tv [untitled] April 24, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT
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since it is a pedestrian 10, when of the originals that were appointed to the advisory committee back in april of 2003, it was under the bicycle seat because it was on the board for the bike program. there have been other seats. there were other staff people there for years. since 2005, also, i was the president of the neighborhood committee for a least a couple of years. i moved from my favorite part of the neighborhood. i am in the soma area. that is one of the reasons why i still want to stay on the pedestrian safety advisory committee.
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thank you for bringing up about a week and a half ago, some of the issues regarding -- it is not safe. i come from a area that is pretty safe to an area that is not safe. another reason why i am here, we have a new group that i call the number generation. -- younger generation. they have really sparked the safety advisory committee. mr. basile lot of things happen, and i appreciate -- i see things happening. i want to continue to be a part of that movement. i hope you will consider my application and he will consider serving on the pedestrian safety advisory committee.
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supervisor kim: think you for your interest in serving. >> i have a current member of the pedestrian safety advisory committee. i am asking that i'd be reappointed to the senior disability community. i was in seat 8 when i moved from district 1. when i was appointed to the senior disability see, i did talk to susan and have gone through and disability council meeting at least twice. a member of the committee in reaching out. i have also talked to a member of senior groups.
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and if i am reappointed, we plan to reach out to more of the disability senior community. last year, i had the pleasure of serving as chair of the pedestrian safety advisory committee. that was the first time we presented a report to the board of supervisors that was heard by the city operations committee earlier this month. it took longer and was more involved than i originally planned. i am very happy for what we did and i want to thank all of the members of the participated in this report. all the members of the committee that did this report was with very little staff input. it might not be perfect, but we hope this is the first of many reports. and during the year, the traffic
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co. of the police department started coming out a regular basis. it was my goal to see the pedestrian safety advisory committee be the clearing house for pedestrian issues in the city, and to bring up the level of pedestrian issues. this has happened in the last year when the hearing in district 6. i think they need to be raised and need to have the same funding and concern as any other mode of transportation. and asking for your support that i continue on the pedestrian safety advisory committee. if there are any questions, i would be happy to answer them. supervisor kim: i have a question. first of all, thank you for your service on the committee. this is one of my priority issues for district 6.
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as a representative for a senior disabled organizations, any talk a little bit about how you plan to earn a broader community? >> i have not gone to as many meetings because i have had other commitments. i could go back to the visibility council, go to senior action, i am a member of all of those organizations. i will make time to go to those organizations. bicycles in the crosswalk, making sure it is bringing up the issue. i was trying to get this report together, so i really concentrated much time on the big issue of making sure the committees met and that this
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report was done. i can concentrate more on the disability. and make sure that when departments come, they are aware of the disability issues and hope to reach out more to the disability community. supervisor kim: supervisor kim: thank you. next we have william ford. next, john lowell. >> good afternoon, madam chair kim and supervisers elsbrnd and farrell, too. i come before you as a veteran, having served on it since
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august of 2006. twice i have been the vice chair of this and i wish to continue my service on the pedestrian safety committee, serving seat number four for the seniors disability organization. i first served this on the child advocate and school support organization, be it i represented the voice for injury promotion program through the injury prevention center of san francisco general hospital. that is no longer the aspect of my work. i do continue work through the brain injury association of california which i brought with me certificates which i can hand to you to share with the supervisors. and have also been featured in several publications and tv news representing my personal experiences, having been 10 years ago a survivor of a pedestrian collision in san francisco of which i
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effectively described to you when i came before you in summer 2006 in the rules committee then. you see an effective need in our city -- i see an effective need in our city, the need for seniors and the cost of medical services through me --dcal. the cost for prevention is much smaller. for those in physical and mental needs, be it seniors and people with disabilities, the effective areas that i know of and i agree of district six, district one and the marina boulevard and the development of dorrel drive and the compounding affect of the extension of the f line through
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your district will increase pedestrian -- [inaudible] and the stoplights, the pedestrian signals in that area need improvement. i also have witnessed not in person but have seen the affect through seniors and residents in district five and seven through which 19th avenue, which is highway one goes through, the affect in eight people in 2008 died and were injured on that road. the effective agreements between the state and city of california need to be further represented on who and how we are responsible to maintain and improve that road, incorporating dual responsibilities on lombard street who is responsible for maintaining those -- street. who is responsible for
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maintaining those signals and the crosswalks? i further see points where we need to have effective cooperation which i do see in the executive directive and the task force that was created and also what the report we issued to you, the board of supervisors, and presented last week. of the city agencies working together, i see a component with the department of public works is engaging through a curb cut in street redevelopment program. by doing such they are creating safety hazards. through barbara choi whose office in department of public works does -- or barbara moi whose office responds to impedestrianed sidewalks, we have notified her of several blockages and how it has been done to create curb cuts, effective dialogue needs to be
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created between city agencies and that is what i would do representing the issues for which i personally feel, as i sustain my disability from a pedestrian collision in district six, on march 23, 2001. supervisor kim: mr. lowell, thank you so much again for being here and for your passion and your advocacy. it's very clear and i really appreciate all the work that you've been doing on behalf of our city. since i asked this to the previous applicant, mr. rothman, since you will also be applying for the senior disabled organizational seat, could you talk a little bit also how you plan to interface with the broader community as well as the representative? >> yes. through effective presence in neighborhood associations, to have dialogue and to dispense information in effective means, not be a paper pulpit
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dispenser but to have effective dialogue and resources to the existing agencies and to introduce them with effective presentations, with open invitations for the livable streets program and the department of public health. the injury prevention center, whose primary goal under the direction of dr. dicker, is to prevent injuries, does the alamo square neighborhood association know they exist? and the development project in how they're putting new crosswalks. that's throughed -- introduced the agencies that exist and that's what i would do for seniors and disability organizations. supervisor kim: thank you, mr. lowell. are there any other questions for applicants? thank you so much for being here. >> thank you for considering me for seat number four, the senior disability organization seat. thank you.
