tv [untitled] May 11, 2011 5:30am-6:00am PDT
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>> eliminated from the state budget? >> it also hurts us in long term ways. we have used redevelopment of the correct way. the governor knows that. he knows there are other things to gain by this elimination. in that dialogue and, i have asked for a lot of device. with all of the changing term limits, and who do we talk with? he says to be bold, talk to people you ordinarily won't talk to. and to build allegiances as mayor. for this great city, i can pick up the phone and call people and loss angeles, all of the
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mayor's. that was his first device. yet the 10 biggest mares together and start forming allegiance. when you put that together, you have a powerful voice of there. they listened across aisles. we have most of the populations of the states. that was one good advice. don't form a wall even if you disagree. just because we are kind of more blue in san francisco. >> a lot more blue. >> a lot of our investors, they
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are republican. i was laughing about it because it was kind of this irony where the only investors that are trusted us are putting their omaha, we are trying to convince a democratic brotherhood. we are not trying to be green. we are trying to create the economy better. you have to move towards green a lot more. >> a couple more quick questions here as we are running short on time. we have got to talk about shark
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fin souop. -- soup. it is a chinese delicacy, the sharks are tossed back into the water to die. you took a simi controversial stand by admitting that you have been an -- eaten shark fin soup. explain a bit about this. >> i told the truth. you may are may not get that out of a politician. i don't eat it at all very rarely, but it is a delicacy that is used for weddings and
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special banquets. having said that, i am a very strong supporter of the fishing standards that the u.s. has about how you properly fish. there are reasons for those standards being created. that is where the education is, the fishing practices. that is why i wasn't ready to support a ban. i wasn't sure if a ban was going to get there or not. i want to the science to tell us the proper thing to do. i am very open. the that is where i have been on the environment. if there are species of sharks,
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if there are continuing things that we need to do to protect the oceans and the environment, the banning of eating this will add to that, i am open to it. the focus has been, i think a lot of san francisco and a lot of chinese eat a lot of this. they understand that the fishing practice is the thing that should be banned. we don't know if it will directly contribute to that at this time. >> there is time for one last question. it is an audience question. how can the local hiring policy be made compatible with the existing situation.
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>> there is obviously policy and reality. the policy that embraces local higher. i want her those that pay more to have a fair chance. we begin with thisconstruction ordnance where we have special steps to be taken for contractors to show that they are making every effort to comply with the word of its. we had people that were ready and willing to do that same work in san francisco. in my opinion, that is not fair for all of us that is paying for those projects. having said that, when you look at the city work force, i begin by saying, i remember when lily told me, if you want this job,
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move to san francisco. i made that sacrifice. how can everybody do that? i am not sure. i would like to champion more work force housing. it offers everyone a chance to afford to live here. that way it is a little easier. for the most part, may be for their salaries, it has been hard to make that choice. >> things to the mayor of san francisco. a also think our audiences here on the internet and on the radio. this meeting of the commonwealth, we are adjourning. [applause]
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anyone with pagers or cell phones, please turn them off. they interfere with the equipment in the meeting. >> good afternoon. i would like to call to order this meeting of the san francisco public utilities commission, may 10. please start us off with the agenda. >> [roll call] we have a full quorum present. >> thank you. we have a very full agenda. if you are giving a
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presentation, we would appreciate if you could try to keep your thoughts and ideas as concise as possible. >> approval of the myths of the regular april 12, 2011 meeting. entertaining any motions? >> second. >> those in favor? opposed? the motion carries. >> the next item is public comment. the public can address the commission on any items within the jurisdiction of the commission but not on today's agenda. >> hearing no public comment, the next item, please. >> communications. did the commissioners have any discussions or points related to the letter summary or changes, recommendations from the staff report, and that would be the time to discuss these items.
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>> commissioners? comments? >> sorry, are we out item number five? >> letter summary, advance calendar, staff reports. >> i wanted to know if mr. judson had any remarks. >> this was a question on the correspondence material? >> on the staff report, correct. >> we open to those this morning. we are trying to figure out that way to get those and download them more easily. >> great. if i have a chance to look at it, i will comment on it in my comments later on. >> i have another agenda item.
