tv [untitled] May 14, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm PDT
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>> good morning. this item we are adding for authorization to apply for a state park grant program. it was authorized under prop 84 and they have recently begun a solicitation process. these are due april 1. we're looking for a 2 $5 million for a grant for the city parks, a rooftop park. the approval authorization is attached to your item. >> is there a motion to approve the resolution? >> second. >> all those in favor? opposed? passes unanimously. >> item 11 has passed without any members of the public wishing to address you. item 12. annual review of board policy no. 009, investment policy, and approval of minor changes to the policy. >> sarah will be reporting on
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this one. >> under our investment policy, you are required to review the policy every year. we are proposing just minor changes for your review this year. our investment policy continues to have the same three objectives that any governmental investment policy should have. first and foremost, safety of the principal. and then liquidity, access to the funds, in order to pay the contractor is when we need to pay them, yields being a less important of the three objectives. very minor changes in this version of the policy are to remove references from a staff position that we no longer have and to remove references where we discuss what we do in practice. practices may change over time and we will report to you what our investment practices are. we do come to you on a quarterly
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basis with our investment report and our practice right now is to hold our cash for short-term obligations and our u.s. bank checking account and to hold the balance in the city and county equity treasurers' polol which gives us diversification and access to the funds on a very short notice basis, without having to actively manage the investment ourselves. happy to answer any questions. >> are there any questions? is there a motion to approve the review with the minor changes? all those in favor? opposed? passes unanimously. >> item 12 is approved without any members of the public wishing to address you. item 13. approving the updated initial project report dated may 12, 2011 and authorizing the executive director to modify the ab 1171 cooperative agreement with the metropolitan transportation commission as necessary, for the rescission of ab 1171 bridge toll funds in the amount of $76,024,000. >> in
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this item we have is a rescission of 7 $6 million from the $134 million that was allocated to us in june. that was an allegation by mtc to allow us to move forward with our project in august to authorize contracts at that time. this was before we knew we would have the brand in place. at that time, when the authorized that amount of funding, we did say that they would come back with a recision based on the $400 million, when we received it, identification of eligible expenditures and what not. that point has come when we have actually done so. the grant is in place. we have identified those costs
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that are eligible. so we have -- mtc has asked us to ask the board to revise the initial product report to resend the funds. we will able to go back to the mtc for the balance of those funds, the 7 $6 million available to us, and we plan to do that in 18 months. we will be speak -- seeking reallocation of those funds. >> are there any questions? is there a motion to approve the updated project report and to authorize the executive director to authorize changes to ab1771? approved. all those in favor? opposed? passes unanimously. >> item 13 has been approved without any member of the public wishing to address you on that item. you are scheduled to go into closed session at this point on the calendar. i have not received any
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although it is not my first. it is my first. we have done as before. i want to firsp everybody here at the disaster council for being great partners, a great department heads, great supervisors as well. we have been through a number of growth this month, and certainly all of us have been together, talking to all of you at different levels for the disaster in japan. we will begin with a very quick moment of silence. the lives that are still hanging and the ones that have been lost, how we can learn from the extraordinary tragedy and be better ourselves.
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if we can take half a minute to respect those that have passed away. thank you very much. that was my very first formal disaster as mayor. i had a chance to beat in the sea, if you will. i sought -- saw the immediate response. our assessment team, all of us that were there making assessments as an affirmation came, i think all of us responded very well and try to do what i've vented the most difficult thing to do even in meeting with the supervisors, trying to anticipate the worst scenario.
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we can provide information on dates and uncover things as they unfold. that can turn to the public. the number one challenge with the public is how to keep calm and keep the facts of their -- out there. that might guide all of us. i met with mayor chuck reed to begin a process of and durability. 106 -- interoperability. 10 cities will join in the creation of a 700 mhz and t
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interoperability communications selected with motorola. we are already into site selections and assessment for the bay area. that will be the foundation which we will build abilities to move quicker, share information, respond, and recover faster. as you know, monday, and all of you are welcome at 4:45 to be at the fountain with the chief and die and others. four-o'clock 40 5:00 a.m.. -- 4:45 a.m. don't be late.
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this will be part of the city, being better prepared. i cannot think of a better way to honor those in the past. we can get updates about where everything is act and to make sure that we continue doing better than the last time we were here. we celebrated the kickoff of a very important program that was headed by american red cross. there were the ready neighborhoods program. all of us were there this afternoon.
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i was joined by a board president chiu. it was equally important that we build capacity. obviously, a is a number one priority. also have an aggressive abilities to create foundations. it is even more valuable to the bay area and to the nation that we recover quickly. the only way you do that is to build foundations whether it is safer buildings, whether it is ability to clear roads faster, had i think the confidence and the ongoing training, that is
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where the american red cross becomes our experts. that is where the network is unfolding and the trust in government gets repeated over and over again. that is why i think the readmission is so critical. to allow our departments to continue making strong connections to our neighborhood and everything you do. we also have another celebration this weekend, and public safety telecommunications week. that is to not only thank but reinforce the 911 system. for the tsunami day, really go up to the top of the streets and
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shook the hands of every operator there. and make sure that we are working very closely. they have been quite an important resource for us. you can tell how professional they are in carrying out their duties and jobs. i want to celebrate the communications we by making sure that we embrace 911. and that is just important. we will have our largest annual -- large annual nert drill. that will take place at the john o'connell high school. with that, we have a pretty solid agenda to get updated.
