tv [untitled] June 5, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT
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the difference between this and the case in pennsylvania was there was a parking there, and more importantly, there was serious opposition to it. it was a feeling that someone sought to gain the system. i do not take anyone thinks that is going on here, and when i read this i was hoping someone would talk me out of fitten -- out of its, but a statement made by one of the appellants have really resonated with me was that what we are supposed to do of here is to seek a balance and not do violation to the code and make sure what we do does no harm to the community, and i do not know how we could demonstrate any harm to that community, and we could see how there are great benefits to be
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had by the appellant, and were we to allow it. i feel we should overturn the denial with findings to be written later, having not to do with abuse and discretion but having a different feeling. >> would you condition it? >> absolutely. thank you for bringing that up. it had to do with enlarging the envelope so as not to have that great an impact. >> i think vice president garcia, if you could be more
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specific, but would be helpful. >> it would stay the density would have to remain as it is now. it is the reasonable way to state that? >> if i may suggest language, it is that both properties be limited to single family dwellings and that there be no future expansion without variants. >> how about the envelope. >> i think he is talking about expansion. >> both properties would be limited to single family dwellings. >> would that be in perpetuity? >> until this sort or another board would ensue if it's. -- this board or another board would undo it. i would not overturn that, and
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if they did come in for an application, we would deny it, and they would have to come appeal to you why the condition would have to be removed. >> we would not be sitting on the board. greg >> may be pure give some people are here for a long time. -- maybe. some people would be her for a long time. >> i would like to ask the appellants if that is something they would be willing to a except -- to accept. >> i would accept that condition. >> i am just clarifying your motion. you would be adopting findings, and those findings would include a determination of the error at
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the discretion. >> we will call the motion again. >> on the motion from the vice- president to grant this appeal, overrule, the conditions to be adopted at a later time, but there would be a notice of special restrictions to limit both properties to single family dwelling and no further envelope expansion without a bearing. on that motion? >> no further envelope expansion, period. iraq's again, the limit to -- >> again, the limit to single family dwelling and no further envelope expansion. >> that means height as well.
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reaction we are seeing an indication that is cracked. -- >> we are seeing an indication that is cracked -- correct. >> on this appeal with those conditions. commissioner fung: no. >> thank you. the vote is 4-1. the appeal is granted. the variances are granted, and we will schedule findings to be adopted at a later time. >> there are no further items to come before the board.
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>> hello, everybody. this is john from the city of san francisco. we're going to do some introductions here. the phone lines are open right now. i'm going to speak for a few minutes. i am going to hand it off to gail and then hand it off from shawn from i.d.c. after that we'll open up the lines for just a more roundtable conversation and questions. if you could keep your phones muted for a few minutes until we're done with some opening remarks, i think that will make it more convenient for everybody to hear some of the comments before we get started. is that ok? so thank you, everybody, for coming today. we really appreciate you folks
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being here. we're very pleased to announce that we signed a contract with microsoft. over the next 12 months we'll be rolling out the entire city on the microsoft platform, a new email system will be in place for all of the employees, state of the art. we're very excited about this opportunity. we're excited not just about the email but what it means for the future of the city, where we're going for the next five years. as many of you tomorrow we'll be released our first five-year strategic i.t. plan for the city. this is one of the key projects, one of really the key initiatives that we're focusing on the city to demonstrate where we want to go over the next five years. and we want to thank gail and microsoft for being here today and talking a little bit about this project. gail, if you want to talk a little bit. >> thank you very much to john. i'm hoping everyone can hear us ok on the other side. thanks so much for joining us as well. and i just want to really say thank you to john and his
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entire team here in the city and county of san francisco for this partnership. and the tremendous vision that you've shown in terms of the efforts to continue to have a have a t.j.ic vision for the city and county -- strategic vision for the city and county and modernizing and we're happy to be on this journey together in terms of leveraging technology, improve the services that the city provides to its citizens. so with this opportunity to work together on this innovation in terms of the benefits of cloud computing to over 23,000 municipal city employees migrating from its on-premise solution currently to a cloud-based exchange online solution that will deliver better functionality, agility as well as effectiveness for the city and county. so we're really excited to be entering into this partnership with san francisco. thank you, john. so with that i'll hand it over to john mccarthy from i.d.c. >> hi, thank you very much.
