tv [untitled] May 31, 2011 2:00am-2:30am PDT
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why don't we do that? are we brain dead? seriously. and the last issue is this issue of pensions that's percolating all the way along. thank you very much for your time. president o'brien: thank you. do we have any further public comment? ok. i would like to just make a couple --so clearly there's an that taking away tax ordinance is a good thing, and that's obviously something that's agreed to by everybody because we're all agreeing to do something that reduces the tax being paid to do business in san francisco. and we're always complaining up here on the commission on a
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regular basis about the fact san francisco is one of the most expensive places to do business and how difficult it is to be an entrepreneur in san francisco and for me personally, the last taxation that -- less taxation we have, the better and the more we rely on people to take care of themselves, the better. it's just a fundamental, philosophical argument i have, just a comment i will make. commissioner clyde? commissioner clyde: thank you, commissioners. i just want you to know i'm in support of supervisor mirkarimi's legislation at this point as written just because he's really protecting, i believe, the impact to the general fund. it is a very nuanced piece of legislation and it does set a per employee base or -- a base
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of per employee base or cap. and i like that, the $1,500 per person because really the intent of the payroll tax is to reimburse the city for the cost of providing services to employees in san francisco. we have to have income from businesses to do that. the cost of providing services to the businesses, there has to be a formula, really, a business tax formula. it's true we have a broader business tax discussion, that the city has to engage in and that will be at the ballot box and i'm looking forward to that. but we can't know when those ballot measures will be crafted. we don't know if any will be passed or in what form. so a time, a time certain is something that i believe is extremely important when crafting this type of tax legislation. i just want to offer that up, that, you know, we do have costs, we do need to have fairness in the taxation and it's very difficult to look at brick and mortar businesses,
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bakeries and, you know, different manufacturing, our light manufacturing paying full freight and working very, very hard to keep going and we're crafting legislation and policy for some of the wealthiest people in our city and it's difficult to look kind of back and explain, well, yes, this is positive, it's positive going forward. we have high-income employees spending money here, investing here. they do have their contribution other than the payroll tax. but i do support supervisor mirkarimi's legislation at this point because, you know, he is not eliminating payroll tax and he's on even the options part. the payroll tax -- you might clarify that a little better, but -- >> thank you. everything you said was spot on. it's just that we amended the legislation so it's not the
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$1,500 per head but $750,000 ceiling which the controller had opined, this is much more progressive and beneficial to the city by sup planting the two. that was the amendment he was referring to. so you're speaking from the original legislation that had been amended. >> ok, the $750,000 ceiling is per employee? >> no, no, no. >> commissioner clyde: that is for the entire company? >> that's right. commissioner clyde: but you feel that is an adequate compensation to the city for -- >> very much so -- commissioner clyde: and respects the intent with the payroll tax. >> with the treasurer, tax collector and controller felt this was a more effective way to go and that is what our legislation was amended to. but everything you said was right up. >> commissioner clyde: thank you for the collarification. i would like to add on supervisor farrell's legislation, which is provided
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now, i have to say i appreciate the elegance of it, the simplicity of it. i am concerned about it being open-ended on the time line precisely because of the difficulty in changing the payroll tax and how -- my concern is how we will replace the lost income. we won't know until we get the controller's support and impact. but i do appreciate legislation that is broad based and is very elegant actually. thank you. president o'brien: commissioner o'connor? commissioner o'connor: point of clarification, not to be argumentative but you used the word we as a commission are opposed to raising taxes, et cetera, and i would have to just add that i'm not opposed to raising taxes. i'm proud to pay taxes. i'm proud to create jobs. i own five businesses. i'm opposed to the city not being run correctly. i'm opposed to wild pensions.
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i'm opposed to companies, larger corporations not paying their fair share, but having owned and operated small businesses in other cities and other small business owners here, we are proud to be in san francisco, and san francisco gives us an unfair playing advantage because it's better to have a small business here in a lot of ways because there's higher density, there's more people active, there's more people out and about. there's certainly more tourists. and in compared to my business in oakland, i can tell you it's far easier to do business in san francisco when it comes to attracting people. having said that, i'm still on the fence of which one i'm going to vote for. i want to study it a little longer, but i feel small businesses and particularly large businesses have to pay their fair share of taxes and this building and the people in this building and city hall have to be able to spend those taxes
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wisely. and -- but first and foremost, i'm on this commission to defend and support small businesses in san francisco and have i to analyze this legislation and see how it affects small businesses. i don't want to scare away big businesses but big businesses have been leaving san francisco for a long time and currently as far as i can see, small businesses are the back bone of the city. we are the job creators and this building cares very little about us, and right now there's -- all of this attention being given to twitter, to various corporation tax breaks, tax break this and that, what do we get? we're there day in, day out, providing bathrooms, helping people when they're getting robbed. i mean all -- people breaking into our stores. i had another break-in last week. did the police arrive? no. we're there on the front line all of the time. i appreciate this legislation.
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i'm kind off on a rant because something touched a nerve, but i want to see how this affects small business because that's what this commission is here for. thank you. president o'brien: thank you. just on a point of clarification, i didn't see we as a commission are against raising taxes, and i did say that san francisco is considered to be one of the most expensive cities to do business in. i think in a broad sense, people will agree with that expression, it is an expensive city to do business in, from the permitting process through the red tape to open up a shop. just a point of clarification. i would not speak for the commission or presume to speak for the commission on a philosophical argument. so director, these are both action items, yes? >> correct.
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president o'brien: do we have an option to -- i just feel that not having the opportunity to get the controller's report on the impact of supervisor farrell's proposal over and above supervisor mirkarimi's, do we have the time to be able to hear -- to hear the -- his analysis? are we in the process of doing a study on supervisor farrell's proposal? >> thank you, commissioner, yes, mr. egan is doing a study right now that will be available in a number of weeks. it is a little bit of a time step process at this point. president o'brien: would there be a serious impact on the world if we were to wait and give that the time to come back and -- and deliberate on this at that time when we have a more full picture
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of everything as opposed to voting on something with kind of half of the picture? >> i will leave it to your good zpwraces but i don't believe so, no. president o'brien: we won't have the snime >> you will have the time. >> point of clarification, supervisor farrell and your legislation may not be heard in committee until before or after our next commission meeting -- >> it will likely be before -- be heard before, in all honesty. president o'brien: i -- >> i don't think these are exclusive. these are mott mutually exclusive pieces of legislation. they are quite different. supervisor mirkarimi's is very targeted. i think -- if anything that we do to promote businesses of any size in san francisco is good for our small businesses, and particularly these young
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entrepreneurial -- you know, very interesting and people who like to go out a lot. threelly participate in our city. i think i have seen over the last five years -- over the last three years there has been tremendous participation in the city and the small business community from the small companies that are growing. and so i would like to recommend that we, because of the time line and our information -- the information that we have, that we -- i would like to make a motion to recommend supervisor mirkarimi's legislation going forward and make a second recommendation to support the intent of supervisor farrell's legislation with, you know, with knowing it is a policy matter for the board of supervisors at this point, particularly if they're going to hear it before. and we would a chance to weigh in and public would have a chance to weigh in after the controller's report.
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would that be acceptable? >> that would be acceptable. president o'brien: would you like to do them both? >> we can do one at a time but i like -- i like both pieces of legislation, and both supervisor mirkarimi and supervisor farrell, you both should be commended for -- i feel like we're bringing the city now since the 21st century, and i have read both pieces of legislation thoroughly over the weekend. i like them both. and i think they both kind of complement each other. and i do believe it will help small business just like you're keeping money in the city and that money is going to go. those people are going to shop at the flower shops and they will go to the restaurant and bars and small boutiques. these people live here in the city. and i really like both pieces of legislation. and i support both of them. president o'brien: i would like to be clear, are we agreed that
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they are -- if we approved supervisor mirkarimi tonight as commissioner clyde suggested, an open end to hear back from the controller's office, would we still have the option then to make changes that would maybe reflect a bigger picture that we might have after the second report? could we do that? >> thank you, commissioner, i believe you could, depending on when your next meeting is scheduled here. i believe the intent is to continue to move mine along, along with the controller's report so depending upon when the next hearing may be, maybe after we have decided upon it at the board. president o'brien: will we have the time to, director? >> our next hearing, next meeting is june 13th. so factor that into your time line. president o'brien: will that work?
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>> his report is -- my understanding is we will be out in a matter of two weeks, so well in advance of your next meeting. >> i would like to second, missioner clyde. >> i would like to move yes, we could and if there was a concern, we could call a special meeting if we felt we needed to. we certainly would be able to review the controller's report in legend policy, i believe, which would be a good place for it. it's my suggestion. president o'brien: so -- could you just -- >> we will call each individually and you can make the motion. did you want to restate what your intent will be, though, since there will be two motions? or did you want to just restate though, intent you would like to make? >> i would like to support supervisor mirkarimi's legislation. that's the first motion, to support -- recommend approval of item number seven.
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>> second. president o'brien: all those in favor? >> aye, aye. president o'brien: any opposed? seeing none. motion passes. >> and then i would like to recommend approval of the intent of item number seven with our -- we did -- i expressed some concern about the cost of the legislation and, you know, to recommend approval with the intent, however, the economic impact is unknown at this time so we would like to leave this until we have the controller's report and if we don't recommend it, i guess we'll have to leave it as a policy matter for the board. that's not well stated. >> that's kind of vague. >> it's too vague, isn't it?
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>> i think you want to recommend approval of the intent. what does that mean? >> i think the intent -- commissioner clyde, if i can just say, is the direction i think what i'm hearing from the commissioners is that there is some -- there is some support for the direction that supervisor farrell is going in with his legislation. and maybe if you're going to be supporting the intent, be specific of what that intent is in your relleding -- in your motion. >> you want to recommend approval or do you want to continue it? >> i think maybe we should continue it. >> until we have the controller's report. because i think that's the only way we can make an informed comment. president o'brien: it's kind of hard to recommend approval without really knowing the facts and having had the report back. please.
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>> we made that suggestion before this evening as well about not even potentially appearing here. but given your time frame, we were asked to appear. that's why we're here tonight and understand the point of view from this commission. >> supervisor farrell, to articulate the intent, i think to get some wrapping around the stock options and what is fair and what is fair compensation to the city from any company is a very important discussion to have. so my concern is if we're going to take a chunk out, how are we going to replace it and how is it really going to look? >> i would like to see a yes-or-no vote on this legislation. this is what i did all weekend was read this. this is my business, so -- and i support this legislation 110%. i could -- economic impact of it is just so great and this is so important for the city.
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president o'brien: i do, too. >> i just -- i would recommend -- because time constraints, i would just like to have a yes-or-no vote on this. president o'brien: ok. can we have -- so i guess the motion is to recommend approval of supervisor farrell's proposal as well. >> i will second the motion. i make the recommendation. >> i make a motion to approve supervisor farrell's legislation. >> second by commissioner kasselman. would you like a roll call? president o'brien: yes, please. >> commissioner adams? >> yes. >> commissioner dooley? >> no. >> commissioner o'brien? >> yes. >> commissioner clyde? >> oh, this is hard. i'm going to say no. >> commissioner kasselman? >> yes. >> commissioner o'connor? >> abstain.
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>> commissioner yee riley? that motion carries, -- >> commissioner riley has not responded yet. commissioner riley: not yet. i'm thinking. i have a little problem approving something without seeing all of the facts. >> pardon me. that motion does not carry. >> commissioners for a point of clarification, are you interested in revisiting supervisor farrell's legislation once -- >> yes. >> so we're not -- i just want to be very clear in terms of we're not supporting, you're not recommending -- or the vote doesn't carry to support it at this point, at this time, but we do want -- the commission does want to revisit supervisor farrell's legislation once the
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economic report is in? >> yes. i appreciate that, director. the clarification is we're not voting down this measure because we think it's not a good measure to support. we're voting it because we don't know enough facts about it. >> that's right. thank you, commissioner riley. president o'brien: ok, so do we need that written in? do we need to modify the proposal or do we have it covered? >> you're not retired to take action at this point. there is no action unless somebody would like to make an alternate motion. president o'brien: is it anticipated we're going to hear this again? >> i would like for the commission to -- >> i would like to make a motion once we get the controller's report, if we can hear this again in june. >> second. president o'brien: all of those in favor? >> aye. president o'brien: opposed? seeing none, the motion carries. next item.
