tv [untitled] May 4, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT
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>> please stand for the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. taking roll call of the commissioners. commission president toms mazzucco -- thomas mazzucco. dr. joe marshall. en route. commissioner dejesus. excused. commissioner angela chan. present. commissioner carol kingsley. present. commissioner james slaughter. here. commission president, you have a quorum. also on the dais, joyce hicks
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of the office of citizen complaints and the chief of police. president mazzucco: thank you very much. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the wednesday may 4, 2011 san francisco police commission hearing. and tonight we have a brief agenda. and i know that the chief has to make an appearance after this downstairs at the boys and girls club celebration. he serves on the board so we'll try to get through this as soon as impossible so we can get the chief down where he needs to be, with the kids. let's call without further adieux let's call -- actually, let's do something out of order. you don't want to do that, do you? >> go ahead. president mazzucco: ok. before we head into public comment we have a certificate tonight. and we would like -- what's that? >> in the back. president mazzucco: we're going to line item number one. general public comment. any general public comment? i'm sure we do. >> emit one, general public comment -- item one, general public comment. the public is welcome to address issues that r that are
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not on the agenda but within the subject matter of the jurisdiction. the speakers shall address their remark to the commission of the whole and not to individual commissioners or department or o.c.c. personnel. under police commission rules of order during public comment, neither police or o.c.t. personnel nor commissioners are rird to respond to questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and police and o.c.c. personnel should refrain from entering debates or discussion with speaker during public comment. public comment is limited to three minutes. >> good evening. how are you? >> commissioners, good evening. once again, my name is emil lauren for the record. i've been a resident of the city and county of san francisco for 41 years. i would like to thank ms. kingsley for the kind letter she sent in response to the letter he sent to in commission to help it get greater attendance. i think that letter is pretty valid in terms of adding,
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coordinating and bringing more people to these meetings. so i thank you very highly for that letter. the first one i've ever gotten from the commission. secondly, the move -- to move on quickly a couple of days ago i picked up a passenger in my taxi and he kept look at me and then he thanked me and said that i should be sitting in a chief's spot in the commission. he said you're creating the most popular television show in san francisco. be asking questions when no one else does. and he said keep doing it and shook my hand. i bring that to your attention that just because this room isn't full that no one watches it or watches what takes place but they do. we get responses in those regards. and that regard. also, i would like to tell you very briefly is that i submitted two letters, one to the sheriff's department twice requesting information related to the taser program at the sheriff's department with the -- what the costs are per man on an annual basis, and the
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sheriff has not gotten back to me and i submit those with the minutes they qualify to be in the minutes in terms of being one page brief, 150 words or less. last on my plate is basically this. is that as a lifetime member of the st. ignatius father's club in san francisco i'm inviting chief of police sher to the father's club on the 20th of this month to give a talk. it's 500 fathers. i read his resume in terms of the school and the background. a man from san francisco, through the ranks. one, two too, that has lived in this city all his life if not all of it. and i bring it to your attention because my daughter graduated from the school and i have a niece that graduated from a school in the city and county and a nephew that graduated from the school. 500 fathers there with families. there's probably 250 new
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freshmen fathers. and for the chief of police, to adjust them in a short three-minute speech if you can. and two, is that i didn't graduate from the school. i deprauded from aberdeen high school in aberdeen, maryland. the most famous graduate is cal ripken. cal ripken stadium. i think locally we don't have somebody on the national stature but we have someone on the local stature that could be just as famous, so i invite you if you turn it down, they may forgive you or they may not. i leave you with that and thank you for your time. president mazzucco: thank you. >> i'm going to give you the letters here. one for all of you. and one for the chief. on the invitation. >> cal ripken. probably better than -- >> his consecutive game streak. president mazzucco: next speaker, pletion.
