tv [untitled] April 23, 2011 9:00am-9:30am PDT
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over five years on this vision of rebuilding a dilapidated playground. in addition to supporting the group, we have really landed our outreach ability by using electronic out reach featuring electronic communications with our partners with a list of over 5000 people. we periodically have announcements on our website and really do believe robust electronic outreach has been done. in addition, we worked with the friends of dolores park playground to build an information kiosk. we feel that was a really beneficial step in making sure that all users of the playground were involved in the process. we look forward to supporting the process as it moves forward and support friends of the large park playground on an ongoing
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basis -- friends of the lord's pardolores park. thank you to rec and park. we look forward to realize in this vision with you. >> thank you. is there any other public comment on seeing none this seeingnone, public comment is closed. >> i like the idea of having the informational kiosk on site. i think that's a wonderful idea. in light of our fiscal issues these days, i see that we have $250,000 from our general fund. can you explain that? >> the general fund was add- back from 2007 to 2008. it was committed by supervisor
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bevin dufty in order to bring this forward for fundraising opportunities. that money was appropriated several years back. >> thank you. i remember that. any other comments? seeing none, we entertain a motion. >> moved. >> seconded. >> all those in favor? hearbefore we take nine, 10, and 11 together. i'm told that we now have a video that works with sound. because it reflects such an optimistic the general manager's report, i think we should see it or at least give him one more chance to show it. >> do you want to give the gm report again? >> out of the question.
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>> we want to do the things that you guys want to do. do you guys love to skateboard? >> yeah. >> we can build our skate boarding program to meet the needs of our kids. frankly, is what our kids want to do. s♪ ♪ >> well done. >> is this something we can expect every month? >> yes, i think we should. >> great. >> items nine, 10, and 11 will
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be heard together, but voted on individually. >> harding park golf course promotional rates and the san francisco municipal golf courses. >> there we go. >> these three items were heard at the operations committee meeting two weeks ago. the first is -- we are asking you to take action to recommend to the board of supervisors that we amend section 12.12 of the park code governing certain golf rates. of these, i'm referring to promotional rates that we had approved in the past. currently, harding park is able to discount rates up to 20% with prior department approval. we have showed that these have been very effective in plugging in dead time on the tee sheets
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in the past. when the pga took over, one of the first things they did was evaluate the rights and opportunities that we did moving forward. this is something we discussed. this request to you is to change that so that we would be able to offer discounts up to 25% for all rates throughout the year. again, with prior department approval, and also the ability to increase nonresidents and turn it rates up to 50%. they have found in research that went large tournaments' in northern california are here, people are willing to pay higher rates. we feel that the course is in really good shape. these will be done with discretion, of course, at the
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appropriate time and with our approval. one small item in this item is to correct an iranian sting that was in the park -- to correct one in erroneous thing that was in the park code stating fees for pool cards. this became very problematic. we feel this should not be the case. it is the same as renting golf clubs and a set those prices in the gulpro shop. the second item would be to establish two new rates and revise our rate schedule as far as timing is concerned. although it may seem inconsequential, the pga tour is suggesting we add accompanying rider rates.
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this particular thing is extremely unpopular in a lot of the other courses. we did some research. the other courses in the area at do offer that. currently, nobody is allowed on the course was not a plea in an opinion golfer. this would only be someone who is accompanying a golfer on a golf course. it could be a mother, wife, or dad. the second rate request would be an official non resident junior rate. our junior rates are for residents only. we found, especially at harding park, that having a rate lower than the applicable adulterate for juniors would be really essential and be able to draw
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some extra business for people who want to bring their under 18-year-old son or daughter along with them. this would establish a rate that would be 50% of the applicable adulterate for all of the courses. this helps promote the idea that we are youth-friendly. that would be the second item to the other portion of this item would be the weekday-weekend rate schedule. several years ago, about the time we renovated harding, we changed to eight week date of monday through thursday and weekend of friday through sunday, assuming we would be able to garner extra revenue all day friday.
