tv [untitled] June 1, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm PDT
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can use it again. they do oil changes and sell it anyway, so now they know when a ticket to a. hal>> to you have something you want to get rid of? >> why throw it away when you can reuse it? >> it can be filtered out and used for other products. >> [speaking spanish] >> it is going to be a good thing for us to take used motor oil from customers. we have a 75-gallon tank that we
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>> as the director of public works, i am responsible for much of the infrastructure of the city, particularly public rights of ways, streets and sidewalks. one of the reasons that infrastructure is important is because it enables mobility in the city. . in any city, mobility is important. in a city like san francisco where we have a lot of space, mobility is important. to the extent that our public rights of way, streets and sidewalks are not in good condition, not save, not accessible, then we are not as mobile as a society as we need to be. therefore, we are not as strong
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as a society and have a strong enough economy. mobility really relies on infrastructure that is in good condition and i think we all recognize we have a long way to go in terms of realizing a city with infrastructure in the shape we need to enable that kind of mobility. it is also important because, here in the city, we have a transit first policy, a better streets policy. in order to get people out of their cars on to transit, on their bicycles, on their feet, we need public rights of way to be safe and accessible. all of that brings us to the point where we are today. the good news is, we have a plan. and that plan is called the 10- year capital plan. it is a plan that came together under the leadership of our
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former city administrator, who served as chair of the capital planning committee. what the plan does is, it is a framework for us to catalog the city's assets, determine their conditions, prioritize their need for repair or improvement, and then figure out how to finance those improvements. one of the things that came out of that plan is why we are here today. without further ado, i am pleased to be able to invite up the former director of public works, a former city administrator, mayor ed lee. >> thank you very much. i am glad you are all here and we are surrounded by st. advocates. i did want to make a special announcement this morning. i am announcing my candidacy for being the lead of the pot hole
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grew this year. -- crew this year. [laughter] >> having finished all of my town hall meetings throughout the city just last week, i can say to you, i have not been to one town hall meeting where someone did not mention to me, can we just fix the pot holes? mayor lee, i know you are not political, you do not like to do a lot of politics. that is good. can you fix our pot holes? whether it is a neighbor or small business, or visitor, they have registered that with me. as i have been using my time to fix the financial house and put that in order for the city, whether it is balancing the budget or facing our pension
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reform, which we will announce in the next couple of weeks, this is one of the most passionate things that i've a to get accomplished with our board of supervisors and public advocates which will really help our city. i have spent so much of my time on the 10-year capital plan. year after year we could not get to the point where the priorities of the city would face that question. there was so much of a backlog. the backlog is that a serious point now where regular citizens are suffering from our inaction. the statistics will continue to show, of the 850 miles of streets that we have -- i know dpw staff said that almost half of them are in deterioration. and they get more expensive overtime. all of the rain we have had will increase the potential for these streets to get worse. when you move from surface
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repairs, which may cost $10,000 a block, to fixing the roads, that may cost as much as $100,000, but if you do not pay attention to that and allow the deterioration to work itself into the base of that street, it is at least $430,000 per block, when it counts to -- when it gets down to that concrete. it is one of those things where it is consistent with the priorities i have set out of getting the city's financial house in order but also preventing another fed enters the mummy from coming when our streets are not prepared. that is why we have the 10-year capital plan to guide us. the planning process allows for the department of public works and so many other agencies that
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were concerned about the streets to bring for a plan that would still make a basic premise that we have kept in all of our bond programs in the city. that is we will not increase the property taxes of the city with this particular bond. we are asking the board to introduce today for passage in recommendation back to the november bond 8 $240 million bond to repave our streets, to repair our overpasses, to invest in a lot of landscape, street scape, and to build curb ramps to the standards that federal authorities require us to. there are five basic elements of that bond program. i wanted to register my lead on this.
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i will be taking this up personally and will be responding backed to those numerous people that showed up at these town hall meetings, asking me to take care of this. i get to then present a well- defined plan that is financially responsible, but one that will also max out for the next three years, it will keep the workers to do repaving very busy. in fact, it will build the capacity for the next three years as i continue to work on long-term ideas that will keep an on going amount of moneys invested in our streets. but i do think this is a timely part of it. it will still keep with our promises with the public, through the 10-year capital plan, that we will not increase property taxes in this bond, and that within the next three years of that very high capacity of
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street repairs, create 1600 construction jobs. i know that has continued to be important. this will also create those jobs not only for public works but for the private contractors that have done a great job doing our repaving spirit it will also allow dpw and the rest of the infrastructure agencies in the city to focus on some of the critical infrastructures, like overpasses, bridges, tunnels we have in the city, staircases that we do not pay attention to. all of that is included, along with ada compliance on our curb ramps. that is important to me in the city that we keep up that standard, making her that our streets are up to standard. this is much more for -- much more than just for people who drive cars. it will make for more timely bus
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schedules. will also allow pedestrians to have safer route. it will also allow, of course, a big benefit for our aggressively growing bicycle community in san francisco, which i have had the pleasure of joining in last week's bike to work day. so i want to ask that the board of supervisors today consider it. i am asking for as much support as possible, from henry member of the board of supervisors, as well as from the public. the public has talk to me about this before and we know we are going to do this right. by november, we will have put forth things that suggest we have taken care of our but mitchell house. -- our financial house. >> thank you, mr. mayor.
