tv [untitled] June 1, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT
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training people and helping them learn something they can take to society in a positive way, we will not be able to do thank you thank. >> good morning. my name is angelo. i'm a 40-year resident, homeowner in san francisco. i could not believe my ears when i heard that the solar -- go solar sf program stands a chance of being the most. when we had mayor knew sonewsom around, there were so many ideas floated. i thought, we are on the right track. they were talking w talkingiabod generator. they were talking about a tidal generator under the bay bridge. the one program that got us
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started was solar. it is here. the development is getting better. it's becoming cheaper and you want to nip it in the bud. just to show you where you are on this, go up to the top of twin peaks and look down. see if you can find those 2400 installations. they're lost in a sea of empty rooms. you have to be visionary and you have to think like this. where there is a will, there is a way. all the numbers mr. harrington was throwing at you -- they do not mean a thing. you can find the numbers. you can find the money. where there's a political will, there's a way. i hope you are on board. thank you. [applause]
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>> my name is john risso, president of the board of trustees at city college. i'm here on behalf of the board of trustees. city college is the largest educational institution in city and county of san francisco sa. it's one of the largest employers. we have almost 3000 employees. we have 100,000 students. 70,000 of them are san francisco resident. city college has suffered through several years of cutbacks from the state. this year, we are facing our most dramatic cutback effort. we have our own budget committee meeting tonight and i'm very much not looking forward to it.
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we have eliminated hundreds of classes already and we're looking at eliminating any more. our students are -- more than half of the students are on financial aid. our students are students who can only succeed at city college. they go on to four-year colleges. they go on to get a graduate degrees. we start with people who are having real problems in their lives. some of them have not finished high school. what we are now looking -- looking last fall, we have 15,000 students who could not get into a class. absorb that. 15,000 students. they are more at risk to drop out when they cannot get into classes. we're asking for a one-year only
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amnesty of the fees that city college pays to the city and county of san francisco. it is $2 million from several departments. i have 1600 signatures here from students that i would like to give to you. we have finals going on right now, so students were not able to come here. we are going to have some students later this afternoon visit some of your office is to tell their stories. supervisor mirkarimi: may i ask him a question, please? thank you whore being here. i am very sympathetic to this need and i endorse this idea. we have to be even about the stats and the numbers.
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is it in exemption that we should consider as a one-time, but are other institutions also obligated in the city, like school districts, like other departments were also required to pay. >> the mayor gave the school district funding to help with a summer school. that was just announced recently. the school district also gets funding through an approved a measure -- the rainy day fund is what is called. the school fund also gets staffing. the city pays for staffing.
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the mayor did not offer us any money this time for summer school. we did not have a summer school last year. we are hoping to have a summer school this year. it will not be as big as we would like it to be. supervisor mirkarimi: i think that is an important step. on a utility level, that's what we're asking for. since we are bringing this back to the puc, help us figure this out a little bit. i will ask the puc at the end of the public comment. what is the break or the exemptions provided to other institutions that are provided to pay into the utility that we can use as a foundation for this case? >> i believe there are city departments that do not pay anything for electricity.
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that is just what i have heard. i do not know what other institutions get or do not get. we are just asking for this one year because this is the worst year. supervisor mirkarimi: i think the city should do everything it can to foster that relationship with city college, just like we have with the school district. i know we have been talking about that. in the here and now, we have to navigate around our limitations. i'm looking at this discussion at how we might be able to help as best as we can. you had been in negotiations or discussions with the puc. how far did you all get in at least some elimination of what city college's obligation is? >> we did not come to any agreement. it is not all utilities with the puc. part of it is a rent for
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facilities for the southeast campus, which is one of our 10 campuses. we also pay the up-keep on that building, which is unusual for the tenant to provide the janitorial services. we have 10 campuses. we're looking to see if we can still keep them. we have 100 satellite locations throughout san francisco in the neighborhoods and the communities. we are also looking at setting some of those down, as well. as far as where things come from, i do not know where the quarter of $1 million -- i do not know where that came from. i would welcome wherever it came from -- something like that. this $2 million represents over 300 classes that could be saved. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. >> thank you very much.
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supervisor chu: thank you for your question and perhaps we can also ask the puc later on to explain. i think that the san francisco unified school district pays their electricity bill, as well. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i residents of bayview hunters point. and currently at the design training program. we work hand in hand with the go solar sf program. i'm a former foster homeless youth. my future depends on the go solar sf program. i ask that you take that into consideration that the future of the youth are in the hands of view, the beholders. thank you.