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>> this is a service review. >> page 1. second paragraph. it is the second sentence that starts -- audit includes. >> not sure. is it a memo? >> it was in the packet. >> with consideration over general controls? ok. is it in the memo? or is it inside of one of the reports? >> this report. >> got it.
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>> alright, i am there. >> sentence -- second sentence, second paragraph. is that a boiler plate? >> it is a boiler but remark. any time we do these audit, our external auditors and independent auditors review the financial statements to make sure that it fairly represents the calculation of what is charged. >> there was a need to start doing internal review with sarbanes oxley. the board changed all opinions to say whether or not they should be doing that internal review in general, or if it was a specific opinion thing that was being mentioned. >> i have another question.
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how do lie identify these things in the same area, from kpmg. second paragraph. it says that as a basis for designing or auditing procedures in the balance, when does this happen? i read this some time ago. that was my note. >> every year after we conclude our financial independent audit, we provide an audit for all three enterprises. about three months to four months after that they do a detailed review specifically of the balance account for all the
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charges that are before the wholesale customers. so, typically this immediately trails the financial of and the balancing account audit is done such that it is completed over the course of november to february of the following year. this is one of those independent oversight of the wholesale revenue requirement calculation that is in sight of the water supply customers. it is one of the independent checks and balances. let's thank you very much. >> i have one question as well. on the gray water. tommy, maybe? ed? >> the question? >> i am glad to see that this
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highlight is going to be taking place, but is there any work as a part of this characterization questioned on a projection of what we could be potentially diverting from our system with a gray water system that is somewhat full-blown? something to show the benefits of the gray water program? >> we have all i hear of the program, talking about other water sources and programs. it is not fully developed yet, but if we do not have information, we certainly will get back to you. >> as part of the pilot, a water program will conduct audits on the homes that have installed the gray water unit. we do not know if there is a range out there, 40% to 50% of
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used in the home, but we are not sure, that is why we want to do an audit. we adjusted our first workshop last saturday. as we go forward, we will be auditing those systems. >> it will be great to get those numbers. i do not note that factors into the urban water management plan, because we were not sure of the actual savings on the program. our next urban water management program, we hope to actually capture those numbers. >> thank you. >> other questions? >> we had a comment on the advanced calendar, a proposal for annual retreat on july 12. we have not asked the commission if it wanted to have that and will retreat, but there is a chance to take a day to look at larger picture items.
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that was the plan. july 12 was not a good day, so i thought that i would bring up, unless we hear otherwise, that she would like to do it retreat with a collection of dates available. >> one idea was the next commission meeting in july, which is the 26. we will do a quick little poll to see if that is even an option. i know how difficult schedule that can be. does that work for july? >> of the 26? >> and the 12th. >> after the meeting in the afternoon. >> july 26? great.
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there was also a request in here for june claim that -- to 28, meeting of the southeast facilities. i had put in a request to see if we could do it lightly earlier. i do not know if that happened, but to get a sense of it? >> the se commission has asked us to meet with them. >> the timing issue is just, once we began the meeting for the new commissioners, there is typically one meeting each year in the southeast and the challenge is that we have to have it within hours so that the community can attend. we were thinking that there could be a 4:00 to 7:00 time period. but that is the regular commission meeting? >> we would also be inviting this out these facilities commission to join us at that
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meeting. probably joining us for just the last few hours. >> our commissioners available on june 28 from 4 fought the 7:00? 3:00 to 6:00? >> that is not ideal, but i will try. >> a regular day at a later time? june 28. >> one thing that i have to say is that they have great food. [laughter] >> and it is very appreciated. >> does that work for commissioners? ok, great. next item, please, mr. secretary? what other commission business. does any commissioner happening in light of? >> hearing done, next item. >> the report of the general manager.
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" we have a quarterly financial report? -- >> we have the quarterly financial report? >> [inaudible] >> would you like to make a public comment? we called public comment a little while ago, but these come forward if you have something to say. sorry. >> i have a question about the report or gray water. i want to know if there is a manual in progress that is designed for indoor use of gray water. apparently there is a design manual for outdoor use. can someone answer that? >> yes, please. but paula? >> thank you.
