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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2011 1:30am-2:00am PDT

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but that is what we came up with together, as a group. they certainly have a right to due process and to appeal. commissioner meko: the appeal would be to us? >> correct. are there any other questions on my portion, or can i handed over? -- hand it over? >> my report, which have in front of you, i will go over the first segment. we did have to deal recently on the citation was given to circlo. that appeal has happened. we are currently waiting for the decision. in my opinion, i thought it went well. it was very simple. we will hopefully know by the end of this week what the decision on that appeal was.
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we have been in contact with citizens -- with the city of honolulu. they are looking at how to work with and use -- with venues with entertainment, and better control of sound. this is something new. we have done this for seattle. now we are doing this for honolulu as well. it is exciting that this is the second city that has come to us and asked for information. we are sharing legislation and our own documents about the process. we have been really pushing through as many as sound examinations as possible. we had a backlog of applicants. we have been working through, but it is taking a while. we are finally to a place where most of these venues have moved
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through the sign-offs' from city agencies. we are one of the last. we are having some come up and are really working. also, you will see non-permitted events and the news. -- and venues. as i see in your report, due to better communication with sfpd and residents around the certain -- these certain venues and events, and people finding things online and forwarding it to us anonymously, we have come across more non-permitted events. the question people have been asking me is are there more happening, or are we just aware of them? to be honest, this is new territory. it has not been tracked in the past.
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we do not have the raw data to say last year we had this many and this year we have this money. i do know that because of the items i just stated that we are coming across them more regularly, which is good. we are also working with fire and the fire marshals to get inspectors out in the field even more to look at these venues, working with sfpd. i think we are able to track some of these places down. most of them are bars. we helped bring them into compliance. that is important. cinco de mayo was surprisingly not busy. i was in the mission, and by 11:30, midnight, large sections were a ghost town.
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there were certain sections of the city, valencia and 16th, that looked like a normal thursday night. there were certain events around the city that were very busy. but overall the city was pretty quiet this year. same with howard street fair. this is an event that has gone on for years. it is well organized. there is rarely any problem. this year was a typical year. it was a very well put together event. there was one are to sound complaints that were dealt with immediately, on the spot. we had them turn the sound down. the attendance fee was lower. there is not a reason for that. but talking with officers on site, it was a good-sized crowd this year, but definitely smaller than it has been in the past. some of the venues we are
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looking into currently -- lime, the room, circlo, 1121 howard street -- some are non-permitted events. you will see notices of violation. you will see an attractive citations, when given in the last two -- you will see administrative citations, one given in the last two weeks. this is divided into quality of life, basic incidents, and violence. most of these, i know officer matthias from central has spoken on. there was an incident on broadway, security having trouble with a patron.
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they brought the patron outside. officers got involved when the patron was turning violent. unfortunately, an officer was a salted. the officer was not hurt badly and the patron was brought into custody. there were a few other batteries in the broadway area. but overall we are not seeing anything major or out of the ordinary for this time of year. one issue is that over the weekend we had an incident. we are still waiting for the report. we have yet to get it. i was working that evening and responded to the scene. what it looks like is that we had a shot fired. it is possible at this point that the shot fired was actually budue to an altercation in front of the venue.
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i will report on this incident once we have a full report and the investigation from sfpd, and we are able to do a little more digging on our own. that is what i have. vice chair joseph: the karaoke at 870 caravel -- taravel is what cross street? >> i would not be able to tell you. vice chair joseph: is that the place we permitted price that was problematic? >> i believe so. we did not permit twice. we permitted once. vice chair joseph: we turned it down once and then permitted another time. so we do not know if this is 14th avenue or 19th avenue, or where it is? >> i think it is 19th. vice chair joseph: so this is the same place where there were bringing alcohol in and had all
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the violence. >> his current violation is for being open after hours. vice chair joseph: i just request that you monitor the place. >> we are absolutely monitoring them, and also working with sfpd. vice chair joseph: on the violence, the battery at the lookout, that is unusual. do you know anything about that? >> it was unusual. this is not a place with any history of violence or incidents in the past. we do have some sound complaints from residents in the area, which we are currently working with management and ownership of the club on. this particular incident happened with an overly intoxicated patron, who was actually not from the lookout originally.
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it is believed he had come through one of the other venues in the area. it was early in the day. this particular patron walked out onto the balcony around the lookout and thought it was the bathroom. vice chair joseph: ok. [laughter] >> and some of the people on the lower st. level who suffered some collateral damage decided to take matters into their own hands. vice chair joseph: 0 my. you call that a battery? >> it resulted in a physical altercation. a big fight, actually. vice chair joseph: i can't imagine i even asked that question. explain to me. circlo got a citation the appeal? did they appeal to? >> to the controller.
