tv [untitled] May 8, 2011 2:30am-3:00am PDT
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i even made sure think a didn't give credit to the basks who take credit for it. we give to zapata. these are terrible times for education. and it's time no longer to start talking about with what we're going to cut and how we're going to cut because we can't. we simply can't. so from the 9th to the 13ths, we will be in sacramento in fairly good numbers occupying the capitol and doing whatever we can in sacramento to try to make the point that these are no longer times to talk about these things, that it's time for the legislators, it's time for the people who have the votes, to use their votes appropriately. there will be actions throughout san francisco during the exact same time culminating in a rally here on friday the 13th. we ask for your support. we will come back actually and try to put together a resolution and ask for you are you to pass a resolution of support also.
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in the meantime while you are concerned with all of this that we are concerned with, now is a time when you know what you don't know about the budget with. to use the money that you do have and that you're going to have to spend, to get out there now and rescind those layoffs that you can rescind and you're going to have to rescind. thank you very much. president mendoza: thank you. >> good evening, board. my name is nancy and as you know i've always come to speak on the behalf with of the by a vue community. but -- bayview community but today i'd like to talk about not the target population but the chinese and asian community in the bayview. i'm here to speak about the bayview community that is mourning the loss of a son, a student, a friend, the chinese community has been hit hard with the tragic death of andy xing.
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students throughout the district feel the pain as those that did not even know him, they're also grieving. all families involved are grieving. i've met with some of andy's friends last friday afternoon. they expressed that they have no one to talk to. no one to talk to about their feelings and no one to open up to and express their pain. the chinese, asian children have been overlooked. we say that they're doing well and fine due to their academic performance, but we fail them in their social needs and forget that there are some that stray and become involved in dangerous activities. the students say that they need someone young that can relate to them, a mentor that can speak their language and understand their cultural nuances. their ineffective communication between home and school as many
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families do not speak english and i'm asking, board, if you can please consider hiring student support personnel to address their needs. thank you and they taught me a few words in chinese. [speaking chinese] thank you and shout out to kim for coming out to visit our schools and our communities and for listening. thank you. president mendoza: thank you. ok. we got through public comment. thank you. cleared out the board room but we got through public comment. item k is the advisory committee report and appointment supervisory committee. are there any board members making appointments? commissioner murase: i'd like to appoint jeff ang to the public education enrichment fund citizen advisory committee. president mendoza: great. jeff ang. thank you. item l is a special order of business. there isn't, there's none.
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item m, we've moved up. thank you. item n is a consent calendar resolution. item o is the vote on the consent calendar. it was moved and seconded under section f. could i get a vote please? i'm sorry, roll call. commissioner fewer: yes. commissioner maufas: yes. commissioner murase: aye. commissioner norton: yes. commissioner wynns: aye. vice president yee: aye. president mendoza: yes, except on items k-2, k-4, and k-5 which are retroactive. item p is the consent calendar. the items that were set by the board for discussion. immediate action, let's see. we had item k-8, i believe. it looks like commissioner norton and fewer.