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-- please. >> good evening. peter chernoff, san francisco, california. may 4. concerning what's going on in law enforcement, i know there's a lot of good people in law enforcement but what's going on concerns me and many of us. i see in sacramento, sac state, they have brought in law enforcement outside from their school to quell some energies from the students. it's gone on at fullerton. and anybody could google western illinois university today and see that there was a very serious situation there where they had 500 cops all dressed up to the max. for some college students at an event that was a yearly event. and the students are very upset about it. i personally was at the g-20 in pittsburgh a year or two ago. and i witnessed 5,000 to 7,000
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police officers. no one got close to the g-20. i saw two story black tanks and saw the gases that they used. and it was only for a small handful of anarchist kids under 21, less than 200 of them. it was an exercise and i challenged law enforcement on behalf of the promised land, on behalf of who we really are, on behalf of americans versus the corporate store. this amazing story that's come out, it's amazing how frightened d.c. and all these bankers are of a little woman by the name of casey sheehan and the code penk general strike. this whole fabricated baloney story, jesse ventura even said this is a total fabrication and a whole host of others, just google it up. this whole thing with osama who according to many in intelligence has been dead over 10 years. the kat electric pedophile
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priesthood -- catholic pedophile priesthood and apac had to take over the airwaves with this baloney story in order to create more panic and more situations that would require more police presence. and i know that many of us are intelligent enough to see through this. anyone can google ted gunderson, former head of the los angeles f.b.i., and go -- and google ted henderson-osama bin laden and see what he says. google jesse ventura. i invite all true hearts to attend and support the general strike which will also be supporting law enforcement. no matter what they're told in the orders. and i trust that the people that i'm addressing now will do the right thing and not be backing up the corporate store. we are in a place and time that the almighty lord has us and time to shut down the untoward because we've had enough. i'm going to read one poem about casey sheehan. if i may. casey sheehan, the almighty
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power love in our hearts be calling. for casey sheehan -- and 4,000 fallen. president mazzucco: thank you. >> you wouldn't grant this on behalf of cindy sheehan who has been nixed by the entire media? president mazzucco: next speaker. relevant to the police department. >> totally relevant. the strike started right here, sir. president mazzucco: next speaker. >> general strike, maybe 9, sacramento, thank you. >> good evening, commissioners, chief, director. my nflpa is ann grogan. -- my name is ann grogan. a troublesome bunlt deficit as we all -- budget deficit as we all know but many of us common citizens that think we can do a lot to help. and we can avoid calling upon our scarce policing resources by taking care of ourselves and preventing ourselves from being victimized. along those lines, i personally advise neighbors in my neighborhood, people in my neighborhood to put down their cells and quit texting until
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they reach their destination. we're here tonight to invite the commissioners, the chief, and the director, to a safety awareness and self-defense class. we're going to be teaching it for the second time in glen park at st. john's school on wednesday evening, at 7:00. may 25. and we're asking for a reservation by may 20. information can be obtained at there's a small charge that goes to the nonprofit association teaching it, triangle marshall arts and our instructor is mr. ken craig, an accomplished martial artist. we love the class last week and we walked away much more aware and alert so that we would not become victims. to the best of our ability. we have invited captain casanago to send a community
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policing officer and we invited our local residents association, safety committee, and in that way we hope to learn other initiatives that we too can support. we hope we see you there. thank you. president mazzucco: thank you. next speaker. >> thank you, commissioners, chief, director. my name is ken craig. i appeared here a couple of times. i wanted to begin by noting that this sunday marks the one-year anniversary of the death of jim warrer in on the council. -- warner and i would like to invite anybody that has the time to come over to come and visit and talk with the public there and get some chance to meet with people. and i did want to discuss some items with regard to the patrol special police which is one of the areas that i'm very interested in as far as public safety. and i know the commission is focusing a lot of interest and a lot of attention on the patrol specials which i agree with. and i am happy to see that
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occur. i would like to encourage the commission, though, to think about the proposal that i've sent in a couple of times and a number of other people have sent in which is a public working group. a group where a couple members of the commissioner and some sfpd officers and patrol specials can km together and have time to have and have a proper dialogue to work on some. issues that have been going on for probably over 10 years. and try and come up with some recommendations that everybody can hopefully agree on at a separate point. and this forum where we can come in and speak for three minutes is useful. but very limiting. it doesn't give us an awful lot of time to raise a lot of the issues. and it certainly doesn't provide dialogue between the commission and the public. when we send emails in, it's very rare for us to get an actual response or to get any comment as to what the position of the commission is. so it's really very much one-sided. the one time that we did make some significant process -- i'm sorry, progress -- was when commissioner hammer and commissioner dejesus met with a small group of us and that was
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about two months ago. some of the items that came out were mentioned during the last meeting. and commissioner slaughter had mentioned a couple of those items. we made some significant progress toward things that could be changed. to make the patrol specials more functional. and certainly more compliant which every client wants them to be. and hopefully an asset to the city. so i would like to strongly recommend that you reconsider that option. and hopefully give us a chance for clients that are paying for those services root now to have a real impact on what's going on and to make a difference for the city of san francisco. thank you very much for your time. president mazzucco: thank you, ken. >> i'm back again. fourth time on the patrol special issues. i have a couple of small points and then a brief discussion point he want to bring up as well. number one, they're unconstitutional. they violate the 1/4 amendment of the united states cons -- the 14th amendment of the united states constitution. they're unconstitutional and never should have existed in
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the first place. they should be put out of business. it's been nine months. those of us out here who don't own the specials or have them as our -- that don't work for us, we are under threat every day if we allow them to persist in this city. they're unconstitutional. they don't work. they're corrupt. they break the law on a regular basis and don't follow the rules and regulations. they should have been out of business long ago. what's taking so long? chief, i'm told you used to be at the mission station and i'm not sure if i can address him and i'm not sure what happened since you left there, sir, but that station is a den of corruption. just so you know. and a wonderful man and that station is running circles around him and i speak of the gae community relations group under michelle gene operate by chuck lambert, gary buckner, and kate joshua to name the four most egregious offenders in that unit.