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vice chair joseph: the appeal of the fine, not the circumstances? >> the appeal of the citation and their version of the circumstances. vice chair joseph: until the controller's office determines the appeal -- that is very interesting. finally, this is the most interesting spelling of cinco i've ever seen. it is like some kind of insect. i just wanted to know that. commissioner benetti: regarding the battery at temple -- did that occur outside the club? >> at this point, the report we have is a little thin. i am having to get a clear report, because we have questions ourselves. from what we understand, it's
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started inside and then it happened outside. i apologize for not having more details at this time. i believe the argument started inside and both parties reconnected outside. president newlin: any other questions? commissioner meko: regarding the sound test that you're finding in little bit of time to get to, the venue on 11th street, the beat box -- have begun around to that yet? >> we have not. we have done bond calls and e- mails back and forth. they are not quite ready. i think there is still some build-out going on. they are not open. they are not doing any kind of event. commissioner meko: there is a conditional grant that is
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pending other sign-offs' plus yours. >> correct. commissioner meko: a couple locations on your report jump out of me. 3260 517th -- 3265 17th street, you are looking into sound violations. >> that is a small part collective that why -- small art collective that likes to do events. they will bring in deejays. when i talked to the owners, or i guess residents of this particular warehouse, they voluntarily shut down that night. it is about a 20,000 square foot space and had between 204 hundred people in the location.
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-- a and between 200-- between 200 and 400 people. commissioner meko: without a permit. that is dangerous. and it is an art club that operates as a nightclub? >> with the jays. -- deejays. commissioner meko: is that the same thing happening on 1121 howard st.? >> it is slightly different. it is a location that has been there for a long time. excuse my confusion. i am not sure how to describe it. it began as a holistic healing through sound. i am not sure how well to describe that. it uses sound waves to promote wellness. i do not make this stuff up.
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commissioner meko: what are they doing now? >> they are continuing to do that, but they are also paying their rent by doing after hours deejays. commissioner meko: i see. with the crowd of hundreds. >> this particular event i encountered this last weekend, it was probably about 120. in that particular event, seven station was called in. commissioner meko: that is a good-sized therapy group. and dear old kimo's -- how did that show up on your watch us? -- watch list? >> it is very rare we have problems with them. commissioner meko: it is warm and fuzzy.
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it goes back to the 50's. >> it is predominantly live music, exclusively live music on the second floor. we have permitted them for a long time. we have done some tests. -- sound tests. we had a neighbor complaint two years ago, which we were able to resolve. this is just a new neighbor complaint. it is relatively new. it is not incredibly dramatic. no one is jumping up and down and screaming. on at nicer nights or busier nights, they open a door. this is one of those issues so that the commissioners have
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that option. but it is an incredible venue. commissioner meko: one final question about non-permitted venues. i am more interested in these underground entertainment events, or illegal-type parties that seemed to crop up every now and then. i have been getting a series of phone calls about a location at ninth and folsom. medici restaurant was a permited restaurant. >> the history of medici is that it was a restaurant. the location has had many incarnations. commissioner meko: going back to a cafe which was permitted. >> medici was a restaurant. it applied for a permit.
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but it never finished its permitting process. commissioner meko: i see. and they closed down about a year ago. >> the restaurant seemed to close down to a point where it was (rarely. -- open very rarely. commissioner meko: and now it is a location for spontaneous parties. one last wednesday involve violence with the residents across the street. >> you brought that to my attention. at this time, i still do not have any paper from southern station. i am waiting on that. they have been doing these kind of events on the past, both southern station and the sfpd. we all know about it. to be honest, it is just
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catching them. commissioner meko: this probably is more relevant to the sfpd and fire marshal and it is to you. >> correct. commissioner meko: you do not have the tools to deal with them. >> correct. in the past, i will make a call to dispatch. commissioner meko: hanks. -- thanks. president newlin: public comment on the executive director's report. seeing none, will move to item four, police department comments and questions. >> good evening. i am steve matthias from central station. cinco de mayo was a good night
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in central. everything was pretty manageable. we had a few good events, but they all went well. we had no incidents or violence that i have come across at all. one of the establishments, club atmosphere, we learned there were having a live performance by a popular entertainer. we voiced are there -- we voice our concerns about overcrowding and making sure they could handle the line outside, and what their staffing levels were going to be like. mr. montoya said they were going to add security there. he completely took care of it. we had no incidents at the club. as far as the central district over the last few weeks, we did have an incident on may 8. one of our officers was -- actually, two officers were injured. it was 1:00 a.m. and security was escorting the subject out of
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monroe. the police took over and he started to assault the police officers. the officer was punched in the face. another officer was injured. he was taken into custody for battering a police officer, resisting arrest, and public intoxication. we are following up with monroe to see what happened prior to that. may 1, an incident at club atmosphere. they flagged down police to say that somebody was bothering patrons. in the past, people have talked about if the report things to the police they are going to get flagged and counted as a mark against them. that simply is not true. we try to build a rapport with clubs. but the subject at the security point, the officer was looking at him and he tried to walk away.
