tv [untitled] April 30, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT
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toward the northeast wharf plaza. below that, the $2.75 million, which is now called the cruise operator contribution. that would be dedicated for a mobile gang way system. those items are still proposed, and they are in the works. which leads us to where we are in terms of project costs and funding. we think we have -- we have had a strategy to complete -- we have complete funding for phase one, but for phase two, there are still about approximately 8 $12 billion debt. there are some strategies, but we are not there yet, but we do have some options. the first would be to review opportunities to generate additional revenues, including special even usage, parking, and commercial leasing within the pier 27 site.
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we would consider further reductions as long as it does not negatively impact performance standards. we would try to identify new sources of revenue, including grant funding or other sources of anything we can find. we would select components -- project components that are in the project now that possibly we could differ at a future date, and finally, reallocate and use funds from other capital projects. as the process goes forward, we will periodically check in with you as to what the project funding, the project's cost will be, not only with regards to phase 1 project, but especially with regards to face two, since we have a funding gap. the other question that i mentioned earlier is what are the city benefits?
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this is based on an economic study that was done in 2008. this assumes the the cruise industry brings 200,000 passengers each year to the ports, and the passengers and crew, this project would generate approximately $300 million annually in direct economic activity to the city and would support approximately 400 jobs within the city. it also generates approximately $1 million annually to the general fund. in a more qualitative sense, we believe the city benefits by one, enhancing its reputation as a tourist destination. two, it increases demand for maritime businesses as well as maritime employment, particularly with the synergy between the cruise terminal facility and the dry docks at
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pier 70. it continues and integrates the improvements along the northern waterfront, including the exploratory and project, and finally, it will serve as a lasting legacy for the 34th america's cup, and we hope to use the cachet with the america's cup for future use at pier 27. the next steps -- again, i mentioned a four, we go to the budget and finance committee for fiscal feasibility. we are in the process of selecting a construction manager general contractor. that process is under way. the rfq was issued two weeks ago. there was a previous meeting last friday, and we'll get back to you for consideration for
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approval of the contractor in the june meeting. the design team is very busy doing the design development drawings. we hope to complete them by july. we will check in with you with regards to that. after that, the construction drawings hopefully will be completed by the end of the year. on another parallel course is ceqa. the idea is to complete ceqa by the end of the year so that we can start phase one construction january 2012. that is all i have for my report. there are any questions, i would be happy to answer. >> thank you. is there any public comment on this item? that a couple of questions. i'm curious how many people showed up at your bidder conference. >> i would say about 20 people, probably representing 12 or 15 firms. everybody you would expect to be
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there was there, so it was very good interest for this project. >> the ceqa for this project is separate and apart -- two heads nodding in different directions i'll hear your answer since you are at the podium. and then maybe you should finish the question. >> i think i got it. but question is is the separate and apart from the ceqa for the america's cup? >> robert may have to help me. but there was a notice of preparation that was done for the america's cup and the cruise terminal eir. those should be done working together. that should be completed in november of this year.
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>> [inaudible] if anything happens to it? that's absolutely. yes. [laughter] -- >> absolutely. >> it is not something i really know the answer to at this point. >> we have hired one consultant. the port is paying the sheriff for the cruise ship terminal analysis. the america's cup budget will hopefully pay for the share related to the america's cup, assuming that there is a budget approved by the board of supervisors here it whether it ultimately is a single report -- i do not know that we know that yet. but in terms of -- there is something under ceqa called and adjacency will, and for that reason, it is being studied together. -- adjacency rule.
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>> i do not know how easily you can get back to your slide on the funding sources, but it did not quite match up with what we have in our report, and you went through it fast enough that i could not tell if it was just that it was based or we have a table 3 on page 9 of the report, and a quick passage through could not match. >> i thought that a stable four. >> it was tabled two. >> no, it was not. it was tabled four, i think, that he showed. >> i believe is table 3 and the fiscal feasibility report, which is page 9. >> right. the one that you said no one could read. that one.
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right, ok, that is right because you have the phases. i just wanted to clarify. thank you. >> i can provide this to you if you like. >> thank you. >> anything else? than at any other questions? -- >> any other questions? thank you very much and good luck before the budget and finance committee. >> actually, that is table of you are on page 10 of the fiscal feasibility report. for whatever reason, i could not see that. thank you. >> thank you. >> ok, item nine, new business. is there any public comment on the business? >> item 10, public comment? >> is there any public comment on public comment?