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they just asked me to weigh in a little bit of what's going on in government with cloud computing right now. basically, i'm sure that most of the people on this call have heard of cloud computing and the directions it's taking government, private industry, etc., and a lot of the talk has been on the potential for reducing cost, effort. what i see in cloud services is that it gives government the potential to kind of relieve government i.t. departments of the need to maintain multiple systems. many have traditionally a system in every department, an email system in every department, etc. and while the department needs email, every department doesn't need to maintain their own email server. i expect cloud to grow for solutions such as human resources management, maybe financial transaction process, etc. when you maintain multiple servers, each upgrades,
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patches, configuration management, etc., moving the kind of systems that are in all agencies lets those i.t. managers in government kind of focus on what is core to their mission and not getting away from the systems that are common and shared across all agencies. and also to the individual departments, let them leapfrog to the latest software, hardware, if they have a system that's getting older, it gives them a chance to move to the latest and greatest without putting new effort into the solutions they have now. and that's system mained assistance backup, etc., becomes the responsibility of the system service provider in the cloud and, again, let's people move out into the core competency. this approach isn't new. los angeles has moved its email. new york is moving some of its software solutions to the cloud. in fact, the soy for the federal government -- the c.i.o. for the federal
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government has used a cloud policy in seeking new systems. so given the common, standardized solutions from a common platform in the cloud is definitely the wave of the future and certainly san francisco going down this path is making a choice that is becoming more and more popular with government he want its and so, again, i just wanted to weigh in with that and happy to see it. thank you. >> thank you. thank you, shawn. so with that we can open up for questions. folks on the phone, if you have some questions for us, we're happy to answer those. anyone in the audience that would like to answer, have some questions, we'll be happy to answer those as well. so with that, any questions from the group? someone in the audience? if you folks can hang on the phone -- >> people listening on conference calls, mute. [inaudible]
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>> this contract, we're going to be paying microsoft right around $1.2 million a year for all 23,000 users in the city. that pencils out to approximately $6.50 per month per user. that is significant -- a significant savings to the city. as a matter of fact, was one of the key ways that the department of technology was able to achieve its 20% budget reduction target for this fiscal year which was directed from the mayor's office. so the importance, i think, one things i like to stress about cost, there's two things. one, the city's currently operating seven email systems across the city. so there's -- as the gentleman from i.d.c. mentioned, there's hardware, software, infrastructure, to run multiple email systems and staffs associated with managing all the systems. additionally, not only are we saving money by going to the new system, we're actually really gaining significant
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capabilities. we are, again, leapfrogging to a newer version of the technology that much more easily integrated into where we're going from a technology vision for the future and frankly the thing i see as the c.i.o. for the city that we're really cognizant of it creates disaster resilient solution to a challenge we face in the city that's not easy to address. typically in cities we are able to budget for maintaining the system we have from the premise-based system but the disaster solution for systems tends to be not as up to date or as disaster ready as we like. by going to a cloud-based solution like the online exchange solution, even if we have a large disaster in san francisco, we like to know that our emails are protected, our data is protected, that our users will be able to access and continue to use email at anywhere in the world at anytime which we think is a significant improvement to the
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public how we can respond before, during and after a disaster. we see email as one of the key systems that's really critical to providing really good public service. on the phone, questions? >> hi. this is sharon from "the seattle times." can you hear me? >> we can. >> thank you for taking my question. i was wondering if san francisco considered google in its r.s.p. process and if it did why did it choose microsoft over google? >> sure. we actually considered lote us. -- lotus. we looked at google and the exchange solutions. we had our architecture group which is made up of c.i.o.'s around the city, look at all three solutions and went through a several-year process considering the technologies that underline each of the solutions, the benefits to the
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city and at the end of the conversation it was unanimous between all of the c.i.o.'s during the city that the exchange platform that the city wanted to adopt for a lot of reasons. one of the things i wanted to stress the most for us making the decision is we have a strategic vision for the city of where we want to be over the next five years. and the exchange solution for us sit very well and where we are going in terms of our office products, what we like to use for microsoft word and excel and powerpoint. we have a robust share environment in the city where a lot of departments have adopted and starting to use share point. we are starting to rapidly deploy applications now on platform, starting to use that. so as we come down to an email solution it wasn't a point decision whether we -- i think the city is taking into consideration the fact is it was an email solution that had
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to be complementary to all of the other objectives we were trying to achieve in the city. i think at the end of the day, all things being considered, that was the thing that really made the decision for exchange the right decision for our city is that we really see it as the best fit technologically of where we're going over the next five years. >> ok. thank you. >> sure. [inaudible] >> other questions from folks on the phone or the audience? >> this is nancy. i was just wondering, you know, microsoft had a couple of outages last week with the hosted exchange server. i was wondering if you have concerns in that regard in terms of reliability? >> sure. in case you didn't hear that really well, the question was