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either of you guys want to comment? >> if i may. i think the question i had on this was that i wanted to know how many students this 15 million, that's kind of hard to get out, 15 million goes for, like how many students does this represent? and i also wanted an accounting of the racial breakdown and wanted to know a little bit about students' disabilities and why we are unable to serve them in our district. president mendoza: and commissioner norton, you had questions on this as well? northr in the i think commissioner fewer's questions are all excellent and i would like to know the answers to those and in addition i would just like a little bit of an explanation for why some of these scrools so far away -- schools are so far away and why there's not a closer facility
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that if we do have to place them out of district, why are we placing them all the way in pennsylvania or other places? also i noticed there's some new institutions on the list that i haven't seen before. so that troubles me a little bit. it's sort of just makes me worry that we're not being as diligent as we should be in really limiting the number of students that are placed out of district. president mendoza: deputy superintendent. >> yes. president mendoza, commissioners, assistant superintendent dodge is not here this evening so i'm going to answer at least to give you preliminary responses and then we will absolutely follow up and give you more specific information as to the requests that you've made from us. but in general keep in mind that the placement of students in n.p.s. is driven by a.p.'s. and in many of these cases students have multiple disabilities that we can't serve their needs for in the school
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district. so it makes sense to pursue some placements in some of these n.p.s.'s. i know of at least one situation where a placement has been made through the county department of health, mental services as well and because that student is a school age student we're required also to be part of that placement as well. so that kind of a detailed explanation we will provide to you along with the breakdown of the students that you requested. i also want to mention that keep in mind, we agree whole heartedly with mrs. flack and her comments around -- plaque and her comments around being able to serve our students with disabilities in our school district. as we move forward with the special education redesign and we're looking at the needs of our students, we're actually looking at how we're going to build into our own school district services to the able to support those is students. so that's not something that's going to happen in one year. but we are timing up what those
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i.e.p. plans are in the process for the i.e.p.'s and we're looking to at every possible opportunity bring students back as quickly as possible into our own system as we develop those programs. president mendoza: is there a -- commissioner norton: is there a bidding process on that for the programs? how do you guys select the institutions? >> they're generally selected based on the students' needs and a lot of instances there are not n.p.s.'s here, either in the city or the local jurisdiction that can address the various needs that the student may need through the i.e.p. but we do not have a public bidding process for that. president mendoza: can i just add -- so if there is two organizations that provide the service, how do we go about choosing one over the other? is this a referral? is this who we've always used?
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commissioner norton: if we're ordered by an administrative law judge, if a parent has taken its due process and we lose, the a.l.j. basically goes to the parent and says, what's the appropriate placement. president mendoza: so the parent could be the one -- [inaudible] commissioner fewer: we have more recently been monitoring the cost as well and so we -- president mendoza: i'm sorry, you guys. thank you. >> so we do now take into consideration cost, transportation, so generally with very limited exceptions in the due process setting, if there is an n.p.s. locally that can provide the services as opposed to santa cruz or some of the other locations, we'll select the local n.p.s. so we can take into consideration cost and those other factors as well. president mendoza: commissioner fewer. commissioner fewer: i also wanted to mention that some other school districts, they actually provide this service
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themselves in-house in a different facility. we do have schools that we could look at housing these students themselves versus outsourcing them to private institutions. that is a possibility. >> i would also like for the board on this request that you've made to include on there, because there's a long list of programs, it would be real helpful to include to the board what specific program is offered at each one of those institutions. because i look at the list and in past lives i've dealt with many of those institutions because they're real specific programs that are kind of one of a kind that are offered, basically in the entire country. so when you start thinking, well, why are they going that far? well, hardly anybody offer as that program. there are real specific programs like that. so i think that would be really
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helpful for the board to see that and why, you know, that placement is being made. i think that's critical because when you look at that, i feel the same way. i say, holy cow, you know, look at that big list, look how much we're spending. but when you start looking around the country for special ed programs, there's some that are just, you know, i mean, you have florida there. i did an internship there. i know what they do with advanced autism and things like that that nobody else in the country basically does. so there's, you know, when you start looking at different programs like that and when i look at that list i see a bunch of them that i know of. but i don't want to be the one putting out the sentence. but i really think it's important for you, the board, to really see that. because there's real -- there's certain programs that there's no way we're going to be able to recommend kate in this school district -- replicate in this school district. >> i just wanted to say that sometimes requests are made or
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demands for residential programs which necessarily means not here. so that's one with of the reasons why they're far away and expensive programs. the goal is to minimize the number of students that are placed in programs like that. president mendoza: thank you. any other questions on this? roll call please. commissioner maufas: yes. commissioner murase: aye. commissioner norton: yes. commissioner wynns: aye. vice president yee: aye. president mendoza: yes. >> six ayes. president mendoza: thank you. i think that was the only item that we were -- item q is the superintendent's proposal for first reading. there are none. item r is the board member's proposal for first reading. there are none. standing committee, board
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delegations, are there there reports by the board? commissioner norton, on the curriculum. commissioner norton: i was just getting there in my agenda. i didn't get there fast enough. yes. so what we heard at the last curriculum and program committee on april 11, we heard an update on the plans for summer school which i'm very happy to note that the city has found $250,000 which will allow us to offer somer school to our -- summer school to our ninth graders who did not pass their core courses in that first year. they also had an update on the requirements for high school students in sfusd. and finally we had a presentation from coleman advocates on the kinds of sore spoers that really need to be in place to -- kinds of support that really need to be in place to our students wesm did have some disappointing numbers from the first semester from students who didn't pass core courses.
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this is the first year that we were checting them to -- [inaudible] that was a good presentation. we also had a very interesting presentation on identifying -- on identifying students who are at risk for dropping out. there are some very specific numbers that the board were provided on eighth graders who if they have an attendance record of less than 87.5% of the time or have failed a core course in the eighth grade, they're far more likely to drop out later. and so we've identified 182, i believe it is, aggete graders who now that they're moving to high school, we know who they are, we know that they're at risk and we can follow these students and support them better. so i found that data really interesting and i don't know was it provided to the rest of the board? or could we provide that to the rest of the board? i think that would be interesting for people to see. the next meeting will be on may
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2. we will be discussing the plans for inclusive practices and i've asked uesf for their concern and asked for special ed to talk about their concerns and issues surrounding the inclusive practices and we will follow up the next night with staff at the committee of the whole on the special ed redesign. >> the crick -- the curriculum committee we start at 5:30. president mendoza: thank you. augmented rules and policy and legislative commission. commissioner murase: my report will be brief. we reviewed legislative proposals and relied allegation on csba recommendations. i have that available if there are members of the board who would like to review the specific legislation. the committee is looking at a formal process for appointments
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to different committees that we have and the first step was really developing a full roster of the various committees and task forces that we appoint to. so i want to thank nancy for her staffing of this particular effort and it's still in process. we will continue to keep you updated as we come closer to a formal written policy. president mendoza: thank you. and a report on the committee of the whole, we had a presentation on the 2011-2012 budget overview of the developments since the tax extension has not quite yet gotten onto the ballot. so we're looking at an additional $25 million in cuts in addition to the $113 million that currently exists and we're also having our schools consider
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their schedule b or their budget b with, option b, b for bad. and so we're preparing for the storm that's going to be hitting us very soon and these tax extensions, if this doesn't happen, is really going to devastate our school quite significantly. and i know that the superintendent and staff has -- have met with the principals and we're just preparing for next year. and then we -- i think that's actually all that he covered on that. item t is a report on the closed section actions. -- closed session actions. commissioner wynns: i just wanted to very quickly mention an event that i was able to attend last friday which was kind of ribbon-cutting, i guess, for the project at gordon j.
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lowe which is a joint project with a number of city partners including the public utilities commission which is rainwater collection project, where water is collected off the roof of the school, held in sis alternatives, comes down a pipe system and is used to warden the gardens, -- wattwater the gardens, one of those that i was amazed and pleased we were able to do at all, gibbon the neighborhood and the size of the school yards. so it was really quite extraordinary and a mural describing the sistern and water collection system. this is a project, one of our green school yard partners, but it's a living library project. and it was rling amazing and there were a lot of people there and i think we do a lot of wonderful projects just of this nature except what's unique about this is that it was funded by the p.u.c. this is about managing
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groundwater, diverting water, even in, again, the most densely populated neighborhood in san francisco and according to board of supervisors, president david chiu, who was present, the second most densely popularitied in the country second to china toub in -- chinatown in new york. it was quite wonderful and i wanted to refer to that and to really give kudos to the people involved in it. but more to the model that we actually, working with something that clearly is of great benefit to our students and to our schools, with limited resources, but that actually is a kind of perfect model of collaboration with other agencies because it meets their goals, using mostly their resources with a little -- the minimum amount of resources from us. and has great benefit to us and to our students. that's it. president mendoza: thank you. other commissioners? commissioner ye. -- yee.
