is
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that in the budget? >> it is not in the budget right now? commissioner torres: i am sorry. the state budget? >> no. >> the proposal -- the puc one. that is what we can bring back. what the balance is. >> for wastewater, again, this system will be replaced over time as we build up the island. there is a waste water treatment out there today that is operating. that would be replaced. the new system is going to be billed to the city standards. more efficient. we are going to reduce the
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number of bomb stations on the island today. president vietor: so, waste water will not be replaced runaway, did you said? >> existing waste water plants being operated by the puc is on behalf of the navy. president vietor: that will stay until -- >> the plan is it will be replaced by the p u state. president vietor: at some point in the development process that the next three, five, 10 years? >> when will the rate being be sufficient to cover those kinds of costs? to make it worth your while and make sure you have other ratepayers not being satisfied? that is the question. it really does have to wait until the bill doubt occurs sufficiently to have it covered. -- build out occurs sufficiently
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to have it covered. president vietor: when is the projection for that build out? >> it really becomes of to the puc when it is ready to be changed -- up to the puc when it is ready to be changed out. president vietor: when with the project be built? >> is a 25-year -- it is a 25- year project. >> 2025. something like that. it is unclear whether it will need all new construction. president vietor: what about the backflow issues? i have climate change, mind. -- on my mind. would we need to do some
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adaptive measures as it relates to sea level rise? >> the existing plant that is there today operates as a pump station for your outflow into the bay. that is going to provide protection for the sea water coming back. it is probably at an elevation of about 11. >> this is a separate waste water and storm water system. we talk about the ducks -- ducts. it drains to a low point. it comes to the plant. we can talk about that. president vietor: and 11 inches, approximately, today? >> 11 inches. so, as michael pointed out, you
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already have that separation. the high tide back water is coming back in. we are going to replace that over time. president vietor: thank you. >> recycled water? >> to recycled water system -- the recycled water system. we will be building a new recycled water system for the island. it will be constructed by the waste water treatment plant. we will not be in stalling on yvi, because there is not that much demand on yvi as compared to the rest of the development. tri-utility systems. the whole system will be replaced over time. the navy system has to be maintained by the puc from
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oakland. then, it is picked up by the navy through the port of oakland property of the island. that will be transferred, just like the island, once the navy transfer occurs, and then to the puc and other power providers. >> ok. president vietor: are we going to have a decision at some point as to whether to take this on? when would that come before us? >> the timing of that -- >> prior to approval, we would pause for the feasibility study to be done, code 99. prior to the formal approval.
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next month. >> it is our working assumption that you would want us to propose to do that. president vietor: i think also, you know, with cca, it is an interesting opportunity being on model clinton climate project. so, would that be addressed in the disability -- feasibility study? >> yes. president vietor: it would? that would be great if it could be. >> yes. president vietor: some kind of distributed generation of around grenoble's, the local build up, that would be great. if we could make an informed
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decision. if that makes sense. thank you. >> coming back to the storm drain. the whole system will be replaced. the gravity system, the initial construction. we are working through some of the details with staff now on those systems, and the intent is we will of all on-site treatment before we go into the bay. chris is here to run through the treatment strategy. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i would like to start by noting that puc is the city agency responsible for meeting the state regulatory requirements for water quality control in the bay, and this project is unique in the opportunity we have to really integrate the way we deal with storm water management and
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integrate it with both infrastructure planning and the open face and open design. we have been able to do that throughout the process. there are a couple of key points. the idea that the system be flexible and allow for potential changes under state regulations, said the island would be able to accommodate that. second, the planning work we have done is consistent with the puc storm water design guidelines, that it takes a multi-benefit approach to storm water treatment, which means there is a high level of treatments and ecological benefits that are combined throughout the island. third, that esthetics and community greening are part of the storm water treatment program. with that, i am going to turn to yvi -- yerba buena island first.
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it is a very different situation between the two islands, would yerba buena being at very steep. there are four different distinct watersheds a different phases of the -- at different phases of the program there. next, on treasure island proper, we have analyzed conclusions of concern for each difference land use and adapted our treatment to each of those different areas. and then we had divided the island further into different watersheds, based on the phasing, the soil and other issues, we can link the treatment with the infrastructure development. vice president moran: so your
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role is a consultant to the development? >> that is correct. vice president moran: where else have you applied for this advice? -- where else have you provided this advice? >> we have worked elsewhere in san francisco. we have helped several other large water treatment facilities within the bay area. vice president moran: right. so your expertise is really the bay area then? >> right. the bay area. vice president moran: and you think we are ok now? >> in terms of the treatment measures? vice president moran: are we taking the appropriate steps here in san francisco to do with the issue? >> yes. i think the city has made major strides. vice president moran: what are the unique characteristics u.s. found as opposed to other
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projects to work on? >> i think it is the question of being able to integrate at a large scale the strategies we have. so, the puc has identified a number of treatment measures, and these treatment measures are wide-rangingly selected. i will identify a few here. there are permeable pacing systems. there is a large wetland system that is proposed for the large part area in the northwest corner of the island and the north east. the idea is we can provide habitat creation and apology for visitors for bird watching and
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other things. there is rain gardens and flood service infiltration areas in more urban, developed areas. vice president moran: you know we have a problem in this city, between birds and dogs, especially in relation to the federal proposal. what would happen here with birds and dogs? >> that is a good question. i colleague who works in the field, and it is likely we would develop in areas where the habitat is, something similar to what was done -- >> in 2015, i am an incredible dog lover. you are going to tell me where i can take my dog for walks, etc.? >> in a very limited way, yes. [laughter] vice president moran: -- commissioner torres: a limited way?
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>> the streets, typically, and ian an environment like this -- on all the streets, there are streets bio-filters that serve the first flush treatment measure. lastly, on a large park, we have allocated space for a waste- water treatment program. we looked at it, studied it in the eir, should the puc decided to include that as part of the waste water treatment system. president vietor: thank you. i am excited and appreciate your efforts. particularly, the wetlands peace. we've been talking about doing some kind of pilot
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