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-- do we have concerns about the recent outage that microsoft on its website about the online service? of course we do. our job is to provide email service to our customers in the city and have a high reliability. the reality for us is email outages, unfortunately, are not something that hasn't happened to us before. this isn't the first email outage the city has experienced in the past. i've been here for three years now. we actually see what happened last week, the microsoft outage, is demonstrating why we made the right decision. we were able to have a single point of contact. microsoft kept us up to speed on what was causing the email delays. we were in close contact with them. we lost no messages. grant it, there were some delivery problems for a while. when the issues were resolved and when we started receiving
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email again, it only impacted us for about four hours. again, since nothing was lost, it was perceived as a delay by our users. there was a single message we could provide out to our users at the system at the time. in the past when we had outages it was a complex problem to solve. you had seven systems. if the outage happened in the evening you were calling workers back in. with a microsoft solution they're available to us 24/7 to us to answer all our questions. obviously they are proactive in addressing the issue. because i come from the private sector in a previous life and now work in the public sector, the central i.t. department that our customers expressed concern, we come fought central i.t. department for service and yet we want a service level agreement. we want to know what we're getting for our money. this is something working with microsoft, we have a service level agreement. we did realize an interruption in service and now we're
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working with microsoft to see service credits at that time. for us that closed the loops on what customers exact. they expect good service. they expect some type of resolution at the end of it how to prevent it from happening in the future and some type of benefit from the service impact. i'm not sure -- >> this is gail from microsoft. i just want to thank you for our comments and echo this is something we take very seriously as a provision of service to both enterprise and government customers. we responded very quickly and, again, i think the issue with microsoft is you are working with a trusted partner in the enterprise space and ensuring that we respond quickly and we have, you know, as you mentioned, 24/7 support to proactively communicate about these issues and then take corrective measures, you know, to respond. so we're working in partnership and will be there to support san francisco and, again, in
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this partnership going forward. >> hi. can you guys hear me? >> we can. >> ok. hi. thanks for taking my question. i have a quick question. actually, i have a couple of questions. what -- you're paying microsoft. this will be hosted in microsoft's data centers? >> correct. it will be hosted in microsoft's data questions. you mentioned the i. -- the press released a host exchange online. i wonder what kind of aspects we'll be using and how that will work? >> sure. i can talk about a little bit and then microsoft can talk about their strategic -- when we signed the contract for the city, it was initially envisioned that we would have a replacement for our existing email system so this initial contract is really for email
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services and arkifing the services. -- archiving the services which we're paying microsoft. the benefit we see working with microsoft is that we have the option in the future to start looking at additional consolidation opportunities like share point, like instant messaging. like video conferencing and other things that we're very interested in the city that we haven't yet deployed but this creates for us the foundation, the core of the system that we could expand in the future when we get done with the email migration to provide enhanced services to our users. >> exactly. we're starting with the effort that john described in terms of the modernization and consolidation with email and progressing that to the cloud and over time we have the opportunity to consider additional areas of cloud provisioning as well. certainly that's been one of the key areas with many of our kansas mers in state and local -- customers in state and local
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government of what is the breath and depth of the technology vendors and technology partners that they're looking to partner with? and certainly not having only software provision as a service but also infrastructure as a service and platform as a service with offerings like cloud that represents breath and depth in terms of the technology offerings to look and explore many other ways of innovation with the city here in terms of what other things they could look to take to the cloud as well in the future. >> great. >> this is david from "the los angeles times." i was wondering if the san francisco police department and other law enforcement-related agencies will be moving to this system. >> we've been in discussions with them. we went through two rounds of requirement analysis. right now the system as we see it meets the requirements. however, we still have some conversations we're having
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about specific security requirements. we're working with them and microsoft on that. again, i'd like to stress, though, that's one of the reasons why we went with the solution because it provides us ogs options and we had conversations with other municipalities to take in their public safety groups to the exchange platform. and we think at the end of the project we'll either be able to, a, host them in the cloud, which is the goal of the project, or for some unforeseen reason -- can you continue to provide them email services that is integrated with our cloud clients. again, it's more than just a single point solution. it's a strategy for us. a lot of those public sector clients have either not had email or have been on an old notes system that hasn't met their requirements very well.
