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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2011 8:30pm-9:00pm PDT

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were found cannot be significant. supervisor kim said that had belonged more properly and the board of appeals. the board of appeals is scheduled to hear this project in a couple of weeks. with those comments, the appeal was rejected and it was unanimously upheld. the other appeal was for grant ave. this was the case that you heard as a discretionary review. it was filed by the hill dwellers. it had a good deal of testimony on both sides. there could be potential tax to help. as well as others planned in that location.
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there was a motion to uphold exciting the communications act. he made the motion and also asked the department a couple of questions. he expressed interest in a city-led a master plan for future and does. he requested that we outline a process for producing such a document. he believed we should make some changes to the current review procedures. he believed the favored sites should demonstrate the necessity for this location. they should make the same findings for the bigger and has. with those statements, he was able to garner a 9-2 vote in support. that concludes the report for this week.
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commissioner president olague: i don't think we have received that yet. i think we really do need to have that conversation. there should be a way to have that conversation about this to come up with some policies around it. >> i have not had a chance to look at it yet. it is basically an outline of what we do now. the providers are required to have a five-year plan on file with the city. the concern that the commissioners had was all of the different providers overlapping. and how it affected each project coming forward.
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we are looking at that right now. president olague: the land use committee sounds like the most logical place where we can talk about our different jurisdictions and what the criteria is that we use. commissioner miguel: a number of supervisors are interested in this. they are anxious for this to move ahead. commissioner antonini: i agree, and it seems as though we are going to have a hearing or a presentation regarding this issue, because through some private research and other things, i was able to find out about the explosion of informational technology and the
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differences between different companies and different transmission modes. there is a lot will need to know about before we make any decisions to process. >> the zoning administrator of form to me -- informed me that there was no court of appeals today. >> of the historic preservation commission did not meet this week. commissioner sugaya: one time i did ask some questions and it was acknowledged that in different carriers utilize different technologies, and some apparently require more antennas than others. if somewhere in the memo, addressed the technology. if he has any inkling of my -- of what might be coming down the
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pike, i don't know if 4g is using the additional and as for improving the way it works. it might be something to include, also. >> weekend move forward on the calendar to item no. 5. an informational item. staff will provide an introduction to the comprehensive planning efforts. >> [inaudible] president olague: knew we have to reopen it?
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-- do we have to reopen it? >> i'm francisco decosta. at land use, and they spoke about the improvements and there are a couple of things i want to point out. the first thing is that when we do the tree planting, somehow, planning should take the initiative to see the maintenance. we have some beautiful parks. we have had it in visitation valley. paces, next to areas where e have millions of vehicles that e
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fly, we have to have the empirical data. we just can't have an open spaces next to places where millions fly with a dangerous particulates in the air. they are half of the constituents. on the radio waves,, many years ago, we requested that we have a city expert on this issue.
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maybe we have, maybe we don't. one thing that came out of the hearing was that it was possible for those that provide the service, if they could create a fund or if they could create some money where the city could create their own testing, that is what we want. as we move forward, we will be using a lot of sell funds and will be using a lot of technology. we have to start it out. we can't wait and then catch up.
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when also need to look at other countries. thank you very lunch. >> is there any additional comments? >> commissioners, we're going to item no. 5. >> we're going to provide you with a brief introduction.
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this planning efforts to have launched, the drivers are behind doing this plan out. it is now under construction. it will be in operation in a few years. the land use response was in order. as you may remember in the eastern neighborhoods plan, there was an area primarily south of the freeway and a little bit north. it was and still is a hot zone -- zoned sli. it will consider what land use response will be in order to the
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transportation investment. we are very excited to get started. the planning area is generally horner two blocks on either side of forestry. as you can see on the graphic, the exact boundaries of the planning area are still a little fuzzy. the east and west boundaries, it remains to be seen through the planning process. that is sort of the general parameters. there are three primary aspects of the land use.
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and that the primary focus of this effort. and very closely tied is the urban form of valuation. and how it affects the urban landscape. industry today, there are many transportation programs currently under way that cover the broader south of market. there is a list of other planning efforts that are under way. this plan does not intend to take another overlap and comprehensive plan to look at transportation, the within the subway project, will be looking at opportunities to more immediately and directly improved public spaces in the corridor.
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it is very focused on the immediate infrastructure. we have seen the nihon to see what other programs are necessary. we will be working with that. and they will be providing matching funds. in terms of the schedule that will kick off in early february, we just started the early outreach efforts. we are continuing these outreach efforts through the middle of june or so. at which point, we will start developing concepts to bring out to the public. the whole hope is that we wrap this up by the end of the year with a draft plan. you will note on the schedule that the initiation of a pending funding, which only have the funding so far for this initial
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planning process. to get us through a initially what is a concept plan. there are also resources for additional funding where we can continue with the process. a couple words about the context for this plan, you're familiar with the various regional and statewide planning that we have, the greenhouse gases and development that is pertinent to this planning efforts. it is very closely tied with regional transit. particularly, the many other planning efforts, there is a keen interest in work places. it can accommodate growth and workspace.