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>> i'd like to call to order the tuesday, april 26, 2011 regular meeting of the entertainment commission for the city and county of san francisco. please call the roll. >> commissioner meko? motorcycle here. >> commissioner perez? >> here. >> president roja? >> here. >> we have a quo rom, commissioner cavellini is absent. >> we are going to lose one commissioner after an hour. after public comment, i'm going to go right to the action items and then that will conclude the meeting. so if you're here for anything else -- everything else will be continued to the next meeting. public comment, number one members of the public.
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item a, madiigan, the san francisco marathon, loud speaker application, july 31st, 2011 from 5 p.m. in various locations. >> commissioner, the marathon as you know, and i looked it up online, i might be wrong has been run since 1977, and it's obviously a marathon. they also run a half marathon, a 5-k. the race runs through much of
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the city. i think there are over 20,000 runners on the course throughout the day. there are thousands of spectators along the course as well. the race requires a street closure which i also attached behind this memo for you to look at and amplified speakers to amplify human speech and music. these locations are attached to the permit application and indication where there is a plan for human tiering or other similar activities. the reason we're here is that there have been complaints in the past few years and i've attached an e-mail. at certain locations at 17th and guerrero, 17th and wisconsin and mariposa where we got directly quite a number of complaints. so staff is presenting permits here for your consideration.
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northern station -- we sent this application to four different stations as it does run through four districts. northern stations indicated that they do not recommend amplification at the location at fort mason at the safeway and at lower hate between lower scott and buchanan. any sound systems must point away from residential buildings. the other two baby station and park station just says recommendation for approval and didn't indicate that they had any issues with specific location. so again, staff is recommending granteding this permit but with your consideration with some conditions related to live d.j.s or bands that area is within a hearing distance, if you will, and then the start time to be considered seriously. so pam is here and her
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assistant to answer any questions you might have about specific locations and then i'll just be happy to take direction, specific direction going forward to issue this permit. president roja: ok. commissioners, any questions? none? my question would be -- is it possible for your event to comply with the request from the different play stations that have made the requests? >> yeah, it is. definitely. no, we started putting -- we've got an application now for bands and d.j.'s, certain restrictions for them that they're going meet. when we're going to pay them after the event. we're implementing a new program with monitors for lack of a better word. they'll be monitoring to make
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sure that bands, cheer stations everything is complied with our permit. >> ok. >> yes. commissioner meko? commissioner meko: members of the public, who do they call? >> well, i guess members of the public would -- we can set up when they're calling those mile monitors. commissioner meko: why don't we get a central phone number that we can publicize that they can call who will be empowered to respond immediately directly to the sight in question to shut the music down. >> ok. commissioner meko: let's attach that as a condition. president roja: i'm just guessing that the calls would go to 311, the complaints? because if they call the place
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they'll refer them to 311? >> no, they refer them to me. president roja: ok. to you? i think it's important when people call and complain we can get a hold of somebody responsible to evaluate and respond to the complaints that are being received. commissioner meko: director kane, what's your opinion? can we reprogram 311 on short notice? or would it be better to publicize a complaint line? >> i think that all of that needs to get done. i think if we can request the applicant to put that number on the website, we will definitely let 311 know and also dispatch sfpd because that's a separate number. i mean, it's certainly possible for me and -- and potential bosh and crystal to put on our outgoing messages that --
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commissioner meko: this would be most efficient is to get a number associated with the event producers who can then direct that call to someone who's finger is on the button. >> in their panic at 5:00 to try to make a phone call and try to bring it back to where it belongs. otherwise it goes to my voice mail and i can't do nothing. last year, our event was held the same day another street festival was held. so i certainly wouldn't be able to do anything about complaints regarding another noise with another festival. so i would see that, you know, a number that is on our sight that's directly responsible for the noise that our event is making. makes a lot more sense in directing 311 to our phone number if i'm understanding what you're asking. >> you say one thing -- commissioner meko: you have to speak in that.
