tv [untitled] June 1, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT
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of complaints joint hicks. >> thank you very much, lieutenant. and welcome to the san francisco police commissioner for you lieutenant dangerfield. this is your first night filling in for lieutenant falvey, who's actually on vacation. we will see if we can get you through this in one piece tonight fufment could please call lynam number one, approval of the minutes. >> approval. minutes for the following meeting april 27, 2011, may 14, and may 18, 2011. >> thank you, atlanta. commissioners, do you have the minutes in your packet for review? if so, are there any corrections or changes you would like to make to these minutes? commissioner chan: it's very minor. just a second. there's one line here that's commissioner slaughter and commissioner slaughter said the sum is not broken. i think he meant --
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>> can i just made a comment there's videotape and they are maintained and video and audio, there is an actual record of that. so i appreciate going through it and having commission are chan do a better job than me to find errors but it does seem like a bunch of work given the record that we've permanently created in other places. >> i agree with you. it's a lot of work. and lieutenant falvey, we appreciate their hard work but you're right. thank you. >> i don't know if this needs to be ajen diesed or comes at a different part of the meeting or at a different meeting all together but i guess i would suggest that we discuss whether
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we need written minutes given the audio and video that are maintained. >> i agree. we will put that on the agenda for the next meeting. >> thank you. april 20, 2011, last page, top of the page, commissioner slaughter stated that the demrinsarry process as it stands now is not flawed and it's not fair to anybody t stands that the commission should have open, honest discussion -- you probably meant -- >> you are correct it should state the commissioner said the process as it stands now is flawed. remove the original not. >> great. any other corrections to the minutes? >> that's it. >> i just wanted to mention one thing, which is you are required to have minutes, not in a level of detail that you have them. as a matter of fact, you don't have to have that level of
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detail but required to have certain things in the minutes. >> can we put on the agenda and figure out what needs to be in the minutes and what doesn't. because in does seem to be the a tremendous amount of work given the detailed record that is maintained and publicly available on the website. >> i agree. is there any more about the minutes? hearing none dorks i have a motion to accept the minutes with the amendment? >> proval. >> favor? >> aye. >> great. now may we move into line item number two which is general public comment. >> general public comment. the public is welcome to address the commissioner concerning item that's do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter, jurisdiction of the commission. seekers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or departments or o.p.c. personnel. under rules of order, during the comments either police or o.p.c. personnel or commissioners are required to the respond to the
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questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and police and o.p.c. personnel shall refrain from entering any debate or discussion. speakers -- with the speakers do in their comments. please limit your comments to two or three minutes. >> thank you very much. our first speaker, please. >> i'm dan. i'm here today for the public defender ed kochy wlfment the accused officers are guilty of crimes or misconduct is irrelevant at this point. the situation at hand is he is doing his job. he is to use available to defend crime. by all accounts his office is behaving within the legal and ethical boundaries as described by law. some, oufer, don't see it that way. gary delaine is the president of the san francisco police officers association a couple weeks ago was quoted as saying that he was a media whore bent
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on destroying the reputations and careers of good, honest and well meaning officers. if someone is caught on camera allegedly committing a crime and it appears on televisions and newspapers, that does not within itself convict the suspect or suspects of being guilty. but this is a tool used by law enforcement to catch alleged criminals and prosecute them. he is no different in defending his clients. but this makes no difference to gary delaineous. early in his career, delaineous was caught stealing on duty. during the uprising that occurred when the l.a. cop wars quited in the rodney king beating, he and several other cops raided newspaper stands bee longing to the bay times local newspaper, stealing thousands of copies. why? the paper ran a front page article critical of then police chief dick hungy stow and s.f. p.d. he and other cops were caught
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and given a slap on the wrist. their defense, they did nothing wrong because the newspapers were free and therefore you couldn't steal them. more important than that, what they did was an assault on the first amendment. any cop that violates their oath to uphold the law is a dirty cop. gary fits that description. jeff, a media whore? no, delaineous is a political whore. where bottom feeding and brown knowsing his way along the edges of san francisco political influence. thank you. >> thank you. >> good evening, sir. >> good evening, commissioners. mr. harrison, once again i'm appearing on behalf of justice for my brother charles harrison. i spoke with some of the my family members today then asked me to point out the fact due to the fact of my brother's untimely murder, two children have been left orphaned at this time. one wasn't yet born before
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charles was murdered, and then this child came to birth. we had been watching the news recently and we had been seeing a lot on tv that the police are using in different cities. they're using video to solve crimes. we understand that we were told that this video was grainy and there were witnesses that were needed to be protected. we were hoping that video can be edited to where, you know, you can show the person who they say that they can't identify to see if somebody can, you know, assist in that manner. you know, my family, we're still grieving and i think this is just going to be something that's on us until a justice served for my brother. so that's basically what i have to say today. thank you. >> thank you very much.