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we would welcome the opportunity to have user back in dpw as the lead of the pothole crew. i think i can say safely for ramon, on behalf of local 251, he is happy. he has some of his folks here. laborers, operators, teamsters, these are some of the folks that would benefit from those construction jobs done mayor of reference. the mere references it interest in meeting this interest. this will require a leadership. as much as i would like to think otherwise, infrastructure is not sexy. to help make the case, help people understand the importance of it will take significant leadership. we are blessed today to have not just the mayor stepping out, but leadership from the board of
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supervisors as well. the president of the board of supervisors has a lot of the responsibilities. it is not just about running board meetings on tuesdays. one of those responsibilities is that he has a seat on the capital planning committee. the current president of the board of supervisors is very active in the role on the capital planning committees, very active in the development of this bond. so it is my pleasure to ask david chiu to come up and say a few words. [applause] thank you. i do want to disagree with one thing. beautiful roads are sexy. for a bit of background on this issue -- i actually pulled out a big file on my -- from my office 20 minutes ago. in 2009, then-mayor gavin newsom and i proposed a street's bond.
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it would have gone forward, had it not been for the difficulties facing the city. in early 2010, the mayor and i requested a financing working group be put together to figure out our options to move for the condition of our streets. the person we asked to head up the committee was none other than the then-city administrator edwin lee. so i want to thank mayor lee for stepping up and leading the campaign on this effort. i also want to thank my colleague scott wiener, who has been a tremendous advocate for transportation. this measure is about safety. it is about the safety of our drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, safety of our seniors and disabled. we need to get this done. we cannot delay this anymore. if we do, it is estimated our costs over the next five years will quadruple if we do not
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address the pot holes on our streets. as the mayor said, this is a measure that will not increase property tax rates over 2006. it has strong accountability measures, so we know every penny will be well spent, and it is something that will create 1600 jobs for people who desperately need them right now. i want to thank all of the workers who i know will be part of this team getting it done. i want to thank my colleagues who are here, supervisor mar, supervisor mirkarimi. i look forward to moving this forward and working with public to make sure that we have smooth, beautiful roads, for years to come. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you. his leadership and support will be bolstered by many of his colleagues. i want to the knowledge one of our newest supervisors, who, in the short time on the board, has
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shown he is thinking far beyond the border, on issues that impact all of the city, and of course, infrastructure being one of them. supervisor wiener has provided leadership in moving this bond come forward. -- in moving this bond forward. >> thank you. i am strong -- strongly supporting this bond because we have to get this passed. there is no service provided by the city. it is more important than our transit infrastructure, making sure that people can walk, bike to muni, get around the city. let us be frank. a around the city, we have been negligent in maintaining our transit infrastructure. there is plenty of blame to go around, but instead of blaming,
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we need to look at the future to see how we're going to pay this. as much as i would like to pay this out of our operating and general funds, that is not useful. this problem will keep getting worse unless we take some decisive action to address it now. this is the right way to do it. this is part of the capital plan, a thoughtful bond that will help to address some of these deficiencies in our roads, staircases, sidewalks, the electrification system. so i look forward to working hard to get this passed. looking forward to everyone's support. [applause] >> thank you, scott. we are also joined by two other members of the board, both of whom -- i think they are demonstrating their commitment by being here today. throughout the year, these were two members who were bearer focused on quality of life issues.
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the district 5 supervisor and share ross mirkarimi, district 1 eric mar. >> the pot holes here are really raising my anxiety level. in my area, we even have some sinkholes. as elizabeth or lia knows, san franciscans are multi modal. so is not just a driver's that will benefit from those bonds. i also wanted to say this is an urgent bond that we need to pass now. we should have done it two years ago. it will sell of save the disco many dollars in the future. i hope the district -- the richmond district can come out and supported in large numbers.