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that hasn't really proven to be the case. most of the courses -- i met with the managers last february. most of the courses have lost their business, especially on friday mornings. senior tournaments and other people who normally play on friday. it's fairly dead at most of the courses. picks up in the afternoon. we are requesting that the weekday schedule be monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and friday morning and the weekend will start friday afternoon. the third item is a periodic updating of the rules. when i brought this to the committee two weeks ago, it was suggested that i put a list of the -- the last list approved by the commission. i have revised that. >> can i thank you for doing
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that? i requested that. >> sure. thank you very much. >> it made it easier for me to see what improvements are. although, in most cases, you needed to be a little bit more clear on when you had the new policy, i could see where you needed to be a little bit more clear and where you needed to exercise some more flexibility to the golfers. i could see what the actual changes were. it was really helpful. i hope we do that. >> i will. >> thank you. >> thank you very much, commissioner. as i said, i wanted to organize things to make it clear for people to see. also, commissioner bonilla hit
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on this. it made it very clear who had the responsibility and authority to close the course on a daily basis pending weather problems and things like that. that rest with the city. i would like to point out that the motorized carts are pass- only and we have clearly put that in the rules. there are no off-path motorized cart uses. i would like to recommend consideration for approval of these three items as written. however, i would like to say that for the second item, i would like to read this to you. there's a slight change in the agenda wording. a couple of things we originally planned to put on here were
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removed. this is exactly what i presented at the committee meeting. that will be discussion and possible action to approve a non resident junior rate at all courses and accompanying rider rate at harding park and a revised weekday-weekend schedule for all courses. >> we have recommeapproval to t. these items pertain to things we felt were substantive, like rates and rules. we felt it was important for this to go before the full commission. we are very appreciative. we were fully made aware, as always. a very thorough presentation. >> thank you. >> under the rules of golf under item 20, golfers may be refused fleeinplaying privileges.
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that affects all of us at one time or another. >> it depends on what course you are on probably. >> thank you. >> we do have public comment on this item. tom? other tom. >> mr. president, members of the commission, i'm a board member of the lincoln park golf club, which is associated with lincoln park golf course and we are here to express our support for all of these proposals. we think they are well thought out. we have a couple little quibbles with the move. we will discuss those in a year or so. we would also like to say that we are really pleased to see that rec and park staff is taking a little more attention to golf. i think the courses have been abandoned for a long time. i think they're putting a lot of effort into this now and we see the results. we really appreciate it.
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we think it is an overall change in the department. i've been coming to these meetings for a long time, as many of you know. they were sort of sloppy meetings before. this was definitely the best commission meeting i have seen. i think it is because the staff has put the work in. we want to thank them for the work they're doing to improve the golf courses. we want to continue to upgrade the golf courses. we think you have a great resource here. all of the city's courses are outstanding. if the staff continues to work on them, they can really be appreciated more by golfers everywhere. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> is there any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is
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closed. >> let's take them in order. >> item 10 -- i'm sorry. item nine. is there a motion to approve? >> moved. >> seconded. >> all those in favor? >> aye. >> item 10. >> as recommended by staff. >> moved. >> seconded. >> all those in favor? >> aye. >> item 11. >> moved. >> seconded. >> all unanimous. thank you very much. >> thank you, tom. >> item 12, the marina degaussing station request for proposals.
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>> good morning. it is still morning. great. good morning, commissioners. i'm here to discuss the marina degaussing station rfp. it was presented to the operations committee two weeks ago. at that time, we presented this item for discussion of possible action to approve a request for proposal seeking a restaurant operator for the marina degaussing station. we are looking to renovate the marina degaussing station and offer creative, healthy, and high quality food. the currently vacant 720-sq. ft. building with a seating area outside are situated at fillmore street. the facility was built by the u.s. navy and has been vacant for the last decade. as per the agreement when it was transferred to the city, all revenue generated in the marina will stay in the marina.
