tv [untitled] May 26, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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approved a program funded a contract, the calaveras dam replacement project, a joint venture to construct a new earth and rock fill dam to replace existing calaveras dam in alameda county and perform project-related work in santa clara county. >> commissioners, and julie -- i am julie labonte. sometimes we get complacent, and we get a lot of approvals, but it is good to sit back. but we were very pleased with receiving five bids on this key projects. the lowest bid turned out to be responsible responsive, and we are pleased to secure approval for the award of this critical contract. i would also like to point out by the way that the winning bidder did commit to a
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participation of almost 7%, which was higher than the goal, which was 5%, so i think this shows a good favor. >> do you have a specific question? or would you like me to take you through a general overview? do you have a specific question on the process, or would you like -- newmont -- commissioner caen: just to read it through it. >> to be able to complete the work. the apparent low bidder did not submit or we did not find when
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we went back and look at the documentation that affidavit. the city attorney's office reviewed all of the documents and the specifications as well as the law on the matter, and they deemed that it goes towards its responsibility to perform its work, not its response of was, so we deemed the protest without merit. vice president moran: commissioners? any of the questions? public comments? >> a great project. so please do got here. kudos to your staff -- so pleased it got here. vice president moran: thank you. commissioner caen: i would like
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to make the suggestion that we add something to the resolution, and this goes back to my desire for more storage. when this project first came to was, which was in the year 2000 perhaps, i wanted the dam taller, of course, and under the description of scope of work, it is stated, number one, that the design that could accommodate its enlargement but future generations -- i would like that wording put in the resolution because the scope of work can change, and i want to make sure that this is constructed so we can make it larger in the future if need be, so i would like to add in the last result where it says "approved plans and specifications which
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includes a designs that could accommodate potential enlargement by future generations." vice president moran: ok. we have a motion and a second. any discussion on the commission? any public testimony? [laughter] any other public testimony? ok, i have a motion and a second. all of those in favor the motion carries. a contract for a little over quarter of $1 billion. secretary housh: mr. president, perhaps the next two items --
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wait a minute. i have lost myself in the agenda here. vice president moran: mr. secretary, let's just do them one at a time. secretary housh: i know of 13, -- i the number 13, discussion possible action to approve additional increases to the cost and schedule contract contingencies in the amount of $339,000 for a total amount of almost $3.50 million and 705 consecutive calendar days. vice president moran: commissioners, we have the package in front of us. would you like to have the presentation, or do you have
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specific questions could ok, then if i could have a motion? moved and seconded. is there any public comment. secretary housh: we have no speaker cards. vice president moran: ok, the motion carries. secretary housh: the next item would be item number 14, the discussion possible action to approve increases to the existing contract cost and schedule for water and a prize, water system improvement program hh-935a, and to authorize the general manager to consider it is appropriate to approve my invitations to the contract amount and duration for a total of over $16.50 million in 621
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consecutive calendar days. vice president moran: ok, do we have questions, or would we like the presentation, or should we vote could -- we vote? do we have a motion? at a second? is there any public comment. -- and a second? is there any public comment? secretary housh: we have no speaker cards. vice president moran: the motion carries. secretary housh: i no. 15, the discussion possible action to
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approve modification number 92 water enterprises, water system and prevent program funded contract number with a time extension greather than 10% of the original contract duration. vice president moran: 80. commissioners? any questions? -- thank you. to what have a motion? -- do i have a motion? commissioner caen: second. vice president moran: a motion and a second. secretary housh: we have no speaker cards. vice president moran: all of those do we have anything for
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closed session? secretary housh: i do not believe we have any, so if you wish, we can take that off of the calendar. then we can move to additional new business, item 21. vice president moran: ok, commissioners, is there any new business? hearing none, do i have a motion to adjourn? commissioner: adjourned. commissioner caen: seconds. vice president moran: all of those in favor? the motion carries. secretary housh: we are adjourned.
