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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2011 10:30am-11:00am PDT

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year, having talked to our congressional representatives, we are concerned about fiscal year 2012. this year, the cdbg budget was increased. the 62.5% cut proposed by congress would have brought it down to $1.5 million. in the last meeting with one of the minority staff representatives from the house, he did state that he sees that cdbg for fiscal year 2012 could be proposed to be reduced all the way down to $1.25 billion. while we did not get as drastic a cut as we had thought this year, it is still on the chopping block. it is still seen as a very vulnerable element. we are also in the difficult position of competing for other worthwhile elements. for example, the section 8 program is also under attack, so it will be a difficult balance
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hud to determine where to cut next year. overall, that is the portfolio we are asking you to go forward with. we plan to present this draft action plan on monday may 16. when we get the final numbers, we will ask you to comeback to the full board. we anticipate there will be virtually no change, but the full board vote, instead of going forward next week, will probably be at the end of may or early june when we get the official numbers. we are starting to work with our community based organizations as soon as possible so we can get them to contract by july 1. it is a tight time frame because of congress oppose the delay in the budget, but we want to make sure there are no service gaps. that is an overview of the process and what you have in front of you. i'm glad to answer any questions if you have any. supervisor chu: thank you.
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quick question with regards to the grants. you talked about this year the cuts were not as severe as originally was anticipated, but that in and out year, it could be reduced potentially even further. i just wonder what is the difference in your fiscal year? i know that our local fiscal year begins july 1. the federal fiscal year is different than ours. when you do these grants, what time is covered? >> what was just recently voted on in congress back in april was the final budget for congress's fiscal year 2011. their fiscal year 2011 budget is what binds us for our 2011-2012 budget. their fiscal year 2011-2012 budget, which they are beginning to discuss now, would be coming to us for services that would start on july 1, 2012. that is the calendar system. it is offset by a few months.
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supervisor chu: thank you. it looked like you had anticipated roughly about $18.6 million coming from cdbg funds, recruitment -- reprogramming previous year funds that were not extended, and then there was $1.53 million in program income. i'm not familiar with what that is. >> on the program income side, that is usually income that is generated from revenues from, for example, properties that are sold -- i actually have the list here. here we have program income generated from loan repayments, from the small business loan program, from loan repayments from economic development, programs that are administered through the redevelopment
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agency. for reprogram dollars, that $400,000-plus, from a combination of grants that for one reason or another do not actually come to fruition. for example in this past year, there was a capital grant for a grocery store in the tenderloin for $200,000 because they were not able to locate that site. we recapture those dollars and put them out again for the same program and wanted to make sure you have the opportunities to see how those dollars would be used. supervisor chu: thank you. why don't we go to public comment on this item? these three items do not have a budget analyst report associated with them. >> good morning, supervisors. i am program director at central city hospitality house. i wanted to ask for your support
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for the funding and also to thank you for the hospitality house. we provide our shelter program and our employment services are funded out of this funding, but more importantly than that, i wanted to ask your support for advocacy efforts for ongoing funding. it even this year we're having to make terrible cuts to programs that are highly performing. that is a pretty sad picture. i know in the past, the board has authorized a resolution for advocacy efforts, so i just asked various support of that as we move forward because they think that would be really important for next year. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker please. >> good morning, members of the board of supervisors. i am from asian-pacific islander legal outrage. i want to first acknowledge the moh staff and the citizens committee for their hard work. we know this is a financially challenging time, and we all
