tv [untitled] May 16, 2011 5:30am-6:00am PDT
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property. >> yes. chairperson nolan: is it all on the price, or is there something else? >> it is essentially about price. we have submitted an appraisal and a re-appraisal of the property. we are working with the city attorney's office. we have filed the necessary condemnation proceeding to advance it to this point. it is simply a matter of agreeing to the amount or value of the property. chairperson nolan: any sense of how long that would delay this part of this? >> the proceedings are currently on track. we have anticipated this difficulty of negotiation in our program schedule. we have ample time to acquire the property and essentially obtain a right of entry that will keep the program on schedule. i was just everything the body that the negotiations have not been as smooth as we would have liked.
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we may have to proceed down the legal path. chairperson nolan: thank you very much. executive director ford: let's move onto the next project, the church and duboce project. >> my name is ying-ming gu. i am the project manager for church and duboce road station projects. i am here to give you an overview and update. the project limit includes developing the avenue between noe street and church street, and between duboce and market street, including the crossing on market street. as you know, this corridor is very busy. it is a major thoroughfare for j line, n line, and number 22, n
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line the in the busiest liner system. -- line in our system. the collaborative effort has started in early 2008. representatives from the china could neighborhood association and upper market cbd and other advocates such as what some francisco and the bicycle coalition were invited to a monthly coordination meeting, working with the city planning division, the san francisco arts commission, sfpuc, mta, and other staff. this meeting is still ongoing. it will continue to the construction phase. the community outreach meeting is going to be held this coming
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thursday, some good tamayo, may 5. -- cinco de mayo. the goal is to make sure the community vision plan better serves the needs of the bicycles and transit users, the city better street plan, and the transit first policy. i think we are doing a pretty good job. hopefully the neighbors and the communities are happy with the end result. i will show you some renderings being developed in cooperation with dpna. one of the consultants' work with us and provided -- worked with us and provided engineering service to provide the
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renderings. the top picture shows the existing condition of the noe street service station. the bottom shows the renderings of what it is going to look like. right now, it can only fit a one-car train. we are going to put some planters and benches on the board and island to provide additional seating. that is one of their requests from the community, that there is a lack of seating at the boarding island. the will be trees to line up with the noe street trees. you can see a decorative guardrail is going to be placed there as well. this is the existing intersection at duboce, sanchez, and steiner. part of the goal is to calm the traffic at that intersection.
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this is the community. a reworked -- we worked on the intersection to calm the traffic and provide additional areas for pedestrians to sit and walk, and shorten the crosswalk as well at that intersection. this is a very interesting picture that was taken yesterday at the intersection of church and duboce. you can see the street car is still an old streetcar, and there is still parking on the north side, between fillmore and church. this is the existing condition. you see the same wording island and more people waiting at the boarding island. this is going to be what it is going to look like. we widened the boarding island
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and installed the new muni shelters. also, we closed the traffic lane on the north side of duboce between fillmore and church to make it a by-only line. it will be painted green. i think a lot of people were happy about it. we are trying to make it a transit hub to make it friendly to all the users at that intersection. i am going to give you a very brief overview of the funding plan. the majority of the work is funded by fta, 80%, with 20% of a proper -- prop k match and the prop k pedestrian program. we are glad that could pitch in
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some money to replace the existing overhead lighting with decorative lighting fixtures. also, by the way, dpw and puc joined us as part of this contract to minimize interruption to the neighborhood. they have worked this contract into the scope. they are good to be replacing and improving the water system. the total budget of this whole program is about $32 million. the project schedule -- we are already out in construction. the notice to proceed with the contractor was issued last month. the first phase of the construction, which is utility works, will start in june of 2011, this year. the first track work on church street will begin in september of this year.
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it is probably going to take about 14 months to complete the whole construction phase. that concludes my presentation. chairperson nolan: members of the board? director brinkman: think you for all of this. this is my neighborhood. i have been involved in this quite a bit. this neighborhood does have very involved neighborhood groups and merchant associations. i know they were thrilled with the feedback and participatory process the invasion. i hope it was as valuable on your end. >> it is very valuable. i would like to think the community members for being so supportive and being so patient with us, and working with us on solutions instead of just complaining. there were very good, very refreshing. they provided a great service to our design. director brinkman: it looks like it is going to be a great project.