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vice president yee: thank you. i just wanted to add another happy note to our board meeting. this is an opportunity for may 7 , we're going to have five schools participating in this program on a saturday. a city college from one to three. and -- from 1:00 to 3:00. and basically it's to take off from the documentary about the kids in new york ske citi where they learned partner dancing in the fourth and fifth grade. this is going to be about 50 or 60 fourth and fifth graders from these five schools that will be participating and they're going to be dancing things that they'd never think they'd be dancing. they're going to be doing salsa and swing and it's going to be great. i've seen them practice for the last two months, basically, and they're getting pretty excited about coming and if you have
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time, please come and support them because this is the first in san francisco and you're going to be basically missing history because i anticipate that this is going to grow and grow and grow and also if that's not enough, the middle school jazz band will be there to accompany them. so please come if you have time. >> where at city college? vice president yee: yeah, i'm so sorry. city college at the new wellness center, it's the beautiful place and they have these huge, humongous dance classrooms and studios and it's in room 301. president mendoza: is this this an organization that you started? [laughter] vice president yee: yes. as most of you know i have a passion for this and i just love the fact that when i saw that movie, the positive stuff that
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comes out of this, it's not just about dancing, it's really about a lot of other things in terms of the discipline that they acquired to learn this and it gives them some focus, just like any other art form, this is going to give a lot of kids opportunities to do things that they really enjoy. so i'm right in the middle of forming this thing. if any of you want to participate in informing it, just -- in forming it, just let me know. i need some help. commissioner murase: i wanted to report that last thursday i attended an indian family night held at horris mann middle school. there are 350 native american families in our school district and i'm pleased to report there's an active parent advisory council that meets monthly in the indian resource room at horris mann and i was able to report about the decision to change the burnett
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campus to the havard school because as we learned peter burnett, the first governor of california, has been very -- has some very racist policies, including extermination of native people. so they welcomed that news. i just wanted to share that the cam county of science haas has some upcoming free day -- the california county of science has some upcoming free days. may 13, 14 and 15 will be free for families in zip codes 94127, 94131 and 9413 and families can look that up on the academy of science website. president mendoza: thank you. i attended the district four, district seven budget town hall. i'm not attending fun stuff like you guys. but it's been really great that the mayor and supervisors have been including the school district in that discussion and i know that others have been going to the district meetings and there are a couple more left
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and then we also attended their rec and park egg hunt that they had for 4,500 students and many of our students actually performed onstage as part of the entertainment. and we got to be part of the rib cookoff which was really fun and then we attended a really great event last night held by mo-magic and they were celebrating, it was their fourth year and it was just a really wonderful event to see our students performing and to see so many community members in the western edition come out and support their efforts. that was great. >> rosa parks school community invited me to be on their v.i.p. cable car in which i did. and also with chris and his son quinn and we had a fabulous time. i wanted to thank the rosa parks community for the invitation and i hope to join them next year. vice president yee: sometimes i
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don't remember when things happen. not sometimes, always it seems like. but did the visit from -- that visit was in between -- ok, i should mention that. madam leo is from china and she's, i guess, we couldn't figure out exactly, but she's like the equivalent of hillary clinton and very high level official that came to san francisco but -- after -- visiting the president. and they made it a decision to visit one of our child development centers and when they were planning it they had anticipated that, ok, she's going to be there only half an hour, it's a tight schedule and once she got there she wouldn't leave. she just loved it there. the kids were great, the staff
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was great. i have to give a lot of credit to the facilities people who went in there for several days to get the place prepared for the visit and she actually stayed there for about an hour. not even then, when she was ready to leave, they jumped into the car and everybody thought, she jumped back out. and she brought out her photo album with of her grandkids to show us. it was so cute. all that, she really made an argument of how important child development is in preschool and so forth and when she was talking about the fact that they're going to expand their budget because they're doing so well in china and expand 50% of the -- you know, into their child development budget. they're going to train, this is bizarre, they're going to train next year, what, 800,000 new
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teachers. >> 800,000 preschool teachers. vice president yee: yeah, next year. superintendent garcia: did you ask her for foreign aid for news is vice president yee: i should have. >> she said they were going between 2010 and 2012, that they were going to increase their education budget, not just preschool. by 50%. president mendoza: any other reports? thank you. so we have item t is a report on closed session actions. and a claim against the district in title p.b. case number 2011010277. the board of education by a vote of five ayes and one ncaa. and one absent. approved a settlement. item u is other informational items and in our agenda we have the quarterly report on the williams uniform demraints january through march 2011.
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