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he appeared intoxicated. we stopped the person. after a few questions, the officer searched him and found a loaded 40 caliber glock. who knows what he was going to be up to that night. it is the report the officers have with the clubs, so they know they can contact us. it will not be a mark against them. it is safe to say something easily could have happened that night, but it was averted because of the relationship between the clubs and the police on broadway. on april 30, a patron was not able to get inside a club and was waiting outside. he was talking to a female and her boyfriend came out. he had been kicked out and was not allowed to go back in. so he decided to attack the person who was waiting out front, to strike him in the face. he broke his left cheekbone.
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it was a pretty bad assault. may 3, at the condor club, a patron's credit card was turned down. he became upset and went to the men's bathroom and destroyed it. he took up the toilet as well as the door. [laughter] president newlin: no wonder his credit card is not good. >> the last incident to report -- 8 $464 jacket was taken at mosquito -- mojito's bar. vice chair joseph: you are doing a great job. >> thank you. president newlin: thank you. inspector, did you have anything?
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thank you for coming. any public comment on the police reports, comments and questions? seeing none, we will go to item five. all right. we will not have a quorum for 5a. we will go to 5b and return as soon as we have a quorum for that specific item. that will be haynes, rick, dba fuel onat 1108 market street. >> this is the first of four applicants this evening. the business is fuel, a place of
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entertainment permit application. it is an application to operate a bar and lounge in the mid market area in the renoir hotel at seventh and market. entertainment will include mostly deejays, jazz bands. in your packet, you have detailed information that describes the security plan and the firm the have hired, and the good neighbor policies. i will turn it over to them. >> mr. president, commissioners, mark renny. i am here with my client, rick haynes, managing partner of fuel llc. three years ago, this commission permitted a ticket lounge--
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ettiquette lounge. in the last year, there was a major flood from a burst pipe that took that club out. mr. haynes is currently rehabing that location. we expect the liquor license to transfer within the week. it is up in san francisco. you have the packet. this is going to be a small hotel lounge. as necessary, there are a lot of people trying to sleep upstairs. the sound will be kept a low volume. it is basically a night lounge. they are going to play vegas style matchup -- mashup. for the commissioners, especially mr. meko, we have
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passed up the neighborhood of reach we have done so far. t be active in that neighborhood. the neighborhood is transitioning, as you know. it is his intention to help the transition and clean up the area. i do not know if the commission knows this, but the restaurant currently across from "the chronicle" has taken the space in the corner of the run were hotel -- renoir hotel and is moving to that location and currently doing a rehab. if you have any questions? vice chair joseph: do you have a new lease with the renoir? >> i got the least assignment. vice chair joseph: how many years are left on at least? >> 13.
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vice chair joseph: i was just curious to know about the stability of it all. you did not know that. it may not happen that the renoir get sold, but it might happen. that was my only question. commissioner meko: the motto or the theme painted on the front of the building, two sentences -- what does it say? >> that was done by the prior people there. we are going to repaint. commissioner meko: i am curious what it says. >> low will cure -- i am not certain. it was a love thing. commissioner meko: it was beautiful. >> i am going to make it look nice. it will not be all black anymore. commissioner meko: mr. renny,
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congratulations on your efforts at neighborhood outreach. the earlier you do it, the better. i would rather see that you have contacted various associations rather than you intend to contact various associations. in general, this is good out reach, particularly to district 6, which is probably the most of an organization to you, and the tenderloin community benefit district. the central market community benefit district, which you are a part of, would be good our reach as well. otherwise, good luck to you. you might want to rethink that picture. >> on your security plan, it
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says that fuel research the use of enhanced gateway security systems, including a blue light interface system that will speed up the process of entry into the venue. these systems confirm the customer is of legal drinking age by calculating their age and presenting it onscreen to staff members. this allows staff to identify age more quickly. we have not yet determined which system we will use. i was wondering -->> i just attb convention in las vegas. there were a police 10 vendors doing this. some are doing it so -- there were at t