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and it is a workup on its own. in the empirical evidence that in terms of people commuting to work by transit, locating jobs next to a fixed rail and regional transit is the most important thing you can do. that will be a major focus of this effort. the city has done a lot of work with a major focus on housing. but not as much on jobs. this plan is taking the opportunity to plan and job growth, in particular, office growth in the city. there is a substantial amount of development potential in the area. the northern portions of this area, some areas to the west
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have been largely built out. but once you move further south, there are substantial opportunities whether they are low scale or industrial buildings. we'll be taking a more focused look to see how we can move them into the plan. there is a substantial amount of demand for development in this area of. while there is still high vacancy in the district, there is almost no vacancy in the south of market and the rent has substantially risen. the record there is now approaching those in the financial district. we are trying to get out what is attracting people to that area and what kinds of building
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stocks are they looking for? how can we accommodate them? as part of south of market is a very diverse area. that would be a mixture of housing and workspace. we're going to be taking a close look about how we can be having that rich mixture without losing the key qualities that make south of market what it is. we will be taking a close look at opportunities to improve pedestrian walking around the area. we have a series that we have been going around to community
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groups. they have an interest in this area. there groups that have been neighborhood organization focused on a single block there is a whole list of groups we have already met with. we have also been meeting with real estate interests. we have also met with many office users an tech companies. we have a technical advisory committee made up of city and regional agencies. we are rolling out a very comprehensive got reprogram. we will have a series of walking
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jurors. a whole their web presence. we're looking at how to broaden the average tools have to engage people in a more interactive way. we're looking at ways to utilize facebook and those sorts of tools. that concludes my presentation. if you have any questions about this effort, i will be happy to answer them. i will be back before you to talk about this process more. president olague: what housing is existing currently in those areas that might be affected by this? that is my question. and >> we have a background report that is nearing completion.
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it lays out the existing conditions and those issues. we will delve down into the land use issues. commissioner moore: and job growth. relatively interested in seeing what sectors d.c. growing. it is how your numerically tracking the household. many people are interested in light of the fact that you only focus on tourists and the biotech. it seems to be humane orientation that would be other possibilities. commissioner antonini: i appreciate your report.
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empirically, it is an area of where i have run from down around the area in north, i have noticed quite a change with the increase in the number of people that are living and working down the street. i think you will see a significant increase of in jobs and housing. the latest element of its is those headed across the base and to the housing that is down in mission bay, it was recently opened and that is a fairly significant number of people. president olague: any public comment on this item?
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>> i am really hoping that this plan does what recent plans haven't done, to take a very close look at transportation infrastructure and already it is to support growth. the city has been coasting for many years on investments that were made in 1970. both of them have served us well. they are really purging capacity. if you were there in 2008, the stations are bursting at the seams. any of these recent plans really haven't done that. it was frustrating being part of the discussion when you are saying that the community benefits package needs to include capacity.
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there is a great cautionary tale. they did not believe in public infrastructure, but they believe in financing and development. it was a kind of very short railway like the subway. it could not very many people. they had to double the length of the platform. much easier to do with an elevated system that a subway. we have to extend the underground. i don't want to make that mistake again. we have to be smart about making sure that the public transit is there. it is not a high capacity subway. it will not carry a lot of people. it will make sure that the amount of growth hue are
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anticipating can be accommodated. as development happens, investment flows towards buying incremental capacity. the that those original characters -- the of that goes to regional. even though we charge the [unintelligible] probably not paying as much as they should, but it is not going where it should go. really integrating land use and transportation will be the thing that we do with this plan. the way that it was built off of a very transit first kind of perspective, rather than the more recent plans which tended to separate land use and
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planning, to the discredit into disfavor of both. president olague: any additional public comment? >> i want to follow up on what thomas said. the downtown plan has resumed a massive increments, and they also were assuming that most of the growth would have been north of our history. i went through all three rounds as well as eastern neighborhoods. the planning department kicks over the local transit issues and the mta does not follow through. we have not added a massive infrastructure. we're waiting for the solution.
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we don't have a transit system south of market. they are long walks. it is a long walk to the streets. that is not factored in right now. i can take you down third street. as you go through mission bay, we have the t-line, but no connecting. we do this all the time. it is a wasteland for transit, but whatever was going the walk. it is hard when you are walking uphill with groceries or you are a senior citizen or you have kids. we have done all of these studies for these tiny little segments that are just a tiny little bit. it is not the solution. south of market has cracked
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transit -- crap transit. the planning department has as much responsibility as muni does. you working the problem down the road while you are adding he density and we don't have the transition. i challenge anyone to use it as your way to get around all over the south of market and you will find out you can't military >. >> i was shocked to find out the mta cut the number 12 bus
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service . instead of going down to the waterfront, it is on second street where the 12 stopped going east word. there are 32 kids living there. a lot of the folks that bought units where i live, they're not as mobile and agile as they used to be. while a has been cut out over the years, there is still an incline. president olague: any additional public comment? public comment is closed. >> i wanted to let the commission of that the team is here today, and sarah will be
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overseeing the effort. >> commissioners, we can move forward to item number six, the demonstration of the property and information. >> awarded to tell you how excited i am about this new technology that the department has on their web site as of this week, i believe. this presents a wealth of information for the public to use that otherwise would have taken a lot of time or required a trip down to the planning department to find out. because of the changes, we will be able to prepare this information and make it available to the public on line. we are quite thrilled abou