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>> good evening, ladies and gentlemen. a lot of good news. a couple tough weeks for the new chief. he walked into what appears to be a lion's den. i listened to the former chief on k.g.o. and jeff on k.g.o. and former undercover congress on k.g.o. who worked four years undercover. as we know we parent -- apparently are having a problem with undercover. this officer who served 44 years, he said undercovers are a tough job. sometimes it's not about being dirty, it's about being crossing the t's and dotting the i's. only 1% or 2% are bad cops, i firmly believe that. sometimes we get a little complacent in what we do, myself and your job. i people and my job whfment
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you're a cop, that complacency, we exude the impression of dirtiness. i think our officers need a little bit as the chief said, innocent until proven guilty. i'm not saying they're all perfect. i'm going to bring a name up here, rick guerra. commissioner, i'm sorry to say, ten cops e-mailed me. he's dirty. i'm not going to judge him because other officers don't like him but it's something we have to look at. 1% can ruin 99%. overall our department is doing great. but he's hurting because all of this stuff comes coming up. is it just hadachi's fault? no. if an officer and someone gives you a file, i think this guy is wrong to insalt him? oh, thanks, thanks. we will look into it and get back to you.
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you don't insult the man who gives you possible evidence. so we have to be balanced here. tonight at 10:00, bill bratton will be on k.g.o. with john. bill is going to bring up some other issues that not generally s.f.p.d., just police departments overall, we're all human. we all have to remember that. thank you. >> next speaker. >> good evening commissioners. my name is eric king. have i been coming before this commission since april 27 to try to get clarification on the o.c.c.'s findings on a complaint i filed with them against the san francisco police department. i claimed the san francisco police department harassed me because i knew the identity of one of the confidential informments in the jackson street gang case. today i stopped by the o.c.c.'s office and i requested to see if they had clarification for me
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and they gave me this, which is basically just copies of all of the forms i had filled out and stuff like that. so i'm here again empty handed. i just want to say for the record i'm done. i wash my hands from them and i'm going to move forward, try to resolve this on my own. there's something i need to make very clear here. back when all of this started, when i was trying to find out who was harassing me and why they were doing it, there was an individual -- >> quiet. quiet. >> there was an individual for the sake of privacy i will call mr. x. i felt he had information that could help me resolve the matter and put the pieces of the puzzle together. not long of a started contacting him and pressing him for information, i received a call
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from the san francisco police department telling me that if i ever contacted him again, they would arrest me. they did not want to hear anything about what i had to say about what was going on. they just said, contact me again and you will be arrested. so i had to back off. but i was right in pursuing that path because i found out there was an individual named martin mckeanio who had a criminal record in another name. ways placed in a work assignment under him and while i was on that assignment, another individual told me to leave san francisco and threatened my family. that individual spent a lot of time in martin's office. so given the big picture and all of the other facts, i assumed that he was in the witness protection program and that person who threatened my family told me to leave was a san francisco -- no, a cop, law enforcement official.
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now i'm here to say there are other people like mr. x out there who can provide me with information. and it seems i'm going to be forced to contact him and press them for information. and telling me to go to hell ill not be an option for them. and going to the police will not be an option for them either. so i just want to make that clear that, that's something down the road. i need to come before this commission one more time next week. there's an issue in this -- >> your time is up. thank you. >> ok. >> next speaker. >> good evening, president mazzucco, and fellow commissioners. i'm here because there's a town hall meeting going on this evening in another venue and i'm here because there are some issues. i watch this meeting every week
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and i -- as i said, i really congratulate angela chance for all of the work -- effort she did to keep all of the facts out there. i hope you looked up the issue about that taser in marin county and how we lost $1.9 million because of the deputy sheriff's mistake vorlings of procedures. anyway, a couple of issues. one, i really hate to see james warner's name being besmirched and slandered in public. have you ever met her, she's one of the most wonderful people in the world, she was unfortunately, she's gone. and all of the pressure and stuff may have helped cause -- >> quiet, quiet. you're going have to leave, clyde. you have to be quy the. >> barry, go ahead. >> they even named a plaza after her, the castro, and think think if you ever met her, she was good to her community and she
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was great in her relationship with the businesses in those communities and she cared about the people that she interacted with. not a lot of officers like that in their department, although officer lombardi who rides the bicycle, she's like that. you give her a prize for being nice to people. unfortunately, not a lot of officers are that way but she's great. like officer mathias, permanent oiv in the north beach area. he's great, too, because they care about people and care about hearing what the concerns are. so a segue to that, i'm not going to go into the ramifications about the videos that public defender doshi presented. i'm a little alarmed by the talk show presentations that were made when he spoke there at two talk shows. i'm a little concerned, and i hope that chief sir will take this interest that if they are
