tv [untitled] June 4, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm PDT
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. i believe you have extraordinary candidates in front of you, so i don't envy you your. -- in the you hear. i am here to speak for julius turman. i've been honored to serve with him on multiple commissions, in particular san francisco pride, as well as the human-rights commission. i have known him for over 10 years now, and i call him one of my good friends. i believe he never really thought about getting all those awards mentioned earlier, and i believe he's served his community wholeheartedly, because he believes in public service and he believes in serving his community really
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devotedly. julius is a very intelligent man and he believes in these communities. he mentioned earlier, and he believes in really looking at policies with an objective view. that is really important in the, -- in the police commission. it is about being able to trust enough to dial the 911 call and to call the people into serving a community. julius knows the intricate intersections between health and public safety. he believes in providing the importance strategies and looking at prevention rather
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than reactions. [chime] julia's it would definitely take that job seriously. supervisor kim: thank you for being here. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is john aitken. i first met julius in 2001, but we have been life partners for the last three years. i am here to talk about what i know of him as a man. he has a kind and generous spirit. he is eager to find solutions to problems. and he does this with care and intelligence. he serves on a host of community organizations, including the human rights organization, as
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former supervisor dufty had mentioned earlier. i am so proud of his commitment to the community. it inspires me and others to do more for our community and for our civic responsibilities. supervisor kim: thank you. >> hi. i am proud to be all law firm partner with julius turman. he brings out the best in people. i have seen this time and time again in our office. he looks at everything with a fresh eye, able to revitalize and modernize our hiring practices, and he did a fabulous job with gender and diversity issues. he is widely respected in the office and is often thought of as the heart and soul of the office, because he brings so
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much energy, and even when people disagree with his opinions, he will get the respect because his judgment is sound. he speaks with compassion and empathy. he makes clear and logical decisions. i was also lucky as of our presidents in 2006 -- as a bar president in 2006 to have the minority bar coalition joined the board and give us their two best members, and one of them was julius. in that capacity, working with them as the chair of a nonprofit and all the issues -- julius was steadfast. he was fabulous in implementing a review policy.
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and i just cannot say enough's great things about him. i think he is great for the city, and great for the nation. i expect great things out of 1 him. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you for taking the time to be here. >> my name is kevin chang. a number of public speakers have spoken eloquently about the professional qualifications of mr. turman. i want to speak about his personal qualifications to out -- and members of his community. he has made strong efforts in the last series for police chief to reach out to the asian american and latin american community is, and has done so
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through a strong message of friends and professional colleagues he knows. i believe in my personal experience of working with him on volunteer activities, he has demonstrated not only the care and concern to reach out, but he has taken the time to make sure members of the committee actually benefit from his tremendous amount of background. that is something that should be definitely considered in your hearing. thank you. supervisor kim: did you fill up a card? i did not call that your name. >> sorry. supervisor kim: you can go forward. >> that is okay? supervisor kim: that is ok.
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>> i would like to strongly recommend julius turman. i have had the pleasure of knowing him for over 5 years. this character is beyond approach. on the human rights commission, i have learned on each issue, he approaches them with creativity, intellectual curiosity, and the thoughtfulness, which i always found to be inspiring. i strongly recommend that you appoint him to the police commission, even though we will miss him on the human rights commission. supervisor kim: [reading names]
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and we have over an hour of public comments just on the list that i have. everyone has two minutes. we do appreciate brevity. hi. >> my name is rhys isbel. as you've heard from a few of our other speakers, we have members of the board here, as well as former members of the board here for our former co- chair julius turman. we are in solid support of his appointment here. i hope you will consider strongly that the us. you have a number of people who
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are applicants who are of -- who have a diverse amount of qualifications, experience, and mine set for this job. you have an expanding -- and outstanding servant in julius turman. you have a situation where you have someone who shines above and would be a quality candidate for the police commission. i urge you to support this candidate. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am here to lend my support to julius turman. for his candidacy for a position on the police commission. i have had the honor of serving with him on the alice b. toklas
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board for over three years. he was a strong, but fair a leader, building consensus. i have the utmost respect for injurious. he was one of the smartest and hardest working people on no. he worked tirelessly through his involvement with the democratic party, as well as his tenure on the hrc, just to name a few. he is a fair, measured, and analytical person. i believe he is eminently qualified to serve on the police commission and i urge you to support his candidacy. i thank you for your time. supervisor kim: thank you. reverend? >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is james mcrae and in the former pastor for mr. julius