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have a difficult task in balancing the budget and retaining important services. while we would like to express our appreciation for restoring our funds, which would enable us to continue our services city- wide, specifically to the most marginalized population, we also want you to know that we could not do this without our partners such as asian women shelter, cameron house, self-help for elderly and many more groups. the word collaboration has been thrown around the city, that we need to collaborate. the fact of the matter is that true collaboration takes a lot of work and some of us have been doing this for the last 20 years, not because it is a trend, but because it is necessary and we cannot afford not to do so. we do not have the luxury to be specialists. we are challenged every day to figure out how to work within our means and how to do it effectively. that is the duty of the city. we need to remember that while we provide deliverable goals and
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measurable outcomes, and that is a visible and tangible consideration, our long standing collaboration built on trust and common interest for the well- being of the community and our clients. to that end, i would like to urge the city to demonstrate strong stewardship by continuing to seek and support and maintain efforts for those who have also been denied and to value holistic approach in making our community whole. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. i'm going to call the rest of the speaker cards, and i apologize in advance if i incorrectly stated -- say. [reading names] >> good morning, supervisors. this is to thank the mayor's
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office of housing, in particular, the group particularcdbg -- the group of cdbg, brian, and luisa, who had a difficult time this year. they reinstated some of our brands. i want to say that this is not a big amount. we are able not only to allow homeless people to contribute to the community but also be part of our neighborhood. and we need to really find to keep fully -- to keep hold the funds for next year. thank you. >> i am just filing a speaker card, so i do not know. good morning, members of the board of supervisors, there's office, and everybody in here. i worked in the community youth center as the project manager. i wanted to express my appreciation for the citizens advisory committee staff for
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really engaging the community and all the community-based organizations to really get their idea of what is important in terms of servicing our youth and families. i want to thank brian for his leadership. for all these years, he has been a community activist, putting community first. second, i want to really thank the department for understanding the needs for a population of traditional asian youth. their understanding of financial literacy and the importance of education in the future. on the other hand, it is also about the department's full understanding of the needs for the asian-pacific islander population, who are often an underserved population. there may be stereotyping that plays a part into the spending process, so i want to thank the
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department for their understanding. for us, it is definitely our transitional aged youth programs that have helped. also, with the expansion into the bay view, especially with the u.s. leadership and development program that will be starting in july, that is very important to us to have the leverage of funding to help us to promote racial harmony. when we in the city and state -- right now, sometimes our educational schools and institutions become pipelines for the prison complex, that is unacceptable. we need to start focusing on the future of our youth and put our money where our mouth is, so i want to thank you and urge the supervisors to support the recommendation from the committee. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker please. other members wish to speak on these items, please line up in the center aisle. >> good morning, supervisors.
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i am representing asian women's shelter. i want to express our deep gratitude to the mayor's office and housing for their partnership and for continuing to recognize and understand how important our services are for immigrant modeling will survivors of domestic violence and their children. we are happy to be recommended for funding after initially being cut. this funding streams are incredibly critical to supporting our shelter facility. we are also very relieved and happy that some of our partnering agencies have been recommended as well. we urge you to support these programs in their entirety. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker please. >> good morning, supervisors. our program of community services. we have been around for almost
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three years now, and we are the only african non-profit here in the city providing services to african immigrants, and i would like to take the opportunity to thank brian and all his staff for recommending us for the upcoming grant. we provide essential legal services right now because we believe that the immigration process starts with the quality. legal status. we have been so far trying to help all the africans, including also the african caribbean immigrants. in terms of integration and partnership, our first decision when we start it was to partner with community services, and i would like the opportunity to thank eric.