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for the san francisco art commission. it is my pleasure to welcome you and the artists, the community partners, the vendors, and folks in san francisco for this launch. [applause] i want to start by thanking -- we had a long list because this has been a great production, so you have to bear with me. we want to start by thanking the john's brothers piano company -- the johns brothers piano company. we want to thank the d.c. piano company from berkeley for providing the piano for tonight's launch. [applause] last year, we got a fabulous grant to help make a really significant investment throughout the year, and we launched what is called the artery project. it is a pun for all the different ways that market
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street works for us. it is a major summer program for the city, and at the same time, we have been using the arts to reinvigorate and reconnect people with this fabulous commercial and civic thoroughfare, so the artery project launched this year. today's are in store fronts is part of that initiative -- art in storefronts is part of that initiative. i hope you all picked up one of these fabulous programs that were printed up today because it gives you a map. it also gives you coupons and identifies all of the artists participating in the artery project and the art in store front program, and i want to thank "the examiner" for printing this up and
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distributing it to the entire city today. [applause] we have some great partners in the artery project. we are standing here in front of the new home of the home for the arts -- the home of the arts gallery. plaza -- [applause] they have been fabulous partners with us throughout the whole artery project. tonight, there's a recession and an opening, and we encourage you to visit and sit down with them -- there's a recession and an opening. down at the plaza, you can see two magnificent sculptures. [applause] while you dance with the space cowboy dj collective. [applause] so there is an incentive to work our way down market street
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today. some of the local merchants are staying open late for this lot and programming in there were, or they are offering coupons, which you will find in your program today. this year, rickshaw is a san francisco company creating art in storefronts bags. [applause] one of our artists whose work is directly across over there. these bags are available for sale for $100, but we have 10 to raffle off today. sari, one of these today. [laughter] -- sorry, one of these today.
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[laughter] we are sliding back on our promises today. i know you can go online and in some additional bags -- win some additional bags. you have to take a photograph of an art in storefront side, uploaded to twitter or flickr or facebook and enter to get one of these custom bags. somebody had a clipboard around here. where is the clipboard? ok, there is the clipboard over there. it is going to be circulating around, and mayor ed lee is going to pick the first winner of this bag. before i introduce our
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distinguished elected official, we have a number of bank used -- thank-yous we want to share with you. revitalizing the neighborhood requires the efforts of a whole big village. so we have got david adderfield, byron yee, mark casagrande, and i would like to ask you all to join me in thanking them for their support of art in storefronts. [applause] today, we have to thank as well the artists who were selected to be part of this program. i want to read their names and
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ask you all to collectively acknowledge them. [reading names] [applause] let's give them all a big round of applause. [applause] you know, these are the artists that competed for this honor and distinction out of a pool of about 150 applicants. it really gives you a sense of how many artists are active in san francisco, how many artists
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want to be part of bringing their art to the public. so it is a great distinction and honor for them to have been selected. thank you so much for everything that you did and your contribution to make art in storefronts a success. if i come back to the microphone, i want to be able to introduce -- we have two distinguished speakers. do you have an order of preference? [laughter] i'm going to introduce first our president of the board of supervisors and a great supporter of the arts, david chiu. [applause] supervisor chiu: good evening, everyone. who is excited that it is friday? [applause] are there any artists here tonight? all right. is there anyone representing
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[inaudible] this is an amazing announcement. a number of years ago, -- did i hear hunters point is here? the host city is here. i want to thank you for representing everything that is great about san francisco. and number of years ago, mayor lee's predecessor and i had a conversation about what we need to do about two issues facing san francisco. one of them was the fact that we have way too many vacant storefronts all over the city, and the other was the fact that we have incredible artists who had not been able to find spaces to showcase their art. like peanut butter meeting chocolate, we are bringing our store fronts, our incredible art together, and i'm happy to be part of the celebration of what is wonderful about san francisco. i am also very excited about the fact that we're doing this here
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in the street corner. mayor lee and i stood on that street corner helping to announce new legislation that we hope is going to help revitalize these neighborhoods. the neighborhood that we are in now, the central market area, the tenderloin, has been blighted for decades. we have had way too much crime, way too much unemployment, way too many vacant storefronts. for this program to help turn this neighborhood around, again, showcase the best, the brightest, the most colorful designs, the most creative of who we are as san franciscans -- i am just happy to be part of this, so give yourselves a hand, and thank goodness it is friday. [applause] >> thank you, president chiu. the san francisco arts commission has 15 commissioners appointed by the mayor every month -- appointed by the mayor.