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supervisor kim: next applicant is ms. mari hunter. >> good afternoon. my name is mari hunter and i'm seeking the reappointment of seat number five, bicycles and nonmotorized vehicles or commuters. and i have been on the committee for the past year and in january was appointed or elected secretary. past year has been great. i've done some exciting stuff. it's been a lot of work pulling the report together and as secretary, being in discussions with the vice chair and the chair in the committee, the new direction is going to be really reaching out to our constituents, refocusing on that to compliment more concentrated efforts like in district six, the task force executive directive. so i look forward to being part of that. i believe that my experience with the committee as well as being an avid cyclist for
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commuting and recreational has served my -- has been a great asset to bring these two networks together for a city that's promoting transit first. i believe that that's really important and professionally and academically i have a background in transportation planning so i feel like i have a good technical grasp to bring that to the committee as well. so, thank you for your attention, looking forward to continuing to serve seat number five. supervisor kim: thank you, ms. hunter. are there any questions for ms. hunter? thank you. our next applicant is benjamin castaneda. i'm sorry, i think people were shuffling out when you announced it. emily avery was withdrawn her application, is that correct? >> that's correct. supervisor kim: thank you. next we have jay lee.
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>> hello. my name is jay lee and i'm currently occupying the at large seat, one of two at large seats. i just want to talk briefly about the at large seat in particular and the perspective that i think is needed and that i bring to this particular position. first of all, i am a pedestrian, i don't own a car and so from a that perspective i am intimately familiar with the pedestrian safety issues that are facing san francisco residents on a daily basis. i also believe that the at large community, the at large position needs to represent communities that are not necessarily represented in the existing seats. in particular i think that low income and minority populations as well as the homeless, those interests are not being voiced without the at large position. and through my work with community-based organizations and my current work through a nonprofit that works closely on homelessness issues, i believe
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i bring that unique perspective to the seat. and finally i feel that the at large position is intended to gather public input and the public voice in general and i feel like my work so far with c.p.o., neighborhood organizations, as well as coordinating outreach efforts on pisac at the moment with the planning department puts me in a good position to do that as well. the reason i want to continue serving on pisac is that i want to participate and continue the ongoing activities to benefit pedestrian safety going on today. i was actively involved in researching, analyzing and drafting the pisac's report to the board of supervisors and i look forward to working closely with the city agencies as well as the board of supervisors on enacting and implementing some of those recommendations that we put forth as well as continuing to increase outreach on behalf of pisac, just recently we implemented a new
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measure to make outreach standing item on every single agenda. and forcing each committee member to report back on the outreach activities they have been conducting. and finally i'm currently serving as the psac's representative on the pedestrian safety task force, created by the mayor's executive director 1030 and i would like to continue working on that as well. thank you very much. supervisor kim: thank you. are there any questions? thank you. next we have jeremy ivey. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jeremy ivey. i am currently seeking appointment to seat nine of the pedestrian safety advisory committee. a little bit about myself. i am currently finishing my undergraduate degree at uc-berkeley in public health and i'm almost finished. and as far as my experience that would render me qualified
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for this position, i am currently working with diana lopez and dr. dicker at san francisco general's injury prevention center. performing research. i am responsible for writing letters of cords and mem randa for the board of supervisors to sum advise the findings of our -- summarize the findings of our research and the most recent project we are undertaking, we are researching the disparities and differences in the outcome of pedestrian versus automobile accidents among the seniors and disabled populations in the district. and also i'm responsible for conducting interviews with patients directly during follow-up appointments, data input and analysis into our system that we get from our patient chart reviews. the other studies that we are involved in are aimed at following patients' recovery
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after major surgery in that san francisco general is the only trauma center for people that have this affliction. and allegation discovering methods to reduce recidivism and that is by improving either intersections, the design of intersections and by using integration with public transportation agencies to inform our policy decisions. and my interest in this topic stems from the fact that i believe pedestrian safety is one of the many things that can be improved simply by improving design, street design, education and outreach in the community, to inform better decision making among them. and in my education and experience i've seen these disparities directly. i know that in my appointment i
