tv [untitled] June 2, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT
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conjunction with each other to solve the plight issue, so to speak. we might need the president to craft something on the agenda so that it includes everything back commissioner walker and i are concerned with. commissioner murphy: is that a duty of the district inspector? to identify blighted buildings? and then maybe we could talk about it when is agendized. commissioner murphy: i'm asking the director. >> yes, it is. commissioner lee: i will save the rest for later. commissioner hechanova: any other comments? >> public comment on item 11a? 11b, future meetings and agendas. the commission may discuss and take action to set the date of a special meeting and/or determine
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those items that could be placed on the agenda of the next meeting and other future meetings of the building inspection commission. commissioner walker: i just want to say our next litigation is -- our next litigation meeting is july 19. the building inspection commission meeting will be on july 20. and then we have one in june, to, right? >> yes. is there any public comment on the item 11b? the next item is item 12, adjournment. commissioner murphy: i make a motion we adjourn. commissioner walker: second. >> we are now adjourned.
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>> this is a dpw corporation yard. i work for the bureau of street environmental services used to be street cleaning. we are a new age. >> here we are. >> here we are. >> clean. >> these are our communications dispatchers. hi. okay, no problem. you are welcome. bye-bye. >> all the information about the location, the nature of the
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complaint and we dispatch it. >> near the steps. >> by new they have started a hundred calls for dispatchers. >> once a get a request if they are not on the air i will page that unit. these are the radio channels. we have 14 channels. i will give a service request. >> there is a lot of expertise that goes into a call. i think we can have you dispatch and track. >> 448. >> 448. >> 19th at california. >> can you give us a little bit of a view. >> we have the city broken up to different districts.
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we will go to zone e. we will go to iowa street. put me to work. >> okay. >> bend it over like that. we chop it. >> while you do this if you come across something that looks hazardous, material wise, >> like this paint? >> you can't take paint. >> that gets dealt with by? >> we have a patrol truck thal pick up the paint. >> we have tv monitors and
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tires. you want to look for needles we don't mix needles with the garbage. >> you have to be a positive person in a way to deal with this job. you are dealing with areas you know it's been cleaned. >> basically it happens a lot where you clean up an area. you come back a couple of days later and it's back to that again. we more or less are used to it. that's -- it's our job. you have to get used to it. it's a fact. that's the way it is. >> sure. yeah. >> okay. >> what do you think, are you ready to sign up? >> totally.
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i'm over dressed. >> a little warm? must be the sweat. >> part of the daily routine is george our steamer. you see the wall people urinate on the and the sidewalk. a trick. i get it up like this. somebody got to do it. the bigger they -- >> pull the trigger. >> careful, the water's really hot, too. >> i have been on a packer truck. i painted removed graffiti. my favorite.
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>> what's that smell? pine. one of my favorite, a guy got his head stuck in a trash can. we had to get vasoline and rub his ears. [laughter]. what goes on here we will empty out and clear this area. >> ever find stuff like drugs or anything? do you deal with that. >> i don't know, do you find anything? >> everything's trash. >> dave, let's get a little of that. >> the way to do it easier without opening the can is push off the debris off the top and you are topping off the can. we are not supposed to empty the
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can. there is a can on every corner. sometimes we get calls the majority of my work is done on eyesight if i see it i do it. downtown we fill up 3 or 4 times a day. >> daily it could change and be various different assignments that come up. we can swing by, we see some of the trucks unloading in the area. >> this is our dump site, this is where we dump the debris. we come twice a day to unload all the trucks. i need you to go on up there and he will assist you to unloading the mattress and the futons. >> okay. okay.
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>> sometimes you see it popping out. you have to be very careful. pushing in and down. pull it out. >> you have been here once earlier? >> did you have as much stuff? >> more. >> oh , my god. >> did you survive your day in dpw? >> i did i learned quite a bit. the packing truck. shovelling stuff. the steamer i thought i was a candidate for an industrial accident. >> we have 340 employees. most of the people out there do it every day. >> i'm ready to turn in my vest. >> did a good job today.