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every week, they volunteer their time to help shape the cultural policy of the city of san francisco. tonight, we have the president of the san francisco arts commission, p.j. johnson. we also have jerry young, one of our commissioners. [applause] do we have any other commissioners? i'm not seeing you. they all work very hard on the citizens of san francisco, thank you, commissioners, for being here and for everything that you do. now, the final thank you before introducing the grandmaster. we have been fiber non-profit arts community -- we have a vibrant non-profit arts community that is part of this project, the central market community benefit district. those beautiful sculptures are
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brought to you by black rock arts foundation and burning man. [applause] we have got to thank a lot of our civic partners in government. supervisor kim's office. the mayor's office on disability. the mayor's office of neighborhood services, the mayor's office of economic and workforce development, which is really a key partner for us in this. let's give them a warm round of applause. [applause] the department of public works. the public utilities commission. last but not least, i want to thank the staff of the arts commission and the leadership that brought this even to gather -- this event together.
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let's give them a warm round of applause. [applause] now, it is my pleasure to introduce to you a person who is really one of the founders of the idea that market street could be revitalized by reintroducing the arts in the non-profit arts community to this area. he has been a champion before he was mayor, of the idea of creating an arts district along market street. it really is my pleasure to introduce to you the great mayor of san francisco, edwin lee. [applause] mayor lee: everybody, thank you very much for coming out to the artery of arteries in san francisco.
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i want to also acknowledge the wonderful work that the arts foundation is doing. they were the first agency that we were able to fund back when i was city administrator, when we were thinking, how could we start changing the street? we had that old theater that was and did already, but it still look like a porn theater. we were all reminded of how vibrant arts was. we started looking at the site, and they were looking at it, and we finally were able to give a little grant called the community challenge grant, and we emphasize the word challenge. the gray arts foundation took up that challenge, and now they are expanding, and now we have fantastic murals open tonight, and they were the first, but they led the effort after the arts commission and grants of the arts went to work along with
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the mayor's office. i know north dakota is there, and she is working very hard because none of this happen without the partnership of so many people coming together, and all of you have come together tonight not just to help out. you are going to have fun tonight with the three different receptions going on and the parties that are going to go on here, and there will be many more for all of us to be here safely and be here extending all the population to come down here and have great fun, enjoy the cultural arts, as well as the people in the tenderloin, the mid-market, south of market , everyplace else. people want to come gather here. we are doing all the other things necessary to build partnerships. that is what the arts commission has been able to do. i want to thank luis and his wonderful commission for leadership on this effort because that partnership has brought out some $10,000 from
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blick art materials to contribute to the united nations plaza open air arts festival. thank you. where are you? [applause] in addition, san francisco beautiful with its $3,000 contribution. thank you. then, of course, the black rock arts foundation. thank you very much, bernie mahon, and all of you for coming together, helping us out. that is going to give a lot more incentive for other agencies to come and start contributing as well. -- thank you very much, bernie mahon -- burning man. i want to thank the artists that have come together here to recognize them and for their contribution. if you give with art, it will be sustained with art. you are going to find a lot more people discovering all the beauty of this neighborhood, and
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is led by all of you here tonight. thank you for being here. [applause] we got off the grid trucks. two trucks here tonight. we have sculptures. we have john brothers piano company. thank you for this, coming out here. is david around here? come on, show up. i also want to give a shout up to our san francisco police department. [applause] as we transition, people will -- will be safer and safer as they know that our officers are around here. their presence allows the natural transition for everything to occur. it is still struggling for a lot of people to see the transition, but it is real. it is coming. we are making all the right decisions, but we know you are here because you have faith and hope. thank you very much.
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you have to come right up front. here is a real winner. a number, no name. 7852368. up in center. one more time. [laughter] 785 -- all right. 2368. come on out here. [applause] this is -- [inaudible] >> verified winner. >> congratulations. [applause] now we are going to go around the corner and unveil the mural. do not forget
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