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what i am the manager of water resources. we do not have a design for indoor use. we have a design manual for outdoor irrigation only. i am happy to share it up with you. >> indoor use is a much more involved process? >> yes. let's not in progress currently. >> thank you. >> other public comments on the general managers' report? sorry, on the communications? now we are moving to the quarterly financial report. >> good afternoon. i have four on each item with much of what you already heard. i would like to echo that with
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the update. slide number two in your packet , hold up on the screen, water use and sales continued to be lower than what was assumed in the budget with the retail sale use showing a slight uptick for additional volume. we have seen traffic surging between 4% and 5% at the airport. meaning more water usage and flushing of toilet. looking at the wholesale side of the business, we continue to see lower demands and deliveries. april, down 4.7%. continuing to meet $4.5 billion in budget and of wholesale revenue. overall waste water sources are under budget in both cases.
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savings offset the weakness in water, but i am wastewater is fully offset. the power enterprise, there has been specific news there. that is a program that is getting a lot less interest by the federal government, in particular the tax credit program we have used in the past. $12 million of selmer micro projects, the federal government has not issued applications for the 2011 series and it is a part of the president's proposed budget. as well as a potential concern from congress. we are increasingly concerned that that program might not exist in the future. this year they are $6 million weaker than we thought in the
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enterprise. the good news is that we have a lot of water coming down the hill. we are producing as much as we can in the current year. if i may just walk you through the break of water up line, we budgeted to use none of that water and wanted it on balance to have very strong coverage ratios and reserves for the rainy day. however, that meant that our demand for water had gotten much lower. we planned to end this year looking at their reserves in the water department, but by the time it came to review the first quarter update we have already started to see a significant amount of water revenue at $11 million. trends continued to go south by
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second quarter. we thought we would have $5.6 million in reserves. with the uptick in retail and expenditure savings, we have been able to score projected reserves at $11.5 million. slightly better in the water department. rejected by year end, particularly because of additional sales year, $82 million but offset that weakness in energy bonds. >> can you say that last part? l'express flight 3, comparing the second quarter versus the third quarter, you will see that there is a delta of about $2.6 million. i bow room in the commission that you assumed that when we came to talk to you after the second quarter report during the budget hearings.
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>> when you did the 10 year financial projection for our revenues, given the variability of that, but revenue no. did you put in there? average? >> for power revenue we assumed medium hydro. we always had the budget at the assumed level for the year. >> in actual years it will be more or less than that? >> yes. >> meaning that surpluses are not with a surplus? the intent is that surplus over time will offset. so, you cannot just say spend it. >> as of today, i cannot tell you anything extra but you have assumed in the budget. water and power is exactly as you assumed in march, the end of
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february, early march. >> with this additional potential loss? >> it will hurt more in the next two to 10 years that the federal government does not smile upon the body again. i do have a summary, i can show you what that looks like. >> it is not on slide four? >> it is slide 5. we show you the reserve requirements. we have a reserve policy adopted. it has three potential rates saying that we have reserved for the end of the year 60% of revenues and 15% of expenditures to protect against uncertainty there. or that we have a 1.25 debt service coverage that is
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exceeded. right now because of the leak in the water department in particular, you see that we no longer satisfy the top two triggers but we do comply with what continues to satisfied that coverage, albeit at lower levels. waste water is better as we had planned to have additional reserve buildup. we still continue to satisfy those measures at this time. this final slide is relieve the proposed budget update. we took that ending reserve balance at the end of the new budget year starting july 1. the mayor's office did do some additional changes and final balancing for the enterprise department. this is a summary of what happens. items in red are additional costs with lower revenues. for example, what was proposed
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as slightly higher city-wide obligations that is tracked and monitored by the comptroller. just our share of what the overheads are. cost technology allocations were updated. great with him to have lower revenues for the hospitals -- rates were assumed to have lower revenues for the hospitals. you can see the changes here are a relatively very small percentage. depending on how the federal government continues that program, we talked about the $6 million shortfall in the current year. because of the correct status of hedging our be had not assumed that we would continue to do those projects. listed here on twin peaks
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