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>> this is my first meeting in this role. i have been to the disaster council for many years with a different hat on. i welcome you today as well. it has been public safety and national communicator's week. the dispatcher of the year, i think it was really a nice event. we honor it to young people, a 10-year-old and 11-year-old that called 911 and save their mother's life. it was an emotional and beautiful ceremony. we honored of the dispatchers and the kids that new to call
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911. that is an education that we want to continue. and really forging that partnership with the news. you all are invited to join us at 4:045 in the morning. sunday, and there will be a pretty exciting event in chinatown. this has a very special place in my heart. i was the chair of the task force for the board of supervisors since its inception. i think we have come a long way.
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that is one more way that we will be able to really push that prepared this message down to the community level. i hope it has become a model for other neighborhoods. the lifeline's council that is happening this week, the bay area earthquake alliance meeting coming up. in other updates, most of you know laura phillips that has been the general manager since 2008, she announced that she is retiring. today is her last day on the job. i know everyone wishes her well under her leadership. we had made great strides in regional preparedness. we will continue to do that. all of the counties surrounding us to insure them that that
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spirit of cooperation will continue and we are invested with working closely together. i will be sitting over in her office until we can figure out the next general manager. finally, lots of things are in the works right now. if we move forward, the goal of the city of san francisco and the department of emergency management is that we are able to communicate with one another. our public safety agencies to be able to talk back and forth.
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that is one of the main goals, to have a national network. we will make sure that we are at the forefront of that and we can make that happen. that concludes my remarks. s -- are there any public comments? i will turn that over to where he will talk about some of the tfdw the department of emergency management. >> please see my name on the next 3 items. we have a lot of other people that were involved in this. they will try man. i will also advise members of the disaster council to share your thoughts and tried to capture that.
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what works as far as the phase of growth in the city hall is that we have a lessons learned points. there were lots of improvements that we needed to make. we have come a really long way. we are not anywhere near perfect, but we have come a long way. we are at a point where understanding what we're doing and how we work is really important to understand how to use these tools more often and learn from activation. things will always go well, but the only way we're going to make those improvements is the talk about them and discuss how we're going to change things going forward. we have good examples of how to engage in that process. will talk a little bit about new year's eve. this is in line with something we started a year ago for a
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year-and-a-half ago. these are opportunities to pull everybody together and run them like we are from any other emergency. there is a lot of people involved. you never know what is going to happen. what is normally a routine thing, people get together for a couple of hours, it gets busy until the bars close. we see this all the time. things did not go as planned. there is a large fire that resulted in the shelter operation. you never know what is going to happen, and it helps facilitate the management of those events. for that, i will ask the emergency services manager to give us an overview of the night.
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>> new year's eve began with the entire internet and city network down. just a glitch from the city system. we got a dramatic rise of calls for emergency medical services. we took 350 calls that night. on just how the mass. there were a couple thousand calls. 350 calls is phenomenal. with the staffing of 14 people, it was overwhelming. we have the fire at the edge of chinatown and north beach. which, by the way, and generated transports.
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we had a surge of calls. when we examine the data for those calls and went back and reviewed a sample that every paramedic completes, 70% of them are alcohol-related. comments from the commanders on the scene that night, it was anecdotally that they had just never seen so many young people in their 20s, mostly women, that were drunk.
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it goes to two kinds of permits, you get to do the facility like hospitals and the home. your response to the scene of 911 calls. you can come and transport non life-threatening cases to the hospital. it would not appear to be life- threatening. at 2:30 in the morning, we had 33 code three calls. that is red light siren and potentially life-threatening. most of them turned out not to be, but we have no way of knowing until we get there. there of the 450 calls for medical care. we called our brothers and sisters and for the first time that we know of, activated a
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mutual aid system. they sent us a strike team. they throw -- and only to them an hour, and they handled a bunch of calls for us until things did not calm down until about 530 in the morning. it was a combination of some and a call and a three-hour. -- in a three-hour period. we did get them all in, to our knowledge, there were no adverse patient outcomes. no one is much worse off than they would have been. it is tough to think of having 33 code 3 calls. the debrief will lead to the next case. >> we want to open in the to the
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agency and the red cross and, maybe share the experience around lansing the shelter operation. >> we had the three alarm fire at montgomery street. 17 units displaced total of about 71 people. the entire population, we lucked out on a couple of things, one was that there is a club or right around the corner. we're able to set up the red cross in the immediate evacuation centers. someplace where they were warhol. we were able, through the good work, unable to open up the new
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rec center. it is fulsome and the red cross and called out all of our partners. at 2:00 in the morning on new year's eve, it is really hard to find people that wants to come to work. the red cross is able to get staff there, we ran that shelter. there were hotels in the chinatown, north beach neighborhood. now the building is under construction and working very closely with the property owner to get it back on line.
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it exists, and it is good to have the leadership. >> we have started this collaborative problem solving. we're starting to apply that at a lower and lower threshold. we have grown a lot of the community. it is all of this, it is all of our partners at the table here. if you could share recent example of how this has, all the way around? >> last week it tested and also demonstrated the importance of the collaboration. some of the collaborators included
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