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turman. mr. turman is highly educated, eminently qualified, graciously equipped for service to our city at this time. his competence and his willingness to serve give me continuing cause to rejoice as a san franciscan. we have the type of city where randy brightest and the best -- wherein the brightest and the best rise to serve the common good. please, give your recommendation to mr. turman and grant our beloved city up police commissioner who will labor with all of his strength to let righteousness will down like water and justice like a never- ending stream. supervisor kim: thank you,
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reverend. >> thank you. i am here to support julius turman's candidacy. i of known him for over 10 years, the first five of which, we were in a committed, caring relationship as domestic partners. we parted company in a legal and intimate sense in 2005. he has remained a constant in my life ever since. i can only offer my own observations as a human being. i am a better man because of him, because of knowing him. and san francisco is a better community because of this service to its. he is fair and wise,
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extraordinarily empathetic, and one of the finest people i've had the opportunity to know in my life. and i wish you well in your deliberations. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is scott blum. i've been i attorney for 15 years. we were colleagues, and we are good friends. i am here to support his nomination to the police commission. julius it is actually an older attorney than me -- [laughter] i looked up to him, and i watched him council with equal skill large corporations as well as individuals. in both cases, he was even tempered, analytical, caring,
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and compassion at. outside the office, he backs up his commitment with involvement in various community groups. i personally watched him at mentor young african-american lawyers in a profession which is not always known for being enlightened and compassionate. his efforts to diversify the legal profession in san francisco will continue, i am sure, if he is nominated. i think he will serve san francisco well. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you, mr. blum. next we have -- [reading names] >> supervisors, good afternoon. my name is deborah walker. i am here to support david waggoner for the police commission. i of worked with him over the
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past half decade on issues affecting the homeless community, the lgbt community, the transgendered community, especially around enforcement actions are around the tenderloin, the issues you brought up about privacy and the master key and he controls that -- and who controls that. the role of the commission is to represent the citizens of san francisco and to work with the police on making sure our city is safe, that our streets are safe to walk on, but also that our rights are intact. his history as one of protecting our constitutional rights, working on issues with me around tenant issues. i sit on the board as a tenant representative. some of these issues are around a low income housing is criminal. need to take these issues
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seriously. i believe he represents a voice we need in the process. i hope he will recommend -- he will recommend -- you will recommend david waggoner to the police commission. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i of the the pleasure of getting to know david waggoner through his tireless devotion to the social issues in our city. he is to go to person for any questions about the constitution of our city. he really, really understands san francisco values. i really employee you -- implore you to support his nomination
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to the police commission. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you come -- thank you, ms. tucker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. like other advocates, and i am here to endorse david waggoner for police commission. while all the applicants have impressive credentials, but he is the best applicant because he has the background in legal observing, as well as years of representing marginalized communities. there is another reason. david, on mike julius turman, -- unlike julius turman, is not serving on the commission currently. that is commission shopping. there's another reason why i
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believe he is the best candidates. competency. in my view, the quality most indicative of competency is the ability to perform the commissioners duties and advocate for public interest without being swayed to do otherwise by the incredible pressures of entrenched special interests. in this regard, i think mr. waggoner is the clear choice. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you. oh, ok. >> i was not sure if i was next. supervisor kim: if i called your name, please stand up. >> thank you. i needed to sit. supervisor kim: i understand.
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>> i have known and enjoyed working with david in san francisco community affairs since he was in law school. this was also my, moderate. -- this was also my octo-mom lawyer. his practice involves representing severely mentally ill persons in san francisco. as a member of the san francisco national lawyers guild board and speaking before you, i am appearing before the police commission today to request that you approve david's nomination. david waggoner has served in many capacities the people of san francisco, who otherwise would be disenfranchised.
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at an executive board meeting last night, there was no problem endorsing him. i was honored to be chosen. the national lawyers guild is the oldest racially-integrated organization in the united states. you do have four qualified candidates. however, david waggoner is the best person for the job. he is the most conscientious person i can imagine. his qualifications are unparalleled. response to problems with thought out answers -- he response to problems with thought out answers and tries not to equivocate. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you. thank you for being here.