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i do have a concern for other neighborhoods that do not have such involved community groups. this neighborhood is amazing. four other neighborhoods that don't have this, i hope we can take this and it somehow use it to get other neighborhoods involved when we have large projects. so many things ended up coming out of this that we would not have come forward otherwise -- the sidewalks, the decorative railings. the ad so much to the project. it is going to change the neighborhood. really appreciate the work. >> thank you for your comments. director heinicke: this is more of an operations question and a capital question, but that is a transportation hub. you have 2 the wall major light rail lines, and also -- you have two major light rail lines. what is the impact going to be? is it going to be limited to
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weekend disruptions? how are we mitigating the operational impact of a long project at a major corner? >> we have actually worked extensively with our operation folks to figure out the minimal impact to service. the majority of the work will be done on weekends. the only work we cannot really finish in one weekend is the intersection at church and duboce. that will take at least 10 straight days. i think rerouting the number 22 is a challenge. we are working on that. the n line, we are planning on buses for the entire line. director heinicke: and local service would be supplemented. but other than a 10-day disruption. there will be serviced on -- there will be service interruption on weekends? executive director ford: at the
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right time, we will come back to you with an operational muni service plan. director heinicke: you did a wonderful job with san francisco. i would urge you to follow that model. i did wanted to make sure we were dealing with a limited interaction window. executive director ford: we are getting a lot of practice at this. the next presentation will be regarding islais creek motor coach facility. chairperson nolan: vice chair lee had some concerns. vice chairperson lee: there was initial presentation given when chairman beach was chairing that. there was talk about relocating kirkland, but there was never a formal analysis or plan, or the cost impact. looking at the packet again, i still don't see that being addressed.
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executive director ford: what we plan on bringing to the entire board is a strategic look at the entire mta as it relates to real estate, property, and facilities, looking at our 20- year plan in terms of rider ship, fleet management, and so on. we are not actively discussing any sale or development of the kirkland property. as we know things now, what we clearly see in terms of limitation on storage or vehicles going into the future, which can ill afford to talk about any facility being let go at this. we wanted to bring a package discussion that not only included kirkland -- it is
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oversubscribed. it costs in terms of maintenance. it is the right thing to do. we have to determine what to do going forward. >> a good afternoon, chairman nolan. i am here to give you an update on where we stand. in front of you, the yellow line indicates the project area. as you could see, it is bordered on the north by cesar chavez and on the west by the 280 freeway off for a period this project's 5 -- the primary goal is to
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construct what facilities. about seven + 5 acres -- 7.5 acres. with a piece of public art, the historic nature of the industry. here we have a view of the facility. the areas that will be built will be highlighted. and they are primarily the paving area. and again, the shoreline improvement in the public arts structure. back in october, we advertise the project. it was awarded by this board.
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it is currently under construction. currently, we're continuing the community outreach efforts. we are working with our operations grew hot to figure out what we need to relocate the people and vehicles over to the creek. once construction has finished, we ensure that anything they need is provided to them. from here on is to complete construction as quickly as possible home. the project schedule in front of you, must never thought there has happened except for a substantial completion of the project.
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in the current project budget is about $40.5 million. in his broken out just under $25 million seventh-half record contract. $4 million is being held in reserve because we're still negotiating which of the property of the freeway for the purchase of one parcel. this was phase one of the project. all the funding that was needed
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to, these too will construct 65,000 square foot operations and maintenance building as well as trading rooms, offices, lunch and locker rooms. the new facility will be located at the southeast corner of the property and is highlighted in the site plan. and who have secured a $35 million of federal funds to restart work on phase two. and who have a partial design that was started a number of years ago. the next steps in this project, we're working closely with our maintenance operations people to
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make sure that the current design that we have will meet their needs since technology has changed considerably in the last six to seven years. that is when the design was started as was making sure that the current design meets all the relevant building codes that they have changed over the years. once we have established the parameters, design work will begin to bring it up to current code. it will construct the new buildings. the federal money will arrive in june. it will be set up and ready to go. we can begin work immediately. our schedule is to complete the design in december of 2012. in begin construction by fall of 2013.