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our ambition is to expand and diversify our services. things like financial literacy. we mostly help people who have never had a bank account in their lives, and getting here and having to deal with credit cards and all kinds of financial issues is quite the challenge. we have the ambition of explaining our services, but right now, again, we would like to thank brian and all his staff and also ask for your support so that we can receive this grant. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. i also have two more speaker cards. >> good morning. iowa and the executive director of women's initiative for self employment. you may remember that we were given a certificate of recognition by supervisor campos at a recent board of supervisors meeting, but in case you are not familiar with our organization, i want to share a
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brief bit about what we do. we were founded 23 years ago to help low-income women start and expand their own businesses. we provide business management training, micro loans, and ongoing support in english and spanish. our 23 years of data show our programs are bringing women and families out of poverty and bringing job creation and economic development to our city. since our founding, we have served over 24,000 women, helping start up and expand thousands of businesses beating local economies in every one of our districts. you may recognize some of our graduates. the popular front porch restaurant in battle heights, urban bazaars, richie indiana foot in south of market, and ran box preschool -- the front porch restaurant in burn all heights -- arnold -- bernal heights. our recent graduates created 157
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jobs. our clients increase household income by 60% just one year after graduating on average. now, to the unfortunate news. women's initiative has received $100,000 each year from san francisco cdbg funds. we have consistently surpass the majority of our goals. despite the results and its incredible economic impact, we have been recommended for a bit the thousand dollars cut to our funding. this means we will not be able to hold two of our projected 12 classes in 2011 and 2012, and it just $4,000 per job created, our program is one of the most proven, economical, and effective ways to create jobs and spur economic activity in our city. i urge you to reconsider the recommendation. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning, supervisors. san francisco domestic violence consortium. we want to thank brian and the
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mayor's office on housing for recognizing the needs of battered women and their children in san francisco. domestic violence is the second leading cause of homelessness among women and children in san francisco and beyond, and we appreciate prioritizing this population. i know it was a tough decision this year. we will do everything we can to try to solidify funding as we move forward, but this year is so very dire because as our city is suffering, our mothers and children are suffering. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> we are entering our 38 year in providing free legal services to the very low income immigrant latinos, the modeling will spanish-speaking community, and we understand these cuts were difficult, and we appreciate the well thought out plan for this, and we appreciate we will continue to receive funding. has been cut every year, and it will be difficult this year, so
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we urge the finance committee to look at city funding of all the cuts and possible revenue- generating possibilities. right now, i think every agency is facing the same thing. it is a lot for each agency. right now, we provide safety nets so that people receive their wages. a lot of our restaurant workers, hotel workers, domestic labor, the day laborers, domestic workers, make sure they get their pay so they can pay their rent. we work with the elderly to make sure they receive their benefits. these free legal services are in dire need to the community, and we hope you will look at ways to make sure that our agency by far can continue to provide that safety net for the community. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. >> good morning. founder and director of [inaudible] i am here to express my appreciation for the grant from the mayor's office of housing
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community development division, which supports our after-school program for high risk youth in a college pathway. our program is a local san francisco digital media skilled and training program for young people to gain skills in multimedia production and filmmaking. our mission is to build productive and -- productive community members in san francisco. this support is so important to us because many of our young people do not have educational opportunities that are bridging from high school to college, and this grant specifically supports our college pathway component, which helps young people who reside in the mission district, in the bay view, sunnyvale, the war, western addition, excelsior, and, yes, all of
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those. the opportunities to go to san francisco state and support to go to city college. we are so appreciative of this grant, and it supports our young people in their efforts to improve their lives when many other opportunities are not available to them. thank you so much. supervisor chu: thank you. >> thank you, supervisors. i am here to speak on behalf of our economic development program to received three grants funded through cdbg funds. i want to say i really appreciate the incredible care with which each of the department has approached the challenging situation, and the incredible work on the part of the citizens committee. i really feel like there was a deep level of commitment to looking at what services need to
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be funded and how to try to keep communities fall, and i want to speak to the integrity of the process. i think that we are a unique program in that we're the only economic development programs serving the lgbt community. any% of our clients have not accessed services through other city-funded programs, so we really reached a unique demographic. we also want to speak to the issue of the myth of lgbt affluence. there is a sense that the community is one of economic privilege when we are not. we largely reflect the world around us and have specific barriers to economic success, including employment, education, lack of access to family support, discrimination areas of housing, many intercepting barriers that particularly impact members of our community. so our program has really been