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-- were poor behavior or violated the law, he would take swift action. i hope he would follow his word on that. at least explain his actions, at least. last but not least, they switched a lot of the taxi enforcement under the m.t.a., under deputy chief murphy. and he is not going forth trite let it publicly known what exactly was going on. they give the facts and figures to the staff at the m.t.a. and have them all sit down and figure out statistics. so i ask that lieutenant la carlo or sergeant that works with him, at least become more public. appear once every month or every other month at the m.t.a. and tell the public what they're doing to stop the illegal taxi operation or the operation by limousine drivers who are performing like taxis like they're not supposed to. it would be great if there was more information out there publicly. i urge you, sergeant reynolds did that and when sergeant reynolds did that, he did a great job and unfortunately,
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politics prevented him from continuing. thup for your time. >> thank you. next speaker. >> mr. steve johnson, police officers association. i don't know what, if any, recourse we have when a member of the public comes up here and slanders one of our police officers. i'm not talking about gary. he's president of the union. big boy. he can take care of himself. i'm talking about another officer referred to earlier. but whatever recourse we have, whatever legal recourse we have, we're going to take. we're going to take against any individual who comes up here and says things that are not true. they're not true. i personally know officer ricky guerrero is a good cop. i hope you will keep an open mind, which i'm sure you will. >> thank you plrks johnson. next speaker? if there are no further speakers, public commonet is now closed. please call lynam number three. >> reports and announcements, chief's report. reports on crimes, stats, statistics review of recent activity, status update on
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activities since the h.r.c. joint meeting. >> good evening, chief, sir. how are you? >> good evening. i'm well. >> clyde, you're out of here. go ahead, chief. >> with regard to crime statistics, we continue to be down in violent crime about 9%. property crimes are up, however, 6% p auto related crimes, auto burglaries, auto thefts, overall part one crimes are up 2% to 3% so essentially flat, which is a good thing. so the officers are doing a great job. i think they've been under a lot of pressure lately, especially as these videos have come out and i hope they've been clear in the fact that i -- i completely honor the hard working, honest men and women of the police department which i believe are -- are virtually all of them. i'm hopeful when these videos are examined, the officers will
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be exonerated. as i've said f. it's proven otherwise, the action will be swift and severe as asked for. with regard to those investigations, we're finished and with these latest four threerks videos and one printed material that came out in late may, contact with the f.b.i., they will be also taking a look at our investigations for review in an abundance of caution to make sure we get it right. i will let the commission know as soon as we're finished. further, department recent activities we met today on c.i.t. i thought it was a very productive meeting. we actually put out a department bulletin next year that will be the precursor to everything else that will follow to slow everybody down when dealing with mentally ill people so that we're not the parties that harm anybody. that we're there to do good. that we're there to help. we're there to render sains and
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then get those folks that are in need to the services that they need to make them well. or at least keep them safe. again, i think we had a good meeting. we're going to be defining a curriculum towards a memphis model that hopefully will be finished in the next 30 days and refer that curriculum to post for a certification and then we'll undertake the classes straightaway and pilots will be at tenderloin, mission and southern stations. we're still working out the details there. we had a few entertaining moments today at our meeting but we'll get it sorted out. as far as the meeting last week that we had with regard to the tttf and a-10, i spoke with special assistant in charge douglas today. she's looking at the resolution to see how that might play in. she asked again if we were going to entertain reopening an a-10
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because maybe the remedy lies along that road and in the meantime, commander tomokioa is working with the rec and j defusion centers in a building community of trust forum that will be in july across civic center at the library. about 50 people will be invited, key stakeholders in this, two-thirds from the community, including a c.l.u., h.r.c., whoever might be most interested and might be able to get the word out and then about a third would be law enforcement. it's a lengthy meeting. i believe it's six hours. >> 4 1/2. >> 4 1/2 hours. so i think pretty much everybody can gain an understanding of what the law enforcement community was about in terms of trying to keep the community safe from terrorism.
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so with that, i will close my report and take any questions of anybody on the commission. >> thank you very much, chief. commissioner slaughter? commissioner slaughter: thank you for the report, chief, sir. on the report, people have been reading what's on the paper, concerned about what we see, appreciative and respectful of the department's internal investigation. obviously doesn't want to interfere with that. we look forward to your report to us presumably in closed session. personnel, discipline matters. so when you're ready to do it, i think we will all be eager to hear the results of the investigation. i have read with interest early on one of your public statements that essentially, you know, should the department consider equipping all of its officers or at least underkov teerms with video cameras so we can always have, because i firmly believe the vast, vast majority, 99-plus percent of
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