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thank you. [applause] >> this is an issue beyond partisan political -- political partisanship. it is part of the existence of being an elected to always be calling a 311 oregon dispatched to catch up in which people would like. that reaction strategy has got to stop. now it is time the city gets ahead of the game. it is crucial that we come to the politically to pass this bond in november. thank you. >> is great to be able to have the whole city family coming together to support something like this. speaking of the city family, one of our partners in the bond is the mta. i want to recognize the head of
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the sustainable streets division. this was a joint effort between dpw, and today, and other city agencies, to come to this point and ultimately implement. we have been talking a lot about bikes and pedestrians, but for everyone -- anyone who has been in a wheelchair, anyone who has limited site, anyone who has just tried to push a stroll down the street, some of these issues of the condition of our sidewalks, the ability to safely get into and out of that intersection while crossing the street are all the more acute and important. we are happy to have with us today from the independent of the resource, amber, on her perspective on these investments. >> hello, my name is amber.
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i am a disability advocate in downtown san francisco. i spend a lot of time out in the field traversing the city. i moved to san francisco because of the accessible public transportation but often times i am held up or in danger because of the lack of curb cuts in certain areas, which causes me to have to go out into the streets, in traffic, and even where corners have only one curb cut, but i have to be in the turning land in order to get into the intersection safely. also, the lack of the yellow, truncated domes is a problem for me and others who have low vision. i am in danger of running off the curb and i do not see where it ends.
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>> as a city, we have a legal obligation and a moral and ethical obligation to make sure that our streets and sidewalks are accessible for everyone. this bond will certainly give us the ability to continue the investment we have been making to make that so. one of the things that i had mentioned, the mere mention, is jobs. another benefit that we get out of an investment like this, like we have had on other general obligation bonds. not only is the infrastructure improves, but we are putting people to work. so we are pleased to have ramon hernandez here. the laborers' union does the majority of the work when we are doing road repair. there it is a lot of several systems that are not working that one of the opportunity to get to work and improve our infrastructure. as you know, we also have
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citybuild, the academy where we provide training and placement assistance to san franciscans to get them working. we are very delighted to have a city built a graduate -- citybuild graduate, someone who has worked everywhere from laguna hospital rebuild, to private housing development, now working on california street on the cable car rebuild. a real success story showing proof been for some of what this bond can mean in terms of investments and jobs and changing people's lives. i am happy to welcome keysha raymond, a citybuild graduate. >> hello, my name is keysha. i am a citybuild graduate. by me attending citybuild, it was a great experience for myself. good career of print and sipped
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-- princess ships programs. after completing the programs, i was placed at laguna honda in november 2008, my first job. i am honored to be a successful citybuild graduate, as well as a san francisco resident. i really want to thank former mayor gavin newsom for putting together these city-funded programs for people like myself to the tent and successfully complete, and also be living proof that when you complete these types of programs, and when they are in the fact, you can get a job, you can work, and you can be a part of san francisco's redevelopment. i have been at san francisco handicap -- san francisco hospital. we had been doing handicapped ramps there.
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i am proud to also be a member of local 261. when i am out of work, it is only a short amount of time. in make sure they get me back up and running, as i need to be. i have four daughters that i am raising. being a single mother with four girls, having the ability to get successful employment is just wonderful for me. one of my goals is to be able to send my daughters off to college to be successful so that they can go to whatever employment field day would like. i also want to thank our current mayor for putting this together so that all the paving could be done for the streets. it is keeping me working, is keeping my family happy. i also enjoy seeing others, such
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as people with disabilities, being able to have access to these ramps that i know that i am a part of, and being a san francisco resident -- it is so much about backing up the mayor, letting everyone see that we can make the streets of san francisco safe. with that being said, i just want to say thanks for having me here. it is an honor to be here. you have my time and speech any time. thank you for being here. [applause] >> thank you. i want to acknowledge ken, who is also from citybuild, two partners from the city family working with us. i think we would all love to see 1000 more success stories like keysha's come to the people
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of san francisco. we have been talking a lot about jobs. the labor avers have been one of the great partners for the city. they have been a provider of resource for the department of public works, but also on the paving project. >> thank you. on behalf of the almost 3000 members represent in the city and county of san francisco, very happy to represent my brothers and sisters in the union. we are working closely with the mayor to get san francisco back to work with dpw. with that, i would just say, on these bonds, make sure that the citizens can pass it and that supervisors not do that 248 to
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make san francisco beautiful. [applause] >> thank you. you have heard from government and labor. we are going to end with a one- two punch from some of the stake holders an advocate for this stuff 365 days a year. we talk a lot about mobility, getting people out of their cars. in order to do that, we have to make walking and biking safe and attractive. happy to welcome of the director of walk sf, elizabeth stanton. >> every year, we see 800 people in san francisco could hit by cars. that is not taxable. this bond will be a great investment. it includes $50 million for streetscape improvements, to improve safety for pedestrians, and for cycling, all throughout the city. we really need
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