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>> would you pass him on probation. >> yes. see you tomorrow at 6 president chiu: good morning, everyone. welcome to the thursday, may 26th meeting. i'm joined by supervisor marc farrell the board president david chiu. i want to thank everyone for their service. madam clark, do we have any announcements? >> yes. turn your volume off on that cell phones. if you wish to speak during
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public comment, please place your card to the right of the podium. all documents will be presented as part of the file. items will appear on the june 7th board agenda unless otherwise stated. >> could you please call item no. 1? >> ordnance to -- supervisor campos: this item has been introduced by the mayor. we have a staff presentation. >> and the department of health and human resources. this is a three-year labor agreement we reached with the interns in residence who, as part of their training rotation, go through the general hospital. this is a three-year agreement that goes through june of 2014. i'm happy to take any questions. >>supervisor campos: i major-
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general question. i have visited with the interns and residents in the past. one of the things that was a concern at the time was we have highly educated folks doing a service to the city and we want to make sure they are adequately compensated during the process. i'm wondering if you could say a little bit about that? i imagine this is a mutual agreement, i imagine this addresses the needs and concerns raised in the past. >> absolutely. we have a longstanding relationship with the residents and a settlement agreement was reached in which we agree the wages of interns and residents while they rotate through san francisco general will be the same as they are at ucsf.
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they will be at the same wage rate. >supervisor campos: why don't we open up to public comment? we will have to limit public comment to 2 minutes. if you have comment, please come forward on this item. >> good morning, supervisors. i worked at san francisco general hospital for 20 years. i would like to thank the mayor for sponsoring this item. i would like to thank this committee for hearing at this morning. especially as item number one. i would like to credit sentences -- the "san francisco examiner" for the recent front-page stories that dealt with this subject specifically. they pointed out by sleep that the city and county of san francisco and the department's public health would have to pay a few extra million dollars per
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year in order to carry out this agreement. from my 20 years at san francisco general, i'm all in favor -- all in favor of improvements at the hospital. i feel certain people have been taken advantage of for a long time. something like this is way overdue. i would urge the three members of the committee to read the recent examiner article, because it does point out of the facts that i am not sure you are aware of. i do not have the article with me today, but it was roughly two weeks ago and it was a cover story by the "examiner." i would also like to bring to the committee an article that was worked on by channel 4 news yesterday titled "san francisco city attorney sues three insurers for underpaying public
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hospitals." of course one of them was san francisco general hospital. i hate to estimate how much money the city lost by continually delaying the efforts of myself and others to point out this longstanding problem. i am glad the city attorney has finally done something. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. any other member of the public like to speak? seeing them, the item is closed. -- seeing none the, the item is closed. we have a motion by supervisor farrell. madame clerk, can you call item no. 2. >> a resolution to approve the second amendment to the memorandum of understanding between the city and the san francisco that establishes governance structure and procedures for application. >> on from the department of emergency management. this is a request for a second
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amendment -- an extensive and on the second amendment on the memorandum of understanding for the urban areas securities and a shift. we represent the city of san francisco, the city of oakland, the city of san jose, the county of alameda and the county of santa clara. we request you authorize us to go forward with that second exception. supervisor campos: we have a second extension. i don't know if you have any question or comment, colleagues. thank you very much. why don't we open it up to public comment? is there any member of the public like to speak on this item? seeing a nun, the public, disclosed. i have a motion to -- can you call item no. 3? >> a motion designating the
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examiner to be the newspaper of the city and county of san francisco for all official advertising. >> good morning. i'm from the office of contract and attrition. the situation with official advertising this year is the same as that has been for the past several. we went out for a bit and we got to bids, one from the "chronicle" and one from the "examiner." the bid from the "examiner" was responsive and the "chronicle" was not. we could only recommend "the examiner" in that resolution. what the board has done in the last several years is to award the contract to both papers. in which case, the office of contract administration has divided the fiscal year into six-month hlves and each paper
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has the contract for half the year. supervisor campos: president chiu? president chiu: i recommend we follow the practice of the years passed, splitting the contract between the papers. we do not have in the proposal today specific outreach opportunities for the african- american and asian and specifically the chinese communities. in years past and, in addition to that, newspapers that have submitted bids from the african american community, that -- the san francisco bay view has been designated in years past. that china press and others have been publications within that community and i would like to propose those also be included as far as the outrage that we do as a city.