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the substantial completion of 2015. if you have any questions, i would be happy to answer them. director nolan: members of the board? questions or comments? very good. did you want to speak to us? >> geithner don't have anyone to turn in speaker cards. -- we do not have anyone to turn in speaker cards. >> i think this is a big albatross around the neck of the agency. it is not a popular view, but it is my considered view. their questions that the board should ask, given the number of vehicles that exist, if that is not going to increase with the central subway in operation, what is the proposed allocation of the vehicles and how that
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impact the availability for the other lines? if we are not getting more cars and there are more miles to operate, how will serve as the constraint? as with respect to subway. it is important to where there is a switch back whether it is still more or the reservoir that they be a certain distance from the next switch at the intersection. a that we are very constrained because it is so close to the turn to west portal. i would hope there is careful consideration to the spacing in between the church switches and those crossovers and with respect to the creek, the vice- chairman referenced some of this.
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the relationship is critical. my understanding is that we have maxed out hall of the options for the fuel tanks and that we have some huge plume under there. i don't know all of the details, but there is some big of happiness. and at some point, we will no longer be able to use and those tanks. i may be wrong, that is what i understood. if there is a point in time where they are not observable, we need to have a plan for that. finally, there is an increased costs. it would be good to know what that is relative to kirkland. >> those are some questions to ask. >> the point that he made a, i assume it was done the way it was because before we voted to name the area, going forward,
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everything will reflect that? anything else? >> item 15 is a presentation and discussion regarding graffiti abatement. >> as anyone who travels the city knows, it is a challenge for the agency. we spend a great deal of resources and effort trying to keep the fleet in good repair. in general, graffiti is a problem. this will give you an idea of what is being done. had the impact the graffiti has on the system. i like to call our director of transition that will give a report.
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>> a couple of points to make as he raised the issue on what the impact of graffiti at a previous meeting. in terms of an introduction, i would want to make three points. this is a serious and onerous problem for the agency of in terms of cost, the diversion of resources from other critical functions. it remains a major problem not just for us, but secondly, at
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the same time, we have had some success for we have reported major incidents of graffiti to the use of the following a police resources and also through the use of video. from an enforcement standpoint, we have had some discussions. if you're going to make a significant road into the problem, we need a major attitude change. it will not deceive those of us at the mta, but the willingness to accept graffiti at any point. in terms of the overall -- and bear with me. 1100 instances of graffiti each week. it occurs throughout the system,
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and the number of incidents are both growing, and in terms of the sophistication and challenges that the people who are practicing this are going as well, both in terms of where and when they do it as well as employment and tools that will talk more about. it is a 1100 incidents a week on the vehicles. this is a symbol not meant to shock you, but this is typical of what we are dealing with. the impact of this is dramatic and both in terms of these vehicles. they had to be held out of service for a while, but also in terms of the perception of how the writers feel on the system and the comfort level with what is going on. again, these are a little
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extreme, perhaps, but they are symbolic of what we are dealing with. i apologize for the quality of this, but of the incidents that we have, the more serious ones represent a small percentage that get reported to the police. they charge a redeployment. the map shows through the use of evidence, this is where this is occurring. when police get involved, where arrests are made. that has been significant progress there. with put together cooperation from the district attorney. the, the court in the last several months for times. three of them are in juvenile
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court. another is in superior court. we have restitution in all four cases. what we have gotten cumulatively about the $5,000 which i think is important to set the tone that we're going after. the point that i want to make here, and this gets to the issue where there is more serious damage and is getting reports of the police on a timely basis, we have had success in attracting folks down. at the same time, on the enforcement side, we're going after graffiti. no matter what the cause, we are diverting our cleaning resources in those ways the sea in the station and the facility side as well. what i said before, that the challenges are growing here in terms of this, you have a number
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of graffiti websites that are now published the people go to allow you to purchase sophisticated equipment such as glass etching equipment, hardest brushes the ec. that is what you see on some of the windows of the cars. some of these website to glorify graffiti and despite the questions regarding oversight and the difference between graffiti and vandalism, and continues to offer these kinds of tools have wholesale prices to continue to perpetuate the industry. we continue to push to keep the system clean. this is a direct cost for us. the cost of resources, holocaust over time. this is a serious problem. they were just given some cattle or presentations.
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it is the kind of level of effort that we have to devote to catch up after this. the problem for us is that we're going after after these instances are occurring. again, to reinforce what we talked about earlier, we are taking an aggressive approach from an enforcement standpoint. the graffiti line is picking up about 30 calls a week right now. that is where you can either call or text in person to report graffiti and progress. i also want to say that the on board video is working. it has been a very valuable tool. will get to the recommendation in a moment. despite these efforts, we have tremendous cooperation from the task force and various groups of people to
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