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>> one thing that we can do for that is something as simple as a google voice number, you know, that you create a google voice number. it for wards to our monitors, whoever speaks with first. and at the end of the event, that number gets disconnected. commissioner meko: sounds a little too high-techy. we want a live -- >> it would be a live person. it's basically a way to give out a number of the public without actually giving out someone's personal cell phone number. the other thing, the commissioners considered as director kane mentioned not only location but start time. we had complaints starting at 5:00, 5:30 a.m. president roja: i'm looking at the schedule here. >> and that's definitely something that needs to be considered. this event is something that has been going on for a long
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time. we're lucky that we have a few years of data that we can look at and we know that certain locations are problem locations and you can look the schedule that you have in front of you that staff supplied you, you guys can look at it and within two seconds you're going to look and you're going to go, oh, that's going be a problem. that's going to be a problem. so that's something to consider for conditions in this permit. >> just some things that we're doing to address that is that part of the application and the rules and regulations for each band, you know, in the past, they started -- as soon as they're set up and they start their sound check and they start their practice, no band will be allowed to start until a runner is within sight. it's going to narrow that time when they're just playing to the neighbors who aren't there to listen to the music. so -- president roja: ok. ms. kane did you have any other -- we have the request to
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eliminate music at mason -- fort mason at safeway and at lower hate and we're going to turn away the amplifiers from all residential structures. did you have anything else that you wanted to add to that? >> well, i hadn't really picked out locations other than obviously the ones that i mentioned in my memo that i got phone calls around. so i need to go back and compare them. but this 16th and guerrero, is that still -- that's not included already? 17th and wisconsin? >> yes, 17th and wisconsin is a guitar duo this year. >> a guitar duo? >> their ampersand is two girls on guitars. >> like a flying v or like a --
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>> like an anne defranco. >> and then mariposa? >> we have a chair station there. you know, even if your station is going to cause problems with the neighbors -- >> our tier station is not amplified and therefore -- commissioner meko: they're not within our jurisdiction. >> but other than that, commissioners, i -- you know, i can't tell you in advance who's going to have a problem. but if you can eyeball the list at all. president roja: you know, it sounds reasonable to me. but yeah, commissioner perez? how are you communicating to the performing artist?
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to provide a rara encouragement for the runners but not necessarily to overplay themselves so that they're now disturbing the neighbors. is there some kind of orientation or message to the band so that we invite you to come here -- sometimes they're used that. but this is a different kind of event. what's your way of communication to them? >> i'm not sure if you have copies of this. if you need some, i have copies here, the commitment papers that the band has to sign before they're going to perform. do you guys need one? pass one out to you.
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so this year we did add a couple of items that weren't included in the past, including the course monitor aspect which you have to report specifically to this monitor before you start, when you stop, when you're loading out, if you were also introducing the -- you don't get paid if you don't follow the rules clause. if they start before the designated time, if they're asked to stop playing for whatever reasons, you know, they won't get paid. and the other item that we added is that basically if there is any noise restriction, for instance, speakers have to be facing north south. it can't be pointed towards residential buildings. we're going to have a separate call, a separate meeting with them. and then the individual mile
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monitors will be going through to make sure that the setup of the speakers is correct. that they're facing the correct way that the decibel levels are being monitored. commissioner perez: thank you. president roja: you can have a seat. we'll see if there is anybody from the public that would like to -- >> thank you. president roja: thank you. anybody from the public wish to address this application? seeing none, commissioners? commissioner meko: i would like to move to approve this unless there's any further discussion here with the specific locations that the various police stations have called out as being excluded from the flight sound and with the addition of to tell phone number that i discussed and i'd like to specify that that number, that you work with our staff to set up the most
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efficient way to do this and that you have a complaint number posted on your website, you know, prominently posted on your website two weeks prior to the event. so that if there are any bugs that need to be worked out, it can be done with plenty of time to spare. and i think that's it unless any commissioners have any additions to that. president roja: no? ok. do we have a second on that motion. >> seconded. call the roll please. commissioner roja? president roja: eye. >> commissioner meko commissioner meko: aye. >> and have fun. i've run it twice in my former life. i think if i tried it again
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there would be a need for an ambulance. ok. item b, young choo. d.b.a. playgrounds. buchanan is place of entertainment. >> this applicant has applied for an entertainment permit. this location is a korean restaurant, it's a type 48 abc license and three karaoke rooms on the mezzanine level. entertainment is planned from 5:00 pnl through midnight. until 2:00 a.m. friday and saturday. these karaoke rooms hold a total of 22 people. the die grams of the location are attached and again, the best thing to do is -- behind this memo, all the way back is the drawing, i think.
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the applicant is located oen a pedestrian-only part of buchanan and japan town across from the peace plaza if you're familiar with the area. also please see the liquor license conditions i attached as well. planning indicates this is a permitted use and the police department has recommended approval with some conditions. hopefully you can find them there. they're the ones from northern station and they pretty much mirror, i think, what you'll see in the abc conditions. so at this point, staff is recommending conditional grants of this permit. president roja: ok. any questions for ms. kane from the commissioners or the applicants? >> can you find this -- i'm sorry it's a little bit confused. it's all the way behind those letters.
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president roja: i'm sure they're here. ah, here it is. >> you got it? >> i do have a question. seeing that there is some karaoke going on in this establishment, is this an 18 and over type thing or is it 21? >> 21. >> did the occupancy for the place -- how many people can you hold? >> 90 people maximum and the karaoke room is about 2 2 people. commissioner meko: and you have how many exits? >> pardon me? commissioner meko: you have how many exits? >> we have three exits. commissioner meko: and you're lk
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