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wish to improve communication and the keeping of records between the police and sheriff department and the hospital. i know that in the last project we just undertook, the main problem was we only had records from people that were actually admitted into the hospital and that does not reflect all of the pedestrian-automobile accidents that happened in the city. and at large, with that at large seat, i hope to use outreach into the community to directly educate people how to avoid certain pedestrian accidents that are easily avoidable. and thank you. thank you for your consideration for this appointment. supervisor kim: thank you. thank you so much for your application. are there any questions? thank you. at this time we will open up for public comments. if you are an applicant we have
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already heard you so we will not take you -- it would be on the other applicants. is that ok with my colleagues? ok. supervisor elsbernd: if you really think it's necessary, sure. supervisor kim: thank you. two minutes. >> i'm john err lack and i'm on the pedestrian safety advisory committee from district two. i've served on many committees and on nonprofit boards and i want you to know this is the most competent group of people i've ever had the pleasure to serve with. jay is included in that, he's made valuable considerations, worked hard, the other members, it's incredible how this committee has changed with the contributions these members that appeared before you have. and so i strongly urge you to continue their great work by approving all of them. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you so much for being here. >> again, my name is pi ra.
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i want to speak on behalf of mr. rothman. during the last year he did something that nobody as chair has been able to do. bring together the pisac committee to come up with a report and he actually was the task master in providing that and we give him a lot of ham for it. if it wasn't for him constantly on our backs saying we have these deadlines, we would still be working on it. on behalf of mr. lee and ms. hunter, they were one of the forces that -- they were what i call the new generation that really got together and helped write the report, did the research on the report and really worked hard. it if it wasn't for them, our new generation which they're a part, it would never have been done. and again, with mr. lowell, he is the soul. he really gives us, you know, i don't know, inspiration, i have to say. and have to speak on that because i really find that this
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group is finally gelled together and has really put forth a lot of work and i really appreciate their efforts in doing that. that's all i have to say. supervisor kim: thank you. thank you so much. i want to thank all the applicants for coming and just want to recognize mr. pi ra, mr. richard rothman, mr. john lowell, mrs. mari hunter and mr. jay lee for your service and your advocacy on the committee and for your interest in applying again. it's really great to see new applicants, mr. ivey, i've seen your application, super impressed, congratulations on your upcoming graduation to berkeley. that is an immense accomplishment and to already be so involved in pedestrian safety issues and working, i think that's really important and in the future i would love to support you, particularly as someone who could represent public health organizations. i do think it's really important that our representatives live and walk in the city and county of san
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francisco. it's something that on a daily level i think that you just cannot take that experience away. representing our residents. but i think that it is really important for us to work very closely with our public health organizations, with our injury and trauma centers to figure out how we can more effectively address this issue. which also is a huge budgetary impact on the city as well. as you guys know so intimately. so we have five seats, we have now eight applicants. i may know mr. ford, mr. castaneda is not here today. so we have seats -- for two seats i know that we do not have -- we only have one applicant for seat two and five. supervisor farrell: i make a motion with recommendation. supervisor kim: great. i think we have a motion. without opposition to appoint the following to those seats, again, thank you so much. mr. ivey, i would love to work
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with you, pedestrian safety is going to be a priority issue for our office and we hope that we can work with you in other capacities around this issue and would look forward to seeing other ways that we can get you involved. thank you so much for your application and congratulations again and thank you to all the members for being here. we'll move forward this recommendation to the full board. madam clerk, is there anything else on the agenda? >> no, madam chair. supervisor kim: there's nothing further, the meeting is now adjourned.
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>> i work with the department of environment and we are recycling oil. thank you. we can go into a refinery and we can use it again. they do oil changes and sell it anyway, so now they know when a ticket to a. hal>> to you have something you want to get rid of? >> why throw it away when you can reuse it? >> it can be filtered out and used for other products.
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