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supervisor chu: next speaker. joshua, james, steve, and jeremiah dean. >> good afternoon. my name is jacob. i want to speak on behalf of asian neighborhood design construction program. i would like to say that the go solar sf program is a wonderful program. it has already set in place a lot of installations and already established that it is successful. cutting down a successful program is saying ok, you are doing a good job, but not good enough, so we are going to take what we have given you and take it back. i feel like that's not right. if it is successful, may be more funds should be allocated because it is successful, instead of being cut. i understand there are a lot of financial issues and separate
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entities that determine whether or not it should get the funding, but you should look at the success rate and also what it could do for the city as far as housing and energy efficiency and the whole green movement. it would be a wonderful opportunity for other communities and cities to look at us as an example. look, they were not doing so good in the beginning, but they kept with it and did a phenomenal job. i just want to say please keep in mind that it is a successful program. just because it is not as successful as you would like it to be is not any reason to reduce funds. i appreciate that. supervisor chu: thank you. we do have a question. supervisor kim? supervisor kim: this is a question for anyone in the program. if you can state who you are employed by and if it is full-
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time or part-time, and if you are a resident of san francisco. >> i live in sunnyvale, the bayview district. i'm a pre-apprenticeship program, so a lot of different organizations. a higher students such as myself to work with them. mostly those companies would like to hire students such as myself. it is full time work generally. it is sustainable work. its a good career move meant. supervisor kim: who is your pre-apprenticeship program coordinated by? >> jamie brewster. supervisor kim: thank you. supervisor chu: next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors.
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nice to see everyone who has come from the puc, the go solar program, and all the hetch hetchy people. my name is james patrick carroll and i made democratic candidate for mayor. this last year in san francisco, we experienced over 50 inches of rain and a record- breaking snowpack in the sierra. there's more water available now than ever. i think it would be an excellent idea to turn this. into a win-win. yesterday, while walking through the tenderloin, i noticed that shop owners were spreading their buildings with high pressure spray water to keep the crack cocaine dealers from being anywhere near their block. i dithought this was a very intelligent way to keep them away from the stores. i heard the puc director
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commented that there was $1.3 million in profit available from the go solar program. he also mentioned that there's a $25 million available in a capital development program, which he, for some arbitrary reason, has chosen to absolutely not pursue at this time. why not force him to pursue that capital development program into a private capital development program, and also use the $1.3 million surplus to fund a program in the tenderloin area to finally, for once, clean the feces and urine off the street and let the businesses spray their businesses would be high-
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pressure hoses to keep the crack cocaine dealers away. i believe it is the fox guarding the hen house when it comes to hetch hetchy. supervisor chu: thank you. thank you. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> i work for luminal. i came in through work-force development through the san francisco conservation board in the back office. just a little bit about what i know, where i came from, and how i got involved. i would not have had a chance to do what i'm doing now, working for a solar company, because of my history and some of the decisions i made. programs like asian neighborhood design -- in an alumni from that. the young people, we have messed up and some of us goes through that program with that hope i am
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thinking that we can still change our lives and be on the right track. go solar sf gave me the opportunity to get back on my feet. i feel like you should keep in mind -- cutting the program, you may be cutting some of our second chances and getting back into work and really doing something with our lives. thank you. [applause] supervisor chu: next speaker, please. >> hello. i am 22 years old, born and raised in san francisco. i attended asian neighborhood design and i'm currently not workinworking with luminal thano go solar sf. we would like to keep a full funding for people like me.
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thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. >> good afternoon. some of the people that have spoken today have installed on my house. i was the first to get solar in the neighborhood through puc. i was coined the name the ambassador of solar. i would like for you to write down three things. one is commitment. committed to funds. go back 40 years, prior to the puc to the department of public works. the expansion of the sewage plant in my community. i would like to say to you that from that expansion of the sewage plant in the 1970's, we
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got a southeast community college. that is a responsibility that the city owed to bayview hunters point. i'm not like to talk about any other community. as most of you may know, presently, bay view hunters point has changed quite a bit. we have a lot of asians that do not speak english. we have a lot of latinos that do not speak english. what we need in bayview hunters point is truly education and training for jobs for the people in the southeast sector. i really pray and hope that you take this under consideration. there was a task force set up two years ago because we are going to be having 5 coming into the community that will help create jobs. they just opened up job
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opportunities for the southeast facilities. we need education. i hope you take that under consideration. thank you very much. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. if there are any other speakers that wish to speak, please line up. otherwise, this will be the second to last speaker. >> thank you for the opportunity to speak. i'm steve hunter, the director for project open hand. we provide nutritional services for critically ill folks in san francisco and east bay. we currently have a 30 megawatt system on our roof. by virtue of the legislation we are talking about today, go solar sf, it was a very successful program for san francisco. it seems to be a program that works. i saw new faces on our roof
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installing the system this time. i really think that when a government program does work -- because there are a lot -- that lot -- it should be funded. that's what i wanted to say today. supervisor chu: chu. -- supervisor chu: thank you. >> there are challenging decisions. i think general manager harrington -- i think we have somebody we can work with to make sure we do everything that we can do. i'm here to advocate that we increase funding for this program and i hope we can work together to do that. after supervisor mirkarimi added a low-income incentive fees, an amazing little peace to add to this, as well as a work force component. as a result, we have seen the jobs created among economically disadvantaged communities. the job numbers have created a