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developed to speak to the specific needs of that. we are really pleased to be working for the work force development and our home buyer's program, which is new and growing, and we received strong support from the mayor's office of housing with a program. we are looking at a pretty significant cut of 60% of our economic development program, so she is going to speak a little bit more to that program. >> thank you. i am director of economic development at the lgbt center, and i want to start with the same thank you for the process. i know there have been difficult decisions made about what to do in an arena of increased need and reduced funding. to that end, i would like to ask you to think about the significance that we have been able to have on the ground already in doing business
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development and providing services to micro enterprises and small enterprises in san francisco. we provide services primarily to folks who are lgbt, but we have also the doing a program that works in the retail corridors of the city. through both of these programs, i am excited to say that we have been able to create a lot of pathways for people from unemployment or from businesses that are underperforming or people who have ideas to people who are actually self-employed, hiring other folks in the community and being able to be leaders among small businesses in the small business community. i implore you to think about the and the importance. rebecca mentioned it, and i'm sure most of this room understands that the lgbt community is not one that is
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best described as well the overall. in fact, that this is a community where there is often significant need. 7% of folks that are transgendered are unemployed. the% live below the poverty line. this is an important group, an important set of programs to be able to support, so thank you for your commitment to seeing this process through. i would love to see that there is an increase of funding to our development services as a result of this process. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. and my final speaker card for this topic. go ahead. >> i am the director of vouchers, and i was also going to speak for treasure island, which i will later on, but i wanted to mention that we receive money for the community development block grant. it is a little cut, but we are very grateful. i do not know if this board is aware that they fund -- that money that is funded helps
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veterans with benefit claims and other -- veterans who have less than honorable discharges with that paper. i think it is the only city in the county, in the country that funds that kind of services for veterans benefits. it is very unique, and veterans desperately need to have their claims represented because it makes a difference between life and death. very recently, like yesterday, the ninth district court of appeals issued a very powerful opinion about veterans having their constitutional rights, having due process and a right to have lawyers represent their claims before the va. it is very significant and happen in our backyard, but i want to again thank the city of san francisco for being so progressive in recognizing the needs of veterans. thanks. supervisor chu: thank you. >> good morning. i am here to speak on behalf of the children and youth and
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families and small businesses that we represent. your funding was not recommended this year, although it has been since 1984. we are over performers, and most of our goals and needs -- we're working actively with families to help develop businesses in the community and support our children. the work that we do is prevent it in terms of what is going to happen -- preventive in terms of what is going to happen to our children in the future. we hope you will reconsider your decision. last year, we supported 20 different small businesses in their opening and becoming viable support to our economy and our city and our community. we are doing that same work now. with your funding, we have been able to do this work, and we hope that we will be able to do it again in the future. i asked you to reconsider your decision. thank you for your time. supervisor chu: thank you.
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>> supervisors, i am here to represent an organization. one of the 227 survivors accessing our support services last year told us, but what what what i have done? you made me say. you gave me back my dignity and my life." is on her behalf and the remaining women and children we serve that we like to thank the mayor's office of housing for recommending the emergency shelter grant program and community development block grant program funds this year. those funds were initially not recommended, but they are critical in providing a safety net for domestic violence victims in san francisco. some of san francisco's most vulnerable residents. the center serves residents from across the city, and the $50,000 award that we receive and have received supports crisis intervention, tree out, and support services for more than 75 women, teenagers, and
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children each year. the capacity of our city and a strong evidence of all of our abilities -- the capacity of our city and its ability to thrive depends on all of our abilities -- excuse me. thank you very much. supervisor chu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> i am the director of the
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filipino community center. i'm here today to express appreciation for the funding we did receive through the block grant program, particularly our work in the excelsior neighborhood, serving over 15,000 filipinos, documented and undocumented. in the last year, we have seen a huge increase in the number of people who need our services. being able to come to a place that is centrally located in the community with a lit where we have been able to put people to work, help people find housing, address their needs around immigration and domestic violence, and this is because of our ability to provide culturally competent and neighborhood-based services. we know this is a difficult time and have had to readjust our programs and focus on the core strategies that are most in need in our community. while we have in the past increase resources around a point of support services, we are refocusing our program to address that difficult need in these difficult economic times. because of the funding decrease
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from the federal level, we're doing what we can to support increased funding from that level and doing advocacy work to make sure that these resources are available to all cities but particularly our communities in san francisco, and we hope the community will continue to invest, specifically in culturally competent and neighborhood-based services, because of the ability of these organizations to provide direct services that access the communities that need it the most. so thank you very much. supervisor chu: thank you very much. are there any other speakers who wish to comment on these items? these are items four, five, and 6. seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor mirkarimi: motion to accept with a recommendation. supervisor chu: we have a motion to send the items forward with recommendations. before we do, supervisor kim? supervisor kim: