tv [untitled] June 1, 2011 10:00am-10:30am PDT
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know, from the heart of the city, we are very thankful. the mayor is spending a lot of job -- a lot of time making certain that education is at the heart of everything that we do, and this is a look to the future but also of thomas that we want to continue to have, with all of the work that we have. you have dedicated your talents to make certain that this is the best city in the country. thank you on behalf of the city and county of san francisco. i also want to give a shot out to the administrators of san francisco. is jan here? thank you very much. you are really wonderful to work with, because it does take all the city family to work together.
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thank you very much. thank you, united administrators. >> we would not be able to do this without the leadership of the school district, i would like to thank carlos garcia and ask and to come up. >> thank you. carlos will do. this is very incredible. the last week of school i felt sorry for them. the last thing that you want to be as a principle is to be involved with anything in the first and last week of school. i have to tell you that all the research and education -- you can have really great teachers at school, but the one common thread on most of the effective schools in the country is having great principles.
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without them, you will not have a great school. to find three people out of the hundred principles that we have -- this is a tough task. but they chose three all stars to represent the school district, and everyone of them has done a superb job demonstrating why we have such effective schools and grade teachers. i want to thank merely for stepping up and continuing this tradition because this is a family, and the city is only as good as its schools, and they're only as good as the community and the city. this is just the beginning. schools keep getting better every year and you have not seen anything yet because these will just get better. these are the all stars that deserve all the recognition. on behalf of the bill -- the school district and the great boar, -- she is the president of
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the school board. i also want to thank, on behalf of all of us, thank you for being good leaders to the teachers, and to the students and the entire city. thank you. >> i also want to acknowledge a couple of our supporters. he has been a wonderful part of the city family, so thank you for joining us. i know that -- the want to say a few words? then we will have each of you come up. one thing the mayor was sharing, we have three envelopes and three different packages. one of them includes tickets to the san francisco giants, and
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opera tickets. this is worth over $700. this as well watching, lunch at alito -- whale watching, lunch at colleto, and a mac book. we cannot choose for you. we have three envelopes that you will each get an opportunity to have, and you can trade these. >> thank you very much. >> the board of education -- and all of the great people who have come out to support the principles, i would like to say that these three principles are the backbone of their community. and what makes them extraordinary leaders is that when you go to their schools, you can see from the children to
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the parents, and the students involved, a kind of harmony that is unique to their school, and this is what builds great communities, great neighborhoods, and a great city. the united administrators of san francisco -- thank you all for putting yourself on the front lines, every day to make these schools extraordinary. we really appreciate this. thank you. >> carlos, if you can come up and join us, in giving the awards to the school principals. the first of them -- this is jolene washington. [applause] >> the mayor will hold the evnvelope.
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>> do they lok thook the same? >> let's see what you've got. >> lunch at collettos and four tickets to the giants game. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. mayor lee, superintentdant garcia, hydra, mendoza. jan, good afternoon. i am jolene washingotn, principal at jose ortega elementary. this has been a wonderful year of recognition, and i would like
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to thank everyone who supports the work with us, the parents and the support staff, the teachers, and especially the wonderful students. thank you to the unity spiritual center of san francisco. they provide uniforms and supplies, so students who are not able to afford uniforms will have their uniforms. and california lodge no. 1, representing the masons. they support these schools -- constantly giving so we can afford to buy books and computers and other things. thank you so much. and i would like to thank the district staff for giving me support. thank you so much. thank you to my colleagues, will always have the device and help
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me to run this -- and i want to thank my family for loving me. i want to thank my mother, my siblings, i have one of my sisters over there. my extended family and my children. and my husband is at work. i just want to thank you, this is beautiful. thank you. >> this is wonderful. >> congratulation. >> next up, we have david wong from francis scott key. [applause] >> all right. >> i know what is thre. >> -- there. >> you got this, in the
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envelope, morton's steakhouse dinner. and a night at the opera. >> thank you very much. i hvaave a speech iwrote last night. -- i wrote last night. people say principals have the toughest job. i will say, this job is jsut as challenging as it is rewarding. it is hard to believe i have done this for 19 years. this job presents many challenges, and i have to say that this kept my heart young. i really enjoyed doing my job. some days are more challenging than the others. but in the 19 years -- i never had one day i never wanted to come to school.
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i accumulated over 200 days of sick days. i would donate this to one of the teachers in need. what kept me going, this is the smile that i see at school. the staff and the parents and students, the things that kept me going all year. i am here to receive this award by i am very humbled by this honor. there are many out there who were just as deserving. and we are grateful to the mayor's office. this takes an entire village to educate a child, and i see this. without the support from the
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staff and the parents, the district offices, and the supervisors -- supervisor chu has been very supportive. i am able to stand here today, largely due to their efforts. i am excepting this award on behalf of all of you, and my success is really a reflection of your success. lastly i just want to say to my family, and my mother, who i wish to be here, but she went to the hospital yesterday. i want to thank her because she allowed for me to be who i am. if she had her way i would be a doctor, or some other career. i want to thank my daughters. i have four of them.
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they're always thinking about me and always being so sweet. and for my wife, or always standing behind me, and not getting too upset when i get home late from work. why is this meeting so long? i want to thank her -- she is my backbone. and also for my son, for always listen to her when i am working late at work. and lastly for the parents committed out here today, thank you so much. thank you for the good things you have done, i love you all. [applause] >> last but not least, i want to
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acknowledge the supervisor. i want to recognize the deputy superintendant. our next recipient is james jim fitzien. your mom got in touch with me. from your mom, dad, brothers and sisters -- thancongratulations. we are sorry we can't be here. this is from blanca and david in michigan, and terry roberts in durango, colorado. come on up. >> and jim gets the max pro. wonderful -- mac pro.
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wonderful, you will need this. >> i have to say, this is humbling and absolutely overwhelming. i do not know how my family knew how to get in touch with me. this is amazing. there is a graduation starting down there in half an hour. this is really overwhelming. we were there in the seats, and i thought getting a piece of paper is good enough. and then you get to meet the mayor. so many people -- i came from michigan and i am in los angeles, where i was a music teacher. i came up to san francisco and decided i would be a substitute. the first job i got was woodside
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learning center, and i thought i would do this and this would be great. and it turned out that this was juvenile hall. it has been 20 years i have been involved with this population. there is no question. these are the kids need the most help. so much that -- i thought this was a secret. i am at the log cabin -- and this is something where want to get right to the classroom to work with the kids. there are some very needy children and i want to get back with them. this year has been the most incredible year, and i have been a principal for 11 years. i have felt nothing but 100% support from everyone, and the
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mayor's office -- thank you for doing all of this. this is very forward thinking. amazing support with having the kids come down, the superintendent. my partners, and the assistant principal. everyone is so incredibly supportive. and it all happens for the kids. i want to say that i wrote an e- mail yesterday, that this has been an unbelievable year, with unbelievable work, but with believable results. finally, i want to thank my number one supporter, anna garcia, and i am committed to being with the kids.
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this is every night for about three hours. this is what i choose to do and she has been incredible this way. thank you so much for these fantastic things. thank you, thank you, thank you. [applause] >> one more round of applause for the principle of the year award recipient. david and jim. thank you so much.
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within our population there are people who simply do not have access to the internet, who do not have the means to access information the way that others have, and i think that it's really imperative for government to make sure that we play a role in closing that technological divide. so you have to strike that balance between maintaining that character, but also welcoming in the new people who bring their own -- >> absolutely. >> so i love that. i love that mix, that balance that comes with it. it's hard to strike the right balance, but -- >> it really is. >> but it's there. >> i was born in guatemala and came to this country as a kid. i was brought here by my parents. and essentially grew up in l.a. and then moved up to the bay area, where i went to college. i went to stanford.
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my background for the first few years out of school was a practicing attorney. i worked for -- in the private sector for a number of years and then i went and worked for the city as a deputy city attorney and then became general council of the school district here in san francisco, and through that became involved in politics and at some point decided to run for office. [speaking spanish] >> i think that san francisco really represents the best that
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this country has to offer. it's a place that welcomes people from all over the world, from all over the country, and it's a place that not only tolerates, but actually embraces diversity, a place that is very forward thinking in terms of how it looks at issues. it always felt like home, and i felt that as a gala tino man that this -- gay la taken no man, that this is a place where i could be happy. now doing the job of a supervisor has been the most rewarding experience. it is really remarkable how amazing our neighborhoods are, how amazing its people are. i have a progressive outlook in terms of how i see things, and by progressive i mean we have to make government and make the city work for everyone, and that means that it's not just those who are doing well, it's also those who are not doing so well, those who have the least. but it also means making sure that the city works for the middle class. >> good evening, everyone. good evening. thank you all for being here. and when we first got into office about two years ago, we started talking to the mayor's
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office of workforce and economic development and trying to figure out how we can help different corridors within our district have a better sense of what that neighborhood should look like, what its main concerns and priorities should be and a strategy for the community. and that means business, residents and the city working together to make whatever that vision is a reality. ultimately if there is a guidance on how i approach government, i believe in good government, i believe in transparency, i believe in accountability, i believe in making sure that we follow best practices. i think that oftentimes transcends the left, the middle and the right. it goes beyond that. and that's why as a supervisor i focus so much on contracts and how the city spends its money, which is not
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traditionally a progressive issue. but i believe that we have an obligation to make every penny count. thank you. [applause] we are still going through a very tough economic time. we are still not where we need to be in terms of job creation and economic development. so government, i think, has to work with a lot of different folks, not only the business community, but also the community groups to see how we can create economic development that works for every san franciscans. >> one of the topics is -- [inaudible] >> as a member of the police commission, i learned that the most effective policing is the policing where you have the police and the community
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working together. so you need training for the police officer who's already there. it is important to have police officers on the street and having that police presence, but at the same time, there has to be a connection between the police and the community. so i think we're on the same page. you have to make sure that you create an atmosphere where people feel safe, and i think that to feel safe they have to feel like they're in partnership. i really believe that when you are blessed with the opportunities that this country gives you, that you have an obligation to give back. i really believe in public service. i could be in the private sector and make a lot of money, but i believe that i have a duty to try to make things better for other people and to pay back to a country that has given me so much.
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>> welcome to culture wire. we will look at the latest and greatest public art project. recently, the airport unveiled the new state of the art terminal. let's take a look. the new terminal service and american airlines and virgin america was designed by a world- renowned architecture's firm. originally built in 1954, the building underwent massive renovation to become the first
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registered terminal and one of the must modern and sustainable terminals and the united states. the public art program continues its 30-year legacy of integrating art into the airport environment with the addition of five new commissions that are as bold and dynamic as the new building. >> this project was completed in record time, and we were able to integrate the artist's early enough in the process that they could work with the architect said that the work that is completed is the work that really helps complement and instill the space as opposed to being tucked away in a corner. >> be experience begins with the glass facades that was designed with over 120 laminated glass panels. it captures the experience of being under or over clouds when
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flying in a plane. depending on the distance or point of view, it can appear clear for more abstract and atmospheric. the subtle colors change gradually depending on the light and the time of day. >> i wanted to create an art work that looks over time as well as working on in the first glance. the first time you come here, you may not see a. but you may be able to see one side over the other. it features a couple of suspended sculptures. each was created out of a series of flat plains run parallel to each other and constructed of steel tubing. >> it is made up of these strata. as the light starts to shift, there is a real sense that there is a dynamism.
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>> it gives the illusion that this cultures might be fragments of a larger, mysterious mass. >> the environmental artwork livens it with color, light, and the movement. three large woven soldiers are suspended. these are activated by custom air flow program. >> i channeled air flow into each of these forms that makes it move ever so slightly. and it is beating like a heart. if-0 when as of the forces of nature moving around us every second. >> shadow patterns reflect the shapes of the hanging sculptures.
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the new terminal also features a children's play areas. both of the market the exploratory n.y. -- exploratorium. the offer travelers of all ages a playful oasis. using high quality plywood, they created henches shaped like a bird wings that double as musical instruments. serving as a backdrop is a mural featuring images of local birds and san francisco's famous skyline. >> in the line between that is so natural, you can see birds and be in complete wilderness. i really like that about this. you could maybe get a little
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snapshot of what they are expecting. >> it is an interactive, keck sculpture that is interacted with by the visitor. >> they are a lot about and they fall down the belt. it moves the belt up, and if you turn that faster, the butterflies fall in the move of words. >> the art reflect the commission's commitment to acquiring the best work from the bay area and beyond. in addition to the five new commissions, 20 artworks that were already in the airport collection were reinstalled. some of which were historically cited in the terminal. it includes major sculptures by the international artists. as a
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