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>> commissioners, you are now on item number arktse discussion and possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on board of supervisors file number 110025, environment code safe drug disposal information, order nantz amending the san francisco environment code sections 2250 through 2254 to require any business selling prescription drugs to the public to post display materials explaining how to safefully and lawfully dispose of unused prescription drugs. and we have a presentation by supervisor mirkarimi. >> taxes to drugs. thank you. i have a piece of legislation before you that comes after about a year ago. i had submitted draft law, which is not before you, that would
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require the private sector, pharmaceutical companies and the retailers to shoulder the cost of us being able to create an infrastructure so that our san francisco citizenry would have somewhere to adequately and effectively discard medications and unused pharmaceuticals. this type of legislation has been attempted in over ten states in the united states, but due to the fourth strongest lobbyist in the united states, the pharmaceutical industry, it was very effective in combating back efforts in those state legislatures. no law like this exists in the united states. meanwhile, our own city department of environment, through our own city money, has been providing opportunity for our citizenry to dispose of
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pharmaceuticals. upwards of about $50,000 was spent just in the two-day project, where san franciscoans donated over 1,100 pounds of pharmaceuticals just in that two days at city expense, which is derived from rate pair expense, money that came from discretionary use to the department of environment of water are garbage rates. since i believe that there should be a practice of shared responsibility with good corporate partners, i legislated that we should insist on there being a public/private collaborative effort. pharmaceutical industry, like in the legislative examples, depeffeded on city hall with great -- descended on city hall with great might and i believe was able to influence previous administration to not go down this road. i held a number of meetings with
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representatives of the pharmaceutical industry and with representatives of the city government, and we decided instead of legislating this particular mandate, that we would try an 18-month pilot program. the industry has agreed. they are shouldering the cost. that cost is being generated by a consortium known as pharma and then genentech of $ 110,000. we're very appreciative of this pilot project that is likely to commence in about three to four months, september/october hopefully, when it would commence in san francisco. the legislation that is before you is signage. we have used the previous laws that had been adopted by this commission and by this city, known as prop 65 signage that directs people as you would go to a grocery store or somewhere or restaurant about mercury poisoning, that we used similar
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templates for signage for informing the citizenry at retail outlets where you buy pharmaceuticals, medications of where you can discard your pharmaceuticals. those were the repositories will be, will be at five district neighborhood police stations. we have ten so five out of ten. and then in a number of independent pharmacies have volunteers to be at those locations. the point of the money is so there would be a proper chain of custody so that when is when it is being picked up, it is being picked up since it is considered biomedical or hazardous waste and that is being properly disposed of and it would take some money for the purchase of those boxes so that they are secure and safe. so that it wouldn't be compromised. this legislation with the support of mira lee and a number
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of my colleagues is direct the signage so it informs people where to go. we're hoping it would help with the robust pilot program so after the 18 months, based on what we learn and gage about those who contribute back into the repository, then it's something we might make more permanent and hopefully still a public/private collaborative. my goal is to make sure we're not using general fund dollars, which we are not, for any one of this, including the signage. so that is what is before you, the department of environment, which has done outstanding work in helping shepherd the program in the past of city expense, which i'm hoping to alleviate through this pilot program, can speak to this and i recommend that they do as well as others who might be here to speak in support of this. i would be more than happy to answer any questions. president o'brien: commissioners, any questions? >> i'm just wondering about
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implementation, the future in that there's not very many places in the pilot program. i know how people are, if it's not convenient, they're not going to do it. so i would just like to see if this becomes a permanent thing, that it becomes something that is easy for the pharmacies to direct people to a nearby location, that we would need to have more locations or perhaps more pharmacies. >> what i didn't say is those who are not participating, which i think is kind of uncool, is safeway and walgreens, who are the largest retailers that generate that business -- over-the-counter business. so what we have is designed the law, and they were at the table but they did not provide dollars and they are not providing the volunteer locations in order to cite these. so we decided to still endeavor on and put them in the five
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police stations, since we'll have more regulatory control over that but then in the independent pharmacies, and good for them because there are quite a few of them around and several dozen have elected to participate. so i'm hoping that the net benefit is people may actually do business at those. meanwhile, it is walgreens and safeways and others who charge upwards of $3.75 and higher to the citizenry who want to come in and do the responsible thing instead of flushing down the prescriptions in their toilet, which they should not do because it could compromise the waste water structure f you ask the p.u.c., we do not have the infwra structure to filter out contaminants that reaches into our stream system. if you look at health reports, both federally and state, one of the highest causes of suicide and drug abuse are young people who get ahold of unregulated
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medications or disdiscarded medications and take them and, of course, become sick or die. that is a well-known statistic nationally speaking. so while this may not seem like the kind of pressing problem that any one of us may think in this time of economic crisis, it is a public health -- it is a public health and a public safety response that a city like san francisco should enact. and san mateo's been doing this for quite some time at san mateo expense. the only difference is we think it should be shared expense. president o'brien: commissioner o'connor? commickser o'connor: i just wanted to thank you for crafting this legislation. it makes a lot of sense. i was going to inquire about the corporate pharmacies but you corporate pharmacies but you answered the questio
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