tv [untitled] April 25, 2011 7:30am-8:00am PDT
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inspired them. coming up we have a variety of exhibitions celebrating diversity and performances and every first thursday we have an opening in our main gallery. >> what kinds of organizations utilize your affordable space progr program? >> there's a huge range. last week des president clinton divas had a drag fashion show. the united states of asian american festival has events here every career as does the national career arts festival. in recent years homies organizing the empower youth had one of their first large scale neighborhood events. >> i think of it as multi-generational i see artists who are emerging and young and community members that may be from in college to, you know, some of the old-timers that have been around a long time.
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i think that is special about this organization. >> it shows work by more than 1,000 bay area visual artists each year and collaborates through the programs with between 60 and 90 nonprofit cultural organizations each year. we host weekly figure drawing sessions every saturday morning. there is an accurate dojo with classes they nights a week and people can drop in. we have a free drop-in print maki making class. and print making workshops for adults a want to learn the craft. we have an open studio. >> how do you see it as distinguishing itself as a unique place and organization? >> i was just reading an interview with elizabeth streb and she was talking about her vision for the spaces of the
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future being rather than being warehouse spaces, being a space where all kinds of participation on all levels is possible. i think this is already that space where artists at all levels of experience can be innovators, risk takers, learn about other cultures, find something unexpected and we are a true alternative space in that we are welcoming to everyone. supervisor chu: welcome to the
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regular meeting of the full budget and finance committee. my name is a charming -- carmen chu. my colleagues will be joining us shortly. we have mark and michael from sfgtv. to be have any announcements? >> yes. please turn off all cellular phones. if you have a comment, please allow the speaker card. supervisor chu: thank you. call item no. one place. >> item number one, the police department budget for fy2011- 2012. supervisor chu: just a bit of background. we've been asking multiple departments to come in for the
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budget and finance committee to share an overview for the plans for the upcoming budget year. the intention is to get early information out to members of the public and the board so we can provide early feedback on the budget. with that, we have the two organizations coming before us, as ftd as well as the fire department. we will kick it off with the san francisco police department. >> good afternoon. could we just leave the overhead, please? the computer display? thank you. supervisor chu: do you have a hard copy of the presentation by chance? do you have one hard copy? maybe what i can do is have our office send an electronic copy over to the members of the
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committee. thank you. go ahead. >> jeff godown, san francisco police department. alongside me -- supervisor chu: could i ask you to speak into the microphone? >> we have a power point presentation. we will talk about some of the things we are looking at to reduce our liabilities as far as the budget is concerned. as you know, the san francisco police department budget -- our obligation is to protect life and property, not only in the statistical form, but the fear of crime as the numbers go up and down, but the public perception of how they feel living in the city. we are going to talk about staffing. when you look at the staffing,
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the staffing structure for the san francisco police department is the chief of police. there are three distinct bureaus. the chief of staff. each of those has a chief of operations. there is an assistant chief assigned to each of those bureaus. you have the san francisco international airport, investigations, traffic. when you look at the administration comprised of staff services and the operations, the chief of staff, the assistance -- the assistant chief is in charge of the chief's office, media relations, and operations, which is the bulk of the police department, comprised of mta, traffic, homeland security, and the tactical unit. we look at our sworn personnel as of april 1. we had 222 assigned to
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administrative positions and 69 assigned to chief of staff. you look at the personnel broken down by bureau operations. that is broken down by command staff, captains, lieutenants inspectors, administrative, chief of staff. the total is 219, and the bulk of personnel is assigned to operations. if you look at sworn personnel in the district stations, you can see the difference. in 2009, we had 1318 members of signed -- excuse me, 2009. in 2010, we had an increase. this year to date, we are down about 62 officers assigned to these district stations. one of the issues when you look at the charred between 2009 and 2010 is an update, and that is because of the decentralization of the department.
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when you look at the sworn personnel -- supervisor chu: just a quick question. in addition to be sworn personnel slide, or you categorize others, it says 4000 officers in operation. if i compare that to be 2011 number, it looks like it is only 1300? >> these are just the stations. the operations of other officers assigned better not -- that are not assigned to the stations. supervisor chu: thank you. >> full doocy staffing -- we had 163 assigned to the airport, 34, dated, 35 under the disciplinary system. there are 45 on leave for a
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total of 2200 -- excuse me 42, dated. and i have the staffing breakdown. temporary, modified, disciplinary, any officers on leave. in that defines with those categories are. when we look at the disability and modified duty -- example, when you look at april 10, 2011, 2011 has been added to the disability title, and 14 have been pulled up. that number is fluctuating in constantly changes. -- and constantly changes. we have gone up 10 in that category. next slide. supervisor chu: 10 i asked you to spend a little more time on the full duty staffing slide? you show 1830 full duty.
