tv [untitled] May 7, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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advocacy committee of o.w.l., i strongly oppose the licensing of a new bar on polk street. we are a national grassroots organization focusing on issues for older and midlife women. we drive to improve the quality of life and security of women as they age. the san francisco chapter of o.w.l. is a strong advocate for pedestrian safety. older women must be able to be physically active, remain this cannot be accomplished by squeezing all local retailers and replacing them with bars. crowds that gathered outside of bars, blocking sidewalks and the cigarette smoking that occurs outside of bars are two of the
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reasons i oppose adding yet another bar tupolev street. walking is an inexpensive means of staying healthy for older people. an overabundance of bars and my own personal aside as people riding bicycles on the sidewalks, feeling unsafe because of an overabundance of bars, not -- our -- these are major barriers to maintain the quality of life on bulk street. please consider these factors when contemplating adding yet another bar to pull street. that is from the al political advocacy committee. president olague: if you could just stand away from those doors, that is creating a fire hazard. >> good afternoon.
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i currently own two bars. i think the main issue with some neighbors is the safety issue. i would like to point out that 10 years ago, we were surrounded by crack people, criminality. within six months, we took everything off. we had no more drug dealers, we were a very positive influence in the community. they came to us and we came to them. we helped the cops cleanup as well. there were bad cars and there were good bars. the bad at bars, you would not find some new people coming for new bar owners. all of those peoples -- day owners are amazing. it would take care of the community and make it safer.
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i would ask to the neighbors who are afraid -- bars can be very positive asset not only for the community but for the safety of everyone from the cleanup to help the cops point out who is the good people and who is the bad people. for the safety issue, ply -- applying for an entertainment license, there is no noise issue. i think it would be a positive asset for the neighborhood. president olague: thank you. fy comments. i have known of laurie since before the bar was open. i've been a patron and friend of the bar since it has been open. i live at california and leavenworth. it's a very safe bar. i have seen people drunk i have seen people falling down, i've seen violence at elegant but
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that never came up to koko's. it's a very safe block. i've seen people look around and walk back out. the owners are able to curate a crowd that fosters safety and a sense of community and i welcome them at their new location. thank you. president olague: thank you. is there additional public comment? >> good evening. i'm a resident and the owner of a business on pollock's street. i have three young kids, a 5 -- on polka street. i have three young kids. i would be more than happy to move next to the new location. i would be glad to move next to the current location. if you are familiar with the current location, it was a bad area and now it's much safer
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than before. i have a father-in-law lives with me who is 67 years old but who likes his peace and quiet. i would be more than glad to move him next to koko's. i am a little nervous and not good at public speaking, but as a business owner and president of san francisco, i more than glad to be here to support them. president olague: thank you. >> i just wanted to touch on a couple of things and bring them to your attention because i think are important. the positive impact on the community is a real positive impact. as a resident of geary street, i saw what it was like to be in the neighborhood and it is obviously quite a bit better. i would like to say something about the owners and the
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patrons. they are not necessarily a rowdy drunks, it is more of a creative and professional atmosphere. people come there to talk about and facilitate things that have a positive impact on the community. thank you. president olague: thank you. >> good afternoon. i live just a few blocks from the proposed relocation and i have known laurie since before they open to the bar as my next- door neighbor. i just wanted to say that i know for a fact they chose to relocate there because they are committed to the neighborhood and wanted to remain in this neighborhood that they are engaged with because they could have easily gone to another area that would have been easier to approve, but they were committed to a neighborhood that is very challenging. i want to encourage you to let
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them stay in this neighborhood that needs more responsible and committed businesses like this one. president olague: is there any additional public comment on this item? seeing the un, public comment is closed. commissioner borden: someone brought up the conditional use and it is professional and desirable. it is about creating communities and making communities better and neighbors coming together to enhance the city and the neighborhood character. the testimony, whether from the homeless outreach worker, the nurse or numerous numbers of people in this room have proven this operator, this existing relocation is desirable. we could not ask for a more model applicant, it sounds like and we wish we could replicate you all across polka street -- [applause]
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i recognize the concerns people have. i was recently -- there were some friends from out of town who suggested we get to hemlock. i got back into a taxi and left. it was just a bit much for me. i get the 11 people are concerned about. the drunkenness, -- i gets the elegant people are concerned about. but we cannot make the mistakes of broad brush in all kinds of people or influences or whatever it might be. i hate it when people say i had experience with one bar handlebars are bad. we learned to be objective and independent and we have to judge each applicant based on the value they bring and not based upon the bad apples of the bunch. i think that is what often happens here. i think it is great you have
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agreed not to renew your entertainment license. i'm sure your patience probably enjoys some of the entertainment aspects but that's a huge concession to the neighborhood in not wanting to intensify things. i like the idea of bringing a coffee bar and there is daytime activity and traffic. there is the fact you have transformed geary. it has proven that she would actually enhance this lot and that's why all these merchants of come out in support and written letters. it is everything we hope to find. i recognize the challenge that there are other establishments that don't act responsibly and not easy to close. that's not much a planning department issue as it is abc and other agencies. with positive influence in the neighborhood, you can show the way for how they should behave and be productive and benefit the neighborhood.
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this is a great project and with that, i move to approve. >> second. >>commissioner miguel: just to echo some of the things -- not all bars are created equal. you take one look at the door of some locations and you turn around. they become very obvious. others, regardless of your age or what ever difference in age of patrons at the bar, they will be welcoming and open. the last time this was a good block for the neighborhood in my memory was prior to the crustacean, and that has to go back 50 or 60 years, very truthfully. one of the best fountains'
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bakery city has ever seen, but we're not going to bring back. but the idea that you have coffee service activity during the day, you have a person on the door at night, you have buys on the street, you do not have the entertainment license, -- you have all eyes on the street, you're not moving and other liquor license into the general area, these by themselves without the unusual testimony we have had today, including the and the neighborhood association, other groups within the area, other businesses in the area doesn't always come out to us. there is no question in my mind that if you're going to do something with this block, there is a necessity to have something there that will take care of it.
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commissioner antonini: commissioners borden and miguel have said the things i planned to say, so there's not much else to say except sometimes that it does take a bar, restaurant or some establishment of that nature to go into a block and change it. i think the tunnel top has include -- has improved the area because there is activity at the top of the stairs and there was very little for that. they are doing all the right things. they have the support of most of the neighborhood groups, 450 people cent support and 60 businesses, including swann oyster depot. that means a lot to me. i'm very much in support. it is not a new bar, a transfer of a liquor license from a different location. commissioner sugaya: i don't
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know exactly what i am going to say here, because i particularly have some additional sensitivities to the issue of liquor licenses. because of some things that happened on previous request for a beer and wine stake all licensed located in the tenderloin. i've seen some of the community leadership people in opposition to this, so i do have some sensitivities. it is interesting that we have to neighborhood associations that have polar opposite views of this particular bar. that brings up a larger issue because we do have differing opinions. i would hope the neighborhood
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associations get together at some point to discuss their issues and discuss the various points of view that have come forward on this particular project. in other neighborhood areas, we have a similar associations that are on one side of the issue or another. it seems that street -- it seems that poll street is not that long of a straight couple of groups cannot get together and talk about their various views and have different ideas about what polk street should look like. that said, i am in favor of the project. it seems like -- i anders standpoint of view that people
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argue it's not adding anything. i understand the other point of view saying if there is a chance to get rid of stuff, that is the way to go and that was the case with this other issue. in this case, along with the other commissioners, it seems like we can take a chance on it and if things don't work out, we will hear about of course. various factions can take place and i'm willing to let this one have a chance. commissioner moore: i think this commission has spent an extraordinary amount of time listening to the presentations over the last year or two. particularly listening to the commentary on what works and what does not work. we have listened to reports about particular applicant
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contacts and notice and presentation by the police that there was indeed increased crime and instability and we have often based our decision very carefully, weighing in on that particular line of thinking. i do not see anything on that in today's discussion. it's the contrary. i feel that this supports the type of the establishment we want more of. that's a transformational thing. i'm not a big bar person, but what i want to point out is i actually did walk polk street for another reason yesterday, for a long way. i was sad to observe that in all blocks of polk street, the stores i really like, the one- of-a-kind stores where you buy
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what ever is, many of them are closed. i was shocked because i thought that there was a stable neighborhood support and these stores would survive no matter what, but they don't. in light of that, i believe we need -- and not making any advertising here -- but we have to find some stable supported business that holds the fort. given that this particular establishment has been at least adjunct to this neighborhood and has the support of the neighbors, i would believe relocating now directly into the bloc would add another strong bastion for the survival and procter -- proper functioning in these tough times. i am inclined to support it and i assume we have a motion. commissioner sugaya: one
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question to staff -- we just approved the conditional use for a new location for the thai massage -- a can remember the address -- 1600. thank you. president olague: i want to thank the many members of the public who were here for many hours and refrained from speaking. we spend hours preparing to speak for 2 minutes and i know we were trying to move the hearing along because we have a 5:00 certain item. i want to thank you for coming out and showing your support and giving us that courtesy. i also fully support this project and think it is an inconvenience that the property was purchased by someone who does not want to continue with this use obviously.
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i have been there waiting for the bus and it is comforting to know it feels like a safe place. i know the entertainment license, you have had some interesting entertainment over the years and it is unfortunate you could not keep your license. maybe over time, the relationship with the neighbors, when they see you are a good neighbor, maybe there is some talk. would that prevent you from having spoken word -- you had those types of events. we also agreed not to serve alcohol during the day and other things to have agreed to, so i think you obviously tried hard to work with what is in place. i wish you luck in your new location and fully support what everyone here has said. i was heartened by a lot of what we heard.
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it's pretty intense and personal. i have been to polk street. i go to field bookstore. but it is unfortunate to see how much blight -- not a lot of storefronts open. anyway -- >> you have a motion and a second to approve. [roll-call] so moved, the motion passes unanimously. [applause] if you call respectfully leave quietly, we appreciate it. we do have other business to conduct. commissioners, you are now on
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item 17 for case number 2011.0071c 4 broadway conditional use authorization. >> good afternoon once again. i'm with planning staff. the request before you is for conditional use authorization to establish a small self-service restaurant known as broadway corner pocket at 401 broadway. the space is presently vacant was previously occupied by a bar known as a crowbar. the business would include a billiard academy which would include 12 pool tables and offer instructional services for pull players. this is categorized as other entertainment and is principally permitted with the broadway commercial district.
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the pool service would not be physically demise. there is a condition of approval limit the number of seats in a more than 49. this will allow the overall business to comply with the seating limitations of the small self-service restaurant category. at this time, the sponsor does not propose any alcohol sales on-site, but have indicated they may pursue this in the future. the additional call sales would not require conditional use authorization. policies within the general plan discourage the overconcentration of restaurant uses. staff estimates approximately 21% of the frontage was in the broadway occupied by eating and drinking units. the broadway corridor is more heavily occupied by adult entertainment uses. it would help to diversify debt mix of uses within broadway. this also includes the significant entertainment component in the form of pool
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tables. the business would not solely involve food-service. staff has received 13 communications in support of the project which praises the project. staff has received no communication the opposition. staff recommends support of the proposed project i'm -- and i'm available for any questions you may have. president olague: thank you. project sponsor? >> it looks like disaster struck. it's so andean here. i am here to represent this family and we have been working together now for about nine months. it is a family trust and off the representatives is here and this is her brother-in-law. they have been delighted to work
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with that their english is limited. they owned the building for 10 years. they have done the seismic work and look out for the building. for four years, they have been considering what to put on the ground floor commercial space. there is for thousand square feet there. historically, it was basin street west, which was very famous as a jazz club. then it became a topless club and then it became the crowbar. they had three or four tables in there for pool. this time, when we got together, we talked about it for a long time, very careful consideration about what would work, what could the neighborhood tolerate and support? what we came up with is the broadway billiard academy which would occupy about 80% of the space and a small self-service hofbrau style restaurant in the
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remaining space. no liquor license at this time. we found out from planning that those uses are principally permitted when and so, we have not put that the dividing wall between the businesses because there are fewer than 49 seats throughout the establishment. we work carefully with neighborhood outreach and have received wonderful support. we are also talking about putting up surveillance cameras on the west side of the buildings which has been troublesome in the past to help the police department with its surveillance and they are totally in agreement with that. they're also considering the notion of putting on a large mural on the east wall which is on montgomery to convey perhaps the history of billiards in america, which i have now studied and i'm pretty amazed about. it is a fascinating sport with a
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great history and i would like you to hear from representatives of the family. earth >> how are you? i have three kids. 20 years ago, moved to this country. i have worked hard to earn a living and support my family. that is why i want to open my business right there. a billiard academy and small restaurant right there. before i open a restaurant for 10 years already. i have experience how to handle a restaurant. please support me, thank you.
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>> nice to meet you. my family and i are excited about the proposed billiard academy and self-service restaurant at 401 broadway. we want to work closely with the broadway and north beach communities and bns said to our community. -- and be an asset to our community. i hope you will support us. thank you. president olague: thank you. i would like to open up for public comment. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i helped to assist the consulting on the project and i just want to say a few things. one is there is extensive outreach and we have had a lot of great input from the community.
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there is almost 4000 square foot on that ground level but there are people who live above. there was nobody had any issues with that, so i think it's important the people living above something have some say. we did not get any negative response there. regarding the north beach neighbors, there was one condition they insisted on, which they complied with generally for security purposes, they have one security per 100 people. they have agreed to have one per 50 people. we estimate there is about 150 capacity there. so during the hours of 9:30 until 1:30, they will have security checking id and making sure there is eyes and ears. the police department wanted high-resolution surveillance. they are more than happy to do that and hold the tapes for a couple of weeks if there are issues on the street.
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we want to make sure we are helping solve them. the broadway entertainment culture also weighed in on this and it is not a nightclub or it's not even a lounge. it is good, safe fund. i talked to an officer who said we did be right thing by a letting the neighbors get to know them first before exploring the opportunity of pursuing beer and wine at a later date. we want to make sure they are good neighbors and operators. they also put a 21 years of age requirement that is going to go with lee because for the most part, we all know that broadway is kind of an adult-themed area. we try to attract people who are more mature and who will be more responsible. we want them to have fun but we don't want them to compromise safety. by and large, every buss
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