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finally i want to make the point when we discuss the specials, there's an assumption that they are somehow supplementary to the police. and that they actually continue to the safety and the welfare of the citizens. i have another -- an alternative narrative as the president would say that may explain why some folks like ms. grogan want them around so badly. in certain neighborhoods in this city people don't like the laws that we have. they want to establish an extra legal system where people can walk around with leashless dogs and walk around naked and walk around selling drugs, walk around whoring and doing all sorts of illegal nonsense. these patrol specials allow these community groups and certain neighborhoods to insulate themselves from the actual law and create an alternative set of laws that they alone know, they alone understand, they alone enforce. and they alone get to live under. the rest of us are just their victims when they so choose. that is not equal protection under the law. and it's not legal. thank you. president mazzucco: thank you.
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>> good evening. how are you this evening? >> hi. my name is paulette brown and i want to use the overhead. as you guys know, here, concerning my son, abria acusa murdered october 14, to a semiautomatic gun, 30 rounds of bullets left that gun. and since then, i'm still looking for justice. i was just left the press conference of the tourist and her situation was just the same as my son. you know, he was an innocent bystander. he hol everyday out and he said -- hollered out and he said run and he was shot. and there's two schools by my house where children go to school. people bring their children there that work here also.
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and people saw it. they called in. and said they saw it. they pecked up the perpetrators and put them in jail but let them back out. the same they did with the tourist. and i don't understand why my case isn't solved. and i am glad that her case is solved. because no one needed to do that to that lady at all. i feel sorry for her family. but i want justice also. and there's mother's day coming up. and i'm still -- they say a mother's rage, i have that. i was out in front of city hall today. and i was told to move. where am i going to put my posters? where am i going to put this -- which was given to me, the $250,000? where am i going to put it?
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at 850 vine on the fifth floor? we have no venue. i have no venue. the only place that i can come is here. outside in front of city hall. 850 bryant to keep my son's memory alive so maybe someone will do something. and i am trying my hardest. i know i've been told that it's been -- you're looking into it. and i'm waiting. it's been five years. it's five years, august 14. it will be five years. and i need justice. i just -- i don't know what else to say. there's other mothers and fathers out there and i don't have their pictures. but they need help, too. but you guys always know that i'm coming here for my child. he was only 17 when he left. mother's day is coming. i should be telling him to take the garbage out. i can't.
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he was my only son. it's not like i can go and have another one. it will never bring him back. if i can get just a little piece of my michael -- bring those people to justice about my child. please. president mazzucco: ms. brown, you are welcome to come here he have week. it's not a problem. >> thank you. -- tom here every week. it's not a problem. >> thank you. >> that's sad when so many cases like that all over america. and so many cases. but let's be upbeat tonight. i see the officers every day on the beat. they got a new step now. they got new pride. they got a new owner. why are you guys moving so fast? we got a new chief, clyde. who is he? what? like i didn't know. and the honor and pride in them, you can just see the
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transformation. nothing against former chiefs. i'm not here to demean them. but it's just the morale is like went from zero to 60 in 3.5 seconds in a corvette. that's what i'm seeing, chief, sir. that's what i'm seeing. but on another note, we were told six months ago, and commissioner hamel was point on, on that d.n.a. lab, we were told it was fixed. it's fixed. it's fixed. it's not fixed. they're supposed to have 11 employees and they only have four. we're supposed to have a machine that we paid $140,000 for, that's supposed to be working. it's not working. used to, we got a problem at the crime lab. good evening. president mazzucco: thank you, clyde. any further public comment? hearing none, please call -- actually, we're going to do something out of order. we're going to go right to the
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