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89 disability, 42disciplinary, f what those are? >> yes. we will explain to you, these are. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am with the police department. supervisors, the different categories, prior to the changes of the department policy regarding accommodations for officers that cannot perform the full scope of duties, the number, for example, from 2004, it was 163, and we are now down. these are officers that because of their restrictions are not
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able to perform their full duties. they are out on disability leave for up to one year. on or off of the job, but based upon this, they can be assigned duty. chair chu: i imagine there is some disciplinary action? >> yes, and these are officers that may be on leave, be it family care league, personally, etc.. chair chu: so this is something
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you can follow up on? what is the department doing to move through and come to some level of action on the disciplinary and on leave? for example, either active efforts to make sure that they're being actively worked on? and then, what about when it is appropriate? what can we do to improve that number? >> supervisor, i am concerned about these numbers, and i look at them by weekly. this is to make sure that anybody is back working, and i need to take a full duty officer and put him back in the field. they may be working in permits, or they might be working in an administrative function within the departments of justice,
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which allows me to put another officer back in the field. disciplinary is the same process. in most cases, we will reassign somebody who is in the disciplinary system. if they have to be taken out of the field for some reason, they have to -- they could be working in some administrative function that would allow us to put another officer back in the field. we have to make sure that we're putting these officers that fall and these categories that will allow us a it to do this. we do look at the disciplinary issues as far as some of the complaints. i know that they were four or five years old. we try to expedite these and get them to the commission. most importantly, i look at them fully and make the decision instead of just sending them to the commission, because of the command officer not wanting to make a decision on some sort of disciplinary result, i am very
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proactive in trying to use the disciplinary process to educate the officer as to what the problem is and, quite frankly, to get them back in the field. i do not want them sitting outside in an administrative function for four or five years when we need them back in the field. chair chu: i appreciate it that you have been closely watching these numbers. it seems you are taking a more pro-active role to see what you can avoid sending for action and trying to deal with discipline within u.n. administrative functions? >> correct. -- discipline within the administrative functions? >> correct. chair chu: going forward? >> i cannot tell you the numbers. i do not think there has been as much of a backlog as in the past. they are getting through those cases much quicker.
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in some cases, i may take a case that another chief may send it to the commission. this is talking to the office's representative and coming to this agreement. that there is some sort of disciplinary penalty, as opposed to thinking they have to make a judgment on this. they do not have to go through the laborious process. i have tried very hard to take as many of those cases away from the commission that i can. chair chu: you did not speak much about the medical conditions or the modified except for the fact that you have looked at the numbers. what are redoing to try to bring
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these numbers down? >> i am going to let alice, and talk about this, and this is very proactive, especially to make sure that they can be accommodated for whatever issues they have but also to put them in a position to serve a function that would, again, allow me to pull someone off of an administrative tasks and get them back in the field, but alice will speak to this more. >> supervisor, with regards to the number of 43, those are individuals that have basically been put in their accommodative position because they cannot perform the essential functions of a police officer. for those employees and officers, they are not governed under the new policy, which provides that they can be on disability for up to one year, and on temporary modified duty up to 365 days, and then
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exercise any benefits they may have available under the workers' comp provisions. they have a monthly well person check for every office that is on disability as well as on a temporary modified duty. we reevaluate the restrictions every month to determine if they can be assigned closer to their duties and preferably within the area of their unit where they have been assigned. we have a very vigorous injury and illness prevention program, and when there is an incident, on the work site, we have a follow-up with our officer that is assigned to the prevention program, and does a site visit to do an assessment to make sure there is no preventive measures, and so we have this program that we are monitoring. chair chu: do you believe that we will be able to bring those numbers down? >> the numbers in terms of our
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temporary modified duty numbers, they have gone down significantly. 36. they have varied over the last few years. likewise, with disabilities, we may have a serious accident, which could cause an officer to be off for a long period of time, the number of those accommodated will be continued to be decreased as they retire or will get other leave provisions. chair chu: 54 that. i appreciate the description of the program, but what i would like some more information on is looking at everything we can do to reduce this to see if this is with these numbers could be
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or to see some improvement, so i would request that the department come back to us with that information. >> yes, and one of the things that look at, i look at all of the traffic collisions. i look to see if there is something we could have done as far as the building is concerned or what caused that injury to make sure we can reduce those injuries, and if we can reduce those, we do look at those, and i would be happy to get back to you with more information. the next slide talks but eligible for retirement. 50 years old with 25 years of service or greater. 479 in fiscal 2011 and within that category. there is more for the 2011-2012, in 2013.