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[reading names] >> good afternoon, supervisors. in your to wholeheartedly support david waggoner for the police commission. he has been a close friend of mine for years, and i've had the fortune to work with him on a variety of community issues. his support for the lawyers community association against violence and the harvey milk fund is representative of the communities he has built a relationship with. i can personally say that his leadership as the president of the harvey milk the club was instrumental in garnering support in the lgbt community is to push for the implementation
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of the undocumented youth policy and to urge san francisco to opt out of secured communities. i think this is one of the many examples of his ability to build bridges between communities, whether it be homeless, immigrants, lgbt. he is the candidate with the skills, the passion, and the perspective to serve on the police commission, and i encourage you to support him. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you. supervisor wiener as a question. supervisor weiner: you mentioned -- the harvey milk club? debate as an organization decide to support his nomination? >>right -- nclr --
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>> that was a couple years ago. supervisor wiener: but they have not endorsed him as the candidate for this position? >> not that i am aware of, no. >> i am a san francisco resident, and i've worked for a number of community-based organizations. i have known dated for eight years. initially -- through our legal work. our work has given us an extensive contact with communities interacting with
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law-enforcement, specifically used, drug users, sex workers. i have also called sfpd on multiple occasions to intervene in conflicts. so i know that david's integrity specifically -- he does appreciate the complexity of the work, but i think that is balanced with deep empathy for the various communities that to come into contact with law- enforcement. and i think that will enhance the efforts of the commission to foster accountability, which i think we know is necessary for san francisco to stand behind its police department. he is an ally, in his efforts to advance -- as well as his pro
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bono reputation he banged the ethics commission, i think, -- . @ nothing but the most respect for him personally and professionally. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon. i am here for david waggoner. i have known him also for seven or eight years. sorry about that. david and i met through the national lawyer's skill -- killed in law school. we both served on the national board for the guild.
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i am a past co-chair of the united color caucus. i particularly want to address david's integrity, his very intelligent, smart, multidimensional analysis of racial and other social justice processes and oppression. david brings to bear, i think, for the commission a kind of analysis that brings together all the different types of communities. he is dedicated to all of them absolutely, and i am here to say i have seen at. i have seen him do that in the guilt over and over and over. it may be surprising to some, or not, that there are issues within the guild that are extremely contentious. the guild work on the outside is
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extremely pro-people of color, but inside it has been contentious. david has worked for them. it has been hard. i got for his integrity on that level. i've got for his integrity for people of color. to support david waggoner. supervisor kim: i don't think howard grayson is here. i saw him earlier. >> afternoon, supervisors, joshua arsey. you have many strong candidates in front of you today for the police commission seat. i'm here to speak on behalf of david waggoner, who have i come to know through his civil rights work and i worked through the national lawyers guild. he's worked through many, many
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underrepresented and excluded, marginalized constituencies, communities, hopeless populations, immigrants, limited english speakers and in ways enough are often not represented particularly in the work he does in administrative forms, which are sometimes really life and death type of situations, folks who are very vulnerable on the verge of being full any large nallized. so i think his work is very important, something that we can use at the police commission right now. again, that you have decisions to make, though the decision i hope you will make will be to move david waggoner on the police commission. he will do very well and we need him there. thanks. supervisor kim: thank you. next, i have eddie and kevin bart. and if you have not been called, please line up after those two. >> good afternoon. i'm vicing my support for david waggoner for police commission.
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i met david through the new leaders council, which he mention 20d11 new leaders council fellow. they collect some of the best and brightest of the bay area and bringing them together for training sessions and discussion forums on progressive, political leadership. having observed david in that setting, i believe he's a person of integrity and i have been very impressed by his measured responses to many discussion that's have gone on and would strongly support him for police commission. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you mr. ahn. >> right into the mic. hi, everybody. my name is kevin bard. i'm on the board of the san francisco democrats, board of the mill club and very active alice member. hopefully this won't evolve into an alice versus milt thing but personally i support david waggoner for this commission post. he's the most qualified and has police experience on the accountability we need on that board. he's always been nice to me, help out marginalized
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