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little confusion and questions that need to be resolved going forward. it allowed miss jackson to become ambassador jackson when she went solar on may 21, 2009. i remember it like it was go solar. -- we have 24 to 25 football fields worth of panels to superchu's question of how many panels, -- supervisor chu's question of how many panels. 85% of which happened when we started this program. it's also a jobs program. in an industry that we now see the chance of becoming a unionized work force. at this moment we are starting this question of being a unionized work force which can't be under estimated. it's clearly not a 72 jobs that have been created. that's the work force hires. that does include nonwork force installers, nonwork forceed a
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-- force admin personnel. 400 to 500 needs tore clarified. i think no one would dispute when we look at a 40% cut to this program which would cut a lot of these benefits, clean energy and jobs. there's a lot of things we want to do as a city. i personally want to see us restores funding and find a way. and the city to pay the real rate for electricity. supervisor chu: thank you. supervisor kim: do you have an understanding of what potential layoffs might be or reductions to this program or loss of jobs? >> supervisor kim, i think this is something that a lot of us wanted to put today, what this 40% cut would mean to layoffs in addition to stopping companies relocating here to be at the center of the solar
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policymaking. we don't have that number, supervisor. as this goes around the jobs piece, what a 40% cut does to jobs, it would be really pertinent. supervisor kim: thank you. i think it's also important to note as people are talking about the 40% cut going from a $5 million budget to a $3 million budget, in ackuality what we're seeing is -- actuality is a $2.4 million pot of money next year in fact the usage has been $3.8 million. i think that's something need to keep in mind as we think about what that impact might look like. so thank you for your comment. >> there will be some spent in the next few weeks. supervisor chu: next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jeremiah dean. bay chapter of the sierra club. i want to thank all the
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wonderful people who came out to our rally in support of solar, in support of funding this program. all of the different solar companies, environmentalists, community members, i just want to thank everyone. i really think this program is beneficial in so many ways, and we want to see the full funding restored. the number that's getting kicked around -- and i'd like to echo and respond to supervisor wiener's question, the first two years they actually ran out of money for the program. it just so happens this year there's abbs and flows in the economy and we -- ebbs and flows in the economy and hopefully we'll see it next year with a $6.3 million budget that that will run out of funding. i'm very hopeful for this program. i brought along with me over 400 postcards that sierra club members and members, supporters of sierra club have signed to
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the mayor and in support of go solar and i'd like to take a second to read a couple i picked out. don't let the p.c. cut 40%. solar technology works even in the fog. let's continue this program, lead by example. i really like this one, september, 2010, i received rebates from california state and go solar s.f. many of my friends are now interested in going solar. do not stop them by reducing funding for go solar s.f. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who wish to comment on the enterprise department budget? my time's up. for rent board, airport,
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environment, p.u.c.? seeing none, public comment is closed. ok. we got a number of items before us, colleagues. i know we have actually two sets of recommendations that have been before us, both the department of environment as well as the public utilities. i'm wondering if we can take action on the department of environment recommendations. from my understanding, the budget analyst recommendations are something that the department of environment is in agreement with. can we do that without objection? supervisor kim. supervisor kim: i missed a question i written down for the department of environment. sorry. i missed it in my notes. my question is just around the retrofit california for buildings that consume high energy such as multi-family buildings which i think is a great program. i was wondering how the outreach happens to make sure it's equityible in terms of being distributed around the city. >> so we have a couple different programs going on
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right now. we have the home performance retrofit program and we also have a green home program. the green home assessment program, we actually worked with five different community organizations, still working with them, to hire folks to go out and do the green home assessments in communities throughout san francisco. so many of them are community organizations that already have reach in different neighborhoods like the bayview western addition. community organizations. one of them is -- actually, let me get the list. do you have the list? i can get the list for you. there's five different -- rebuild together is one of them. apri is another one. i'll have to get the other three. supervisor kim: also. out of curiosity, do we look at s.r.o. buildings as well? >> we have looked at them. we have basically what we've done is given a couple
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different grants to organizations that work in s.r.o.'s to hire folks that live in the s.r.o.'s to do work. mostly on recycling. we haven't done as much on energy efficiency but that's something we can definitely build out. supervisor kim: yeah, i'd love to talk to you about that in the future. >> great. supervisor kim: thank you. supervisor chu: thank you very much. so we do have the recommendations before us. i'm wondering if there's any other discussions before we take that mokes on the department of environment. no. i'm wondering if we can take the budget analysts' recommendations for the department of environment. we'll do that, without objection. and now there are some questions that is still outstanding and then of course the recommendation to dispense with. why don't we go to questions first. supervisor mirkairmi. supervisor mirkarimi: mr. harington, if we can circle back with you. >> supervisor.
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supervisor mirkarimi: the whole go solar program, i may have been out during the public safety committee for the few moments you started on this, but if we could back to the math of the dollars that roll over unspent into next year, this year to next year, go over with me quickly what the budget looks like that is unspent in moneys that would roll over for the next year, year and a half, however. >> certainly, supervisor. the budget has been $5 million a year for three years so it's been $15 million altogether. we've spent -- actually, we've request -- had request for $13.3 million, and then there's about $300,000 administrative costs over the three years. and that's on one of your slides. we've actually paid out $11 million so there's $2.3 million that's been requested. those jobs are still ongoing that haven't been paid yet and that leaves about $1.4 million
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