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>> the outreach is the next item. we did that last year. i will get to that in a minute. supervisor campos: do we need to make any amendments to this item more can we wait for a debt next item? president chiu: i think we need to make the amendment before the next one. supervisor campos: is there any member of the public who like to speak on this item? >> i'm with the "san francisco chronicle." we appreciate your support. as you consider the advertising, i would like to bring a couple of things your attention. we reach an audience print -- in print and online. we are good citizen and we sponsor a lot of events in the city. one of the things we are very proud of is our season of
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sharing we put together every year that raises $6.3 million with the food banks, san francisco being one of the biggest beneficiaries. i want to let the supervisors know we have really listens to the requests from the city as it relates to type 1 and tied to advertising. we have invested heavily in technology that allows for placing of this technology directly into our system for distribution in print and online. working with the office of contract administration, we have appropriated "-- appropriated appropriate feedback and meets the city's needs. this allows us to publishes these notice -- to publish these notices without permission of third parties. because the technology lower cost of doing business, we have passed the savings on, an estimated savings of a 16% as opposed to the volume last year. we paid -- we appreciate your trust and we are here today to
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ask you consider awarding "the chronicle" and -- we are confident we can serve you well, say the money and help you fill the tremendous responsibility of keeping the residents of our great city and formed and engaged. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. any other member of the public who like to speak on this item? mr. washington? >> my name is a.c. washington. -- my name is ace washington. [inaudible] you mentioned the african- american community. when you did that, my flags went up. right now, the african-american community is in a state of emergency. that is what i am doing here, a lobbying for the african-
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american community. you might hear some chuckling in the background and that's ok. the -- we have no advertisement for the black community. we have the sun reporter and of the new baby, we have the paper i used to own called the western addition. all of them i worked for at one time or another. but there is no clarification on how the city administrates into the black community. i would like to make sure you have these, that we have some advertising in some of the black-on the papers. i will be putting together a black paper to talk about the experience of the african- americans here in san francisco. not only that, i'm getting ready to write a book so you can take a look. just one page you have to read and you will be hooked.
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i am up here definitely lobbying. i am appear showboating and all that because i have this opportunity here. what is coming up to you in a couple of other issues, i want to go on the record that we, the african-american community, in san francisco, the population is going down. my question is who is in control right here in san francisco? [tone] supervisor campos: thank you. any other member of the public like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. i know that you would like to make an amendment, president chiu? president chiu: you have a motion on the table to make an amendment and we can take that without objection. supervisor campos: we have a motion and we can take that
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without objection. can you call item 4? >> and resolution designating outreach advertising and neighborhood outreach advertising for fiscal year 2011 and 2012. supervisor campos: this is the outreach part of the prior item. i don't know if you wanted to add anything? >> thank you. things are a little different this year from last year for outreach papers. for last year, we were able to recommend a paper for the hispanic community, one for the lbgt community, but there were no response of bids from the african community -- african- american community and the chinese community. we were also able to recommend a neighborhood paper, and in
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addition to those papers we recommended, the board added the "bayview" for the african- american community and others for the asian and chinese community and the western addition as the second neighborhood l reach newspaper. in addition to the bidders to bid last year, we did it additional outreach to neighborhood newspapers, the central city extra -- the "west side observer" andy -- and of the "single side light." we received one new bid in day hispanic community -- they did not bid last year but have been in prior years. we did receive for new bids for
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a neighborhood outreach -- we did receive four new bids for neighborhood outreach. we are pleased to recommend the response of bidders this year and the new responsive better was in the neighborhood area, "marina *." and the company that bid for them and the "no. * san francisco." there is no change in the reasons and the other communities were unresponsive. for all of the non-responsive bidders last year, the board chose to add them to the resolution as well. supervisor campos: colleagues, any questions? supervisor farrell: in order to
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add "marina times" have to have a motion to amend. president chiu: i think it is important to have specific outreach to the african-american and asian communities. i would be willing to make a motion which designates the papers that were designated last year for the african-american community and for the chinese community. i think as far as the neighborhood papers go, i'm open to come serving what we may want to do. it does seem to be a fairly random lust and i'm not sure we are going to be doing outreach to all neighborhoods in the city by the folks that applied, but i understand the newspapers you want to apply at applied and that's what we've got. supervisor farrell: i would be prepared to make a second to that motion. supervisor campos: we have a
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motion -- excuse me? >> i don't know if that would add at the hispanic community -- it did not happen last year because this paper did not submit a bid. supervisor campos: we will incorporate that into the up motion. were there other ones that you mentioned that were not responsive? >> the response of ones are the ones that we've recommended. the others were non-responsive. supervisor farrell: i know that thospe
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