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staff reached out to the following community groups. the marina harbour association, golden gate yacht club, fort mason, america's cup event authority, marina merchants association. staff met with a supervisor and sat down with a representative in late february and met with board members of the community association. we've had conversations with the st. francis yacht club, the america's cup event authority, and the merchants association, and have contacted the golden gate yacht club. during these conversations, community concerns centered around trash pick up, lighting and sign-ins', traffic, and parking. mitigation of these concerns has been aggressively addressed. in addition, we have committed
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to having at least one community representative to sit on the panel for the refp. red will be paid monthly -- rent will be paid monthly. we will allow one nine-year term with a longer lease term, if necessary. we're looking for minimum qualifications of five years' experience. a background in food, service, or other similar fields. security deposit in the mouth of two months' rent. all standards in the insurance requirements are upheld. the schedule meets the following, hopefully we will get the rfp tomorrow. we will have a deadline for submission of questions by the end of july. we will be selecting the --
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considering the selected respondents between september and 11 of 2011. lease negotiations in december and february of 2012. we will bring the contract back for commission approval in march 2012. if necessary, we will bring it to the board of supervisors in april. the initiative has been supported by supervisor farrell and it is not opposed by the marina community association, the harbor association, st. francis yacht club, the america's cup event authority, and the marina merchants association. in sum, we're looking forward to bringing affordable, high- quality food to the people. >> is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is close.
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>> move to approve. >> second. >> all those in favor? >> aye. >> oppose? hearing none, is unanimous. >> item 13, operations of car share programs, a city car share, and zipcar. >> as was brought before the operations committee on april 7. discussion for possible action for city car share programs in recreation and park department facilities. we operate a number of facilities, as you know. over the last decade, the popularity of car sharing programs has increased dramatically through the city. programs like this allow people to utilize public transit as the
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primary mode of transportation to access a shared car for a small fee when necessary. a partnership to promote car sharing and as importantly, the transit first policy of the city. we are looking to better integrate park space and generate revenue for the department. a little background on this initiative. on july 24, 2009, the commission approved the issuance of an rfp. timely responses were received. they each had a number of locations. the department's staff determined the following. rfp allowed us to enter into leases with multiple companies.
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both respondents met the minimum qualifications. on january 21, 2010, the commission approved the selection of city car share and zipcar and authorized staff to begin negotiations. the proposed terms for zipcar are the following. they will like cars sharing pods. the term would be from may 1, 2011 to april 30, 2016. the terms for 701 lumbar lot will terminate on commencement of library estimated to begin in 2012. $7850 monthly. the use will be limited to the
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ingress-egress. this is a synopsis of the proposed terms. most important, the new information, the number of parking spaces at each lot. proposed terms for city car share or the following -- the term would be the same, but they will have an incremental commencement. it will be adding locations incrementally. base rent, $4010 monthly. the use will be limited to the ingress-egress.
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this shows the layout of how many spots will be in each location. i should note that collectively, the department will receive $142,320 annually and then after the beginning of the construction, $91,120 annually. many of these are used for just what we are proposing already. there were a couple of areas that we wanted to do a specific outreach to improve it would not have a negative impact on the community. we contacted the north beach merchants association, which supports this initiative at marina greens, they do not oppose. marina harbor association asked that we locate them at the east side of lot and we have agreed
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to do so. in sum, we are excited to support something that supports the city's transit first project and generates revenue for the department. president buell: thank you. >> a point of clarification. when 701 lombard goes on line, that ceases to exist as a location for us? >> correct. >> what we're getting from all these sites will be $3,300 less . >> for zipcar. >> we just ceased to get any kind of revenue from that location? >> just that one location. >> thank you. >> thank you. public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> move to approve. >> second. >> all those in favor?
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>> aye. >> opposed? it is unanimous. thank you. >> item 14, potrero del sol mural presentation. >> good morning, commissioners. the item before you is an informational discussion-only item regarding installation of a mural adjacent to potrero del sol park. potrero del sol park the 101 south exit. it was renovated about three or three and a half years ago and has been heavily used by the
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community and by skateboarders, which was the design. part of the problem we discovered, there's a large wall that's not part of the park. it's not part of the park. it's under the jurisdiction of sf general hospital. has become a very large graffiti targets. this is potrero del sol park. the wall we are talking about is right along the northern boundary of the park. it's the southern boundary of what is the community health network building owned by san francisco general. there has been a very robust neighborhood and community process that was sponsored by the bueno vista elementary school pta and sf general. they came
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