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-- and 2013. the drop deferred retirement option program, as of april 1, active dropped members, ... -- 26 have completed the drop, and then there are 25 that have not completed it for a total of 183. supervisor chiu: where do you stand on what we should do in this area? >> where i stand, supervisors, is that this program is not cost neutral. the original intent was that it was going to be cost neutral. one of the other issues with the program, i note others have this
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leeway, and you would have to take this back. i would ask you please to reevaluate the particular person who is in the program to about it with their productivity to determine whether they should continue in the program. i know the way it is designed in the city does not allow me to do this. those are my two concerns, to evaluate the productivity of someone in the program each year to make sure they are doing what they need to do, kumbaya and the other item is that it is not cost neutral. u -- supervisor chiu: continuing this option or having something like a new academy class, where do you stand on that point >> several hundred people who would immediately tried to enroll in the program. chair chu: could i ask you to
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speak into the microphone? >> you would have several hundred officers who would immediately signed up for the program, and then you would have those who would retire. i am prepared for either direction that the vote might go. chair chu: just to clarify, did you say that if we did not extend it, we would have potentially 700 officers? >> no, no. chair chu: what did you say? >> supervisor, we would probably have more officers looking to roll by that date. -- to enroll by that date. chair chu: we do not know who would be eligible? >> we currently have 479 who are eligible, and of those, 122 are currently enrolled. chair chu: we would have a
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maximum of maybe 300 more? but there is no way to know. >> because of the differences between but entering and the pension at age 55 with the years of service. the majority of these have met the 90% cap of the benefit calculation, so the years of service are equivalent at the maximum. we would likely say that if it is not renewed, we would likely see officers enter before. chair chu: supervisor chiu? supervisor chiu: what is the situation now about trying to recruit new folks into the academy? i know there used to be concerned about not being able
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to recruit new people. >> supervisor chu, we have two lists with approximately 600 people on the combined list, and they are due to expire in the fall. we suspended the screening of these applicants. in the event the we had the ability to do so, we would proceed with the screening of these candidates and then work with the department human- resources to continue the application process for the candidate. supervisor chiu: and just to be clear, it chief, it sounds but you would support whichever direction the city would go with that? >> yes. to maintain status quo, we would need to have read academy classes per year, three academy
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classes just to break-even. an average of 100 per year. supervisor chiu: i am sorry, how much? >> 100 retirees per year. with attrition, it would take about three classes to break- even each year to sustain that 100 person retirement. supervisor chiu: thank you. chair chu: thank you, chief. i know we will be having more conversations around this program, and at that time, we will likely have the controller's office to a presentation about that, so i know there will be much more clarity on what the financial numbers look like, but could i ask you to continue depressing titian and responding, and we have a very hard time hearing you and your presentation, so maybe slow down a bit on the speed of your presentation and then speak closer to the mic.
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>> ok. chair chu: supervisor wiener? supervisor wiener: that is probably why we are having a hard time hearing you. officers in the first year? >> it is around $80,000. supervisor wiener: i am trying to been a sense of the savings that would occur if you include the starting salary of the police of a surplus the academy and an officer that is eligible for retirement. >> supervisor, the top range is
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approximately $110,000, so it would be depending on what level the officer came in, intermediate or advance. supervisor wiener: and i know we have gone over these before, but the cost of the academy per officer? >> it is on average for a class of 50. supervisor wiener: so for the non selling classes, it is about $1 million? if we are talking next year or this current year? and then, depending on what time it begins, the salary would be
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that portion of the year. >> every time i asked this question, i get a different answer in terms of the global cost. if you add in the salaries for that six or seven-month period, starting on day one to the graduation of the academy, regardless of the fiscal leader. i can take a look at my notes. if you give me just a minute, i can take a look here. we are looking at three academy classes. starting one in september, one in the middle of the year, and then one in the march/april
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range korea i think we were looking at about $5 million total for each class, an average salary, and then in 1 million cost. looking at one fiscal year, and, again, i'd break everything up by fiscal year, not by cost, so if there evencome each class is approximately that. chair chu: maybe i can ask you to do the back of the envelope calculation, and then for the controller, just with regard to the drop program, could you just simply provide a brief analysis or summary of what your report has shown proof that might be helpful, even though we will have a future conversation. >> sure.
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