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by going to the new system they'll be able to move to this new system orwell' be able to provide them with an alternative that meets all their needs if they have concerns about it. we're pleased with the technology system. >> do you have a sense of the timeline if those agencies will move over? >> sure. it's a 12-month project plan. to be frank, we started with the easy departments first. we want early successes in the project so we're started with departments that are smaller departments, that have not had email support in the past or have had very limited email support. we put the public safety agencies toward the end of the project as we want to demonstrate a track record of success. we want to take the right amount of time to meet with them and address their concerns for working in partnership with federal agencies and the state agencies to do that. so right now the project plan is a 12-month project plan.
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>> hi. this is jeff schwartz with "residence magazine." i want to ask two questions. one if the goal is to move off of 365 and if the workers will be using the web client for email? >> so your two questions then. the office 365 is a good question. we are standardized on microsoft office as a project -- as a product on our desk top. we're a large user citywide of microsoft word and excel and power point and access. i think, again, in terms of where we're going strategically with this project, i think we are certainly interested in 365 because we have budget challenges here in the city. i think it will come down to a conversation about cost. is it more cost-effective to take advantage of 365 online versus desk top approach? we're in conversations with microsoft about a desk top
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enterprise agreement for the desk top products. we'll be able to determine from a functionality and a cost point if 365 is a good fit for all of our users or a portion of our users. that's our strategy on 365 is seeing as we roll out email if it makes sense to us operationally. and then you had another part to your question. >> are you going to be -- will most of your workers be using native outlook? i assume if they will be on desk top. or will they be using a web client for email sm >> we encourage them to see what's best for them. we have lightweight users that use email infrequently and sharing computers and they will be using the web online. and then there are power user. we think the client is better solution for them. the thing that most people are excited about is felting emails
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on their phones. -- is getting emails on their phones. everyone has ipads and iphones and every other device known to man. so the integration between the new email system and all the multiple mobile devices our users use has really been a benefit. any more questions or are we -- >> john moore with g.c.n. i was wondering, were all of the onpremise email servers, was a mixed? i missed the third vendor that you evaluated. it was microsoft, google and -- >> lotus notes. >> notes. ok. >> so the mix is we have about 15,000 users using lotus notes on two different lotus notes
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system and the other approximate users are spread across five different exchange across the city. >> how many people are using the new hosted service right now justice >> we have over 300 and it's been well received. one more from the audience. [inaudible] >> well, i wouldn't credit it to the situation exactly. i know there are stories even
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last night about restitution settlements and things like that with regard to terry child. i say securities are very important when you look at any type of solution. and the challenge we face as a government i.t. work force is frankly because of budget reductions and the strain of the economy we're facing a reduced work force year after year. we see our work force shrink in the city and understandably the expectations we provide, robust, security systems is one our customers expect were us. i think when we look at implementing large-scale enterprise-type systems, one thing we always take into consideration is security. so when we looked at the microsoft solution, that actually became a very important topic that we went over in a lot of detail. there were a lot of meetings between my chief security officer and the microsoft security team. we were extremely impressed
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